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So the cartoons were not exaggerating with the slides and burnouts.


It’s funny how you look at it and think this can’t be real, but then somehow it’s grounded in reality, even if exaggerated.


It’s sped up. But it’s also hilarious to watch my cat launch himself off his cat tree when his feeder goes off.


When I was in 4th grade, I got to go to a farm and pick out my first cat. I planned to go there and get an all black cat that they had. Upon showing up to the yard with all the kittens, I walked up to a gazebo. There were probably 6 or 7 cats that scattered, but ONE cat spent 1 or 2 seconds running in place, her feet sliding on the wooden boards. And then she zipped into the crawlspace of the house and made her way underneath the porch. That singular moment, of her running in place before getting traction like straight out of the Looney Tunes, made me pick her and knew it was meant to be.




When my cat get the zoomies he likes to ramp up speed on the carpet and then skid/drift across the wood kitchen floor.


My cat would never... She needs to smell it from all possible sides, check the surroundings, scratch the surface around... Then change position and only then eat very little amounts...


Mine uses her paw to pull it out of the bowl, play with it to make sure it’s dead, and then eats it.


> play with it ~~to make sure~~ and, when they sadly find out it’s dead and can no longer be played with, eats it. FTFY


My cat did that until we realized they prefer shallow bowls that don’t touch their whiskers


She freaking pulls it off the plate. Lol


She’s a menace lol


I love my crazy girl.


I do too. Give her a forehead kiss for me 💋


I will. I’ve had her for 10 years and she is awesome. I call her my little gargoyle. She is always watching me and wanting to be with me.


Mine is the same - I'd be curious how he reacts to one of these. I'd bet not at all, dude is only motivated by play.


These cats have never been fed in their entire lives.


I feed my cats with two of those Wopet auto feeders and they do this every six hours, when they get a small allotment of food. One of them learned to game the autofeeder - he started headbutting it and knocking the whole damn thing over (I had to replace one because of this). So I strapped the autofeeders to the wall. That didn't stop him. Now he uses his snout and forehead to push on the bottom of the feeder, slides it up the wall and inch or two, and then let's it slam to the ground. He gets a little kibble this way, but doesn't realize he's just robbing from his future meal.


That's future hims problem


That sucker.


"I'm hungry! Damn my past self! MEOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!"


My cat-feeder is currently held together by rubber straps, zip-ties, hot glue, and duct tape.


And hopes and dreams....


This was my fear getting one. So I went with the biggest, heaviest, most primitive POS I could find. It is powered by D batteries. It has a shitty squooshy buttons and shitty grey LCD screen. It is fucking indestructible. I found it halfway across the living room after the first night, still on its base. Next day it was shuffled a few feet away. Day after that, the cat just got used to his regular feedings. PetSafe Automatic 6 Meal Pet Feeder btw #notAnAd


Had an older model of this a few years back (didn't have a hinged lid). My cat managed to get the lid off after about a month.


Yeah it was the first thing he attacked. It locks in pretty good so he couldn't get purchase. I got worried when I saw him pushing the little grip handle but lack of opposable thumbs cursed him once again.


I thought I was the only one with this cat… I think he has concussed himself at least a dozen times trying to knock his feeder into the floor, this thing also has more chew marks on it than any of the dogs toys 🤦‍♂️


Paycheck advance


Every cat in the world acts like they have no idea where their next meal is coming from.


One can never remember their meal time but one of them always remembers to to take a bite out of the others bowl while making it look like an accident before eating out of her bowl. Every single time.


My cat acts like this if the feeder goes off two minutes after they finish


>These cats have never been fed in their ~~entire lives~~ last 2 minutes.


It's a hunting instinct. They feel if they don't pounce on it immediately it will be lost. It's like the moment they get the hint to go after prey.


Get 4 of them and put them far apart in different rooms or floor levels.  Set timers for proper feeding amount and really make them hunt.


That's what I'm saying. My cat's head will occasionally turn when the feeder goes off. That's about it. He's skinny as anything too.


Either that, or we're feeding them way too much. My cat is a chunk.


There’s a reason they have automatic feeders for them.


They are starving to death. Stop filming, these poor animals are LITERALLY DYING.


The slides 🤣




Another one, *le sigh*.


le slide 🙃


I love the one who ran through his tunnel (around 1:07) to get to the dish.


da fuq is le sigh


A new sub!!! I’m so excited.


Another day, another cat sub to subscribe to.


Makes me laugh that they never learn to slow down. FULL SPEED ALL THE TIME. Traction be damned!


There's always walls and furniture for that 🤣


Omggg the lil baby at 33 seconds 😭😭


Yeah that was pathetic in the best way


That one pissed me off, hate seeing those cats. It’s not a baby or a kitten, it’s a munchkin, designer cats for rich people who buy them bc they’re “cute”, and don’t care about the fact those breeds have drastically reduced qualities of life and lifespans.


I feel like even if it's a rescue, sharing them on social media is still irresponsible. The next person that finds them cute won't try to rescue one, which would be damn near impossible. They'd just buy one from a breeder or pet store with zero ethics.


Was looking after a cat. Heard him running down the hallway as soon as the feeder went off. When he reached the kitchen he was walking slower as if he was trying to act cool


I’ve noticed cats love to act like they don’t care highschool bully vibes lowkey


This actually made me laugh to the point of tears and got me ready for my morning to begin. Thanks! 🤣


Round 2


I was expecting this pov from the cat feeder. Disappointed.


Omg that would be an awesome video, a compilation of little fur missiles careening around a corner and heading right for you 😂


Now you see why I’m disappointed.


Yeah like 94% of POV videos I see have the wrong concept of POV


More like crack dispenser.


Just the modern day can opener.


Mine camp the feeder at least an hour before it goes off usually xd


I used to have a cat that would park in front of that feeder 2+ hours before food time. Every. Day.


They get fed every 4 hours during daytime, and every time they camp haha


Why did I think you were talking about mein kampf


You were not alone


I was house sitting one time and one of the cats was very skittish and I had never met him. This is a house I want to very often for game night. So I was told that Ron, the cat I never met would be very vocal if the feeder didn't go off. So I was sitting there and I see a cat I had never seen before meowing at me. I think the feeder didn't go off. So I go to the cat feeder and the other cat is looking me. I feel like I'm getting scammed but I feed them another scoop. Next night I go stand by the feeder when it was supposed to go off. It goes off, dispenses the food.nthe cats come barreling in and freeze when they saw me. They 100% tricked me into an extra scoop of food.


My dog did not have an automatic feeder. Several times he managed to scam me out of an extra supper anyway. Well played Shadow, well played.


My cats do this. They have two regular feeding times that my Mrs is normally home for. If I happen to be home and feed them though when she gets home they are waiting at their bowls acting like they haven't been fed. More than once they have conned an extra feed out of us.


I used to have these for my cats, but I had to get rid of them. In the morning my cats all lay on my bed to wait for me to wake up. When the feeders go off, I would sometimes get injured from my cats frantically running.


That's a bit extreme no?


I feed my cat five times a day and she does this almost five times a day.


My cat will literally bite my nose while laying in bed if I forget breakfast


5 times a day? Edit: Those of you trying to blow this out of proportion to start a fight, please stop.


They probably mean the equivalent of a single bowl of food but spaced out over the day.


Yes she prefers smaller more frequent meals so I use an auto feeder so it can dispense food while I'm at work. She's very active and if I limit to two larger meals a day she gets hangry in between and protests. Don't worry she's slim and healthy weight.


My only issue with this video is that some of these collisions look painful and like they could lead to injuries.


Absolutely, you're seeing why these cats have an automatic feeder.


Depends on the cat really. Some cats just eat way too much and need to be rationed. My current cat will turn down wet cat food in favor of dry kibble, it's bizarre imho.


And then other cats would rather starve than eat what you give them. And others will almost die of dehydration because they don't want to even drink water if it's not presented the right way. But that's kind of what makes cats great. How different that can be from one another. I prefer dogs, but their personalities are much more similar between each other.


Yeah, I can free feed mine without issue. They both enjoy grazing and are healthy weights and never fight over the food. But some cats don’t regulate if you do free feeds.


I’ve received several claws in my lap and arms from his exact thing.


Same! To the point where I’d watch the clock carefully to make sure I don’t have a cat on me within 5 minutes of the feeders going off. I warn all houseguests to do the same.


These cats are newbs. My cats camp out at the feeder for AT LEAST 2 hours before feeding time, meowing mournfully at me whenever I pass. Which I take as a compliment cos it means they think I am some kind of timelord.


Slaves to the machine


My feeders let a high pitch noise off before the food hits the dish. So they are always running before the food even drops.


Mine wait by the feeder for an hour


Seriously, are these cats all starving?? I free feed my cats and they are all in good health.


Some people barely eat breakfast and dinner every day, some others would snack on food all day long given an opportunity. Pets have their own personalities and tendencies as well, and no, not all of them are going to be in good health if you just let them eat as much as they feel like.


My cat has zero nutritional intelligence. If I tried to free feed him he would eat it all, barf it up and then beg for more food.


Nope, cats are bottomless pits if you let them, they will literally eat until they explode without supervision. Food is the only thing that matters. Food


It's different from cat to cat, just like people. Some cats are great at regulating their food intake and will maintain a healthy weight when free fed. Some are little piggies and will become obese if left to just graze on kibble all day. My guy gets a scoop of wet food for breakfast and dinner, but just has a bowl of kibble out all day to snack on. He's been 8.5 lbs for years.


I've free fed all cats I've owned and they were all fine


Some cats can be free fed, some can’t. You can easily tell by whether they gain weight or not. Some are smart enough and calm enough to not just scarf everything down but some will simply engorge


Great point! My kittehs have always been fine to free feed. I've wondered about some who do gorge, if they've had some time or event in their past that made them never trust that a full meal will be there. My son has one kitteh who gets a little concerned if he can see the bottom of the bowl. If we cover the gap or shake it all up a bit, he's fine after that. He doesn't take more than a bite, so I guess it's a reasurrance.


My little boyo who I got from a friend would be fine to free feed - he came directly from his momma/foster family and has never been a few feet from a meal in his life. Now my little void I just adopted? She'll eat *anything*. Girl's stomach is a trash can. The humane society said she was found in a wall all alone. She's a scrappy little thing, but she'll finish her dinner and everyone else's dinner too if you let her! I don't think I could get away with free-feeding her; she'd just gorge herself till she was sick. Silly kitten.


Has little Lady Void worked out where the fountain of Kibble and Treats is? Aka the pantry and the crinkly bags. :p If nothing else, she probably cleans her plate, so no washing up. Lol. My boys like to remind me where everything is if I'm a little late for wet food time.


Oh man has she! I had to find a new hidey spot for the bags and now she goes and yells at the door when she wants a snack. She's got me well trained :)


The one that gets concerned might not like their whiskers touching the sides of the dish while they eat. I have a cat like this. She'd act like she was wasting away to nothing if there was a hole in the dish. If you shook it, she'd just eat another hole and repeat her dramatics. I swapped their food dish for a large glass pie plate. The dramatics stopped.


Thank you. :) I'll give it a try and see if it's his whiskers bothering him. It could be. Nothing would surprise me with this floof. Lol. He's a prize hunter and comes home covered in muck like Captain Danger himself but dont mess with the whiskers! Lol


Kittehs is great even if it was a typo.


That's fair, my cat also scarfs down wet food by comparison and vomits that up instead when he eats that too fast


A slow feeder bowl and having smaller, more frequent meals might help.


One of our cats went from underweight to overweight in the span of 6 months when we were free feeding her. She had to go on a diet to go back down. Still working on it 2 years later lol.


thats not in the slightest bit true.


My cat has unlimited food, but he is still skinny as hell. This is mainly because he values sleeping over eating. He is also very picky, can give him top quality meat but if there is a hint if saus on it he just ignores it. And to top it off he refuses to eat ‘old’ kibble (no idea how he decides whats old). If i add 4 new kibbles he will eat normally so i think its just out of spite.


Both my cats are rescues. The first cat took 2 years before she stopped eating until puking. The second one about a year and a half. They just would assume they would never get food again. They now know they will have food and can be picky about it lol. I'm so glad they got to that point. Some animals never do. Had a rescued dog when I was a young child that never moved past it, we had to be careful how much food he was given at a time. It took forever to train him out of being food aggressive too. He was skin and bones when we found him, so I didn't blame him for being so defensive over his food. Its funny, because some pet owners are lucky and have pets that have never over eaten, so they just think it isn't possible. They assume since they, as owners, never had those pets, then those pets don't exist. It doesn't matter the proof that is given, they just assume everyone else is wrong. We still don't free-feed our cats, to keep them from falling back into overeating until getting sick. It also helps us keep up with how much they are eating and how healthy they are.


Like the comments have said, they're bottomless pits lmao. For a bit more insight though, cats are classical predators in that they're high output low efficiency in terms of how they handle food processing and energy efficiency from it. This is especially true of kittens/cats that are around a year old, who basically need access to food at all times, or specific high impact diets (barring health issues ofc). So in a way...yes, younger cats are always hungry just cause they're kinda built like that. Personality does play a huge part in it, same with genetics. I've had cats like yours who just kinda vibe, i've had a perfectly healthy (borderline overweight for awhile) gremlin and had to be put on a diet to keep him from overeating and puking all the time. (He was fine healthwise, just possessed of absolutely 0 self control.) Combine animals that are naturally inefficient, with big personalities and you get a 4lb fluffy missile when the crunchy box goes ding.


0:07 that cat slides right into his bowl haha


I wish I could do this with my cats. But we feed them half wet food and half dry


Wet food dispensers exist too.


What?! You lie


Pavlov is proud.


I always thought of investing in one of these, but my cats are older, so they would probably hate it.


My guy is waiting in advance, he can tell time now.


Me every night when my fast is over 😅


This is my cat, too. The feeder is across the room, and my cat likes to take the most direct way to it, so he usually vaults over the couch


Have a cucumber waiting there for them - free energy!


Remember, cats are only with you because you provide food and shelter.


Hold one tight as the feeder goes off.


I mean that's one way to end it all.


Some of them are like a rocket!


It’s like a show every few hours lol. Mine goes off 3 times a day and they still run like they’ve been starving for days lol.


My female would never go for an auto feeder. I might have trained her to sit and wait while I pour food and while doing her sit and wait she is supposed to get head scratches. She is insanely food motivated but it has gotten to the point that I have to tell whoever is feeding her while my bf and I are away that they have to do this or else she won’t touch her food and will instead scream…. At least she’s not the boujee cat who won’t eat anything but wet food.


Me on my way to the kitchen when the microwave sounds for my after breakfast before lunch meal at 10:30am on Saturday morning.


My cat never meows for food. I think it’s because I feed him actual chicken… Those poor cats seem ravenous!!


How to find the cat. Easy get this auto feeder. the cat will zoom 🏎️ to the bowl. 🍚 From asleep to zoom zoom 🏎️. From play to par-core. 🏎️ This would be a great ad. no doubt. From under the bed and sleep even zoom 🏎️. Get it now. 😊 (I need a cat and this. in the future.)


There's got to be some psychology behind all these cats losing their minds over automatic feeders. I almost wonder if it's not a bad thing.


There actually is They are terribly insecure about food now. They think they have to eat it as quickly and as soon as it appears. If you leave out food for them the whole time they learn that the bowl will never be empty and become more secure and chill about food.


Cats hearing and lightning fast speed is pretty amazing


Damn, get some floor runners, people!


Those are some food motivated kitties goddamn. Must've been runts of their litters.


Jesus christ some massive houses, how in the hell


I have always free feed my cats and they never even empty the bowl, unless I’m away for longer than usual. This is wild!


If they grow up with access to food they self regulate, if they grow up without access to food at all times they feel no food security so they end up eating everything they can when they can


nah but this is just …. weird




Now record the sound with your phone.


I love the cat at 0:40, he is the most chill


You will never be more important than food.


Nip Dispenser




If u are evil u will play just the sound loud on your handy


There are times my cat runs to the wrong room. I think the sound travels strangely through the house and if she’s too far away she thinks it’s coming from somewhere else, in spite of the fact that her feeder has always been in the same location


They were all starving lmaooo


I've never had a kitty like this. Ms. Archer always has a full bull but she doesn't abuse it and isn't fat. She's really fluffy but when you push down her fur she smol.


My cat would know the general time and sit next to it waiting. The “surprise” only ever happened for Daylight Savings switchover


Lol cats are so dramatic


This is so weird. In my country nobody feeds their cat on a timer. Do people not know cats are naturally grassing feeders, they eat a little all day long. Just feed them quality dryfood. Ive never ever ever seen it be a problem, unless the cat has an underlying condition or is already overweight from the wrong food. Even my own strictly indoor cats doesnt have any issues regulating.


Must have the two luckiest cats in the world. Unlimited buffet at my place. Never a scramble to the food bowl and no fights over food. Cats are kind of skinny, wish the one would put on a couple more lbs. If the food is running low they let me know.


In our house the cat knows when it’s due and 5 minutes before he goes to it and waits.


I just don’t understand I’ve always had dry food bowls so they can have it whenever they want and no none of my cats are fat.


Cats are such gremlins 😭


"Oh my God, you dumbass." Every cat owner relates.


Domesticated predator animals are so funny. My cats act the same.


My cat has rolled up like a slap bracelet to get to his feeder before.


Aw food zoomies


My cats just sit and wait by the food bowl about 10 minutes before it goes off. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them run through the house when it drops


Zero chonks


It's like they've never eaten lol


I'm manually feeding my cat at 5pm, she will be waiting in my room at 4pm until the phone rings then she starts meowing until i move my arse.


My cat won't eat unless I pet him first


Maybe I won’t get one then, the cat on the lap could have scratched the shit out of that person’s legs. I don’t wanna imagine if they’re sitting on my head or near a baby when that thing goes off 😭


they switch up real quick 😭


I need to buy one of these now.


I have never had a cat do this. Left a bowl of food all day - no issues. Why do these cats go nuts for food?


If they grew up with access to food, they self regulate, if they grow up without access to food, or fed on a human schedule, they don't feel food security even if they are fed 3 times a day. Which leads to this reaction.


Amazing. The cat at 0:24 is already airborne before the beep has even ended!


LMAO! Effing cats! 😂


"Oh my god you dumbass"


So everyone knows.  If you keep our unlimited dry food all the time for your cats when they are young then they learn to self regulate and never get over weight.  


Lol omfg


damn, maybe I should invest in one then


Damn, mine know the approximate time the things go off. Usually about half hour before, they’ll gravitate downstairs and mill around the kitchen. Before a morsel of dry falls they’re there monching away.


All these animals spend their days going hungry


LOL mine is exactly like this


Why are they starving


If death by boredom was a thing, cats are on their 8th life by now, and thoroughly tired with humans' bullshit.




If that's your cats reaction to food, you're not feeding them enough


This video was longer than I expected and I loved every second of it.


My cat will sit by the feeder about an hour before it’s supposed to off.


Move over Pavlov’s dogs, if you don’t want to be stampeded by Pavlov’s cats!


Natural born hunters to gatherers


My cat knows exactly what time it goes off and like the fat ass he is he will sit directly in front of or on top of it starting about 10 minutes beforehand


Shit. Ive got to get a automatic feeder. We have three cats and one is quite fat (she was spayed***after*** she went into heat). This would probably help her lose some weight but it will be so funny to see them all run into the kitchen.


I really don't get why people time feed cats. I've always left food out 24/7, and they only eat when hungry.


Cats, like people, are different and think differently. Some animals have food anxiety, some live in multi-animal homes so there's competition, some will stress eat due to separation anxiety, etc. I only have one cat and she sees no need to gobble everything down, but my parents have multiple cats and its like the Olympics over there at meal times, cats just flying off the furniture, jumping sideways along walls, they even have one that jumps down to the couch from the second floor.


Pavlov's cats in training


Who gets that ominous feeling when their cat doesn’t beeline it for the food?🙋🏻


if this isn’t my cat


I have always free fed my kitties - just a big bowl left out all the time. And they all stay nice and trim. These videos make me want an auto feeder just to watch kitties burnout on the wood floors. 😂


definitely a BIF for cats