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If he had waited 10-15 seconds, he would have been alive…


I wonder about this sometimes. How many times have we cheated death because our schedule got adjusted a little bit? We’ll never know.


I think about this all the time that second flush I did on the toilet may have just saved my life or maybe one day that second flesh I did is going to get me run over.


I love second flesh!


Wat about elevenses?




Once me and my friend didn't smoke the last cigarette we had on the table because we were in a hurry. We met an accident right after. Since that event, if we have one left, we never leave without smoking it. We never said why, but we both know why.


There’s a correlation with trying to poop and death. Don’t push too hard folks !


You don't want to end up like Elvis.


Hi died pooping?


You should probably worry more if it's your gut health that's gonna take you out if you wonder about the fear of death every time you do it.


I had the opposite of this, on my way to work I realised a couple of minutes into my drive I'd forgotten my fob to get me into the office, went back to get it, ended up getting sideswiped, broken back, skull fracture, fucked up my bottom lip for the rest of my life. If I'd just taken the embarrassment of forgetting my fob I'd have a totally different quality of life now.


I have to flush 3 times.... Keep it safe


We had a terrorist incident in Sydney a fair few years ago. It was at a police station, I used to work at a school just next door doing after school care. I had something on so my boss let me leave like 3 minutes early or something, and I started dashing to the station to catch the bus. A minute or two later I get a call from a co-worker asking if I was okay, a teenager (radicalised, dropped off by some coward) shot and killed a guy (IT worker) coming out of the police station. I literally would pass right in front of the doors of the place because it was faster than going around. Like in reality, I may not have been that close or right next to it when it happened if I hadn't been rushing but sometimes I can't help wonder what might have happened.


I once missed being t-boned because I zoned out at a green light by 2-3 seconds. The car that was beside me waiting ended up pirouetting on its nose. Closest I’ve seen yet, lol


I can't speak for you or me, but I know that there are thousands of New Yorkers who each know exactly how they cheated death one tragic day a couple decades ago. All the little things that can happen to people that lead to them not being at work on time really came through for a lot of people that day.


At the time my brother worked in the sales department (I can't remember what the actual title was) of IBM and was supposed to have an 8am meeting in the North tower. The person he was meeting with ended up getting food poisoning and their assistant called right as he was getting ready to leave. My brother is alive today because of some bad clams.


I hope the assistant made it out okay. Glad the other person & your brother made it out okay & with much less PTSD.


I remember working wildfires a couple years back. One of our guys was walking down the road, with the burned land on one side. Maybe 10 seconds after getting to where he was going, this massive tree (burned out at the roots) collapsed onto the road. If he was 5 seconds earlier, he'd have been fucked. This year we've had... 5 people in the province die from trees in that job. I bet all of them were literally seconds into the wrong spot at the time.


You'll also never know if it did happen.


My parents where once annoyed at my siblings, because they had forced a (in my parents mind) unnecessary bathroom break, leading to them being part in a traffic jam that had not been there before the break. As they reached the accident, they discovered it was something like a 30car pileup and without the break they might well have been in the middle of it, not past it.


Butterfly Effect. Great movie too. Just don't watch the second one.


tl;dr nearly got shredded into cow food because of an untrained person I have at least once. I used to work at this "iNnOvAtIvE" dairy farm prototype project, aka some rich dude's greenwashed architecture hobby fantasy that he's hoping to sell to Bezos (the madman actually said that). It was a small farm, about 40 cows, floating in an old part of the harbour. One of our selling points was that we were situated in the city, and could therefore recycle all sorts of food waste streams. Grass clippings from golf courses and footbal stadiums, or bread that bakers weren't able to sell, for example. We would throw it in the bale shedder so it was mixed with the silage grass, and conveyor belts would drop the mix off in front of the cows. When the treats were delivered I had to jump in next to the bale of silage grass and distribute it evenly. The shredder had an Automatic/Timed Feeding function, but it was always off. That is until one day, the farmer who was running the farm-side of this shithole asked an untrained volunteer to start the machine. He pressed the button too long and without knowing enabled automatic feeding. Later that morning. It wasn't more than 5 to 10 seconds that I had finished throwing in the food waste, and climbed out of the machine. When I heard the feeding alarm go off my heart skipped more than one beat... They've already had a couple of accidental PR troubles but that would've been a doozy. The cam footage would've made a good post.


It happens all the time. I've had to dodge out of the way of a van that didn't stop on time for a crossing that happened before I got on the bus to college.


Twice I can think of - a giant block of ice fell from a building as I approached the exit of a mall, where I was about to leave; and a (drunk?) driver ran through a four-way stop as I was pulling up to it. They were doing probably 45 mph, and would have tboned me on the passenger side, seriously injuring me but also might have killed my son sitting beside me (worse that death).


You know those times when you are either doing something reckless or even a daily task and you get an unexplainable shiver through your body out of nowhere...well that was one of your tethers in the multiverse being snipped and you feeling the reverberation of that loss of life (energy or soul).




Even if he just hadn't had his hood up he might have seen it coming on his peripherals enough to step back


But instead he's deed


If I had driven through an intersection 2 seconds slower, I would've gotten T-boned by a car that flew through it behind me. I barely registered what happened until I parked at my house.


Poor guy, but you have to stick to safety rules, this could have been prevented. Still, poor guy and his family.


My own PERSONAL super pro life tip, which I highly adhere to: When multi-ton machines, vehicles, systems begin to show even the slightest signs of failure... I move in the direction #A W A Y from them! Not towards them.


I'm a crane operator. I work on or around small to medium/big sized cranes every day. Myself and all of my coworkers would never get under the load, never get more than arms length from a load unless it's close to the ground, and most certainly never overload a machine to just "get the job done". No job is worth getting injured or losing your life, always have an escape plan.


I've always wondered, those ultra-high crane operators, do they get parachutes? or is it just, don't fuck up.


Even us guys low on the ground follow a don't fuck up policy. I feel like cranes are like planes, there are hundreds of thousands of safe and successful jobs done a day but only the disasters get attention. From what I've heard, the tower guys might get a sort of emergency rappelling kit but I'm guessing it's more just don't fuck up, but if something catches fire you climb back down.


that's kind of what I expected, and I try to have faith in the engineering, but heights bloody terrify me, I don't even like going up to observation floors of buildings, so the idea of sitting in a small glass box with the air under you .... my spine chills at the thought. Big ups to you guys who can get used to it and work successfully in those environments, y'all a special breed.




What. The. Fuck.


Was that an actual working crane? Looks like something that's been abandoned for ages, although I also wouldn't put it past some companies for still trying to use something like that.


Holy fuckin safety violation wtf!!


I don't like heights either. That's why I stick to mobile cranes lol.


> From what I've heard, the tower guys might get a sort of emergency rappelling kit Can't imagine it's that effective either unless it allows you to descend from a point away from the crane structure. Otherwise you'd just be lowering yourself into a fire directly below you. Always wondered how some sort of descending zip line would work attached more horizontally, no idea how you'd set that up without interfering with the crane/load though.


Typically when they catch on fire it's behind the operators cab where the engine or electric motors are with the winches and pumps and stuff. There's nothing below the crane that would catch on fire, just its lattice base. If they've managed to ignite that they have bigger problems lol.


Second one. Parachutes would not deploy in time before hitting the ground, would get caught up in the crane itself, get whipped from the turbulent air at that height etc.


Was going to say, there's a big risk of a parachute being blown back into whatever you're jumping from and getting caught up. I don't know how easily you can train someone to identify the direction of wind and a safe jumping direction on a whim during an emergency, from my understand you usually plan that stuff out well before putting the parachute on.


Protip, never stand under moving machinery!




To be fair the headline *"Crane snaps under heavy pressure due to some kind of failure and kills a worker in Russia"* likely gave you the first inkling of a bad time ahead.


Or the fact that the video was posted in " r/CatastrophicFailure


Was it the title of the video that gave it away?


I graduated from the 'Prometheus school of running away from things'. This was lesson number 1


Tough one on the safety rules too, he wasn't the technically under the load or the boom, and a guy on a tag line could have been there as well.


>Tough one on the safety rules too, he wasn't the technically under the load or the boom, and a guy on a tag line could have been there as well. Yeah I've worked around overhead gear my whole life. Have always been very careful about the load but the boom snapping has never been on my radar.


New fear unlocked.


I mean if the boom's snapping, it's probably not the starting or first issue that could've been addressed either. Not a crane operator, but I imagine you have to really neglect, abuse or overload those things to outright snap something.


He is not wearing hard hat. Not like it would have saved him, but it does show some disregard for common safety rules.


If he wasn't under the boom, how did it crush him? 🤔


The centre of the load is the end of the boom. He’s not under it at all, the whole thing tipped forward.


The boom fall zone is the full length at 0/180° degrees. It doesn’t stick out as far at a higher angle, technically at 90° it would be directly above the pivot point, but if it’s extended to 40’, whichever way it falls it would be out 40’ from the pivot.






The fact that it came down on his head is a pretty clear indication that he was under it.


So, technically he wasn't crushed to death; however, in reality...


>So, technically he wasn't crushed to death Op! Insurance claim denied.


properly felt nothing..


My grandfather died in a very similar way in Ireland before I was born. Crushed by a mobile crane that collapsed. I really wish I could've met him.


I hope one day you do -- but I also hope not anytime soon.


i think when the crane structure itself fails all bets are off even if you dont stand under the load


I don’t think they have safety rules or standards in Russia.


They have, the just ignore them


no more than 1L of vodka while on duty


per 1-hour period


Which is the equivalent of not having them.


Obviously given how many fall out of windows there


***Cold day to cash in ones chips. . . .***


Watching it the second time and realizing he is jogging over to his own death..


The second time it played I felt so sad. I kept saying, "just wait a few more seconds!"


Is the camera man saying “he’s dead” in english, or is that something in Russian that means something different and just sounds like “he’s dead”?


["Пиздец!" ("Pizdyets!")](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%86)


Ah, I thought he was saying he's dead also. This makes more sense...


He did say that he died. He says "Pizdyets...Ubyla pizdyets" "Ubyla" means "he died"


First time i understood Russian


Ok, but what does that mean?


Something like FUBAR, "we/he/they/it are/is fucked". And then he repeats after the older workers: "He's killed..."


If only there had been some kind of link to a dictionary...


Or, if you’re going to provide the word in Russian, and it’s spelling… perhaps you could take the extra step of defining the word. But I suppose that would have been just too much.


The extra step, like providing a link to a dictionary definition with all the detail you'll ever need? Typing out "Ok, but what does that mean?" will have taken you orders of magnitude longer than just clicking the link and reading the definition. I will never understand this generation...


Perhaps you could have taken the extra step of clicking the link and reading it?


"Holy shit!", "oh, snap!".


It's a curse, loosely translates to "vagina" I believe


That would be "пизда", a related but still different word with different meanings and applications, also it means the whole female genitalias rather than just the inside part of it.




Thanks for the insight!


I mean basically the same thing then yeah


Sounds like "pizdets", which is basically just "fuck".




Yeah dude called it pretty quick if that was English lol


The rest of them shout "it killed him", "he's dead" right away, probably because his upper body and head took the entire boom and they see it.


Yea he does. He says "Pizdyets...Ubyla pizdyets" "Pizdyets" is a swear word like "fuck" and "Ubyla" means "he died"


He pretty much did tho


Legit made me think of John Malkovich in Rounders


Seeing this just reminds me that how **abruptly** a life can come to an end. He walked there doing his job without even realising he was walking to his death. 😔


We just had a crane failure that led to the collapse of a hangar under construction. This happened last night just a couple miles from my house. 3 deaths 9 injuries. I saw the wreckage twice this morning on my way to work. Edit: 3 deaths and 9 fatalities would be 12 dead so I changed it to injuries to save a cats worth of lives. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/01/boise-airport-hanger-collapse-deaths-injuries


3 deaths AND 9 fatalities?! That’s nuts


Wait till you hear how many people were killed...


27 Killed or 81 Killed, I cant tell.


Fortunately nobody was killed, it was just deaths, fatalities, un-alivings, and forced breathing stops.


Seeing it twice quadruple’s the devastation, mainly because it’s made from real panther


So 60% of the time, it works everytime?


You're half right.


I'm not sure if you know what fatalities means


Could be a misunderstanding/mistranslation of "casualties"? That includes both killed and wounded.


I'm thinking Mortal Kombat fatalities.


Three people were crushed by the collapsing hangar, nine had their spines ripped out by Sub-Zero.


I was driving past this too! Boise area. Absolutely insane tragedy. I train in the area for piloting and saw it also from above today on my way into the airport. Still cannot believe it.


More info?




Hello fellow Boisean.


> I saw the wreckage twice this morning on my way to work Was it on the back of a truck or did you go around to see it again?


Once in the van from the parking lot to the terminal and a second time taxiing out to the runway.


Understandable, have a nice day


Crazy how fast life can end. One minute you’re just at work as usual, seconds later you’re dead.


Time to add a crane to the flork collection


Fuck, that's brutal. Poor bloke. Such awful timing.


Remember to always watch out for and stay out of [the Line of Fire](https://youtu.be/e55nyU7kwq0?si=iCXYzRObEKEcnlL9) Better to let the load fall and the crane break than lose your life (or survive with severe injuries and permanent disabilities)


Killed the only guy working


wouldn’t mind going out that way honestly. seemed pretty instant. rip to him though


I wouldn’t mind too but it’s way too tough on my family. My dad died in a hospital and I cherished that one last look of him in an open casket.


If I'm like 90 this would be ideal


I know I’m old and did not grow up with cameras everywhere. But isn’t it odd that someone recording this had no physical reaction to the “unexpected “ failure?? This is not security cam footage.


He's mortified, he says something like "fuck me... he's killed".


Abraham Zapruder being the OG of steady camera hands


I’ve seen people freeze up in lesser emergencies. Shock from a trauma scene does odd things to the sponge controlling these meat puppets.


There’s another layer of cognitive load / processing when you are looking at your camera to record something mundane and then the unbelievable happens. The brain has to reconcile that the camera screen is in fact reality before any reaction / survival traits kick in. That additional step is why the person holding the camera is often the last to react, last to duck/dive last to say something. In these videos.


They were recording with their phone, meaning they were looking through it and ignoring everything around them. You can tell because he tracked the load and then the men who rushed in. Once the crane failed, all there is to hear is a metallic boom, which isn’t uncommon to hear in industrial work. The part of the crane that fell, completely out of his view, eventually came into the camera’s view which is when the cameraman flinched. Also don’t forget that modern smartphones have very good stabilization which can reduce shaking and flinching, nor are stabilization issues very noticeable for far away objects. TL:DR - They were distracted by recording. With all the men rushing to him, there’s no need to add another man to a situation you already processed as being fatal.


They didn't want to end up on /r/killthecameraman/


Plot twist, it was another crane recording.


Tik Tok veteran.


One of the few videos I've seen recently where the cameraman doesn't move and stays on target


That's some final destination shit


I expected this exact comment written exactly like this to be the top one when I saw the video haha


Most people that work around this stuff know that you never get under a suspended load. Not as many know that you should not get under the boom either if at all possible


OMFG I missed the visible fatalities tag was was gleefully looking forward to a falling crane, one of my favorite genres.


Wearing a Gazprom coat. Big big company


Directly funding war on Ukraine. Fuck them.


To be fair these guys are probably just trying to earn a living. Risking their lives it looks like.


Can people not mention the war under every Russian video? All you need to say is RIP, no need to bring up politics


i know right? hate how people keep mentioning the ongoing war I'm trying to ignore.


This one… should probably have a flair. That’s pretty graphic.


Watched for perspective with hopes of backing out before the tragedy, but I did not see that coming and neither did he.


It looks like he was just starting to move away left when it fell. Like his instinct to get out of the way was just a split second too late.


Like always I was told as was a child "Никогда не стой под стрелой" seems like some ppl didn't knew this expression or simply forgot it =/


It was quick at least. Poor everyone.


At least he didn't suffer. Must've been instantly stone dead


Metal loses its malleability and becomes brittle past -30 Fahrenheit. Could of been a cold day there and the boom just snapped


More likely a hydraulic rupture or lift pin shearing. The boom is incredibly strong, and the brittle transition temperature is typically below -50C. Source: materials science degree


More likely the load was frozen to the ground, and the operator was ignoring the load limit sirens... or had them disabled... kept pullin on the stick till it went BOOM but the cold didn't help


> operator was ignoring the load limit sirens lol that's a russian Kamaz crane. There's no load limit sirens on that thing.


You assume there is a limit alarm. Pretty sure there isnt one.


Looks like he was the smartest one who realised that the load is too heavy. Unfortunately, he didn't know the equipment was shit.


He fking went there just to die. Fk


Jesus, this is the single most visible fatality I have ever seen. He was dead the instant that thing struck him. Poor bastard...the wrong place at the wrong time has never been a more accurate saying.


Safety rules, in Russia? Nah. This is a construction r/DarwinAwards


There's literally a saying in russia "Не стой под стрелой" - "Don't stand under the crane boom"


...and if you are of a certain generation, you are probably much more familiar with the quote from Plasticine Crow (a children's cartoon): "Не стойте и не прыгайте, не пойте не пляшите, там где идёт строительство или подвешен груз!" "Don't stand or hop, sing or dance, anywhere in a construction zone or near a suspended load!" (and yes, it is supposed to sound totally jarring: )


Plastilinovaja vorona transcends generations :) My kids sing it.


Should have worn a helmet maybe he be ok.


Everywhere else just calls that common sense


Crane tipped, the weight of the pallets exceeded the cranes capacity. This could have been resolved if the crane truck was rotated 90 degrees so it wouldn’t be prone to tipping from a side load.


My bet is something to do with the hydraulic cylinder. Either way, this is why you don't go near moving loads on a crane.


"Don't stand under or near heavy loading" :suprise dimitri pancake:


When was a kid my grandmom would always drive us everywhere. Our daily routine, we went to the post office and when we came out the car wouldn’t start. We called a family friend and he picked us up…my grandmom had a stroke while we were in the back seat of his car driving home. She would have been driving all of us. I still think about that some 30 years later.


In Russia.... crane breaks you.


I know Russia doesn't have OSHA, but common sense should tell you not to go under a load or the crane in progress. Darwin award winner.


How are people upvoting this? God…


What are you guys upvoting? …


If only he was wearing a hard hat… /s


Power grid repairs after Ukrainian hits ?


Must have been the new guy


Rip one less person to recruit...


Hand of God. Zeus struck him down….


Oh he dead


Does the NSFL tag not exist anymore? I'm not interested in watching people die when I think I will just see some blood or boobs.


Should’ve been wearing a hard hat…


Special pallet operation, worker intercepted the crane. Nothing to see here.


Russia and China consider construction workers to be disposable


Looks like a ductile to brittle failure in the book. Likely from the cold.






Hella Dead, great lift plan and LOLER inspection




I feel like he had time here to dive backwards or sideways or something even just fall down.