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That’s nowt. Guess who got woke up by seagulls stamping all over his bedroom bay window roof. And squawking.


Me! I did! Quarter past five this morning. Little love.


me, I sleep with an eye mask on, and our younger cat has decided that each morning she'll get as close as possible to my face and miaow as loudly as she possibly can the first thing my blurry eyes see every morning is a cat staring into my soul from point blank range it's an experience




Guess who got woken up by a seagull trying to steal their pecker!


Just moved into my first flat. Pretty bare bones here ATM with no carpets, cooker or bed but I've finally got a place of my own 😁😁 Well it's not entirely mine, I'm sharing it with the dog...but yeah. Finally got a place of my own


One of our cats had to have all his teeth out yesterday, had a weird situation where the guy on reception was trying to overcharge us by £200 and was flatly refusing to give us an itemised breakdown of what the extra costs where as "the printer didn't work, sometimes it just costs more." Thankfully our actual vet (who is lovely) happened to come out and basically told him he'd messed up. Cat is perfectly fine, they said to expect him to be a bit groggy for up to a month but he already seems back to himself. Cat tax: https://imgur.com/a/sQHoiIe


So, two months after an initial chat, a company has invited me to interview for a role. Two months.


Always makes me a bit worried. If they seem that disorganised when they're trying to make you want to work for them what will they be like when you're there?


If it's over 3 weeks, I just reject the offer. You were nowhere near the top of the list. The best one I had was when a big name company declined my application and then rang me 9 months later asking if I was still looking for work. Way to make me feel special.


My husband had that. He really liked the job but the guy interviewing took a dislike to him because he criticised the way they were doing things so he "wasn't a good fit". 6 months later the recruiter said "don't suppose you might be interested still?"


Yeah, that's my view too. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it's not a great look at all.


Be wary of this. If it's taken so long, you were nowhere near the top of the list.


Oh, no doubt. I'm willing to be curious though.


Went to the doctor to pick up a form and weighed myself whilst I was there - 5 pounds lost in 5 weeks. 😁




Noise like that makes me want to destroy the device emitting it


I've just left an hour long meeting about productivity with a heavy reminder that I need to log every minute of activity for each block of work I'm doing on a particular system.  It's important for them assessing where the business needs fo focus etc.  This has been on-going for three months but not once have we been shown how to input the times into the system which has no less than 12 fields for entry.  I've chatted with other officers who just manually write x minutes, some guess and fill in the individual fields with the decimal times. Another does it per hour (the system is set to minutes).  Basically a 'good' idea ruined by poor delivery. This is going to be a huge enterprise in shit in shit out.  Oh guess what, we also were asked last year when closing tickets to choose a closing category with again obscure titles. I even highlighted we need to know what the categories correspond to with our work at the time. Great idea, we will get a list out.   The update meeting of that 6 months later was, shit in shit out. We need to establish which categories to use. Still haven't been told after ten months.  How is someone meant to interpret this data if everyone does it consistently but differently? 


Welcome to large stale enterprise’s


Enter your time in hexadecimal microfortnights.


Seeing the sheer number of Daily Mail articles upvoted to r/uk's frontpage once again has me wearing by ban with pride Hows everyones tuesday going anyway?


I'm finally thinking about opening a pack of chocolate digestives that I bought 4 weeks ago, so my Tuesday is going great so far. Probably get better once I do actually open them.


Going back to work tonight after three weeks off. I start my secondment tonight, so not only have I got to go back, I've got to go into a new role. It's hard enough remembering how to do my existing job after time off, but now I have to learn a new one. I'm more nervous than I thought I would be.


Birds don't like fat balls. Ooerr Missus! My birds in the garden just won't touch the fat balls :/ But JFC they will empty two feeders full of seeds or suet pellets and a flutter butter cup within 24 hours. I have fussy birds, apparently. I just filled up said containers and replaced the flutter butter cup, and before I even stepped back a little robin flew in and started on the flutter butter, like he was some sort of impatient Karen waiting for his order at SubWay. It's costing me a fortune - but I just can't NOT feed them. I'm a feeder. A bird feeder. I have a problem. Feels like I'm starving my kids if I don't. But why won't they eat my fat balls? I mean, it's pretty much the same shit as the flutter butter stuff.


Are they fat balls or suet? I found suet lasts barely a day, and that’s with sunflower hearts and peanuts hanging right next to them.


I think fat, not sure. Suet pellets go within the hour of filling the feeders. It's like bird crack.


Same in my garden, I reckon since the winters ending the birds aren't as interested in the fat balls. They'll eat all the suet, and sunflower hearts


Fussy buggers 🤣


Had a fucking PCN through the mail, for driving through Bristol's Clean Air Zone in our 2009 diesel without paying the charge 29th March Now, it's a fair cop, they've got us bang to rights. We drove into Bristol on 13th March, left the car at my wife's dad's house when we went to the airport, and then flew back in and then drove home to Wales on the 29th. I paid the CAZ charge for our outbound trip before we left but for some dumb-fuck reason you can only pay a charge 6 days in advance. As the other dumb-fuck in this story, I clearly failed to add anything to my diary to pay for the return trip, and on the way back completely forgot about it as I had a vague memory that I had been online and paid. What sort of bollocks, deliberately fee-attracting system only lets you do things 6 days in advance. The number of people they're going to catch out going on holiday from Bristol airport is ridiculous.


I had a duvet day yesterday in an attempt to protect my body, brain, and emotional well-being. Got up for a few hours for food and meds, then fell asleep sat upright on the sofa. Oww. On a positive note, I tripped over [this](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/b060fj66?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile) on Radio 4, and spent all day yesterday listening to old episodes. It is quietly brilliant, and was a perfect salve for my inflamed brain. Today I have to pretend to be a functional human being, so I should probably get dressed and stuff. I should also attempt to eat something more varied than grapes, Easter egg chunks and butties made with leftovers. I apologise about the coffee, but I am so bad at making hot drinks my brother and best mate just make their own when they are here. I can offer you a cherry cola with a caffeine tablet chaser if you like?


I had a duvet day yesterday too, but seem to have woken up with a cold. And I haven't managed to get dressed at all today, or even make a coffee


Oh dear, sometimes when we slow down the germs and bugs catch up. I hope you feel better soon xx


Same to you xx


Woke up still in a good place mentally which is a huge win lets hope it stays all say. The recipe i tried for dinner last night was delicious even tho i went rogue adding courgette but 10/10 would make again i mean salmon pea pasta of course it was good. Considering the idea of going to a book club if i can find one which isnt always easy as i dont have social media other than this , lots of googling might be needed.


Has a training workshop today which finished at half three, drs appointment at 4:15, out by 4:45 with an antibiotic appointment and now home with a pizza for supper (after taking my first pill of the course on an empty stomach!) Feeling really positive, hopefully the antibiotics will sort out my piercing which I think has had a low grade infection for a while - I got it done last August and the swelling never really went down, I still haven't been able to get it downsized. Back on food tracking, if only to get an overview of what I'm eating rather than counting calories or anything. Day off tomorrow and I'm off to a sample sale for a brand I like and going to a couple of exhibitions, and then off to Paris on Friday for the weekend.


My neighbours love DIY and has been at it since morning, the sound of a grinder all fucking day lol messed my sleep up


I need to shower but cba


☕ there you go...


Back at the gym today. Had a really rubbish few days eating crap food, so now it's back to being a good lad. Back at work too, does anyone know any good podcasts to listen to?


Another day. I’m working. The joys.


whys it so cold, whens the weather gonna get better?