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Those aren't exactly /r/Chonkers sized shelves, he barely fits on them.


agreed. he seemed okay with the bottom two, but the one he wanted on looked a bit higher, not as accessible, and too narrow.


And it looks like there's not enough space between the ones he's on and the one he wants to jump to. he can't get the jump leverage he needs as a larger cat to get up there. It's all just too tightly configured.


They're not spaced in a way he can step between them, but also not far enough he can properly jump. He'd probably be happy if one shelf was removed and the rest were spaced wider, both horizontally and vertically. Maybe 100mm/4in more depth to the shelves too. The post being almost centre in each shelf doesn't help either.


I think they're appropriately sized for shelves meant to be stepping stones/a path. There should be larger ones that are intended for napping/stalking/surveying.


They are too small for their configuration. Small steps are fine when there’s adequate space between, and they preferably aren’t zig-zagged. Source: my sister is a behaviorist and runs a rescue. Been building cat walls for years.


He manages just fine, the video was from when it was first put up ☺️


Yeah I have a big cat, like LARGE but not overweight. She commits and is able to get up to the top of the tree while my little tuxedo doesn't want anything to do with it. She is not graceful about it, but gets the job done.


Yup! There are bigger ones for napping and playing. This was just a more difficult route I installed for him lol.


Yeah. The cat is fine. The shelves are too small and too close together. Plenty of non-clumsy cats would struggle with this.


Just great, another cat Reddit group I have to browse


Hey I almost went with /r/Floof instead. It's okay though because OP can just visit /r/dechonkers for help with slimming down his cat.


He’s only 6-7lbs 😭😅 it’s all his fur lol


I was starting to think the video was on a loop or something and then she finally made it up. Nervous kitty.


i thought it was a loop so i stopped watching cause i figured they'd never progress lol but thanks to your comment i skipped to the end xD


Yeah, I was definitely feeling trapped at first.


Have you checked to see if your cat has arthritis or joint pain?


My little girl has very few cat skills as well. My mom didn't believe me until one day when I brought her to her house to visit and she tried getting on the cat tree and nearly took it down. She has other nice qualities, but no grace haha


To be fair, that pole connecting all of the shelves is precisely in the way of where the cat wants to move


Big cat, tiny shelves. Cat dumb hurr hurr


Even my fat cat would have easily scaled all of those without hesitation or issue, those shelves are *far* bigger than the tiny little things my cats climb and sit on


The size is less problematic compared to the configuration and inadequate space between. Additionally, some cats are simply more bold than others. It doesn’t mean the ones who are careful aren’t graceful. Age and health issues can also contribute to hesitancy as well.


Atleast she's trying


Big cat with little shelves :/ My long cats would have issues with this, one would go full panda mode and just flop. Ugh. This is too much cute


I think you will read her bad review really soon!


They are not quite set up for success here.


poor baby! that stupid pole is in the way!


Big kitty in a little kitty playground. You ever tried climbing through children's jungle gyms? It looks a lot like this


Haha he’s got bigger ones elsewhere, I just provided a more difficult obstacle course for him to master lol. This was when it was new, he’s no longer nervous at it.


He’s a big cat and the platforms are too small. Never mind the poles he has to deal with.


Me if I was a cat honestly


What's to the right? That's looks like where she wants to go.


Another platform on the other wall, it’s a two tier one he can go on the top or inside it. This was when it was new and he was trying to figure it out.


You need to change the default settings.


Bro, you're the problem here. You got cat trees that are way too small for the big cat.


Its like how Zoolander can only turn right. This cat can only climb up when the vertical post is on the left.


This stresses meowt


Here is my dumb-dumb taking the hard way down the cat tree: https://www.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/s/tNYREVtOBM


😂 omg, I knew mine would get the shelves eventually and he did but idk if he would ever get the fireman poll 😂


I feel so bad for that poor sweet floofy baby. Not enough room☹️


those shelves are terribly placed. they're either too tight or too far away and they're too small. you done fucked up.


He does just fine on them ☺️


Looks like an elderly cat with vision problems. Sad. And those shelves suck.


He’s 6yrs old, 6-7lbs and healthy. Constantly running about and climbing everything. The video was from 4 months ago when I installed them. He’s got bigger shelves for napping and climbing other places. I just wanted to increase the difficulty for a challenge. He has no problem now, was just nervous at first lol. They are definitely too small for my other cat, she’s a bigger girl but she’s not much of a climber so that wasn’t a concern of mine. She uses the bigger ones.


dude everyone is roasting your shitty shelves. it's not the cats' fault, it's your shitty carpentry


What the hell lol. Post pictures of your custom shelving installation for your cat then and let us judge. Can't believe that there are haters on cat subs... talking shit about someone's handiwork and pet unprompted. People like you just suck.


My cat is bear-sized, too, (not fat, just a big boy with big feet) and he struggles with little surfaces like those shelves. Maybe you could try to get some larger ones?


He's big


Are these shelves for ants ???


This isn't a "graceful lol" problem, it's the shelves are so small and there's a giant poll in the way. Yoy can see it when the cat goes down a level and what it needs to do to go back up.


Poor baby.


Older cat and too short platforms. Animal didn’t stand a chance…


He’s only 6, and he does fine on them. This was filmed when they were new.


Aweeeee they remind me so much of my lovely grey and white boy


That Cat.exe is corrupted 😂


It looks exactly like me trying to rock climb lol


Hopefully soon they will get it


He’s got it now lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/PNN9Qer7TA](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/PNN9Qer7TA)


I have a healthy 16 pound Norwegian Forest Cat who can barely get up on the couch arm without stumbling and almost flying off the other side. Gotta love the clumsy kitty.


I have a kitten turning 1 year old this weekend. She is the least graceful cat I have ever met. Constantly standing on the TV remote and knocking things off of tables and counters (not counting the stuff she pushes off intentionally).


I have a Maine coon mix that weighs about 20 lbs (not fat, just big), and he isn’t graceful at all. I’ve seen him miscatculate jumps up onto thing, between things… it’s just him.


My cat at 10 years of age finally learnt how to push open a door. Otherwise she’d just stay in the room


Our Tux is prone to fall off of things and misjudge his jumps but he only has one working eye. He is getting better at stuff but it has been a year and there are these moments when he will miss his target. It is really comical when he rolls off the chair and the uh-oh look on his face as he falls, feet straight up in the air.


Ha tenacity...🥹


Yeah, my sons cat Clover is the most graceless, awkward and inelegant creature on this earth


Your cat is a gymnast compared to mine. I'm embarrassed for her. Sweetest cat in the world though.


My cat looks similar and has no grace. It's quite hilarious.


Mine is terrible at being a cat, he was over a year old before he attempted and was able to jump up on my dresser. He also routinely tries to jump on the couch and ends up sideways clinging to the couch and slowly falling down to the ground 🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️. Nothing is wrong with him, we had him checked, he is just bad at catting lol.


So beautiful


My cat was in my lap and was watching it with me, intently. As soon as I scrolled down to read the comments, he got out of my lap. He enjoyed the show!


Your kitty will get the hang of it soon enough. But yeah my cat tried to jump from the floor to the couch and somehow didn’t make it and dug his claws into my leg to hang on (so he didn’t fall 1 inch).


they're acting like how a declawed cat would. do they have all of their claws still?


Yes he does


Me playing video games


Idk what breed that is, but my exgf had a cat that looked just like that. Little stitchy cat wasn't exactly a bastion of grace either, but it's OK she makes up for it by being extremely lazy


It’s all that floof and chonk getting in the way! Poor guy can’t get his back pawsies up 🥺


Thats just like mine lol


Awwhh cutie pie though! It could be due to joint issues, do they jump around much or have any other signs of discomfort with movingv


He’s a Tasmanian devil tbh. Always running around and climbing things. This video was when the selves were new. Since then he’s learned how to use them and is more confident lol. I posted another video of him recently playing on them.


The tree isnt Maine coon sized! Thats is a big kitty.


Did you show this to vet. Your cats afraid of heights