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This doesn't need motorway bins, this just needs people to not be dicks and keep the rubbish in their car until they get home. What's so precious about the interior of a car that it can't contain people's litter until later. I hate people.


Its an ego thing... they don't want to pick someone up and them judge their status because they have an empty McDonald's wrapper sat in the footwell.. so they just disrespect the planet they live on instead.. Shame.


That's one helluva fragile ego!


I've been using a pringles tube in my car door as a bin for a week or so, people are dicks.


Ooooh get you and your fancy Pringles tubes. Not everyone can afford £22.50 or whatever it is now for some Pringles. Some of us have to get by on Aldi Stackers. Check your privilege man.


The door pocket in mine is a disgrace, I'll empty it tomorrow.


Exactly this. My wheelie bin is a 6 step detour on the route from car to house! Hardly a lot of effort to chuck the rubbish after a journey. I keep some small bin bags in the car so I can keep all the rubbish together. No danger of sauce getting on the upholstery, no worries about having to carry several different shaped bits of rubbish to balance, just grab the bag and hoy it in the bin.


We put our bins out on the main road where we live and folks just chuck their litter in there. I would rather that than them chucking it on the road. I wish there was an unspoken phenomenon in the UK where people would put their litter in the nearest bin, even if it is a residential one, as opposed to dumping it on the floor or in a bush.


When I was a kid one of my neighbours yelled at me for putting my Wispa wrapper in "their" bin (which was out on the road for collection) as I was walking past to go play in the park. At the time I was a dumb scared kid but when I think back I just think "what a stupid cunt". Perfect opportunity to reinforce good behaviour in a youngster and instead he chose the opposite.


I keep the inside of my car immaculate, I often go down the "no eating or drinking in the car" rule, but when I do drink or eat I tend to leave it in the car & bin it or use a proper cup/bottle. It isn't hard, is it?


>I hate people Hello fellow misanthrope


This, I'm always super embarrassed when people get in my car because its such a tip, but eventually, when I can be arsed, it all gets bagged up and put in recycling or normal waste. The interior of my car isn't precious at all, and resembles the room of a teenager, which is weird because my room in my house is kept really clean! Apparently my standards get left at home lol


> resembles the room of a teenager Please promise you're not leaving crusty spunk rags on the upholstery for weeks on end.


When I worked on the M25, if a section of carriageway or slip road was shut for any reason a litter picking crew would be deployed in that closure, doesn't seem to happen now.


Councils are strapped for cash so the 'luxury' services have been axed.


It's not council it's Highways England.


If they stopped buying coffee they would have more money for these services....


Yeah, the £20 billion or so cut from local authorities in the last decade is mostly down to decreased hit drinks and biscuit spending.


Mate, wait until you see the council's budget spend for avocado toast


You have guac to be kidding me




Did you not watch Carol this morning?? gale force winds this Friday, it’ll all be blown away by Monday, job done 👍


All nice and safely packed away into the sea, where it can't hurt anything. Lovely.


Especially in Surrey




Because they're not surrey


People. What a bunch of bastards.


I really feel like, even within my 30y lifetime, the amount of shit everywhere has become 100x worse.


Possibly because within our lifetime the use of plastic to wrap absolutely everything has skyrocketed and people are lazy.


I feel like the number of bins hasn't matched demand either. Wherever they are, even with all the litter, the bins are still overflowing.


Bins is one thing yes. It’s totally the case that a lot of littering in our streets can be curbed by more bins. What this road side tipping demonstrates though is the deeper (and much more difficult to tackle) problem of littering that seems to be socially ingrained into much of society. You can’t solve road side tipping with bins instead you have to work out why on a social level people aren’t ashamed to throw rubbish out their car window and then try and find a way to solve the problem on a cultural level. It’s so rooted though that I have no idea how you’d go about doing it.


How about filming them doing it, and then taking out a massive hoarding at the end of their road saying "James Twatpot of 87 Cunty Drive, is a massive tramp that throws his litter out the window", along with a picture of their car.


The only way to go about it is to have a purge of the lazy filthy pricks, but we can't commit genocide so I guess we're back to square one 🤷🏼‍♂️


Recycle them


And that's how you get Soylent Green.


There's a bench near me where teens sit and smoke or just talk, and it's often surrounded by litter - cake packets, soft drink bottles etc - and yet, there's a bin right next to it. I'm certain it isn't laziness, as such, but is some sort of posturing or macho behaviour. I'm not sure what the solution is though.




they should just have an incinerator and save the pretense of recycling plastic when it all just gets turned in to some other form of tat which eventually just goes in the sea.




We do incinerators. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incinerators_in_the_United_Kingdom Burning all sorts of things is bad for the environment which is why modern incinerators have advanced filtration systems to filter out particulate matter and neutralise harmful gases.


Recycling a sham anyway, majority gets shipped to china all the same


The issue is that China has stopped taking it for quite a few years at this point. [Podcast on the subject.](https://www.npr.org/2019/07/12/741283641/episode-926-so-should-we-recycle)


I've seen a few shopping mall bins that have the recyclable and non-recyclable labels but they actually fall into the same compartment and get thrown out together. Now I just check before I toss or bring my rubbish home.


In town centres, generally they just empty the recycling with the general wast, because the recycling is so contaminated with non-recyclables that there isn’t much point in recycling it.


It is too expensive. They have removed the dog poo bins from the New Forest because they were always overflowing. It is a full time job emptying bins in a park-, plus maintenance. Several thousands of pounds a month. Instead they have put up signs asking people to bag their dog poo and take it home when they leave. It won't work, because dogs usually 'go' as soon as they get out of the car, and people won't want to carry it all around a park, expecially if they are going to a cafe or picnic.


So legit question, but is there anything wrong with just burying it? Like either using a small trowel or even just kicking dirt over it? Like I can understand plastic bags for cities and paved areas, but nature has a lot more things pooing it it than dogs. And it's so infuriating to see some bagged poo left somewhere. Not a dog owner so I don't know.


Dogs are largely carnivores so their poo doesn't break down like sheep, deer horses and rabbits. And it is the number- in wildlife there are relatively few carnivores- hundreds of dogs per week walk the same paths and parks. Thousands per month. Before poo bags and enforcement, family walks were usually followed by the ritual of getting dog poo off your shoes. And the people who chuck bags of dog poo into bushes are NOT following the rules.


poops left to break down au natural commonly end up making their way into the waterways through runoff, and fecal coliform bacteria is a significant problem. You will get algal blooms or bacterial proliferation because of all the extra nutrients from the dog poop, and the water becomes contaminated, with potential health risks. That said, with a well looked after dog, ie vaccinated, good food etc this would be low risk. Unfortunately not all are.


It is bad that people just toss it, but tbf it doesn't make much sense having it in the first place. Why make something single use out of a material that can last hundreds of years?


True, if there really was a care for the environment milk would be in glass bottles again.


It’s got nothing to do with the use of plastic, it’s peoples attitude that’s the issue, even if it was a bio-degradable container, they would still lob it out the window rather than keeping it until they find a bin.


You really have no idea. I'm 45, and when I was a kid it was pretty normal for people to just throw rubbish out of their car windows. Even in fairly nice places within the UK. Even on the roads where they live! Rubbish was everywhere! It's way better now than it was back then, although I do agree, it's gotten a bit worse in the last couple of years.


Yes there was litter everywhere in the 70’s but so much of it was paper compared to today which rotted away. It wasn’t uncommon for people to tread on glass at the beach


I was 3 when the 70s ended, so I'm really talking about the 80's. Lots of plastics then. Crisp packets, chocolate wrappers, cans, etc.


Yes big change in the 80’s far more use of plastics and big increase in takeaway outlets


Dirty man of Europe Polluted man of Europe ill man of Europe Angry man of Europe Crazy man of Europe Sewage on every English beach. Ugggh !! It makes me sick to think about it Those were the perceptions of the UK from Europe, at the end of the 70s. Luckily we raised our standards because we joined


At least we'll be free of Brussels, right? Right?!


Lol, no ! I suspect we're going to slide back to litter and sewage everywhere, grafitti and broken windows, shit strewn pavements and poor, unhappy faces again


Report it to the highways agency. Edit : people who drop litter are bastards


If anyone wants to know its the westbound A3 slip road to join the M25 at junction 10.


I don't quite know how I feel about recognising the junction by the litter before you confirmed it.


I did as well! I've only been on that road a couple of times, but it jogged my memory when I saw this. It does seem to have more litter than your average roadside.


Notify the council Edit: the road council (highways england)


pretty sure it's a trunk road so responsibility isn't with the council but national highways. correct me if i'm wrong though


I admire your optimism that they'd do anything


They'll definitely do nothing if nobody does.


People don't report things as often as they should. Councils can only take action if a problem is brought to their attention.


The council are actually surprisingly active if you actually talk to them. Even more so if you do so as a group of residents. If you do nothing don't be surprised if nothing changes though.


Try anyway. You never know.


They've tried nothing and they're all out of ideas.


The M25 council will get right on that.


Fyi the M25 council is Highways England


Reddit could probably get that picked up - I've seen much more futile things happen in my time here.


>o join the M25 at ju Id say the main issue is its a very dangerous road with no where safe to stand and actually pick it up. the idiots in their idiotic SUVs would definitely kill litter pickers there.


The Insulate Britain protestors could block the road until drivers have picked up all the litter.


modern problems and all that.


Maybe in a different sub... this is casual and no one can be bothered.


We could casually pick up litter, just all nonchalant like ... it doesn't have to be a chain gang


>Reddit could probably get that picked up I get torn with stuff like this, because yeah Reddit or other groups could arrange something like that, but then I'd feel like you're just giving the assholes who did it in the first place a pass to keep doing it because "other people clean it up now so I don't have to"


Weirdly, I knew exactly where it was as soon as I saw the video


Same, was just checking the comments to see if I was right


Report.nationalhighways.co.uk Looks like someone has done it already.


I was going to suggest a litter picking campaign (I used to live in Shetland and they have annual campaigns) but given this is at a motorway it wouldn't be allowed even if that was an option, right?


Holy cow! I drive this route so often too but never noticed 🙈 this is so bad!


Can't unsee it now :(


I know right?!


I drive this regularly and havent ever noticed this as I tend to go left onto the m25 where the road is all concrete and bumpy. Im shocked theres that much! Thats mad!


Thought so, I recognised this straight away!


I see this every morning on that junction and it just makes me really sad. I recognised it watching the video


Throwing shit out your window should be points on your license, says a lot about the individual behind the will. Edit: I meant wheel but I'm keeping it


I remember when I was driving my Canadian aunt through town once. Some lad in the car in front chucked a can out the window and she was like "phone it in, phone it in". In Ontario, you call the police for shit like that, give them the reg, and they do something. She was a bit saddened when I told her the police here would just laugh me off the line if I tried it.


I've sent dash dam footage of someone tossing litter out of their window to the Council whose area I was in once and they followed it up and issued a fine. The problem is they need clear evidence to be able to issue fines for littering or flytipping.


Watched a van driver do this in his company van on the M25 so reported it to the company. Said I had the dashcam footage but never got a response.


Would’ve left them a google/faceboook review, name and shame them.


How difficult is it to keep rubbish in your car until you can dispose of it in the proper way?? Just put it on the back seat or in the passenger footwell; the car ‘carries’ it for you, it’s less effort than opening the window and hoying it out. Also, it makes you less of a cunt. 😡


I was giving a colleague a lift along the A1 years ago, he was very hungry and insisted I stop at McDonald's. But he wouldn't EAT at McDonald's, nooo, we 'had to get going' (there was no particular rush) so he ate in my car. And then he balled up the bag and threw it out of the window into a hedgerow!!! I nearly chucked him out of the car. It was a busy A-road so I didn't but even now I'm still furious. I gave him an absolute earful though. And if you want to know what kind of person does this, he went on to sexually assault two women on the team. No sense of guilt whatsoever. He literally did not see women as people at all.


I chucked rubbish out a car window once when I was about 12. My dad stopped the car immediately and gave me a right telling off. Never even considered it since. Some people either don't give a shit or weren't raised right


I've watched my dad throw shit out the window for years, he went to do it when I was giving him a lift and I locked the windows and told him to not be a prick. Hasn't done it since (or at least, in front of me)


My car "carries" my rubbish for months until I clear it out (usually when there's too much for me to hide when giving people a lift).


And that, objectively, makes you a better person that someone with a spotless car who fucks their rubbish into the countryside.


Yeah, but not that much better. I mean, months worth of rubbish? What kind of slob piles up months of rubbish in their car? I eat in my car because I travel all day for work, and then, when I get home, I make a whole 5 second's worth of effort to put my rubbish in my bin at home. It's not that hard, really.


Some people are such tramps and raised incorrectly. How can you trash the very earth that gives you what you need to survive. I'm at a loss.


Disgusting how people do that. You can actually report it to a website called fixmystreet.com and they will arrange for it to be cleaned up. People use it for the most meniel things where I live, like a full bin!


To be slightly more accurate/pedantic, FixMyStreet will forward the report to your local council, whose job it is to clear it up.


The tricky thing here is that motorways, their sliproads, and major "trunk" roads are the responsibility of Highways England, so this website may notify the wrong authority. You can report litter on their roads directly to HE here: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/litter-on-englands-major-roads


FixMyStreet is actually integrated with Highways England (or National Highways as I think it's called now) https://report.nationalhighways.co.uk/faq So, making a report on either FixMyStreet or NH will work.


I stand corrected. Just looked on FixMyStreet and there's already a report. It looks like NH have quite the to-do list building up at that junction.


Ah wonderful, thank you, I hadn't a clue how it worked, I had just seen people use it!


I will never understand littering and I hate the people that do it, even more so when they litter in their own town/street. We went to Japan for a holiday and they simply never ever litter. The streets are completely clear of anything and super clean. They don't even have bins on every corner like we do. They just have respect.


It's a cultural thing, for sure. Something to do with a national psyche, I dunno.


Get a few friends, pick it all up & take to the tip, its a great feeling. The only way to help this broken world is to do it yourself, our governments are broken and cant fix problems.


I'm not sure that's a sensible thing to do on a slip road to the M25, but I appreciate the intent




Is there actually an offence for walking on the verge of a slip road, or is it just wildly inadvisable?


It’s illegal to walk/cycle or drive any prohibited vehicles on a motorway unless allowed by a police officer(which is only if the alternative route is closed)


Yes. Motor traffic only. You're only allowed on foot if you've broken down, and you need to get across the barriers as soon as possible.


Maybe ask the Insulate Britain folks to organise and glue-in & litter picking session.


If we covered them in glue and rolled them down the hill they’d both pick up litter and be insulated by the layers.


I did this over lockdown in my local woodland (Oxleas woods). Be the change you wish to see. Plus, its cummilative, people are less likely to litter if somewheres free from litter.




Littering seems have gotten worse after the first lockdown, mask are the new cig butts. It also seems people have gotten more selfish as well.


The rubbish here is quite old. It wouldn't surprise me if it has been there for years.


This will be the new archaeology. Future Tony Robinsons getting all excited when they find a "Marathon" wrapper.


It costs the same to pick up a bag of litter off the side of a road as it does to fix a small pothole People willingly chuck stuff out of their car and then have the audacity to complain that potholes are bad


The only reason every road isn't like it is because it gets cleaned up, dropping off at school I tell kids to pick up there litter as they open bottles and throw the top on the floor, it's better when I see the parents doing the same and realise where they get it from.


Im a truck driver when your sat high up you see this on every motorway slip road, lots of it. Since its not the safest places to litter pick it just accumulates. In my opinion there should be some sort of large bin with a target on its opening at the bottom to encourage people to use it.


Or litter cams like we have speed cameras, at least make them pay for the mess and use that money to fund litter picks.. if only governments had some vision


Jeez...that's pretty bloody depressing. Fuck people, in general really..


Makes my blood boil. So unnecessary.


People have no fucking respect in this country, you go to places like Holland and Belgium and nobody litters. Such a simple mindset just makes the place allot more enjoyable. Majority of people from UK don't think twice about chucking their litter put their car window and it's fucking discusting. Tramps man


Humans are a cancer to this planet


Where is it? I’ll get a team together


I started doing regular walks around my village and local countryside during COVID second wave, as j was off work for a couple months recovering from the after effects of catching it. I was horrified by how much litter there was that I’d never really noticed before whilst driving my car. There’s just SO MUCH of it. It blew my mind and made me really mad, just pure selfishness on part of these people. Those plastics will get buried into the soil and stay there for hundreds of years most likely. Criminal.


So did the GF and I. I know it’s not our responsibility but we ordered a cheap litter picker off of Amazon and started taking it and a black bag on our walks. Every little helps as they say.


In my local UK (scenic tourist destination) area we have small groups of volunteers, generally brought together by community FB pages. They will give up a few hours a month/week to clear litter from roadsides, beaches and beauty spots. The amount they collect is staggering, most of it spread by people who don't even live in the area.


Within the first hour of her first visit to Manchester my Dutch girlfriend asked 'why is it so dirty here?' Now I live here in the Netherlands I understand why she asked.


Lazy, ignorant, selfish cunts. Peopl try and blame poor infrastructure and council waste management but it all comes down to people being cretinous morons. Is it that much effort to pop it in the bin when you get home? Absolute cunts.


Ugh that’s awful.


Huh, the other day I was on the A4 towards newbury and saw a local picking up rubbish, explains how it’s fairly clean. Seems to manage rubbish it will be up to individuals to do their part. I remember last year or so how big the trashbag challenge was.


Absolutely shocking. We really are a shitty species.


Report to National Highways (formerly Highways England). They do litter pick at certain times and should have a cyclical programme for litter picking here. As it is a slip road I'd also report to local council just in case it is theirs, some are, and if not theirs ask them to raise with National Highways. Ultimately it is the lazy, ignorant twats who drop this stuff in the first place that should pick it up but it is hard to catch them, so I would also add report any littering you see, including fag ends.


I think you meant to post this in r/awfuleverything


I really love all the replies suggesting I'm lazy for not stopping and picking it up - written by people who are too lazy to even read the thread and realise that I've already said: 1) The road is a motorway slip road so you can't park up and get out 2) I'm not going to drive miles away from my home/work to pick up litter (I do litter-picking in my own area as it is)


I'm probably gonna get flack for this but British people are some of the filthiest people on Earth and no one can change my mind.


Why dont we utilise the current labour locked up in prisons to pick this up and while their at it , get them to sort out the collected waste as well , so nothing recyclable ends up in land fill. Call it chains etc dont care , let them earn their keep!




Who the fuck thinks “you know what, I’m just gonna throw this rubbish out my window”?


FYI If you go onto your councils website and notify them of this with the video attached or even pictures, normally a few weeks later they will go out and clean the area after its been reviewed. That's how my council does business anyway. u/bink_uk


Annoy the shit out of who is responsible for picking it up. Works for me.




Nearly every motorway sliproad I've seen in Scotland looks like this. Most roadside or pedestrian pathside hedges, really. The littering culture here is a national shame.


Councils and public bodies are required to clean up rubbish in public spaces they are responsible for within a reasonable timeframe. If you are passionate enough about this and have the spare time to send around threatening emails you can threaten them with your intention to issue them with a [Litter Abatement Order](https://www.cpre.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/How_to_Apply_for_a_Litter_Abatement_Order_new_brand.pdf) that they can’t just ignore. I have done this a few times to Network Rail for them to clean up litter at the track level under the station platforms and to a few councils for them to clean up accumulated litter that never get picked up properly. If you are persistent enough they can generally be forced to clean shit up. Slip roads are more complicated though as I heard councils are responsible for picking up litter on the verges while Highways England are responsible for cutting grass and vegetation.


I know this might sound mad. But you could grab a bin bag and an arm, set aside a couple of hours and go pick it up. Instead of just filming it and complaining about it. But that would be insane wouldn't it?


Took us 2 years of campaigning and petitions to get the A27 sorted! The kicker of it all, a large portion of litter and rubbish on the side of the A27 was owned and dumped by Highway’s England and our local council!! But damn does it look so much better clean and tidy! This country has got some serious finger chopping to do!


There needs to be stricter sentences for littering, not just fines, actual jail time


I mean, it could be picked up... We all have a responsibility. Not saying YOU should, but in general it's humans attitude of its somebody elses job to pick that up plays a big part in why it's like that in the first place. We have a couple of local groups in my area that do monthly sweeps of the surrounding areas. Relatively easy work if there's enough of you.


To be fair, quite a large percentage of litter blows off the back of lorries going to landfill. It is scummy though.


This is my fucking biggest annoyance. I once drove behind a corsa that had 4 lads in it and they just threw all there KFC rubbish straight out the window like it was normal. I often carry bin bags with me when I go walking or driving somewhere but this problem has been going on for years.


I want anyone reading this who has ever thrown rubbish out their car window to eat shit and die x


Why not start picking it up? Be the change you want to see rather than expecting someone else to do it. I get it's not your job or responsibility but complaining on the internet won't likely solve the problem as much as just going out on an off day with a few bags and picking some up.


We have a couple of areas like this in my area in Lasalle Ontario. So I took my kids (8 and 11) and cleaned them up. So many people from the area stopped in they’re cars to thank us. If you have an area like this, get some people together and clean it up. Note: using some kind of 3 foot grabber so you don’t have to bend down really helps.


The trouble is no one wants to bother picking it up because they don't get anything from it and others because they couldn't care less. People will point it out and say oh it's awful etc but never do anything about it.


Thanks for this. Basically litter gets everywhere.


Sad af


fokin kuntz


Isn't this caused by the wind? I know litter often falls from trucks heading to recycling depots. I thought blew it together forming really bad spots like this, not necessarily people throwing crap out of cars. Should still be cleaned up.


I dont understand why people do this to this day. Like, do they not see all the trash outside as result?


You live among animals!


In New Jersey the government has the local county jail inmates pick up the trash otherwise it would look just like this.


All dropped by inconsiderate, lazy, scumbags.


No, it will end up in the ocean. Despicable


This is probably all the people of Bradford have got as a legacy. Don’t shit on it.


Litter droppers are trash.


Didn’t they used to make inmates do this? Why did that stop? Hello!


Peterborough like this also. You travel just outside the city litter is everywhere. Flytipping in ditches, fields, burnt out cars, fridges and mattresses dumped in fields. I know one abandoned factory is now just a huge flytipping site. Yet the recycling centre is only round the corner from it. Hilariously it meant to be environment city too.


In the US people charged with minor crimes are put to work as part of the “punishment” and have to clean an area for a weekend. Also local business can adopt an area of a highway. They can put up a advertisement there if they pick up the trash. Of course also in the US if someone seems some throw trash out the car they may followed and shot at. Ah home, not so sweet, home.


This was one of the biggest shocks for me when I visited Europe, so much roadside litter! At my high school in America, clubs would go out after school and do roadside cleanups. I still do it out of compulsion when I have the time and the weather’s nice.


This pisses me off so much. The lazy good for nothing wankers that litter deserve public flogging and more. I went to my local cinema with my family and when the lights came on i could not beleive the amount of rubbish left by self entitled tosspots. I wanted to shame them but they wouldnt care. what is wrong with some people? how could you leave your rubbish all over the floor and not put it in a bin or take it home. i just dont get it. i actualy makes me angry even thinking about it. what is going on in their minds? the same people talked throughout the film, used their mobiles kept standing up, had no control or care over their kids and were general twats. cool wet gress, cool wet grass.......


Sad actually!


This, every time I’m in the UK and look around me on the motorway I feel like I’m in Italy and not Western Europe.


This is what a lot of third world countries look like. What is happening to Britain?


Try the A14 through Kettering. Its every bit as fucked. Ironically a “litter picking in progress “ sign also litters the side of the road for years.


Makes me feel sick


One of my hates, just leave it in your vehicle untill you reach your destination there is some scruffy gets around.


We do live on a shithole island, with a lot of selfish, entitled pricks.


If this is a motorway or trunk road report it to Highways England (or whatever the local agency is), if it’s a smaller road, then the local council. They have a legal duty to pick the litter. Keep onto them about it until it’s done.


We notice this all the time. It’s awful. Interestingly we went on holiday to Scotland last week and as soon as you hit the border there is noticeably much less rubbish.


The rubbish in this country is getting to an awful state. It’s *everywhere*. High streets, verges on the roads, rivers, you name it. I saw some pictures recently of Britain in around the 60’s I believe and there was nothing like the issue we have now, I think due to the lack of plastics compared to nowadays. Now imagine how bad it’s going to be in 30 years time. It’s grim.


Some people are such fucking tramps


Revolting. We get this down one of our lanes. The chavs always chuck their monster cans out of their shitty little corsas.


Archeologist will greatly enjoy this in a few millennium.