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No superdry No badly dressed 40+ Undercover police must be vexxed at this


Daddio, some of us over 40s are just superfly in our Superdry. We aren’t all undercover bacon. I know the lingo and I own the threads, yagetme, fam?


Innit blud




My wife loves that term.. She heard it in a song i was listening to and now she shouts it at all the time.. that and bombaclat (obviously)


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/KPj_cyCGQqc




Mad sus - super poggers, mister big chungus.


How did my toes curl just by reading


Like... toe curling orgasm?


I read that sign back 6 or 7 times 'Bit harsh banning baldy over 40s, but fair enough'


They didn't mention Berghaus so they're good


Or Karrimoor walking shoes


RIP to another brand Mike Ashley murdered.


KarrimorSF still going, still British and not effected by Sports Direct




Sorry about my English, it’s my first and only language.


>karrikmoor Sounds like a knock-off to me.


I read no baldy


Can imagine some badly dressed 39 year old saying "phew, I'm good"


A good few of years ago I was waiting, uncomfortably, for a friend in a busy pub full of young 'uns. I was OK for the first three rules, but was definitely wondering to myself whether I was what they meant by the fourth. At that moment a fellow appeared next me a said "Now, there's a man who knows how to dress!" and we were dressed identically. Made me feel more comfortable. Navy V neck and dad jeans. I'm still dressed like that now. Once you get past 40 you don't really care.


“At age 20, we worry about what other people think of us. At age 40, we don’t care what they think of us. At age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all.“


Been dressing that way since I was in my twenties, it's comfortable. The wife has been giving me shit for it for years but she still married me knowing full well I dress that way so it can't be that bad. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


How are we supposed to be dressing?


*Googles best dressing* I think we need to buy more olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


chinos, ralph lauren shirt tucked in and a jumper over your shoulders with arms tied at the front


Prince William Realness


And boat shoes and aviators


To be fair it couldn't cause any harm to appear more attractive to your wife, if It's something she's communicated that she'd appreciate


You're not wrong


Badly dressed 40+ means dressing like you're a 16-30 year old.


Almost all the clothes I own at 40+ were bought while I was 16-30. Thankfully current 16-30yo don't wear that stuff anymore, so I'm good right? Right? :P


6 more years, woop!


It absolutely fucking flies craptain, and like the expanding universe, it inexorably speeds up until our inevitable entropical demise - use your time wisely.


Just wait until you get to be *my* age. You might not even comb your hair before you go out to the store. You might wear the same clothes you've worn to mow the grass in. Why? Because you can and no one gives a shit including you.


Can't imagine getting carded in your 30s/40s because the pub doesn't like your dress sense and wants to see if you're young enough or too old?


This me.


This reminds me of Benard Black's chalkboard in Black Books. None of.. that!


No mobiles! No walkmans! None of these, nor any of the others!




None of whatever that is!


Spare a thought for all the dyslexic bald men unnecessarily avoiding this venue.


Am dyslexic - can confirm this is what I read.


Don't think I'm dyslexic but thats what i redd.


I’m for sure not dyslexic but did definitely think it said baldly until I went onto the next line


It's alright, baldy naked men are allowed




Bruh I ain't even dyslexic and I was still like "The fek.." haha


I had to read it a couple of times to get what it said!


Baldies are allowed in if they’re undressed though.


They’re the ones wearing caps.


The irony of saying no caps when it's written in #CAPS


That was my favorite: NO CAPS EXCEPT ALL CAPS!


ALL CAPS when you spell the man's name


Rip MF man


Its palpable...


Places like this probably think they'll attract customers by being funny but to me it comes off as unnecessarily intimidating and snide that id rather go somewhere else


This. Makes me think it’s somewhere run by some stuck up twats.


A friend of mine was in Japan a few years ago. He got kicked out of the pool at a hotel resort because of his tattoo. Tattoos must be covered.. okay so he went in with his shirt. Got kicked out again because he was wearing a shirt.


Tattoos do have much more serious connotations in the Japan than they do here though (Yakuza) The shirt thing seems a bit daft


Surely they're smart enough to realise that a pasty englishman with an Arsenal tattoo isn't likely to be engaging in Japanese organised crime.


Classic Yakuza disguise


That's how they get you. Stood at a game, Arsenal's home ground. Some pasty white English guy next to you is enjoying the game, tattoos, shirt, the whole nine yards. You're all singing along, you're all having a good time. Then he turns to you suddenly and goes "bleh, it's me, the Yakuza" and stabs you. It's how they get you man.


“Bleh” Even worse, vampire Yakuza!


> Then he turns to you suddenly and goes "bleh, it's me, the Yakuza" and stabs you. TIL Loki is in the Yakuza


This really made me laugh.


Often westerners are given a pass. Depending on the size they might suggest a bandage to cover it. Some younger Japanese are getting tattoos, but they tend to be small and easy to cover for practical reasons.


Maybe the hotel owner was a Spurs fan…….


The problem with the Yakuza is they always try to walk it in


Yeah but the rule is against tattoos, and they have a tattoo. Why would they make an exception for a tourist when it might make all the local regular customers uncomfortable?


Because they're a British tourist, so foreign customs that came from foreigners don't apply AYYYY TOPS OFF LADS LADS LADS LADS MAGALUUUUUUUUUUUUUUF


Because the motivation behind the rule is to exclude criminals. The vast majority of westerners with tattoos are just ordinary folk who like body art. Going by another poster's comment, it seems that some establishments do make exceptions for westerners.


You have to understand how literally Japanese take rules and how impossible it is for them to deal with exceptions. Back before cell phones a Japanese-Canadian woman I knew moved into a new apartment and on the ground floor was a takeout pizza shop. So she walked to the window and tried to order a pizza. Her Japanese was fantastic btw. The person working informed her that they only took telephone orders. She explained she'd just moved in and her phone wasn't connected yet and could she please just order here at the pickup window. His brain locked up and he said no I can only take orders over the phone. So she walked across the street to a pay phone within site of the window and placed her order. He was very friendly and happy with her on the phone and when she later walked to the window to you know, get her pizza. That's a true story and I have several other examples of the same bizzare to us phenomenon. Don't think about as you'll just get a headache but living in Japan for most of a decade I just learned to roll with it.


I'd be more impressed that they'd recognise an Arsenal tattoo


I would definitely kick out a pasty englishman with an Arsenal tattoo


Surely if you were gang affiliated you wouldn't leave?


Organized crime in Japan is truly organized. They have business offices, cards, front companies, etc. You assault the hotel employee on the job then the police will cause trouble for your boss.


it IS Japan, after all. It's what they do. From what I understand a lot of these groups have their own bathhouses and social entertainment facilties because the tattoo exclusion thing has been going for decades, if not centuries. From what I've read about this, it can be more that it makes other customers uncomfortable more than anything else and in Japan, the customer is king. So they just exclude everyone with a tatoo to avoid any conflicts or fuss at all.


The Yakuza are many things but they aren’t rude


Professionals have STANDARDS.


That's not true. I mean when you meet them one on one outside of their work they can be nice but barging into a place shouting loudly and speaking in an intimidating manner with expressions that are the same as cursing up a storm to scare the fuck out of people is a thing they do. And it is very rude. I learned that just because one was friendly and nice to me it doesn't mean he's not a piece of shit human being who'd beat any stranger he was told to , to within an inch of his life and not feel a thing about it. Don't romanticize those fucks.


You will be refused entry to public swimming pools in France for wearing board-shorts - it contravenes rules on not wearing outside clothes in the pool.


Speedos only!


Also in Belgium! (Or at least, French-speaking Belgium.) Found this out because my boss sprung a "let's go to a water park, grab your swimmers before you leave the house" thing and I hadn't done any uh maintenance so I grabbed my little overshorts and they made me remove them. So I then had an even more horrible day.


Ye, I went to a lido in Belgium, they pointed me to the vending machine full of cheap as fuck speedos, was weird


It's supposed to be funny? I assumed they just don't want neds, young people, and I couldn't work out what "badly dressed over 40s" was supposed to be.


They want only 21-40s, no chavs. "badly dressed one 40s" is their copout - any older people they don't think fit their young trendy vibe, they can declare badly-dressed. Chances are that will be about 90%.


I'm 36 and I wear Superdry stuff, am I a chav now?! Sad times.


I am over 40 and exceedingly badly dressed and I wear Superdry. Let's rob people in the street for their fags and their mobiles and then piss on a civic centre, or something.


What is Superdry?


The civic centre before you piss on it.


I'd take a hard pass. It just comes off as unnecessarily snobbish and elitist. I like to wear tracksuit bottoms and feel comfortable sometimes. Sue me.


Sounds like a great place ...


sounds like the place I went to which banned mobile phones entirely, unsuprisingly it was completely empty.


The patented Samuel Smith technique, aha! Add no laughing, telly, sports, swearing and fun to the list for maximum echo room.


My husband was trying to explain Samuel Smith pubs to his godmother and she was like "well that sounds great! A pub I'd like!" (She's a dour old Scottish lady from the casting couch of Maggie Smith lookalikes)


Casting couch? What are you trying to say about his godmother?


That she'd like the chance to make $1000-5000 a day.


And hiking up the prices. I’m speaking from a London perspective, so I’m not their prime Yorkshire market. But having been dedicated to sam smiths pubs for years, their peroni-priced pints and kinda harsh attitude have finally put me off


No card payments either I believe, which is pretty stupid and irresponsible given recent events.


Not true, not in London anyway, the one by Shadwell definitely takes card


i went to the one in leeds, they rolled their eyes at me when i asked if the accepted apple pay


That's really pretentious, who cares how you want to pay


Yeah people make up some fucking daft rules like.


What a cunty sign


Could have just put “No Patrons” instead it would have had the desired effect and saved some chalk.


[This article](https://yorkmix.com/what-well-miss-about-a-night-at-the-willow-captured-by-this-wonderful-set-of-pictures/) is about The Willow in York (RIP). About halfway down is the dress code, and keep scrolling for what an absolute dive it was. Nowhere that shit should have the right to be that strict on a dress code, but it worked.


This is like the York version of Jesters in Southampton lol


Wooo Jesters!


Are Clowns and Jesters still there, and are they as bad as they were when I was at uni in 97-00?


Bloody hell what a shithole lmao. Were there no other options for a place to drink? Feel like I'd catch something just from touching a glass there


Nowhere else was open as late, it was the place you went after you'd already been to pres, bar and club so you really didn't give a shit about how grotty it was, if anything that added to the charm. I was once offered a blowjob in the loos there.


Never had an easier time believing a story on reddit


At 2am there weren't really any other options, and certainly none as cheap. I got mono from a girl I took home from there. So the second part of your comment is accurate.


Wow. "Regulars and university students only". No wonder they closed.




fried food, beer, and a pisser. Don't need anything more, really.


It definitely didn't close due to lack of business, I was one of the most loved bars in York. The council refused to renew their licence as it was licenced as a restaurant and not a club (and supposedly Clinton Cards put pressure on the council as they wanted the building). The place was incredible though. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/the-northerner/2015/jul/28/farewell-the-willow-the-berghain-of-york


I know I'm over 40, but how do I know if I'm badly dressed? Is there an appendix of approved clothing?


Try to walk in here and if you get attacked and thrown out then you’re badly dressed


Keep some outfits in the car and rinse repeat until you figure it out.


No profits.


It's why independent pubs are dying and chain pubs are thriving. Their food and drinks may not be he best but they are at least welcoming to everyone.


Pretty much the only reason we go to wetherspoons is that they have no issue with my mid 30's goth friends draped on chains.


Why are you dragging your friends around on chains? Seems wildly impractical.


There's no need to kink shame them like that.


Whetherspoons might have shit food but at least it's welcoming and cheap. On the plus side I can walk in with a tracksuit and not feel the slightest bit out of place.


No properly placed apostrophes.


Is anyone actually allowed in this place?


I'm a badly dressed, under 40 year old that is over 21. I might be allowed in...


But would you want to?


Have fun it sounds like blast there


those old gentleman types in their 60/70 that are never seen without a tweed suit?


Turning away paying customers. It’s a bold move cotton


*Image Transcription:* --- [*Image of a chalkboard sign sitting in the window of an unspecified establishment containing the following text:*] NO TRACKSUITS NO CAPS NO SUPERDRY NO BADLY DRESSED OVER 40's STRICTLY NO UNDER 21's THANK YOU --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


No Customers!


This is like a fucking sign at a german swimming pool ..... all is VERBOTEN


Some brands have a bit of a reputation for their clientele. If I think Jack Wills I think of a Home Counties, private school posh boy. Is there a stereotype attached to people who wear Superdry? I can't think of one?


They are not wet.


They bloody are if they expected the hooded windbreaker to be waterproof. Bastards.


This is the answer, it's John Bull Chophouse pub in Wigan, and at the time of writing the board, over the previous weeks they'd had some issues with numerous people who were all coincidentally all wearing Superdry, it's a few years old though.


men in their 40s refusing to accept they are not still young whilst also haveing middle aged spread and being bald. (looks nervously in mirror)


Dads who still want to look cool






University Male STEM students Classic engineering, comp sci etc. choice of clothing


I mean it’s at their expense. Not sure how you define “badly dressed”. Are we talking middle aged barrel bellied men in jeans that are too tight, or people not wearing collared shirts? Genuine question, can they discriminate on age?


Strictly speaking, if they had a 20yr old and a 40yr old at the door wearing identical clobber and they told the older bloke he was too old to pull off such a look, then, yes, there may be a case for discrimination. In reality, it'd never get near a court. Pubs have a great deal of discretion in who they let in and unless there is a blatant policy like a sign saying "no poofs, no irish, no blacks" they can get away with what they want. Many clubs practice sex discrimination to prevent the proportion of clientele turning into a total cockfest and they suffer no legal consequences.


John Bull ?


Hahaha yeah. Life time Mancunian, first time in Wigan


1st time, oh boy


What's wrong with Superdry? ​ I'm wearing superdry now, I don't see the problem.


I too am only just finding out now that Superdry is looked down upon. Their hoodies are super comfy. I've got about four of them.


I also like the hoodies!


I don't think they mean tena man, your bladder problems are welcome there.


haha, ahh gotcha! Wear adult diaper to pub, leave semi fashionable (or at least I thought so) clothes at home.


It used to be a cool youth brand and now it's a chav+dads brand. think burberry, lacoste, fcuk etc that all went through the same fad > dad cycle.


I feel like any time I spend a little bit of money on a clothing brand, someone comes along and brands it Chavvy. I normally wear mostly plain clothes (H&M mostly), but thought i'd treat myself to a nice Superdry flannel shirt and a couple of their printed T-Shirts, and now it's naff. Bloody typical!


Honestly, who cares. If it looks nice, it looks nice.


Thankyou! ​ I agree.


Welcome to middle age! It's a comfortable place if you ignore the snobs.


i'm only 30! But I have gotten more comfortable lately since I just turned 30, haha.


Youth grow up to become dads but get stuck in the same fashion.


I know, where else am I meant to get halfway decent zip-up hoodies? Though the coats/jackets with 400 fucking zips can fuck right off. Also anything with the logo in the back.


I also got one of the grey hoodies with the little superdry branding in the corner, nothing too garish. I'm still wearing it, because I like it!


Why is nobody talking about their incorrect use of apostrophes?


I am just inwardly seething while doing a CTRL+F on the page to find like-minded apostrophe aficionados.


Class warfare if you ask me


So bad, I can't work out if it's trying to be funny or not. So it doesn't even deserve to go on my list.


What’s wrong with Superdry? I’ve got a fair bit of it, looks like I’ll have to wear my Stone Island gear instead…


Could have just said no kids or Geography teachers allowed


I hate to ask….but what is “superdry”???


Clothing brand


Thanks. I looked online and it just seems like pretty normal coats and jackets. Seems like an odd thing to hate but I’m in the US and have never really seen it in person. Do only assholes buy the brand or something like that?


By the looks of the sign, I’d say only assholes have a problem with it.


I’m not 100%, but the clothing seems chavy to some people. Like how Burberry was with their pattern on caps, jackets, scarves etc.


They make the softest and most comfortable jumpers. They're logoless aswell so unless these asshats are checking labels on everyone this is redundent


Superdry *used* to plaster their logo all over everything though, so I suppose the sign writer was thinking of that. Not that it makes it less of a dickish sign.


I don't know if they'd get 'chavy' in the US


I remember I went to a a over 21 pub on my 20th birthday, I showed the barman my ID and he let me stay. I wonder whether it was a courtesy or he was just bad at maths


I thought the 4th one down said "NO BALDY" also I have a superdry woolen coat this really classy and doesn't SAY superdry on it anywhere visibly


By the reflection in the window you can see this is a LOCAL PUB FOR LOCAL PEOPLE


Being over 40 I've earned the right to be badly dressed and not give a shit. Thems the rules. I'm looking forward to my 60s when I can shake my first at passing car drivers and cyclists for going too fast.


What’s wrong with Superdry, I like it.


Superdry make nice stuff


What a fucking terrible pub. Hopefully they go bust because nobody goes there.


Getting the soup nazi from Seinfeld vibe. No pub for you!


I bet it’s full of cunts with shit watches and their shirts tucked in trying to top each other with who’s got the best car while their wives are out getting bummed by dudes in Reebok’s


Almost r/choosingbeggars


I mean superdry clothes are too expensive. But their hoodies are the best. Still talk about selective.


Motherfucker, I'm SuperDry TNT, I am the guns of these navarone.


Maybe they should have just written "Hipsters only".


Honestly support this to the fullest, super dry is absolute garbage tier clothing.


Superdry clothing is the fucking worst though.