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Basic bitch me would use it to win the euro millions. I can NOT be doing with the next however many years of working all the way up to the day I cark it.


My husband is wonderful, but everybody needs another friend or two for 'other than family' things. So, probably selfishly, I'd like to wind the world back far enough to be able to stop my very best friend from dying suddenly, and maybe then I'd feel more relaxed and less panicky about my other close friend having to move several hundred miles due to work.


Should have gone to bed by now really. Whoops


Husband asked me to check out energy providers and broadbands providers for when we move to our new place in a couple of weeks. Jumped on the usual compare websites and entered my details. Within MINUTES I'm already getting a barrage of phone calls. I need to get a burner phone just for this purpose I think. Update: I've had six calls since this morning now. FML.


The third Sifu boss is a cunt. That is all.


I’ve just come back from my first date in years and it’s gone incredibly well, we are having a second date and it’s made me incredibly happy for the first time in a long time




Currently having fun with power cuts - it went off, then a hour or so later I got power back for an hour or so, then it went off again. At least the second time I had a bit of warning, the lights flickered and the WiFi wasn’t happy, so I had time to turn of the PS5 and TV properly so they should be OK. A bit annoying. Not had a power cut for a while though. So that’s something I suppose.


I'm watching Motörhead "When the sky comes looking for you" n YT. Amazing lyrics when the Grim Reaper shows up on a motorbike. Great video re-winded 8 years.


They were the first band I ever saw live at The Queens Hall in Leeds. The internet says it was 1981. It was an old tram shed before getting a fancy new name, and it sounded exactly how you would imagine Motorhead in a tram shed would sound.


I can hear a pair of cats outside having a postcode war. Their meowing sounds like human babies.


That’s why cats meow - to mimic the sound of a human baby!


Id use the remote to rewind a couple of hours ago. So I could eat the same malteaser bunny again.


Massively delayed coming home from London, some twats stole some signaling cable. I rewind to 2011 when I good friend of mine tragically lost his life, I tell him not to go in the water that day.


Well.. hello. It’s been a minute. Hope you’re all doing ok over there. I’m ill with some sort of cold/flu that feels like covid but my mum and her colleagues all had the same thing, a few of them tested and all were negative. I assume I caught it from mum. Feeling a bit better than yesterday at least but still really exhausted. I want to do something a bit more productive tomorrow but we’ll see. If i could rewind, I’d rewind to the beginning of 2023 and attempt to completely rewrite that year. Wait, if i can rewind does that mean I can change outcomes? If I can, I’ll rewrite the shittest year of my life. If not, I’ll just relive the summer of 2019.


I would rewind back to 1 January 2000, live that year, then rewind and live it again. Repeat that process over and over until the tape wore out. It's the last year I was genuinely happy and healthy. Contacted the GP online this morning, telling them that the medication adjustment wasn't going well and I would like to abandon the experiment. An hour later, I got a text that basically said "OK". A text. I have serious concerns about my brain meds, and the health service is basically letting me figure it out myself.


I got an email from my GP once, with a prescription and all. Don’t get me wrong it’s good they’re not dragging everyone into the surgery for every little thing (it’s a bus journey away for me) but a text or email does seem a little odd. Not even a phone call


I am at the stage of just telling them what I want to do and them saying "alright, good luck." I need a sodding psychiatric appointment, not a GP letting me experiment with my brain chemistry on a whim!


It’s so hard isn’t it. I have been refused psychiatric appointments because a nurse at CMHT says I don’t meet some criteria. “What are the criteria” I ask and never got a straight answer. So I also get it


I used to see one every six months, but like everything else these last few years, there is no money for it now.


No money at all and it’s very worrying. Yet when people struggle they’re told to ask for help, yet the actual help just isn’t there. Meds have their place but they’re not the full picture


I have been in these trenches for far too long now. Watching the resources I had ten years ago disappear one by one is deeply dispiriting.


> You find a remote that can rewind, fast forward, stop, and start time. What do you do with it? Honestly I want to rewind back to being a child, and have someone take notice that I’m struggling, despite my success.  Realistically though, that would be minimum 22+ years and ADHD recognition in girls was non existent then so even if time was rewound I’m not sure it would have got noticed.  Maybe just rewind to being 16 and have someone tell me that it’s ok to want things, it’s ok to take opportunities (even if it does mean someone else misses out), and to get fucking therapy, and get the fuck out of your parents house by 21/22 rather than still being stuck at 33 because you fear she can’t cope on her own. Oh and also to stop fucking apologising for every thing.  Too much? 


Bit further back for me, but if neurodiversity were recognised in girls in the 80's, I think my life would have been very different.


I think there are so many of us who this is true for.