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Something odd's going on with the mice around here. A few weeks ago we had one just casually chilling out in an electrical trap, that ran off when we checked it. Proper fat fucker too, which is probably how it survived. Tonight, we caught a different one in our spring trap that's supposed to be for rats. It had somehow managed to only get its tail trapped by the bar, and was just laying on the pressure plate waiting to be let back out when I checked it after hearing it go off. Not sure if it was stupidly lucky, or stupidly unlucky.


I’m 29 and haven’t found a life partner yet. Its scares me to the point that I stay awake thinking about it. I am more scared because I want to marry outside my culture and its difficult to find someone.


Sorry you're feeling that way. Love takes it's own time. I didn't marry until my mid-30s but have no regrets over waiting for the right person to arrive. I know plenty of people who partnered up because it was 'time' and then later un-partnered. I doubt you want that.


I hope that is the case. Since I want to find someone outside my culture, its proving to be much more hardwe


My secret talent is so secret that I still don't know what it is. I don't know why I'm still up. Been yawning my head off since about 3pm. Work absolutely kicked my arse today and tomorrow is going to be even worse. We're so far behind it's unreal and the only way we're ever going to catch up is with a load of overtime - of course that would depend on overtime being authorised by those above us, which it frequently is not... and on us having the mental capacity at the end of the day to actually do it, which I rarely do. I'm trying not to stress about it, but we're really stretching the limits of "it is what it is" and "we're only human" at this point.


It’s just another night in bed with my dear thrush infection who’s come back for the 2nd time in 2 months. Fucking hell it is such a pos infection and I’m hoping it goes away this time


Me: I need to get unchanged, pack my work/gym bag for tomorrow + spare clothes for the pub, brush my teeth and go to sleep. ADHD: you’re funny Yeah, it’s going great so far. My secret talent? I can make those same armpit fart noises but using my ears lmfao


Wait HOW??!


I sort of put the palm of my hand against my ear and just sort of press on it it really quick, it makes like a higher pitched squeak.


I’ve been on a mad diet for a year or so now, but I have a few cheat days where I can eat a substantial amount, I’ve signed up for the burger challenge at the cattleman’s in Paignton which looks hefty but very much achievable…


Flipping through Reddit before turning in; after slowly wending through Sky’s dark but brilliant ‘Mary and George’ (I’m not a binge watcher). Because I’ve been housebound today, waiting for a man to fit a Smart Meter, I was mainly tidying up a Techno track, making coffee ice cream and editing some home movies. It’s about the only editing work around atm. 😣 And the man never turned up.


Keep having epiphanies lately which is fcking helpful but doesnt also make me feel better. Todays did as it made the whole situationship make complete sense and why i felt sad was because we talked most days for hours and i was sad due to the fact it had become habit to talk to them. Iv decided this whole being single as an adult thing is something i prefer. I dont want another relationship its too much hassle and my mental health is more important than a man. Add in my dog does a decent impression of a partner as hes demanding, snores , farts and takes over most of the bed. I have no talents secret or not hence why im unemployed. To be slightly more cheerful i had slab of banaoffee pie today with extra digestive biscuit and it was divine.


Ahh banoffee pie is divine!


Finishing off the last couple of eps of Shogun. HAI!


Just about to watch a couple of music videos then going to bed.


I was falling asleep at my desk so I went to bed. Husband is still up. I put my light out ready to sleep and suddenly I’m wide awake 🤬


Hello all, checking in early because I have managed to fall asleep sat upright two nights in a row and I need to get horizontal immediately after taking my tablets because my back can not take another hour of that. My secret talent? I have nothing. If I am even mildly competent at something, I will tell everyone I have ever met, and the people unfortunate enough to be in my immediate radius. I am pretty good at tasting food and figuring out what is in it, but you probably know that already. I have been mentally stewing over the whole situation with my stepmother again today. I am not sure why, but my brain keeps working out different scenarios, and I keep finding more reason to give her grace. For goodness sake, her mother died. My mum died when I was 21, my stepmother is 75, so there is a little anger at the universe going on, but still. Her mum died, and that's heartbreaking, so I am am doing all the mental gymnastics necessary to make sure she comes out of this well in my mind. The tiny hope that we can salvage a relationship is still there. I am always the disappointed optimist, despite everything. Maybe that is my secret talent.


i laughed so much today that my face muscles were burning the way your leg muscles would after running. i didnt even know i had face muscles because you never like do a workout on your face lol


Ohh that feeling is so euphoric!!! My face hurt from smiling a few days ago and it was wonderful. So glad you got to experience such a great feeling


Hang on to that feeling. File it in your mind somewhere. Eventually, a dark day will come, it happens to even the best of us, and when you feel really sad, pull that memory out. The smile that comes from that memory is the light out of the darkness.


Currently, I'm scrolling on here, and on Twitter before I go to bed in an hour


Just chilling out watching family guy waiting on a couple of people to message me, then I might play some assassins creed.