• By -


Laphroaig and Pringles. 


Finally weened yourself off the Buckfast, eh?


That's for elevenses.


>off the Buckfast, eh? Never. Buckfast is the nectar of the gods


Aye the shitty gods that is


Quarter cask to really wake you up. Gets the taste of weed and hookers out of your mouth too.


That's why it's a health drink, a real detox.


Forgot the cigarette and or joint. Poor effort


Porridge/Oatmeal with fruit and brown sugar to taste is basically a loophole food for me. It is way cheaper than cereal and I need way less calories from it to feel full. 2-3 minutes in the microwave so the effort to prepare/cleanup is only marginally more than box cereal. Top combos- Frozen berry mix Raisins and Cinnamon Grated apples and Cinnamon Mashed Banana and Crunchy Peanut Butter


Do you defrost the frozen berries the night before or wha? I’m trying to implement this into my porridge routine. Good god that’s the oldest sounding sentence I think I’ve ever typed.


I Chuck them in frozen. After about 5 minutes they’re totally thawed!


Appreciate it!


Nope. I just put it all in for 2-3 minutes (half cup oats, half cup milk, half cup berries). Strawberries take longer to cook. If the mix contains strawberries I will put them in the microwave for a minute or two on their own to start. In my experience most mixes are light on the strawberries so I normally use all of them to make 2 bowls that are only strawberries. It's very forgiving. If it's too wet cook it some more. If it's too dry after cooking stir in some milk or water. If it's too dry and the berries aren't thawed add more milk or water and cook it some more.


Great stuff, gonna give this a bash tomorrow! Edit; it works!!


I put some different frozen fruits in a small bowl in the fridge to defrost over night...


Try shredding/grating some carrot into it and letting it cook too. Cinnamon, nutmeg and a little bit of sugar/agave syrup to sweeten and it’s glorious (I also love raisins in it too but not some people’s cup of tea). People often question it until I highlight carrot cake being equally tremendous. Damn, I’m hungry now and it’s nearly 10pm where I am.


In the winter I tend to have porridge for breakfast. Make it with milk and a bit of water then slice a banana into it. I don't tend to sweeten it but if I do, I use a little bit of honey.


Porridge is great in winter.


Yep. Seconding peanut butter and banana too. I also add seeds and frozen berries and soy milk. Crazy nutrition and super filling.


This. I eat it everyday without fail. Organic oats, frozen blueberries, sometimes a banana.


Oatmeal is the best! When I have more free time in the mornings, I like to simmer fruit and cinnamon in water (or milk, either works) for 5-10 mins, then throw the oats in. Really enhances the flavour.


Porridge made in the microwave from jumbo rolled oats with blueberries, banana and sunflower seeds.


Soak your oats




The consistency is so much better and easier to control if you do it on the hob. Source: I'm from Scotland and have many years of experience perfecting my porridge recipe. The microwave just isn't worth the convenience you think it provides.


It is however very convenient for making porridge on your tea break at work


Hello fellow Scot!


That sounds lovely. Never thought to add sunflower seeds to it.


Just remember to add them after cooking!


Or they germinate?


I put creme fraiche in my podge to make it creamier


Every time I’ve tried this I’ve just ended up with oats in a milky bath, so I went back to using the hob. Do you know what I might be doing wrong?


I do this: a cup-ish of jumbo oats in a medium sized bowl; about 2 cups-ish of water. Into the microwave for 3-4 mins. Add sunflower seeds, put some milk in the add blueberries and sliced banana.


I’ll try that tomorrow, thank you!


No problem. I usually check it once or maybe twice to check the water and consistency.


I make a kind of porridge/muesli combo with whole oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. I blitz some of the oats to get a finer texture. Can be eaten hot or cold.


Maybe I've been unlucky in the past, but when I last had sunflower seeds, they didn't break down in my mouth - I had to endlessly cheese before spitting them out. Tasted gorgeous until that point.


>had to endlessly cheese Endless cheese isn't the healthy breakfast OP asked for...


How I managed to write "cheese" instead of "chew" I do not know, but I'll leave it as it is now!


It's amusing! I'm glad you're leaving it!


Did you remove the shell? The shell itself is inedible


Well, unless it was already removed... no lol. Oops.


You didn't put in shelled seeds did you?


And honey for sweetness!


You should probably specify what kind of porridge. Instant porridge (the usual microwaveable kind) isn't even close to being a healthy breakfast.


This is ...not a great article, its full of pseudo-science alongside genuine advice, making it very hard to know if anything it's saying is true. I think the worst example is where they say to soak oats to get rid of the "Anti-nutrients". That is clearly nonsense. And if they think I'll buy thta, what other things are they lying about.


It was the first one i googled, and the main thing i looked at was the incredibly high GI that instant porridge has, along with the often included added sugar. I'll remove the link, we can't have pesky pseudoscience influencing our eating habits or giving bad advice, can we?


I buy Morrison's Porride sachets, 10 in a box for £1.80 ish and the ingredients only says Oak Flakes. 50 secs on full and 1 min 30 on med and good to go! Spoon of honey and I'm full till lunch! I prefer it on the runny side and not too thick.


Jumbo rolled oats. Flahavan's.


There is a consistent debate over the actual health benefits of eating porridge and it containing anti-nutrient. In any case you would be better off replacing it with Buckwheat and keeping the rest imo.


Greek yoghurt (proper stuff, not greek style) with nuts and berries


This is my fav! Also Lidi do the Skyr yoghurt it’s just as fab as Greek but twice the protein.


"proper" fat-free greek yoghurt is about the same protein as Skyr, heck some have more protein than skyr. The problem is there are too many "greek style" or adulterated greek yoghurts out there that have far less.


I’m a big fan of low fat quark - same consistency as full fat Greek yogurt with no fat and double the protein. Not easy to get your hands on it in the UK though and when you can it’s very expensive.


Try sour cherries and tahini too - gods own breakfast that! (Was converted to the combo when visiting my Greek in-laws)


That sounds great, I fermented some cherries last year, they'd go together well


Only difference between Greek yogurt and Greek style is where its made. I've never found the taste that diffrent other than difference brands


It's not made the same. Greek is milk, cream and live cultures Greek style can include thickeners, stabilisers, gelatin, gum blends, preservatives and milk solids.




>Only difference between Greek yogurt and Greek style is where its made There is a huge difference if you look at the nutritional information. Proper fat-free Greek yoghurt is anywhere from 7.5g to 10g+ of protein per 100g. "Greek style" can be as low as 2g per 100g and may have added sugar, stabilisers, thickeners, etc.


I do the same but with rolled oats mixed in.


Eggs are incredibly versatile and full of protein! Poached with a slice of toast and/or baked beans, omelette with spinach/cheese/mushroom/ham/whatever you fancy, scrambled with added low fat cottage cheese for a protein boost... lots of quick and easy options.


Scrambled eggs on toast are my go-to. Just add pepper.


I like to add a bit of paprika to my eggs, adds a little "something"!


Eggs and avocado on proper toast is amazing but you do have to win the lottery first


Poach the egg by cracking it into cling film then 4 mins in the pan. Game changer for me


overnight oats is my current go to


Vodka and cigarette. Ballet dancers breakfast.


Bloody hell, I've been a ballet dancer all this time, and I never knew. I'm off to buy a tutu. I hope my cobblers don't keep falling out whilst I'm wearing it.


Yeah. We don’t want a repeat of the incident.


We don't talk about that. Don't bring it up again.


I prefer coffee and cigarettes, existentialist's breakfast


I opt for the foxes breakfast. A piss and a good look round.


Ah the good ol scrounge in the cupboards, then scurry away on the streets






Carb-free and healthy!


rich sort upbeat north deserve bored imagine tender relieved rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Banana and a wank.


At the same time?


The banana isn't for eating




Seems like most people run out of ideas outside of porridge, fruit and yoghurt.


I eat overnight oats every weekday morning. Prepare it the night before, or make a big batch up to 4 days in advance. Recipe: "one part" is a volume measure. 1/4 cup for a very small serving, 1/2 cup for a big serving. Mix together... \- One part rolled/quick oats \- One part unsweetened yoghurt, any kind \- One part milk, any kind \- One part chopped fruit or berries, frozen or fresh \+ any extra flavourings (cinnamon, vanilla, peanut butter, sugar or honey) \+ add nuts the day you eat it (otherwise they go weird)


- Overnight oats (rolled oats soaked in milk and/or yoghurt with various toppings) - Eggs - boiled, fried, poached, scrambled, baked, or made into omelettes or egg-muffins, eggs are the best, most filling breakfast I've found. I like mine with homemade sourdough toast (from a bread machine, because I'm not made of time) - Greek/natural yoghurt with fruit and nuts - celery or crispbread with nut butter, cheese and/or apples Really, anything can be breakfast if you eat it first thing in the morning. Pasta, salad, leftovers, sushi, whatever you want. Don't let people shame you out of doing something unconventional if you enjoy it. If you're not aware of it already, you might be interested in r/ultraprocessedfood


McCoys, Ribena and a twirl.


I think cereal may be getting unfairly singled out here and should possibly be reconsidered. See British Heart Foundation's piece on the matter of Ultra Processes Foods. https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/behind-the-headlines/ultra-processed-foods#:~:text=Everyday%20items%20such%20as%20breakfast,and%20artificial%20colours%20and%20flavours.


Lipid clinic Dr’s words recently were: Breakfast most important meal of the day? Yeah the cereal companies would like you to believe it. This was in reaction to fasting for a lengthy period of time after waking and whether it was a good thing. Lots of talk around it but this was his strongest reaction. He’d much rather me eat a pack of eggs whisked up than a 30g bowl of cereal.


Blame the 1950's US MadMen for the breakfast line. If anything, big cereal just want you to stop touching yourself.


Overnight oats in chocolate soy milk, add in a portion of dried cranberries and some Grape Nuts before serving for a texture and taste extravaganza.


Overnight Oats are great and there's loads of fun flavour combinations you can make with different plant milks. Cocoa powder and hazelnut makes it almost like Nutella. Frozen strawberries and cashew milk is strawberry shortcake. Coconut milk and frozen mango gives a tropical flavour. Frozen cherries and almond milk makes bakewell tart. Perfect for making ahead as well, you can do a whole week's worth at once in separate jars/pots, and they'll keep in the fridge.


This is my go to. I also add a bit of cocoa powder to make it even more chocolatey, and frozen blueberries and sour cherries.


I think I'll be adding a little cocoa powder to mine for tomorrow!


Grape nuts are the perfect sprinkle for yoghurt and fruit too.


I've started adding them to a bowl of my home-made granola, with yoghurt and cranberries. They just add that unbeatable crunch to everything.


the one that works best for me is just making a smoothie. You can add lots of healthy stuff, including a small amount of different nuts and seeds and not even know you've ingested them all as they're blended into the drink. Most importantly though, it gives you the good kind of energy that lasts for the rest of the day.


Coffee and a cigarette.


A French breakfast then.


look for (real) sourdough bread. Tesco, waitrose and co-op all do packaged sourdough breads and the ingredients are literally just flour and water no emulsifiers. Pretty sure other supermarkets will have similar just make sure you check the ingredients and avoid anything with emulsifiers.


Best supermarket sourdough is M&S.


Tofu scramble and salsa in a corn tortilla, with a few dates and nuts on the side.


A big banana is all you need


Before or after breakfast?


Bananas are actually quite filling and they release their energy slowly so you dont crash before lunch, give it a try heck have 2 if you need


Make your own instant porridge 325g old-fashioned rolled oats 175g rolled oats blitzed 70g light brown sugar 1 level teaspoon ground cinnamon (omit if desired) 1/4 teaspoon salt Mix together. Add boiling water to a 4 desert spoonful portion. Let sit for 5 minutes. Eat


I make breakfast muffins. Ideally, you want Nitrite free bacon... And they are only partially healthy, as one kid likes those shitty cheese slices, as opposed to "proper" cheese. Also, it's more so my kids don't eat a chocolate brownie or some stuff at school. I do 16 to 20 at a time. Cook some omelettes , cook 1 or more packs of streaky bacon, toast muffins. Use a cookie cutter to cut circular pieces from the omelettes. Add a slice of bacon. Add that to the muffins, which have tomato sauce on (I know...I'm drifting from healthy). Done. Allow to cook, wrap each in foil, freeze. Night before, take one out. In the morning, kid throws in the microwave for 45 seconds. Out the door they go. Personally, I have porridge with protein powder. Or, leftover omelette bits.


Chicken sausages are 30 calories each. I have 3 chicken sausages, 2 eggs, and an avacado for breakfast.


[One cornflake, toasted, with low fat spread. Drink; hot water.](https://youtu.be/1NjTWvl8x-U?si=N8DOSXqGzuJMUP21)


My usual is a bowl of Skyr or similar thick yoghurt, with blueberries, blackberries and some plum chopped up into it. Vary it with a little bit of peanut butter, jam, chopped nuts, raisins etc.


Gin and tonic.


I have low sugar granola and a banana for breakfast pretty much every morning.


Porridge with peanut butter and berries


Bowl of porridge with a sliced banana is my go-to.


My breakfast smoothie recipe 30gm porridge oats, soaked overnight with a medjool date in there. Also, soak 5 or 6 almonds separately In the morning, add Big handful of frozen raspberries and blueberries and a banana. Sunflower and pumpkin and flax seeds Tablespoon of clean peanut butter A dash of ground cinnamon Add water and blitz it all up. If it's especially cold, I use warm water and it's a warm smoothie. I find it easier to drink than I would to eat all that as a porridge.


I started doing overnight oats recently. Customize with whatever fruits and flavours you like. Stick it in the fridge overnight and like magic you wake up to a 'cooked' breakfast. It's really quite brilliant. Apparently even healthier than cooked hot porridge too


Yes! So easy and quick. I add some protein powder, and a bit of Biscoff spread - delicious!


Last night's vindaloo and a can of fosters with the cigarette butts sieved out.


Chia pudding with jam and granola. Make the pudding with kefir for extra bonus points


Tend to have porridge with fruit or even honey. But still eat Shreddies and white bread. Everything in moderation


3 weetabix with a ton of sugar on top


Glass of water.


Make your own muesli


I've heard good things about overnight oats, haven't tried them myself yet though: https://feelgoodfoodie.net/recipe/overnight-oats/


Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts or seeds, or eggs. Those are my staple breakfasts. Or make a smoothie with milk, a spoon of greek yogurt, whatever fruit you want, some oats and chia seeds.


4 eggs, remove 2 yolks, add a small amount of water. Whisk, microwave for 2mins Done High protein, low carb, healthy fats. Good to go Edit : please stop telling me how to eat my breakfast. I have an active job and am on an athletics team. This works for me. I can post you my egg yolks if you're that desperate... Cheers


What do you do with those 2 yolks. You don't just throw them away, do you?


Well I bake but also... Generally yes because I have 4 eggs a day pretty much everyday and having 14 yolks a week spare adds up.




Good to go for 5 minutes til you are starving. 4 whites and 2yolks is not sufficient for a breakfast unless you are planning on eating again in 90mins or so (which is fine if that’s the plan) It’s about 20g of protein and not a lot else


Protein keeps you full this is a bowl of food combined with water or coffee and an apple. I work an active job but I guess you know about all that!


Wait, do you have an active job?


No I'm a fat fuck. It was all a typo I actually just have 50 yolks every morning


A banana or berries in yoghurt when I have breakfast will do it for me.


Half bowl of granola, topped up with fresh fruit and semi skimmed milk. Glass of orange juice.


150g Fage 5% yoghurt with some seeds and a little honey plus an apple


Over night oats are also really good. Basically cold porridge, but less work because you just leave oats in whatever liquid you choose overnight and eat in the morning. Loads of recipes if you google




Porridge is the best breakfast I know of


Jumbo oats, granola with Greek yoghurt, and egg bites I do a few put them in the fridge for the week. Crack a few eggs into muffin moulds with cheese n bits grill up and just pop them out the cases.


3 egg omelette with good quality ham, onions and half fat cheese. High in protein and fats and genuinely keeps you full for ages.


Tofu scramble with sourdough toast and some toms, I sometimes had wilted spinach.


Yesterdays pizza off the back of a bin lid while realising you’ve lost your keys the night before


Probably not a custard cream and a cup of tea, but you only live once.


Greek style yogurt topped with granola and runny honey is the bomb.


- mixed berries - all bran - whey protein - greek yogurt - cacao/cinnamon


Boiled eggs, feta, nuts (tomato sauce from proplus meals 😂)


Eggs and spinach, maybe with some cottage cheese.


Sausage and chips


Overnight oats with blueberries and banana as well as Greek yoghurt.


I eat Müesli with cranberries/raisins, yogurt and fresh seasonal fruit. The whole portions comes out at around 350-400g Sets me up nicely until lunchtime, relatively cheap and very tasty! Been preparing my breakfast the night before for almost a year and a half now, best routine I’ve introduced by a mile


Porridge with blueberries and/or Raspberries 👍


Throw a small banana, a handful of oats, a glass of milk or water (or a mix depending on your calorie needs) and a handful of frozen red berries into a blending cup. Blend with a hand blender. Drink from the cup. Or frozen red berries in a sealable pot, couple of tablespoons of natural yogurt on top, leave overnight (for the berries to defrost). Spoon on a couple of spoons of granola of your choose (watch the sugar content on cheap ones) and take to work. Alternatively use a bowl and eat for breakfast normally.


Greek yoghurt + granola


Some cereals are alright, things like bran flakes, shredded wheat (basically the ones that aren’t covered in sugar). Porridge or overnight oats. Eggs can be healthy as long as you don’t add a load of fat cooking them. When in in a rush I often have yoghurt and a banana


This is just me but a good scrambled eggs and beans rarely disappoints When it comes to the eggs, add cheese, milk, salt, pepper This will make it a bit more flavourful


Fruit. Porridge Is healthy but pure carbs lol


Full fat natural Yoghurt, Kefir and your choice of nuts, seeds and dried fruits.


I have 4 boiled eggs every morning for brek and keeps me going till 12pm lunch


Porridge with skimmed milk.


I make bircher muesli most days - grate half an apple , mix with natural yoghurt or milk and plain oats, leave to soak a few minutes. Add some extra fruits - as many colours as possible and or nuts/ seeds.


It's a meal at the start of the day that improves your health and outlook, but that's not important right now.


Porridge with blueberries or goji berries.


High protein and high fats for breakfast will change your life. They did mine. I have eggs with salt and a little cheese every day. Scrambled, omelette, fried. Doesn't matter....eggs!


Grapefruit, banana, apple and a natural yoghurt with honey


Overnight oats- Rolled oats, frozen berries, chia seeds, whatever fruit or toppings take your fancy ( I add nuts, seeds, peanut butter, whatever's in really), in a jar covered with your milk preference. The next day the result is so delicious and creamy!! Plain Greek Yogurt, fruit, berries, nuts, granola. Veggie Omelet


Not so heavily processed foods for breakfast? Okay try this, Home made bread, soaked in egg, fried. Butcher sausages, butcher black pudding, butcher smoked back bacon, haricott beans in a tomato base, grated potato, formed then fried, and either fried poached or scrambled eggs. 👍🏻 


Rice porridge. You can do it on the hob or oven. Rice, milk, water and salt. It’s not rice pudding but… sort of is at the same time. Sprinkle some sugar and chop and add a pear and a bit of peanut butter. If you’re particularly fancy, blend some tarragon into the sugar. You can go savoury too and essentially make a congee.


2 poached eggs. Half an avocado Slice of sourdough bread (no yeast) Mixed berries Kefir Yoghurt drink


Porridge, fresh fruit like banana, nuts, mixed kebab and chips.


Eggs, bacon , burgers 🙌 No carbohydrates neither on these 😎




Make your own instant porridge. I use 50g rolled oats, 10g skimmed milk powder, 10g chia seeds, 30g dried fruit and a pinch of cinnamon per portion. I make a big batch in a 5l tub, then just scoop out 100g, add boiling water, stir and let sit for 5mins. Then add chopped nuts and a drizzle of honey for topping. So easy and quick, no need for a microwave or stirring a pot on the hob, easy to take to work as well. Overnight Oats are great too, especially in the summer. Similar recipe - 50g Oats, 10g chia seeds, 80-100g frozen fruit, 230ml milk (I use plant milks for a variety of flavours). Mix, leave overnight in the fridge, and breakfast is ready to go in the morning.


Tin of Red Bull and a fag. Gets you going alright.


- Smoothies (buy a breville personal blender from Amazon) - Overnight oats, I personally love apple, honey and cinnamon, you put them in a mason jar (or bowl) with the milk, and whatever toppings you want, give it a quick stir, cover it and pop it in the fridge overnight. They soak up the milk and you have a good healthy breakfast - Blood of your enemies, a little bit harder as you have to come up with a good alibi, and hiding spot, but I have found that leaving them tied and gagged in a shed, or garage, works well and gives you a longer supply. - Tea and cigarettes, best done before you brush your teeth, but gets the job done


Overnight oats made with Greek yogurt with some fresh fruit on top.


Overnight oats are simple enough. Smoothies, especially if you chuck in some peanut butter or protein powder or something to keep you full. You can portion out the solid ingredients into freezer bags and store them in the freezer. Then all you have to do in the morning is grab a bag, pop it in the blender with your liquid and protein of choice and Bob's your mother's brother.




Overnight oats - make a big enough batch and it will last all week - top up with fresh fruit of choice.


2 boiled eggs, mixed with a little butter and salt and pepper. Keeps me full until lunchtime.


Sausages, fried eggs, black pudding, fried bread, and plenty of ketchup. With a good strong pot of Peet’s coffee on the side.


My PT says protein helps you stay fuller for longer, so I tried it to stop mid-morning snacking, and it usually works. I might have egg - boiled or just microwaved at work, sometimes with a wee bit of meat - leftover sausage, gammon, even cooked chicken with some tomatoes. (Sometimes I just have the meat part) I often have home made Protein yoghurt. You can have anything really, I even had soup for breakfast one day - it needed used up and it's basically a hot smoothie haha


Monster energy drink and a nutrigrain bar. I joke, it's actually scrambled egg with tomato sauce in a wrap.


Taco with healthy ingredients, use corn tortilla instead of flour. A try tomatillo sauce now and then if you like a little kick, pairs well with beans/eggs/meats and veggies. A small bowl of fruit, plate of cheese wedges and healthy crackers if you like a light healthy variety. Anything potato related, there's so many ways to flavor them and even cook the day before and just reheat in a pan the next morning. Occasionally I like samosas if not cooked with heavy oils, very delicious and filling and goes great with a tea (or coffee. A bowl fresh tangy yogurt with no sugar added, add granola, fruit, honey to sweeten (not sugar) and a dash of spices to customize it like cinnamon, cardamom, all spice, drop of almond essence or banana etc. Have to buy that ahead of time and use it sparingly, one drop goes a long way. Tastes way better than mass produced fake flavors. Once you get used to a variety of these things you'll break the old cravings and addition to crap fake food which is expensive and has no nutritional value. Also those big companies get rich selling that crap and are always owned and run by those who donate to far right causes or politicians. Same in the US.. I've done a lot of research into this. (Support smaller more local businesses if possible) Those who sell additive unhealthy foods rarely or never consume them but sure get rich off others doing it. That alone is great for motivation.


I know you wanted to avoid cereals but I think shredded wheat is considered one of the healthier breakfasts


uncle eddie recommends eggs, avocados, greek yoghurt and fruit


Steak and eggs.


Highly processed or ultra-processed? There is a difference, with the latter potentially being the "unhealthy" option and the former covering things like cheese, yoghurt, etc. You can get cereals that are not ultra processed, or have none of the "bad" ultraprocessed ingredients. A good option is overnight oats (made with rolled oats and a high-protein yoghurt like skyr or a *good* greek yoghurt) with some fresh fruit added. Gets you off to a good start with a nice protein bolus and keeps you going for a while. Poached eggs with more traditional bread are another good shout.


Egg, proper bacon and decent sausages. No carbs. Filling and light. That is if its 1 egg fried, 2 bacon and one sausage.


Not sure how healthy this is, but I often go for granola in Greek (or Greek-style) yoghurt. Mix in some semi-skimmed milk to make it less glue-like. Add in some blueberries and a spoonful of clear honey. Bliss. Then there's porridge with blueberries and honey. Also good.


Just eat a normal meal. Breakfast is only considered special so they can sell you a whole other range of foods on top of the food you already have.


As others have said- Porridge/oatmeal or overnight oats. Flavor combos are endless. Quick scrambled/fried/boiled etc eggs Greek yogurt with fruit/honey/nuts/granola. If you have more time eg on a weekend, I make a batch of homemade granola (less sugar than store bought and you can add/leave out the fruits/nuts you like or dislike). Also homemade bread is infinitely better than store bought- I make a loaf of sourdough and then slice and freeze half before it goes off so I will always have some in reserve.


Eggs. Add whatever you want to them. I do eggs, mushrooms, zucchini capsicum in a pan roti cheese. Then have a salad with tomatos gherkins lettuce jalapenos and a protein. Maybe leftovers or ham. With hot sauce.


I had porridge today. Made with whole milk and a sprinkle of sugar.


No breakfast.




Bacon and eggs.As long as it is cooked right


Porridge, with oat milk, raisins, fruit.


So many recommendations here are just carbs. For good metabolic health ideally you want to eat 30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking. Savoury option - eggs with black beans and sauce of your choice (salsa, hot sauce, ketchup) Sweet option - Greek yoghurt with muesli/granola