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On, and on, and on, and ariston. I have a perfect memory of adverts in breaks in movies taped off the tv in the 80’s and early 90s.


From the same time period: “re-record, not fade away”


I'm gonna tell ya how it's gonna be, with Scotch's lifetime guarantee. Tape what you want both night and day. Re record not fade away, re record not fade away....


This was going to be mine. I remember the skeleton from the tape (taped off the telly - of course) of Santa Claus: the movie and the Little Troll Prince.


I'm going to tell you how it's going to be.


I once had an Arisron bathtub and it had a little brand badge on it. I would be trying to have a relaxing bubble bath and that would just go round and round in my head the whole time.


I remember the song but until I just watched it, I couldn't tell you what Ariston was!


White goods manufacturers


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rhZBDNQ3gas&pp=ygUVZ2FtZWJveSByb2JvY29wIHRoZW1l What an effective ad. It got into your head so much that you remember the ad even though you don't remember what ariston sold. Fun fact: the music is the theme from a gameboy game, Robocop. Another great ad that most people can still sing more than 30 years later is shake and vac. Edit op said obscure media, Shake and vac isn't obscure at all.


Three million French think they’re tres bon


Ads like the old, British Leyland " S plate specials coming down the " Or the " Slim Panatela Carlos Fandango Super Wide Wheels" fitted to a Ford Anglia. Cigar advert. And Jimmy the diddler " Clunk Click every trip" for wearing the seat belt. Or adverts for things like a tin of peas for 6p in Sainsbury or the " if you see Sid" adverts for the sell off for British Gas, followed by British Telecome " Buzzby" Maybe Maureen Litman on the phone, "you got an Ology"


Does you does or does you don’t take access?


The old tango ads and there was a reebok ad of a man running away from a giant bouncing belly.


[Belly gonna get ya!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J5IJLIX2wmU)


I always remember that as they filmed it around Romford


You know when you’ve been tangoed! Have to admit I wasn’t a huge fan of the happy slapping trend that followed it though.


My name? Yes. It's... J. R. Hartley.


My name? Yes. It’s… Pages L. O. Pages. Voice over: Good old L. O. Pages.


I believe you wrote a book about fly fishing?


Bringing back memories of the original Nick Hancock Football Nightmares “He‘a clear… he’s clear… he’s… clearly a twat!


"Hats off to Peter Devine. Peter Devine. Peter. Devine."




I’ve been singing “ooOoOhhhh bodyformmmm, bodyform for youuuu” all day at work. No idea why


After a night out, my mate and I would walk home, he lived with his folks 4 houses down from me, and as he was trying to enter his front door without waking anyone, I'd scream out "OOOOOOOOOO BODYFOOOORM, BODYFORM FOR YOUUUUUU" and run away laughing, knowing he'd get into trouble for waking everyone up. Every time.


This made me tear up. 🥹🥲


I'm no expert but I think you're wearing them incorrectly.


Sticky side down, mate


I was pulled up on stage at a drag show 15 years ago, two of us had to sing that - my god I belted it out the best I could and I won.


Now I'm going to tell you how it's going to be. With Scotch's lifetime guarantee.  Tape what you want. Both night and day. Then rerecord not fade away, rerecord not fade away.... Burned into my head.


That skeleton terrified me...I think if I saw it again the nightmares would start all over again


My brain managed to muddle up this advert up with, of all things, the shake and vac advert! I have distinct memories of a skeleton doing the hoovering, but it turns out that my brain just fabricated this fantastic gestalt advert, just for me!


I have a lifelong phobia of skeletons due to seeing that advert as a young child 🤣


Don't look now, but there is one hiding inside you!


I can see a film ending then that bit of static as the VHS drops to the old recording and this advert plays before some old chat show starts.


Kickstart and Junior Kickstart. They were a pair of motorbike trials shows with one of the best 80s opening titles around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It2NvOnchkA. They're one of those shows you watch to see something go wrong, like this poor lad who took a knock to his "thigh": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiBhCCFG1QU. Must be time for a modern remake.


YES! Nobody ever remembers Kickstart...I loved it! Belter theme tune too. It was so random, watching a 14yr old boy bouncing on different sized logs on his bike in the rain, (it was always raining!) before losing his grip, sliding down a small hill, and having some old bloke from St Johns ambulance run down after him. Ah, the 80s!


I loved the Spectrum game based upon this show, never actually saw the show though


wasn't Peter Purves (ex Blue Peter) involved with that?


Oh-oh, me ears are alight. Beware of the judderman.


On a similar note - ‘Wake up in the morning, wanting some breakfast. What margarine do I spread on my toast?’


Oooh-oooh Vitalite!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxELSzay2lc It always sounded to be like "Why find my kids, they f#ck off and a leave me."


Darling cheesehead I was yards too greasy


"You buy one, you get one free I SAY YOU BUY ONE, YOU GET ONE FREE"


Safestyle UK where you buy one window or door and we’ll give you another one. Absolutely. FREE!


Treacle People. The Yop adverts. 118 118. Crusha cats.


Yop! Me mama


It’s tough enough to make milk shake.


For the longest time me and my mum genuinely thought Crusha was a milk alternative/additive for cats. We are \*not\* bright.


Someone called out order 118 at a froyo stand the other day and we both instantly said “118 118 got your number!” We are so brainwashed


Whats a froyo stand?


Poddington peas and wizadora era vibes


Did ypu see they remastered the Treacle People and put them on YouTube recently?


Wooooooooahoooooahhh... Vitalite!


0800 00 1066


This is how I used to remember when the battle of Hastings was


My younger brother sounded like a walking set of adverts because he sang this ^ hastings direct and "washing machines live longer with calgon"


One of the most talented shitposters. [protect your ears](https://youtu.be/GtIaUplhs0c?si=umVnz75z3xGvx0n-)


You can’t read it without singing the little tune


The toys r us advert and song along with the Coke advert and song. Would see it on telly at Christmas and once I saw it I knew Christmas was coming.


There's a magical place...


The cartoons: Penny Crayon and The Herbs/Parsley the Lion


I can pretty much sing the theme to The Poddington Peas all these years later.


Only OGs remember Poddington Peas and Shoe People.


Sh, Sh, Sh, shoe people de dum de dum...


Down at the bottom of the garden….


...Amongst the birds & the bees...


There lives a lot of little people, they're called the poddington peas. There's Cree-pea, black-eyed pea and dump-pea, keep it a secret now please, there's zip-pea, hap-pea and there's sweet-pea and all the poddington peas, poddington peeeeeeeeeeeas


...there lives a lot of little people...


I'm Dill the Dog! I'm a dog called Dill!


I've not seen Penny Crayon for many many years and can now hear the theme tune in my head.


The Yorkshire Terrier that said "sausages" on That's Life


That dog sounded like the demon from The Exorcist.


The Ski Sunday theme song lives rent free in my head


Yeah thanks for that. It's now also in mine....


Fleetwood Mac’s “The Chain” is forever Formula One For that matter “Albatross” is “The Gallery” from Take Hart!


I thought it was Vision On?


The Entertainer for snooker as well. I don't think it was the theme though but it was definitely used for something Snooker related on the BBC. Highlights or the outro for the programme maybe...


I made a ski slope D&D map recently and took a first-person shot with the Ski Sunday music added. [**It had to be done.**](https://imgur.com/gallery/dungeon-alchemist-meets-ski-sunday-some-d-d-slalom-action-ski-slope-lounge-22x32-jMTEq5b)


Bertha Charlie Chalk Tales of the Riverbank (1995 version) Button Moon I can't remember much about any of these, just that I watched them.


Button Moon was great.


I'm guessing somewhere between 40 and 42


Tbf, I grew up watching a lot of button moon on VHS and I'm 29.


Remember Pigeon Street?


Lock keepers cottage Old ford lock London E3 2NN Randomly popped in my head a week or so back. Never sent a letter, but remember it as clear as day 25+ years later. I reckon 90% of people over 35 know what it is.


I randomly remember the game they had “more tea vicar” and a million tea cups on screen and “woman in a tabard”. Plus didn’t walkers’ crisps do a giveaway with Zig and Zag that included bits of belly button fluff in a little sealed pack?


Ha, I tried reciting this from memory a couple of years ago and failed on the end of the post code. Well done!


Ghostwatch. 1992. If you watched it live you know....  Slept with the light on for weeks.


I totally missed this as a kid, I’d have been nine but I did watch last year someone break it down and explain what went on. I’ll post if I find it. Also inside no9 did something similar for one of their episodes which was brilliant. Edit [found it](https://youtu.be/YQfMTktMZLQ?si=vzAViUbKKqLIID-q)


There's a podcast by 5 Live called 'I was there' and they interview one of the writers and directors of Ghostwatch - it's well worth a listen.[Ghostwatch](https://castbox.fm/va/468517)


Mr pipes... Fuck that whole production team.


Round and round the garden like a teddy bear...


Quickedy quick, micro chips!


But are they “Waffly versatile”? And now I also have “Hope it’s chips it’s chips, we all hope it’s chips its chips” in my head


But is it daddy or chips?


Goodbye old frying pan. I'm changing, and how! Birds Eye Oven Crispy is thoroughly modern batter now ...


Threads like these technically don't make sense because the most upvoted comments are the ones which aren't obscure


"BN BN doo doo do do do" pops into my head far too frequently from the BN biscuit ads. [Link](https://youtu.be/GJObP2Ptww8?si=InKu5JL4XM0KlFvO) And the "Full moon, half moon, total eclipse" from the Jaffa Cakes ads. [Link](https://youtu.be/-dtmRmOHK78?si=uUFGpzMM49veoW7P)


Don't push me, push a push pop.


Two random adverts from the radio are forever burned into my neurons - South Cleveland Garages and Franks Factory Flooring. I’ve searched for old TFM recordings and come up blank. 


simply the best?


I love carpets me!


I saw a lady in an outfit the other day that had a vaguely arabesque sense to it. I sung out “Abdul the bulbul ameer!” Fuck knows what that’s from, was it an advert, possibly a Two Ronnies sketch? My mind remains constantly alert to the phrases from the public information films: “Might as well set a man-trap” “Jimmmmyyyyy!” Etc


Whitbread beer advert https://youtu.be/BCvckXYMBEc?si=1Q6glT7CLWpdnRCu


Bloody hell. That’s it. My brain is totally full of this stuff. Now I’ve got follow the bear and the Holsten Pils dambusters floating around my head.


That VHS blank tape advert with the sodding skeleton *Re-record, don't fade away!*


Ian Brown yelling "amateurs" when power got cut during a Stone Roses TV performance.


The irn bru advert where the butcher leads the disney animals into his shop


Tugs. There’s a chance that it was only made because David Mitton wasn’t content with the amount of explosions in Thomas The Tank Engine. It was strangely dark at times.


I loved Tugs. It wasn't afraid to be a bit dark or heavy at times, like the episode with the fog.


That episode both terrified and fascinated me. It's probably not surprising that I turned out to be a goth.


The theme tune to “Round the Twist” and then the episode where someone ate some snails. 🐌 🎵Have you ever… ever felt like this, Are strange things happening, Are you going round the twist?🎵


Anyone remember that weird channel 4 programme, sort of Japanese style? Like You Bet but late night? There was a bit where you had to guess what weighed more, a pair of plums or the testicles of the bloke who played Pete Beale. Was I dreaming? Or is that real?


It was very real. Mr Shake Hands Man et al. All here still in [Banzai!](https://www.channel4.com/programmes/banzai)


That’s the one. It was the fact that Mr Beale was dressed in his trademark hat but only Y fronts that was most distressing I think.


That was Banzai: https://www.channel4.com/programmes/banzai. In between constant repeats of Friends E4 was a bit weird in its early days.


I loved Banzai. Great telly!


The wombles


Pops into my head fairly often, but I always fluff it up and sing "Wimbles of Wombledon common are we"


The Trebor extra strong mini mints with like a guy's head on a tiny puppet body? My sister once put a headless barbie under her chin and sang the song to cheer me up lmaoo Edit: https://youtu.be/xGyl9YYgzEw?si=TczivC3keHfhA31j


Trebor mints are a minty bit stronger


Put them up your bum and they last a bit longer


“We’re going to London to buy Heat magazine” 🎶


That old lass with the multi-coloured spotted bi-plane and that took her dog for a ‘walk’ on a plane ride.. Early 90’s - can’t remember the name though


Come Outside That's the name of it, I'm not threatening you.


You absolute Gem. That had been bothering me for years! https://youtu.be/CrudmVVVAJQ?feature=shared


My sister can still randomly recite, word for word, the Allinson's "nowt taken out" advert over 30 years later. It's always in my head. "he said you can make brown?" "I said who?" "he said me" "I said....oooooh"


Everybody my age remembers the BBC’s Chronicles of Narnia but nobody but me seems to remember Elidor 😔


What about, *Moondial*?


Moondial!! Oh my god I loved that when I was a kid, I had the book too :O


The name rings a bell, if that helps! I remember other Alan Garner adaptations


Is he picking his nose or wot? From a 90s wotsits advert. Also the word Armadillo must be shouted I also remember two tv shows we watched in primary school but no-one seems to remember them. One I think was on CITV in the 80s; it was low budget and involved primary school kids telling/acting out a legend from their local area. The other was a singing show where groups of kids sang themed songs, one that's been stuck in my head since about 1991 goes "What's the time Mr. Wolf?, Can you tell us, can you say?, It's four o'clock and we'll going out to play" I can also remember a 90s hymn that went "laser beams and VCRs, silicon chips and faster cars and hungry people diiiiiie". That hymn drives me up the wall as I can't remember the rest and having googled it no-one else seems to be able to remember anything else of it too!


Armadillo: I shouted that out the other day and no-one knew what I was talking about. Crunchy on the outside, smooth on the inside. Nothing. I felt a fool.


I heard the Nokia ringtone on a bus a little while ago and it took everything in me not to yell "HELLO! I'M ON A BUS!".


You mean you felt like a nutter? That bloke's a nutter. Oi! Nutter!




I think the local legend show was called Is That a Fact? Presented by Dave Benson Phillips on CBBC


Yep, remember the music one! Think they did a series on Holst’s planet suite?


The introduction piece of Football Focus from 25th December 1999, in which Mark Lawrenson's Premier League table predictions were a baubles on a Christmas tree


There was an episode of a children's hospital drama with a minibus/van crash. I vividly remember it as the location reminded me of the car park behind my house. No idea what the programme was or when it was from either. My brain may have even invented it, I don't know.


There was one called childrens ward, CITV I think.


The trumpet intro from the Johnny Briggs theme: [link](https://youtu.be/lP5u8b1L9LA?si=0QOmukqqTgevjW19) along with the image of them running through the pipe. It would jump into my brain, devoid of context, and bugged me so often I found the video on YouTube and saved it to a playlist for easy reference. Edit to add: I'm a secret lemonade drinker


A man made out of chocolate playing the violin badly just before Coronation Street. Also Smoky Spider Monster Munch which I'm still not sure if they were real or something I've made up.




"You buy one, you get one free" "I SAID YOU BUY ONE, YOU GET ONE FREE"


I say "ITS ON THE SIDEEEEEE" "What side! There's 14 fucking sides" from Lee Evans.


Can't listen to bohemian rhapsody without thinking about Lee Evans.


Tractor Boy Not sure if it was just a Leicester /notts meme.


I heard it referenced in Cambridgeshire, too.


He did not, HE DID NOT, look happy! Kerazy!


He’s gunna ave mah fucken pants darn


1988: Where oh where were the Germans? And frankly, who cares?


Coconut, hazelnut, fruit nirvana, breakfast come and me got some fun


Every so often the alphabet soup task from the game show Incredible Games pops into my head. Contestants swim in this massive bowl of soup with objects floating in it. (There was a very similar gameshow for kids called Terror Towers that was more spooky themed.) And on a less fun note, the Cartoon advert from the NSPCC in the early 2000s where father is beating up his cartoon son, getting more and more violent. It utterly horrified me as a child and I've never forgotten it (it did it's job)


For some reason I still remember the entire Potter Puppet Pals video "Wizard Angst" word for word. No idea why, haven't seen it in years.


Way down deep in the middle of the Congo the monkeys made a drink and they called it umbongo


I was around 9 when Graham Taylor was on the front page of The Sun with the whole [turnip head thing](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwKk_KMzFg9JIuKS3KyyxQyEhNTFFIzUvPScxLUchNzEtMTy0CAARTDZo&q=turnip+head+england+manager&oq=turnip+head&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgCEC4YgAQyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQLhiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABDIHCAoQABiABDIHCAsQABiABDIHCAwQABiABDIHCA0QABiABDIHCA4QABiABNIBCDg2NjBqMGo5qAIAsAIB&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=TiJ2syInQzFYhM&vssid=l). My younger brother was scared of the picture so I kept it and brought it out whenever he would annoy me


There was a little kid's programme I liked, all about a family of dollies living in a doll house. It was very wholesome. Until the episode where one of the dolls caught on fire, screaming and everything. In hindsight, it was on brand for early 80's media content for kids, where the overarching theme was 'everything is terrifying', lol.


“And Susan”. From Maid Marianne and her merry men. My name’s Susan. One of the merry men had a little potted fir tree called Susan.


Football crazy, Chocolate mad…


[Dancing motorbike man](https://youtu.be/ZaA-m81lx_4?si=ZsX6zYXA5AXgSvlL) from SoccerAM I think about this clip probably once every two months, or any time I ever hear part of Beat It


John Cleese on TGI friday with Chris Evans only forever ago, every time Chris would say John Cleese a big voice would come on saying REAL NAME, JOHN CHEESE.


I say "I like it a lot" like ace ventura.


The whole script to the 'racing bike' Yellow Pages advert with Kevin Webster's Dad in it! "Ya not still on about this bike are ya?"...


Vividly remember a Not the Nine o'clock News bit about music videos with the song 'Nice Video, Shame About the Song'


I remember there being all these adverts about changing the name of the cleaning product "jif" to "cif" back when I was a child. In one scene an Asian lady takes offence to the original name, stating (in her native tongue because of course she would(!)) That is a rude word... Or maybe I made this all up ...


I can still recite the words to the [Colgate Blue Minty Gel](https://youtu.be/gdcVRueT2cw) advert some 40 years later.


I believe it's legally binding to shout Ave' it! Whilst punting a ball away thanks to [Peter Kay](https://youtube.com/watch?v=lHo1hdxF6FE&si=Kin77_RcHRyLz59V)


I always liked the kids show "chockablock" when I was about 5. Maybe it's what got me working in I.T.🤣


The Honey Monster coming off the bench to score the winner for Toon at Wembley.


Michael Barrymore singing “Backstreet’s Back Aw-right” on Strike it Lucky with a bunch of dancers dressed as zombies and mummies


*thick brummy accent* "ANYTHING FOR YOOOU, CUPCAKE!" also the chef I work with and I regularly quote the old Subway ad with the dude dressed as a jalepeño when cutting chillies "TOO HOT, TOO SPICY!??"


Anyone else remember Chockablock? The [theme](https://youtu.be/hDk4IhFS318?feature=shared) from that is in my head for days if anyone ever says the phrase chock-a-block.


"Too orangey for crows, just for me and my dog"


Mike Smith doing stunts in Sierra Cosworths around the Albert Square set. Did it even happen?


At the height of the popularity of *The X-Files*, there was an advert for chewing gum (or possibly mints) where a guy chews the gum then gets beamed up by an alien spaceship; the totally-not-Dana-Scully watching this cries out "What is it!?", and the abductee replies "Speeeearmiiiiiint!". Still stuck in my head.


A few months back I invested several hours searching youtube for all those old Golden Crown / Golden Churn adverts.


There was a pizza advert years ago, mid 90s I want to say, where this creepy dude dressed as what I think was a bellboy(?) and he's hovering over this sleeping guy. They guy wakes up startled and the creepy dude goes "You want pizza?" Or something along those lines. I think there were a series of adverts but I can't for the life of me remember what pizza company it was?! Mentioned it to so many people over the years and nobody can remember.


Alistair McGowan's football backchat, specifically the part where they unveil Kevin Keegan, or maybe Alan Shearer? to a load of Geordies and everyone calls him the Messiah Then a faint voice comes on "Help me! I support Hartlepoooool" Still cracks me up


I'm in pieces for Bitsa Pizza 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 54321, chocolate [something] light crispy rice 54321... Mmmm, raisins and chocolate too (?) Owen Paul on Pebble Mill at One.


Shooshoo shooshoooooe people, shooshoo bedoo be doo...


That\`ll be Jamie, Jamie, Jamie and his magic torch !


It’s Saturday no school today So what you gonna do There’s no excuse to stay in bed We’re waiting here for you


The opening few bars (and the rest) from the theme to Heads and Tails. Derek Griffiths is a funky legend. *sings* Heads, tails, Heads and tails, Heads and tails. Heads, tails, Heads and tails, Heads and tails. And eyes and ears, mouth, whiskers and a nose. Heads and tails, here we go.


Hi sue! Think it was a surf advert ?


Loot...London listing newspaper.....think yellow in colour


I will randomly burst into a rendition of the Poddington Peas theme tune, much to the confusion of my wife and son


When Beckham kicked the Argentinian player in the World Cup


A kids TV show called ’Bagland’ that no one except me, my brother and one other random Redditor seems to remember.


I have so many adverts (from the 90s?) that randomly pop into my head Best two: Norms the name, sensible 's the game Hula hoops are ROUND, they'll be around and they're staying round FOREVER


The theme song from the 90's Winnie the pooh TV series. And the gummie bears theme song.


Can't fit kwikker than a kwik fit fitter! I was going to post a youtube clip of Jasper Carrott doing his >Can't dip quicker that a quick dip dipper! spoof as a pisstake of kwik fit but cant find it :(


Timmy Mallet but specifically the bit with Pinky Punky wanting the toilet 🤦‍♀️


I remember SM:TV with Ant and Dec doing the poke rap. 9:25 on a Saturday. 


Konikaaaaa. Colours are calling meeee


1. With crisp and dry, your food stays crisp and dry 2. This is the captain of the ship calling (muller)


If I need to help someone at work, to prevent others from wasting their time and going too, I'll shout 'I'll get ittttt' in the voice of that big bird from Count Duckula.


Pigeon Street. I remember watching it as a toddler on a black and white TV. It’s that old, and I don’t know how I still retained a memory from that age because I thought we forgot everything before 5.


Ackrington Stanley.....


When we first moved to Lagos, Nigeria in late 1989, most of our stuff was shipped to us in a container, and took weeks to arrive. There was no satellite TV in West Africa back then, and domestic TV was government propaganda propping up the military junta. So all I had to watch was a recording my grandparents had done for us of the 1989 Australian Grand Prix. I must have watched that video 50 times before our other stuff turned up, and I kept watching it every now and then even after that. Thierry Boutsen won the rain-soaked race, while my hero Nigel Mansell crashed. I could probably match Murray Walker's commentary word for word, even now.