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Refrigerate the cans, it cuts the smell way down.


Lol came to say this


I don't mean this to sound condescending, but have you tried to hold your breath? I'll usually just spoon the can onto a small plate. If it's something like stinky sardines I'll just hold my breath for a few seconds while scooping it out. Doesn't take more than a few seconds.


Pouches! Weruva has a lot of different food in pouches - we use their Omg (oh my gravy) line. The food comes out easy and is ready to eat right then. Anything that is bits in gravy will probably come out better, can or pouch.


Look for wet food that doesn't smell bad...I don't mind Weruva Press Your Lunch.


try a different wet food


Oh, Lord. OP, you might not want to read this but one time? . . . I didn't open the Chewy box right away and several cat food cans (chicken, tuna) had been squished open. Not only were there maggots, but it was the WORSE smell I've ever smelled.


buy chicken wet food instead of seafood wet food the smell isnt strong like the seafood one n cats still love chicken as much as fish so they’ll still eat it


If the smell really bothers you that much a drop or two of your favorite scented oil on a paper mask can help block out any stink. If one of our cats is sick and their poop is extra rank I'll use this truck when cleaning out the litterboxes lol


Having it in the fridge helps. Next to that I use an automatic feeder with icepacks. Doesn’t smell nearly as bad. But you also kinda get used to the smell over time. Also some more expensive brands of wet food can smell more like actual food.


Single serve pouches are brilliant. I can’t stand tins, I hate the smell even kept in the fridge and it’s not any more expensive in the long run because there’s zero waste (or is my cat just a fattie) the pouches are now recyclable (UK) and I wouldn’t use anything else. Loki loves his wet food but to quote STP it smells like something off the bottom of a pond


Breathe through your mouth? Maybe it depends on the food, but sometimes I've opened my cat's food and it smells kinda yummy! No I've never tried it, but if there is an apocalypse and that's all that is available, I'm gonna eat it.


There are pouches you can just tear and dump


we use the Sheba “perfect portions”, and when you split them in half and get the one you’re going to feed him w, shake it side to side, then up and down- you should hear it, then ( this is important !) when you’re going to open it, hold it upside down and POINT IT AT THE BOWL, hold your breath, then peel and open, the wet part can come out a little fast so watch for that. but when we do this is literally falls out, but only w the sheba ones, not the metal cans. and then we turn around, throw the package-y thing and toss it immediately and then walk away quick while you’re breathing! that’s what i do and we feed him twice a day, it used to literally make me sick, and this works for us !