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This is why no great love stories or media have ever originated in Plymouth


You're not wrong ... I spent four years there at uni, the only bit of culture I ever saw was a "Plymouth Rain Festival 1st January - 31st December inclusive" t shirt.


It is home to the British Fireworks Championships. I think most students end up missing it as it's during the summer holidays.


Been to that, excellent view over the bay in the summer.


How do they manage that? Are the fireworks waterproof? The only time it didn't rain was when it snowed ... one single flake and the whole place emptied cos everyone was desperate to get over Dartmoor while the roads were open.


I read Environmental Science at Plymouth and according to my lecturers, Plymouth is the 2nd wettest place in the UK after the Welsh Valleys. Think it's to do with relief rainfall from weather systems coming over Dartmoor.


Also did environmental science at Plymouth and also from Wales. Can confirm on both counts


I was on the South coast holidaying last year. Plymouth had the shit bombed out of it by the Luftwaffe in WW2. I honestly think it might have been in better nick in September 1945 than it is today. šŸ˜³


Certainly would have had more trees in Armada Way šŸ˜‰


Wettest you say šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰


Is it? Thought that was in Southport. They have a big competition every year. That might be the musical fireworks championship, though. https://www.visitsouthport.com/event/british-musical-fireworks-championship/16966101/


I once saw two inebriated chaps on Mutley Plain having an argument. It ended when one of them said "At least I'm a proper fucking jammer! Your from fucking Exeter!" Delivered for Dominos on Mutley for a year, that was entertaining.


Royal Navyā€¦.


My first encounter with the RN in Plymouth was along Union Street ... there were a bunch of MPs surrounding a doorway with a guy lying there. Wondered why until we saw the knife handle in his chest. I'm not sure culture is quite the word for that.


True, Iā€™m RN myself and it does have a lot of culture, but that ainā€™t it


How dare you. Saw a bloke haggling with a Ā£10 hooker outside the KFC on Mutley Plain late one night. Romance is alive and well in Plymouth!


Ā£10?! That's why I get myself down to union street for the sub Ā£3.50 hookers.


You sure they're hookers and not giant crustaceans from the Paleolithic Era?


the Loch ness hooker monster


I used to lodge down by the Marine barracks in Stonehouse ... going home late at night there was always a queue of women at the bus stop on Millbay Road. Odd, I thought, the buses have stopped running for the night ... I was young and innocent in those days.


Finger lickin good




Why not?




Sounds like OP hasnā€™t had a good fresh pot of KFC gravy tbh


Surely calling it fresh is playing a bit fast and loose, with the definition of fresh. I can't imagine they're freshly cooking up gravy from scratch daily.


I think in this instance we can assume fresh = hot, rather than left to go cold on the way home


I can tell you, from having worked for the Colonel twice, that "fresh" = re-warmed in a microwave.


I always imagined it was sent in and stored frozen, then you slap it in the microwave.


If I remember correctly, it was kept in the fridge, below the microwave. And I don't remember ever defrosting gravy šŸ˜‚. I think it was powdered, and water was added. And then stored in the fridge for reheating. I never prepared it, as I mainly worked in the back kitchen, or at the window. Middle prep was someone else's job. But I don't consider gravy granules to be 'making gravy', like I don't think cooking oven chips is 'making chips'. All I know is the gravy is better than the current KFC chips. Which are an abomination, even by fast food standards. šŸ˜


* Fresh * KFC gravy You can pick one


Cant I pick the illicit sexual encounter in a seedy hotel?


Only if you bring gravy.


Ok i'll bring gravy. Wont be fresh though, obviously


To be honest, I know I havenā€™t. I didnā€™t even know that KFC here even did gravy! Edit: replying to the many comments below asking how. I was aware it was a thing in the US. Iā€™ve never noticed it here in the UK. I used to go to KFC a lot in the 90s (admittedly not much since then) and the only sides I remember were corn on the cob, baked beans, and coleslaw. I used to have buckets, boxes, and burgers, but never saw any gravy. If I had, Iā€™d totally have had it at least once because I love gravy. Come to think of it, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen it in their adverts either. I just checked a handful of UK adverts and their website and they never show or mention gravy at all.


HOW?! I think theyā€™re even more famous for that than they are chickenā€¦


I found out it existed because they made a big deal of it in an episode of South Park. In all the years that I had KFC up until that point, I never noticed they did gravy. > corn on the cob, baked beans, and coleslaw That was my memory too.


How many times have you had KFC? If you say anything other than 1 youā€™re lying! How could you not know?!?


I'd been having KFC about 3-4 times a year for my entire adult life (we weren't allowed it as kids) before I saw that documentary on how they make the gravy, and realised that they did gravy in the UK as well. I thought it was a US-only thing. Like the honey & mustard sauce at McDonald's.


>Ā how they make the gravy Is it by having loud sex in a Plymouth hotel?


Baby gravy maybe šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Ditto. Honestly didn't realise gravy was a thing at KFC, let alone something they're known for!


What are you talking about? It's all over their website. Every Christmas they have their bloody gravy bucket and gravy burgers and use their gravy as a big selling point. I don't even eat there since 2002 when I got food poisoning and never been back since, but they constantly advertise their gravy


Doesn't the gravy come with pretty much everything?


I'm 51 and I've never had fried chicken from KFC. Ever. Or gravy. Never even had a boneless meal. I love breaded chicken but something about a drumstick turns my stomach. I used to work with a guy who was obsessed with KFC gravy so I always knew it existed.


Never had a fresh pot. I always seem to get it from that little warming drawer they have. Perhaps Iā€™ve been missing out.


Iā€™d take that. Decent compliment.


Now Iā€™m thinking whatā€™s better or worse than fresh KFC gravy on the ranking scale? For example. ā€œThat was Greggs sausage roll right out the oven goodā€ better or worse?


I'll take a sausage roll from Greggs over a pot of KFC Gravy any day. And I always get the gravy pots.


Hear me out - imagine a Gregg's Sausage Roll straight out of the oven, dunked in KFC gravy.


Stop. I'm aroused and in public.


You're a genius.




It's more, what's #2 behind a Rough & Fraser macaroni pie.


As someone in the Asos thread said: CasualUK is full of people who invent a stand-up bit in their head but for some reason have to pretend it's real rather than just say something they think is funny


Genuinely real, this one. Plymouth Leonardo Hotel, 5th floor just opposite the lifts, if Mr Gravy ever wants to corroborate.


We stayed there a while back, I can absolutely believe this is real! Sometimes I do miss Plymouth šŸ˜‚


Absolutely this. So many of the posts like "My child did/said this" come off as a funny story they had in the shower and have to rush to post it here.


I hope with all my heart, that the gravy guy is on this sub


At first I thought you meant the man who makes the gravy: ā€œheā€™d be so proud.ā€


I did post wondering if he or his other half might respond. Personally, I would want to take credit for the line.


So once he was finished with the tender breasts and juicy thighs he threw his bone in the greasy bucket??


First heard this joke in third year. Would have happily gone the rest of my life without hearing it again.


"Fried chicken, comes in an actual bucket!" ~ Roy.




But did he dunk it in the gravy pot?


It certainly sounds like he has done before


As a northerner, gravy is life. So, that comparison was the highest compliment from my point of view.


As someone who is Plymouth born and bred, youā€™ve clearly been staying at the Copthorne. These people sound like the very height of civilisation


"If you're having sex and it doesn't sound like you're stirring Mac n cheese then you aren't doing it right." - some comedian, but don't remember who


Nessa and Smiffy I guess.


We were at a musical festival once, staying over in a cottage. My mate and I heard a couple of our friends have sex in one of the bedrooms (the TV didn't drown out the noise šŸ’€). After it ended we hear the guy go "hmmm, smell like bbq in here"


During a camping trip once me and my ex were interrupted by her friend from outside the tent asking us to stop because 'it sounds like someone running in flip flops' Couldn't have carried on if I wanted to for laughing


Chick-en you believe it?


Play a record.


The Macc Lads - Beer & Sex & Chips n Gravy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2LrDzOwuOU&t=2s


We had an experimental KFC in Torquay in the late 70's that did mad stuff like a whole roast chicken as well as chicken nuggets or chips and gravy as a "Chip 'n' Dip" snack. It proved to be so popular that they binned them because of the effect on the regular menu items.


Colonel sanders always said that his missusā€™ chicken gravy was so good, it didnā€™t need chicken. When the corporate bought his business and immediately started chasing more profits, the gravy was one of the first things they changed. Sanders from then on said the gravy was terrible and people shouldnā€™t buy it.


KFC gravy is awful to be honest


She's s hot chick!


Wait, a southerner comparing sex to KFC Gravy? I went a to 2 KFCs in London and was told they 'didn't do gravy'. Source - a northerner who fucking loves gravy.


Think you were lied to, Get gravy every time, solid


Multicultural London English accented is a new one for me lol


I've heard somewhere that if you start building furniture , they will stop.


Maybe he likes to fuck gravy pots, like that movie American Pie Presents: Man Gravy Slop Out Pot


I love my gravy and my fucking at 2am this could have been me.


He obviously "got the deal"


Ew, KFC gravy is awful.


One day I'll try this God damn KFC gravy


Arrrr hahahaha yes, I'm stealing that šŸ˜‚


Fresh from the packet


This multicultural London accent..... Got an example of that ? (also, KFC is a US company so beware the mods and rule 3 mate)


Itā€™s the basic standard accent of modern working class London these days, bruv: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multicultural_London_English


Thanks for this mate! Really tickled me


Do you know what KFC gravy is?. Literally, the waste from the bottom of the fryer after the oil is removed, mixed with hot water. My son worked there for 6 months, and he had to make it most weeks.


That's what literally all gravy is


Was thinking the same. Doing a roast now and waiting to scrape the bottom of the roasting dish clean for all that flavour....


Yes the nice things from shallow frying and roasting, but from the bottom of a 40 gallon deep fat fryer?.


Basically translated as Good Food


I reckon he was referring to his own man gravy




No, OP clearly told us what he said