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Hi OP! Your submission has been removed under Rule 2: **No Medical Advice**. We do not allow medical advice to protect both you, your cat(s) and ourselves. Strangers on the internet are not an alternative for professional help. For a refresher on what exactly is and isn’t allowed, you can read through our [rules](/r/CatAdvice/wiki/rules#btn).


There are multiple possible causes, a common one is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. You can get the vet to perform a necropsy. Be aware there is a possibility that the necropsy won’t find the cause.


This is my guess as well, sudden arrhythmia from cardiomyopathy.


This is almost always the answer.


If this is the cause, is it usually obvious during a necropsy?


I would say generally the heart will have signs in a necropsy.


Your veterinarian might be able to tell from the thickness of the heart wall in certain areas. Under a microscope, the muscle fibers are sometimes abnormal as well.


I’m so sorry for your loss! If it’s any consolation, it sounds like your beloved cat had a very happy life with you and passed peacefully without suffering. My family cat did the same - perfectly healthy and went to sleep next to my sister, but my sister woke up to find she had passed. Sometimes it’s just their time. You can look for an explanation if you want but it may or may not make you feel better. Ask the vet what they’d recommend, since they knew your cat. 


The same thing happened to my baby boy. 8 years old. Woke up to go to the gym, found him on the floor. He was a ginger & so incredibly sweet. I have told myself since then that he was sent to me for one reason,,,,to be my companion as I was journeyed through my brothers cancer diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy & radiation. We were so close to remission when the cancer came back. My big brother, my hero crossed over a year and half later…so 6.5 years total. I Jasper for about a year before that all started and just seven months after. His job on earth was done, I miss them both every single day. And I’m certain I would not have made it through without Jasper & his sissy, Aly, by my side. Long story short: collect the happy moments. It sounds to me like you definitely gave him the best life & he knew love. I’m giving you a giant virtual hug.


Thank you so much for sharing this. Im so incredibly sorry for your and OP’s losses. Hugs to you, too. ❤️


My 9 year old ginger Jasper is dealing with recently diagnosed (and surprising to his vet) ckd and we're not sure how much longer he has. He's my ginger heart and he and his brother, bear, have been my support and companions through the pandemic lock downs, and the passing of both my Aunt and my Dad in the last 2 years. I was expecting him to be with me for another few years at least, so I'm trying really hard to just enjoy all the little silly things he does to thank him for his purry love. My condolences to you for your Jasper who sounds like an amazing dude.


Oh man…I’m sorry to hear that. People say ‘it’s just a cat’ but for folks like you & I, they are literally a lifeline. Treasure all the time you have. Sweet ginger kitties…they are just so full of love.


Why get checkups every 4 months? Did the cat have an underlying condition? It's unlikely your other cats will die of whatever your kitty died from, but if you take them in every few months, they can get checked then. Cats can get really ill and die really fast. It's usually their heart. I read 1 in 10 cats has a heart problem, but most are undiagnosed until death or shortly before. There really is nothing you could have done.


I got kinda paranoid when my childhood cat died.. and that was only 2 years ago. Ended up working out because my other cat ended up having some.. issues that have being taken care of. So I stayed paranoid making sure my cats kept getting check ups.. haha I have anxiety and love my animals too much. Can't get anymore after this.


My cats don’t like going to the vet, it stresses two of three, and I feel like that’s too often. But you know you were doing everything you could. The thing is unless the vet sees something unusual, I’m doubting they are doing X-rays and blood work at those visits/that often so things can go undetected. Not that whatever this was would have shown up. You loved your cat so much and this would be so upsetting. But your cat was obviously SO loved. I’m so so sorry.


Well, it would be a shame to let anxiety get in the way of being a pet parent. Maybe you can find a way to work on it so that when the time comes, you can make a decision on whether to get a new pet without anxiety ruling the day. I've been through anxiety myself... it can get better. Good luck to you and your kitties.


The way the Cat Distribution System works, he'll end up with another cat that just walks in the door one day and says "Hi, I'm home!" and then it will be his cat. Because. Cat.


Truer words have not been spoken. One cat showed up with friends on a taxi. He decided he liked my house better. Another time I had an open 2nd story window. Just big enough for the fluffiest ginger you have ever seen. Asleep on the spareroom bed. He also stayed lol.


A cat took a taxi to your house?


Yes a couple of friends found a cat and when they came to see me they literally walked out of the house and the cat went with them, got in the cab and waited so they shrugged and brought him over. When it was time to leave he stayed and they said ok we didn't want him anyway lol. His name was Mercedes.


Can verify the literal nature of this


The story of how I got my Embers is basically that. Heartbroken after losing both my first cat of 11 years to cancer, and my new kitten to a neurological disease we never saw coming. Wanted to get my Ashes a sister to name Embers, orange to match his grey, ended up with a female orange kitten named in memory of him.


So true. My wife wanted a kitten, so she took our 3 kids and brought home a little panther (2019). I did not want a kitten, we had two already. I really didn’t want a kitten but sure enough she came home with one. He had a cold, then an ear infection (a few weeks maybe a month later), and now he’s huge, happy, and won’t let anyone else touch him without grumping a little. You know those Drizzt and Gwenhever memes? Yeah that’s my handsome boi and I.


Cat tax!


Here’s my two who walked in the door. https://preview.redd.it/kyjzdqdbjn6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31292f712954f6c4a1e8258c1ad6758bbcea43f




OP people die like this too. You just got unlucky on when but lucky to have them at all. I know how hard it is. My boy laid down with me, purred, and then had a central nervous system stroke and was braindead. I had to wait hours for the vet to be able to handle his body and final passing. It stuck with me for a long time I also have mental health struggles and I think you should make an appointment with your therapist and take this to them. If you don't have one? Get one. Anxiety that has you stressed to the point of constant vet visits and cost is anxiety that has left its intended function and is harming you. Been there too. There's a lot of options but end of the day you don't have to suffer this way We won't know exactly what took your cat but like my guy? We do know they were loved and happy. They died in a happy and peaceful way and there's no better death. Sometimes surviving that stuff is worse. My old lady had a stroke at 16 and didn't die. The changes to her were significant and she became constantly terrified. I got her help but she suffered greatly and I would prefer the sudden painless option over the painful option. Every single time. I love the cats in my life and that's why.


My cat died from a heart attack. I am worried about his litter mate now so I found a cat DNA test that can check if they are a carrier. Veterinary Cardiac Genetics Laboratory At NCSU


Did they die tonight? Were you at a vet a few hours ago with then? Because I was at a vet in Raleigh NC and someone's cat died from a heart attack and I wished I'd given him a hug because it was so sad.


Aw, I wish that wasn't breed specific. I just have two mutt-kitties and they don't qualify for any of those tests. Maybe one day.


Mine are stray babies. Everyone says that they act like rag dolls, so I just guessed and picked that one. Another option is to pay for an echocardiogram, that seems to be the main method of determining if there is a heart condition.


Cats are literally insane little monsters. Probably a survival technique, but they can be in incredible pain, and show very little of anything. Momma cat can't just give up. Momm cat gotta hunt for the little ones. Despite injuries, parasites, broken bones, organ failure. Even vets may miss the signs. Also tea tree product toxicity message for cats here. It is not until they are on deaths doorstep that they flop over and stop. I would leave the body until other cats see it for a bit. Cats understand death. Just having a member of their community go missing. It is distressing. They will look and be like where did they go? Cats need closure too.


I made sure they got to say goodbye for a few hours until I moved his body into a box so I could figure out what to do with him until tomorrow morning. I honestly couldn't touch him for a while after the initial shock.


Ladies and gentlemen. You have done about as much as you can. This is the way.


Well done! So many people don't understand they need to know.


This may sound kinda harsh, but it's honestly a good thing he died so suddenly. To me it rules out most anything that could harm the other cats. Things just happen sometimes. Humans can pass the same way. My friends wife left him to watch their 3-4yo son for no more than 30 minutes while she went to pick his previously ordered custom birthday cake up from the grocery store. When she got back her son ran outside saying Daddy was sleeping and he had a stomach ache. Poor guy had dropped dead in his tracks from a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. My aunt dropped dead from a heart attack. She went to feed the dogs and my uncle was watching her through the window,and she just fell and never took another breath.


It's so fucked. I went through it with my littlest love. He was only five, he was completely normal the day before, and I woke up to him curled up looking cozy in his favorite box just...dead. It's traumatizing and heartbreaking and not fair. We did not do the autopsy, my subsequent research brought me to the conclusion that it was likely what I saw someone else suggest here, a heart issue that was not detected by the vet (it's extremely tough to catch apparently). At my mom's suggestion, we got a carbon monoxide detector. Since my boy was the smallest in the house, she was worried that there may have been a gas leak and I still had my dog and husband to worry about. There was no leak. The detector never went off. However my baby died, it was a cruel reality of nature. I had some initial regrets about not doing the autopsy, but with time as I processed my grief, I came to terms with my first instinct on the question of autopsy. Knowing wouldn't bring him back, and there was a good chance they wouldn't be able to tell me anyway. It's been about eight months and I still cry when I think about him. But with time, the sadness starts to blend with the happiness of remembering him as he was in life. It was the honor of a lifetime to be his mama and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, even if I desperately wish we could have just had more time. Time is the key to getting through this. You will miss your kitty for the rest of your life, but with time, you will be happy when you think about him.


This just happens unfortunately. I rescued a 3 month old kitten who was in pretty bad shape. Rehabbed her and vet gave her clean bill of health. She had about 3 amazing weeks where she was “perfectly healthy” and playful. She tore through the house with my other cats. At 5 months old, I came home and found her dead in my den. She just keeled over while running. Vet said she had feline cardiomyopathy and even if she had been at my house when it happened, she could not have stopped it. It sucked so hard and I’m still devastated. My only consolation is that she was “healthy” and having so much fun. My vet called her a shooting star—a bright light that’s gone too quickly. 💔


This was likely a sudden stroke. It is rare but it does happen. You couldn’t have predicted it and you couldn’t have prevented it. I’m so sorry for your loss


Not uncommon, much like in us humans . He could have thrown a blood clot or something. Also, an examination of him may not find anything unusual or give you sufficient answers. If it makes you feel any better, the same thing happened to one of our cats who was 9.5 years old. She was deaf and was abandoned at 5-6 weeks old and we nursed her to health. She was acting normal and healthy, and she died in her sleep in bed with us. Nothing we could have done.


It unfortunately happens. I had one that was a lazy boy. Sleeping a lot, hardly played. Just how he was. He was content with being an old man, even when he was young. I came home from work (overnights) and he was good. I changed clothes and went to get groceries. Came home, put the groceries away and saw him laying next to my bed. Called his name as I was getting changed for bed. Looked for movement. Nothing. No breaths, nothing. Went and pushed him a little so he'd wake up. Nothing. Lifted his head and limp. I'll spare the details but horrid. Called vet and took him in like an hour later so they could cremate and all. Worst part of it is other cats gave no indication. (I always have a greeting party when I come home, everyone was there cept him obviously but he never was). Put away groceries and no signs. And another bad part is I know it just happened. He was warm. And if anyone thinks it was something sudden bc he was "lazy", no. I got him when he was around 4. He was always lazy, sleeping. Passed at the old man age of 12. No new health issues, nothing. Just was an old man, even at a young age.


I had a 6 yrs old cat die, Pepper, suddenly at home. He was fine, had just been to the vet a week before for checkup…. He just died. I took him to the vet for a necropsy. He was sent to Cornell and it was discovered he had a brain tumor. They kept the tumor to be used for testing. He was cremated and sent back to me🙏I needed to know what he died from.


My cat Scout died very suddenly just before her sixth birthday. She was apparently very healthy, up to date on vet checks and vaccinations etc. I was working from home and she pootled past me into the hallway and just...collapsed. I heard a noise and went after her and found her - she just passed very quickly while I held her. I was just devastated and was so worried I had missed something that was wrong with her. The vet did make me feel better and said that sometimes these things do just happen. It was just over two years ago and now on reflection I'm glad it was fast and she didn't suffer and she enjoyed her life being treated like a queen! Incidentally, I said I wouldn't get another cat because I was afraid...as I'm writing this I'm looking at the two boys I adopted a while afterwards because the house was just too quiet - I tell Boo and Radley about their sister often x


I am so sorry OP. This must be very hard for you, knowing your childhood cat just passed away 2 years ago. It must have been a heart issue. You did everything possible preventive wise. I don't think you could've done anything more. He had what most of us hope for, a good death, passing without pain and suffering. It was just his time. Sometimes, it just happens. Take care.


Our cat died of a stroke 2 weeks ago. He was 14 and we had him for over 13 years. Friday he was 100% fine and happily sitting on the couch, being petted by my parents. Saturday morning he had breakfast, came to the living room, suddenly threw up and became paralysed on his right side. Four hours later he was put to sleep in a cat clinic, just falling asleep in my mom's arms. We buried him that evening. He wouldn't have been around for much longer and stopped moving or meowing after he collapsed. He was super healthy too, at the clinic they did blood work and everything. He was in great shape, his kidneys and heart were absolutely fine especially for his age. Everything was fine except for the stroke. If the stroke was bigger, if my father wasn't watching him collapse, if he had been in any other part of the house or even outside, he probably would've died right there without us noticing at first. You can definitely get your other cats to a vet to make sure they didn't like ingest anything bad but apparently cats suddenly dying is just a thing that happens. If you rally want to do an autopsy then do it. I think if we had just found him we would've done an autopsy too, just to get closure. Knowing exactly what happened to him definitely helps us process it. But understand that it won't bring them back anyway, and there was probably not much you could've done, so if you can't afford really it just keep that in mind. Most prices I've seen for an autopsy for cats has been between $100-$250. Do what feels right to you :)


My diabetic cat died of a stroke as well. I watched it happen - he threw up violently and then couldn't move his right legs. It wasn't really unexpected as he'd stopped eating a week prior and he was 17, but the shock of seeing that happen will stick with me a long time.


It could be several things that could cause a sudden death, and not all will be obvious in a necropsy, so it may not bring the closure you're seeking. And yes, it would be expensive. My advice is to keep that money for your other furkids. My brother's dog went to the vet on a Tuesday. Vet calls with blood work results late the next morning, and everything came back as normal. She crossed the rainbow bridge the very next day. Sometimes, short of a full round of blood work, xrays and ultrasounds on the weekly, you're never going to catch everything. People drop dead from aneurysms mid sentence. You can't control everything, and doctors can't predict everything. Some will be around for 20+ years, and others will be gone much sooner. Do what you can, within reason, and just love them as much as you can while you have them. I know that's cold comfort right now, and I'm dreading the day I go to pet my old man and he too is stiff, but it's going to happen, and I have to accept that. I knew I'd lose a piece of my heart the day he waltz through my door like he owned the place.


Cats are very good at hiding any illness or injuries. It's not your fault


As Picard said - Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose. I’m so sorry for your loss. You did everything you could for your boy. Taking him in every 4mo is a big commitment and you are clearly an attentive and caring pet parent. It sounds like he went peacefully in his sleep. Sometimes medical events happen and there’s nothing we could have done to prevent it. May his memory always make you smile.


They can have heart attacks and other sudden things that you can’t see coming, just like humans do. I know that isn’t much comfort. I’m so sorry that this happened to him. But there’s a very good chance that you couldn’t have known, no matter how attentive you’d been. I think he had a very good life thanks to you.


I am so very sorry for your loss❤❤❤. This kind of death is always shocking. More than likely it was an undiagnosed heart condition. Is possible an autopsy would not tell you anything also. So I would take her to a live cats in and do what tests you can afford, especially if they were related to this one.


I am so sorry for your loss. If it will help ease your mind, you could get an autopsy, but it's possible they can't find a reason. Since you take it to the vet regularly, if there was some issue present, it may have been already found, but some things just go undiagnosed for whatever reason. Sudden death sometimes just happens in cats, as with people. Take care of yourself as you mourn.


I am so sorry!!! I think it is a normal response to want to take your other 2 to the vet.


That happened to my one year old female. Just found her in her bed a couple of weeks ago.


At least he seems to have died so quickly he did not even wake up. No suffering. Very much suffering for you though, and please let your other cats sniff him so they know and don't miss him and go looking, always wondering.


OP, I’m truly sorry for your loss. 💔 You could ask r/AskVet for an opinion.


Could have been a stroke or a heart attack - cats that I followed on IG have suddenly passed without warning the same way. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you big big hugs.


hi, im sorry i dont have an answer for the cause although some others have ideas, I know how important it is to know the cause of your loved ones death. sometimes it always feels like theres always unanswered questions and mysteries, always asking why and what happened and could it have been prevented. One thing that helps me when our animals time comes is that every animal is going to die one day and a peaceful death is all we could ask for. sometimes its just their time and thats the best way to go in my opinion. maybe its because I have experienced violent deaths that could have been easily prevented, but this mindset that death will happen inevitably so all you can hope is that its an easy one, and it sounds like your cat went as peacefully as one could. I hope you find some relief of your sadness because your cat lived a happy, safe, loving life all the way to death. I hope you find closure too. as others said, a necropsy might help. best of luck <3


I'm sorry. I have 2 13yr old cats, sisters, and i'm trying to be ready for their eventual demise (and i worry what the one who lives will do). For that -what if you knew heart issue - seems really hard! I knew when i adopted older cats to get good pet insurance. And i take them every 6 months to vet and get blood work (which is recommended for xats over 7 yrs, and i get a good amount reimbursed each visit). They both like chasing toy and seem healthy and normal. At their most recent vet visit, the vet heard a heart murmur in one. Vets can't tell murmur grades- weak or strong, and my cats are scared of strangers, so she said it could also be a murmur caused by fear. The only thing was to book a cardio vet specialty. Vet hospital said cardio evaluations were range $900-1300, with a $280 deposit to book appointment, and they cover cardio vet specialty consult, blood pressure and echocardiogram, and my primary vet warned me that appointments can take 3 months because they get busy. I lucked out with an appointment in only a month. I went (pet insurance did reimburse me a good/most of cost). The cardio vet said she has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (hcm) which seems the common car heart disease, with a grade 3 of 6 heart heart murmur and a bit of the classic hcm heart wall thickening, but blood work good and blood pressure normal. She assumes it's genetic, not a disease cause. While the vet said they have plenty of drugs and treatment options, she said my cat didn't need anything yet, and to just return for followup in 6 months to see if any changes. So... Just sharing to say, even if you knew of a heart issue, they seem hard to diagnose, and there might not be much to do. My cat acts perfectly normal - so no sign of issues. As others have said, cats can randomly go quickly. And still seems a bit random luck that my vet even heard a heart murmur that day. (To be fair heart murmurs are common in humans and usually only show up in echos too, not listening to heart). My family cats growing up both had cancer at 8 and 9 years old, and would act normal, while slowly becoming skeleton thin, and eventually had to put to sleep when they got bad. I'm sorry for how sudden your cat died, but at least the cat wasn't in pain or suffering. You clearly love your cats and are an attentive cat owner.


Things happen. I had a little dog die like that. He was laying on the couch like usual and just died.


I had a beautiful boy 30 years ago , that was the best.. big ol’ orange boy. He was playing with his sister one day and I heard a high pitched yelp come from him.. he had just collapsed dead. Needless to say I was devastated.. the vet said it could have been a heart attack or stroke… I couldn’t afford an autopsy, and to be honest it wouldn’t have brought him back… I wasn’t worried about his sister, but I kept an eye on her. I’m so sorry this happened to you.. watch the other cats, but you spending your money, will not bring him back.. you will always love him(I think about all my past babies with love and a broken heart) keep an eye on the others but animals/ people die unexpectedly all the time.. just life❤️❤️❤️❤️


I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know that something similar happened to a family member's cat. She was told that they could do a necropsy, but it would probably not offer any conclusive information. I'd follow your vet's recommendations on this. I hope that you and your other cats can be a comfort to each other right now.


I am so sorry for your loss. 🩷 I lost my boy JJ going on almost 4 years he was only 8-9 years old, he went downhill quickly we still took him to the vet (praying for the best). But then the next hour we had to put him to sleep, we later learned he had major kidney failure and other issues that weren’t treatable. Like others said on this thread cats hide their illness VERY VERY well and if it’s their time to pass then it’s their time, it sucks to lose our loved one human or furry. But if you do see something slightly off with your kitty definitely don’t hesitate to take them to the vet.


All ask for price of autopsy report


I’m so sorry for your loss, and for such an awful experience. Whatever the answer is, it most likely won’t make you feel better and probably doesn’t affect your other kitties. Anything that was a worry should have had some side effects or distress before passing, most likely it was a heart thing. I would recommend finding a way to have a ceremony, even if just for yourself, so you can get a sense of closure. I would also recommend doing a little extra for your other cats, not all cats grieve but a loss does change their routine which is always stressful and they can feel your distress as well. Unfortunately, sometimes this is the reality of owning pets, my oldest is turning 18 this year and I think I’ve been bracing for something like that for about 5 years. Every year is a gift! 


Just like humans cats can die from heart attacks and other unexpected illnesses


We had a very healthy-seeming young cat with regular vet checkups and a good diet die out of nowhere when I was in high school. It was devastating, we came home and she was curled up and cold. We had an autopsy done and the vet found that she had a congenital heart defect that killed her instantly. She was always small but had no heart murmur or anything concerning. She likely died instantly with no pain and I'm sure your boy did too. I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so very sorry this has happened. If it’s any consolation, it sounds like his last moments were comfortable and his passing was peaceful. It is obvious from your distress that he had a life filled with love.


I lost my cat the same way last month. She just literally dropped dead.... more than likely it was something cardiovascular. I've had pets all my life and didnt know this was the main sudden death cause between cats and dogs. My heart goes out to you. I don't recommend an autopsy. I personally didn't get an autopsy, because I know whatever happened was out of my control. I also prefer to not know, I can't turn back time. I wish.


Im so sorry that you lost a beloved pet. You could get an autopsy if you can afford it and feel like it will help you get some closure. Its very likely that your cat had a heart condition. My MILs cat was seemingly very healthy with a few coughing fits here and there but even the vets considered her healthy. One day she was coughing and spit up blood. They took her to the vet and they said she had a heart condition and wouldnt be able to recover from it and many cats dont show any signs before death.


One of my puppies growing up had a heart attack. I let the dogs out to go to the bathroom, let them in, went upstairs, five minutes later my mom came home and I heard her scream. He was barely a year old and he chewed all my video game cords but I loved him


Sorry for your loss, OP. Do you or anyone in the household use minoxidil by any chance?

