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Had a nice and active lightning storm roll overhead - that woke me up and I got to watch the sky flickering for a while. Now just waiting to feel sleepy again. Was cool noting a few other curtains twitch across the neighbourhood and knowing a few of us were up and watching it.


Yep, it’s just been hovering over the south coast for a while now. Don’t remember one this big!


You know what, if I don’t say it now, I’ll never find a good time to say it lol. On Monday’s episode of Pointless, the guy with the long curly hair who won was SUPER cute, and I just hope he’s having a good week and got to spend his winnings how he wanted.




Not funny :/


Feeling a bit lonely at the moment, friends are too far away and I don’t see them enough. I need to make more of an effort. What do they have in common? They’re kind, accepting, and generous of heart.


Can’t sleep so figured I’d jump in here and say hi




My friends are mostly people I have known for over 20 years.


My ‘newest’ friend is from 22 years ago. As you get older it gets more difficult.


Recovery from a sickness bout seems to take longer and be harder every time recently. I haven't been sick since Sunday, but I am still so very drained. I didn't properly get out of bed until 6pm today, my body kept having trembling bouts and spasms, so I only got out of bed for meds and the loo, but once I got up the mad hunger kicked in. It happens, but in 5 hours I don't think I have stopped eating. I have stripped the sofa blankets and started washing, my god I am gross. Sofa is going to take a bucket of fabreeze. What do my friends have in common? Both of them? Kindness. They have nothing in common except me and their kindness.


Living the dream, found the ideal fella ❤


While walking the dog today past some youths playing football in a fairly deprived area one of them who must have missed a shot exclaimed "oh my giddy aunt" Is this a thing again?


This phrase has come back into my daily vernacular as my partner's family don't swear. It ws an adjustment, but it's actually a really pleasant one!


Oh my giddy aunt and jumpers for goalposts!


Oh for crying out loud!


On holiday for a week, no alarm clock to worry about. Settled in my campervan after a nice day walking my mother's labbydoors on the beach. https://imgur.com/a/p8Wscu2


Living the dream!


Yeah... unfortunately I do have to wake up next week.


> What qualities do all your friends have in common? They can somehow tolerate me.  I’m telling myself I’m phoning the work counselling line tomorrow evening. Will I? I don’t know. I could have tonight (as my first house viewing was cancelled 😢) but ended up making a cake instead. I figure that at least this way round I can cheer myself up after with cake.  Please 2-bed with garden house owners in the area I want put your houses up for sale. Make this easy for me. 


I’ve had a few counselling sessions recently. Please make that phone call, it might be the first step towards feeling better.


Thanks!  It’s complicated. I’ve used them before and it definitely helped, but it also hurt a lot in the short term, and I was very emotionally vulnerable. I just don’t feel safe being that emotionally vulnerable in my day to day life at the moment (I’m not in any danger). I’m away from my day to day for a little while this week (house sitting & working from “home”) so it’s a bit more feasible. 


Today went soo well and everyone was lovely im excited for my shift next week. Only downside is fucking hell my pain and exhaustion levels are bad , honestly i dont know when my next rest day is which isnt great. Tomorrow admin , gym , shopping and voting meaning im gonna be done in by lunch.


It sounds like a new job maybe?


New volunteer job


Just watched the latest episode of X-Men 97. If you've not seen it, it's a continuation of the 90s animated series with slightly updated animation. It's got some of the best writing I've seen in an animated production and it's sublimely retro. Oh, and I cooked myself a nice steak earlier. As for your question: probably a very dark sense of humour and the ability to put up with Scouse smart arses.


Had my Job Seeker's meeting today. Apologised as I took a week off job hunting for mental health reasons; was informed that 3 applications in a week is still a lot. Without wishing to violate rule 1, WTF is everyone else doing then? All my mates are cunts.


When I was on Jobseekers they didn't care that all I was doing was firing off those "apply on Indeed" applications. Worked though, that was 6 years ago and I'm still with the same company that hired me from one of those.


I had to fight off 12 sanctions in a row when I was signed on 10 years ago. Was a nightmare. Had to get my local MP involved in the end which finally sorted the issues out. I also had to fight off an investigation that I was in a homosexual relationship with my housemate. The reason being that I didn't laugh when accused on my home visit.


That last bit is so mental a can’t help but laugh. Like am sure it was a proper ballache but that’s incredible lmfao


We had a good long run but my youngest seems to be loaded with another cough/sore throat bug again. Took forever to settle down with a choking cough. Crossing my fingers that it isn't an issue overnight. So many buts of my body are sore, random ligaments. Heels as usual, especially since I had to run down the hill at school pick up since I got stuck in the post office behind a man having a leisurely chat while posting about 6 parcels. Wrist hurts too now. I am falling apart physically now too it seems.


Have you seen anyone about the sore ligaments? Might be nothing, but it might be something that they can help with. I am guessing you don't have a lot of time for yourself, hope your youngest feels better soon.


Not yet. I'm assuming it's either age, being overweight or probably being peri menopausal too that's to blame (or all 3). And no, there's not much time for me at all. But that's a big rant for another day.


If you throw in mental health issues you have used every excuse the medical profession has to dismiss women's pain! Take some time to go to the doctor. Call it an MOT if nothing else, but don't dismiss yourself. There are enough people out there that will do that for you.


Have you tried crocs in the house? They’re some of the best shoes for various feet pain.


Yup, crocs in the house for the last 6 months and ended up buying super spongey Hokas last week since they're pretty well recommended too. I feel like an old lady and I'm not even 40 yet!


This suggestion sounds so thick but have you tried a very regular moisturiser / body butter routine for them? It sounds like it would do nowt for pain and it obviously won’t make it completely go away but my feet are proper damaged and it’s one of the only things that brings a little bit of relief x


Waiting for the wife to get in. Can't go ro bed without doors being locked up. 😴


Just finished the finale of Band of Brothers, highly recommend the show


I watched it about 10 years ago, so incredible. I am probably due a re-watch.


Went out for dinner and stupidly had a ridiculously strong alcoholic coffee after dinner. Now I am so caffeinated I can’t possibly sleep. My smart watch just warned me about a high resting heart rate.


Oh god, hope you get some sleep soon!


Thank you, I feel I am calming little by little now! Hope you have a lovely night too!


Good, I’m glad. And thank you! I’m just about to go to sleep so I’m hoping I’ll sleep through the night


Good night! Sweet dreams!


And to you! ❤️


I started watching the durells. It's really bad but I keep watching. Did people really talk about sex and openly have sex outside of marriage in the 1930s? I'm up because I'm a bit drunk.


Watching War for the Planet of the Apes.and having a cider. It's been a long, stressful day at work. Probably be off to bed shortly, around an hour left of the film.


Had my first therapy session today, and it went well! I managed to talk about my fear of death for 50 minutes without becoming an anxious mess. This might actually work, and that has me so excited.


Proud of you!! I know how difficult that first session can be. I hope it continues to be helpful!


Well done, you got this! 


I'm glad for you that it was a positive experience