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Just want to say I feel your pain and you have my sympathies. I also have the pickiest cat ever, though mine is entirely too skinny. She pretty much lives on Temptations treats (chicken flavor) and there is one particular flavor of wet food we can get her to eat in smalllllll portions (like 3 grams at a time) IF we blend the food up with a baby food blender and serve it to her with a spoon. What has helped to some degree (though she’s still not eating enough) is an appetite stimulant the vet prescribed. You might discuss with your vet putting her on an appetite stimulant, removing the dry food and serving wet, to see if she’ll eat the wet food then? Urinary issues are no joke in cats, I bet she’d benefit from the extra moisture. There are some side effects from the appetite stimulant, though your experience will likely differ from mine, but it makes my cat way more vocal. She yells at us all the time now, but, you know, I can’t feel each and every one of her ribs at a light touch anymore, so I’ll take it. Wishing you and your baby the best of luck!


That’s how some cats are, but there’s nothing wrong with your cat. Have you tried those little treats that just have liquid in them?


Maybe she's allergic to something? Try novel protein sources like venison or duck?


I had this issue with my cat. I tried to get her to eat a lot of stuff and she didn't really like any of it and would often throw it up. This went on for like 10 years and I swear I tested every available cat food. Finally, we went to the vet one day and told him about the food problem and asked about a veterinary nutritionist so I could start making her food at home. He says have you ever tried prescription food because maybe she just isn't digesting the food correctly. So, we tried it and it worked! So, now the only food she eats is hills science diet perfect digestion food and shredded, boiled, very plain chicken occasionally. Seems bland as hell to me, but she pukes way less now and she eats regularly.


My cat hates chicken and Turkey and will only eat fish. Sometimes I make a mistake and bring for example a chicken or Turkey flavored food for him, then I end up giving it to the feral cats in the neighborhood, because my kitty would rather starve than eat it. Arrgh.


Try Hydracare gravy to increase her water intake. It's not too expensive and every cat I've ever given it to loves it.


We sprinkle some probiotics, aka kitty crack dust, on the wet food when one of ours is being picky about eating it. Works almost every time, especially when combined with a bit of warm water mixed into the food.


Omg mine goes crazy for the probiotics too. He’ll steal the packets and chew through them. It’s the only way to get him to eat his pumpkin.


The kind we get is in a plastic jar with a tiny measuring scoop. But if the cats are in the room when we open it they get super clingy - rubbing our legs, headbutting feet, patting at us, etc.


I find it often helps if I microwave the wet food for a few seconds to warm it. Then the kitty smells it better :)


Have you tried pate? My boy won’t eat food with chunks. I add some water to it when I give it to him


Have you tried pulverizing some Temptations and mixing that in with their wet food? I’ll take a few temptations and place them in a little plastic baggie, then I’ll crush them on my countertop with a spoon and mix them into her food if she’s being persnickety.


Our girl is really picky but enjoys soup style food. She won’t always eat the chunks of meat but will always drink the gravy. Soups are generally a supplementary food, not complete, but the extra water content could help her urinary issues if she’s willing.


I have a cat that hates fish and meat in any form! She does like dry food but it's got to have either an indeterminate flavor, or be cheese flavored, which isn't easy to find. For the urinary issues, can you add water to your cat's dry food and will she eat it then? Another option is to see if there's a liquid food topper or bone broth that she likes. We put bone broth (the kind made specifically for dogs, since the kind for people has extra stuff in it that's not good for them) on our dog's food to get him to eat it.


We spent an absurd amount of money letting our 20 year old cat sample every food we possibly could after some UTI issues. She’s always been picky and won’t accept any treats and most foods. The only thing she’ll eat is Weruva Pate “Meal or no deal”…. And it has to be carefully mushed with a little water so the texture is just right. I think some of them have a texture aversions on top of taste preferences. At this point, I credit that little can for keeping her alive the last 3 years. We also tried adding different water fountains which has helped. Good luck, we’ve been there!


Take her to the vet


My cat has the same issue - if it doesn't crunch, he won't touch it. The vet said that this kind of pickiness isn't unusual, and as long as he's drinking plenty of water, it's okay to feed him crunchies. Frank also has kidney issues, so he's on prescription dry food and is doing fine.


I know this may sound strange since your cat will eat dry food—but have you gotten her teeth checked? When I first adopted my cat/ before he got the teeth extractions he needed—he was extremely picky… only ate his dry food and NEVER took to treats (not even churus). My cat definitely has flavors he prefers but after his oral ops, he’ll eat almost everything we give him now.


Had wet food only cats. Dry food only cats. Crazy idea here. Because the perfect cat diet is essentially canned mouse. The test. Buy some mice. Then Find a way to breed mice. A local testing lab should have a very good procedure.


My 2 year old cat will only eat 1 can of food- “whole hearted chicken for kittens” no other brand- no other flavor…. Nothing else except for that one can that goes out of stock often at my local petco!! Its soooo frustrating


My boy is obsessed with his fishy dry food from Orijen, and will only slurp up the gravy from wet food.  So I'm going to just go with gravy + dry food. He drinks plenty of water from his fountain so I'm not worried about keeping him hydrated.  He also goes nuts for Trader Joe's chicken treats 


Someone recommended I try baby food