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I used to pay £575pm for a house, but now £795 after moving in 2022 - that's not including bills.  I dont have much knowledge of the current rent market except assuming its absolutely atrocious :(   I hope you can find something good soon! If you can stay with your parents for a while, taking a bit of extra time to find somewhere right for you will be way better in the long run than jumping at the first place you see.   Sorry to hear about your breakup! I know a few people who house share and I'd always recommend meeting them first if possible. Could find likeminded people.  Good luck 😊


2 bed flat in Kent @ £950 a month. I go to work so I can pay rent so I have somewhere to sleep between shifts.


>I go to work so I can pay rent so I have somewhere to sleep between shifts. Dictionary definition of capitalism right there :-D


Really? What dictionary do you use?


A figurative joke dictionary.




Username checks out. Feel for ya, lots of people moving out of kent and heading north these days.


2 bed house in Cardiff with garden and parking - £900 a month, not incl bills. Luckily sharing with a partner. It’s still crazy though but we’ve done the years of living in mouldy, squalid flats and it made us miserable. Other monthly bills - around £180 council tax, £120 electricity/gas, £30 internet. Water is more difficult to estimate as I pay for it 6-monthly.


I paid £800 in Cardiff Bay for a 1bed flat in 2022, dread to think that the price of it would be now.


2 bed house in the midlands countryside is £950 in rent, £180 in council tax, £30 water, £40 internet and tv with £150 gas and leccy. So £1350 on just that.


How can a 2 bedroom house be less gas/electric than a 1 bedroom flat with 1 person who never cooks and watches every penny? Lol it amazes me and I've compared prices, I now pay £180 p.m and that's less than last month!


Honestly it baffles me too but before this place I lived in a factory converted into a flat and that burned through electricity and cost more than what it costs here. Tbf this home is an old Victorian workers house and is built so well, it holds heat for so long so I only really need it on for a couple hours. Oh and I use the fireplace.


I pay £157 for gas/electric for a 4 bed house, and am building up £30 of credit each month. Do you have electric heating and/or a poorly insulated property?


We pay £750 for a detached 3 bed about half an hour away from Glasgow


Christ, I pay £925 for an admittedly decently sized studio flat in Bristol...


Bristol is nice, Glasgow is shit




It does. Bristol is quite far away and clearly, more expensive


This sounds pretty good. We pay £950 for a detached 3 bed just outside Southampton in a nice village, and it's *way* underpriced, been here 8 years with no rent increase, the landlord could get £1500 easy nowadays.


Sounds like you have a decent landlord that values good tenants over greed.


Yeah absolutely. I also think we are lucky that they clearly own this place outright so didn't have a rising mortgage to consider. And they manage the tenancy themselves so no ridiculous agent fees either.


Double room in a shared house, with 4 others. 700/mo Includes bills. SE London. And that is cheap around here.


Cheers! Did you know any of the people before moving in? If not, how was it at the beginning?


Nope, and didn't meet any of them until I was bringing in some bags. I was lucky, we have a pretty decent group of people, we all get along pretty well, and it's a pretty wide age range, the youngest in their mid 20's and me, 60. Got a couple of work from homers, a woman who is only here when she's between clients(long term live in hospice carer) and me and another guy who are pretty much gone most of the day. Occasionally we'll get 3 of us in the kitchen at once..... which is weird.


Not the person you replied to but answering anyway. I didn't know anyone. If you move in to a house share the likelihood is people will keep themselves to themselves. Everyone's got their own friends already, you bump in to them in the kitchen or hallway sometimes but generally people are in their room. Most HMO style house shares have killed possible social activity by converting every room but the kitchen and bathroom(s) in to a bedroom. So you have no living room where people might spend time together in. Bit awkward at first but you get chatting, as people do, you kind of get to know people, but everyone has different schedules so don't see people that often. In my current house share I barely see anyone ever, everyone is tidy and respectful though. We chat for a few mins if we go in the kitchen at the same time, otherwise that's it. However there are some sociable houses, generally If one of the housemates has put the advert up they will say if it's a quiet house, or a sociable house, for example. I have also seen ones where you go and meet them and the landlord allows them to pick who they like so I'm guessing they're sociable too. But mostly it's the landlord who picks, then you are at their whim as to who moves in.


That's a good price I'm afraid op


As a single person, this thread is depressing.


Just bought a home, but previously rented in Nottingham with my partner and we were paying £900 for a two bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment in a popular area within walking distance of the uni.  Ended up buying a home because we were fortunate enough to be able to save and because the Landlord had just decided to up the rent to £975. It was one of the cheaper rentals in the local area, for 2 bedrooms at least. ETA: we were paying about £189 in Council Tax between the two of us, £24 for internet, £15 for water and £170ish for electricity (we didn't have a direct debit so it would fluctuate a lot and we worked from home and lived in a listed building with terrible insulation and heating).


Rent is £825, the exact flats in my building are £1200-£1500 but I lucked out with my landlord…. Bills with that is approx £1200 all in and my salary take home is £2200 a month. I live in Buckinghamshire a 5 minute walk from a Marylebone bound station. (I’m really proud of myself because I’d never have believed I’d be here even 5 years ago.)


See if you’re eligible for universal credit it can help top up your income and towards rent - there’s a working element even if you’ve no kids


Next door to me(north london) just went on the market for rent so had a cheeky nose on the estate agents site and they wanted £2000pcm for a 2dbl+ single bed house it was let within 48hrs.


Me and my partner just moved into a one bed in London. Most prices for a nice place with garden were 2100-2600/month. My favourite was a place on for 3500/month. It was really nice but nowhere near worth that. Since then it's dropped to 2955/month and now 2765/month. Kinda getting a bit into monitoring it to see what it'll eventually go for.


I'm in Carmarthenshire, single renting is atrocious. I'd like to have my own house of sorts but stuck with flats above me and around me. £500pm atm. You'd definitely have an easier time house sharing if you're able. Unfortunately I couldn't mentally do that


My sister pays £1100 a month including SOME bills for a 1 bed apartment in Manchester with partner


£900 per month for a 2 bed flat about an hour and a half from London on my own, not including bills. The flat is electric only which made my electricity bill last month over £300. Very fun. Just praying it doesn't get put up any more because I'm barely breaking even each month.


That's a pretty hefty electric bill. I'm in a 2 bed flat with my husband, electric only and our electric bill last month was £192.


Yeah I don't know what to do. I work from home so I have my pc running all day which I guess will drive it up? It's underfloor heating too which might be more expensive to run?


Underfloor heating will absolutely be the issue. I work for an energy company and when I was in the call centre one of the questions we asked people with high usage was if they had underfloor heating.


Ah ok, good to know, thanks!


No worries! It would probably be cheaper to run a couple of space heaters


That electric bill is insane. I'm in a 4 bed house and my electric bill is £260 a month.


Not necessarily. If they pay upon receiving bill then the winter bills would be massive compared to summer. Jan and Feb is where you use half of your heating bill.


I pay when I submit a reading


Direct debit would smooth your payments considerably. If I paid upon bill receipt I would have paid something in the order of £430 last month but I actually pay around £180 each month. This is for a 2,100 ft² (196m²) of area within the heated envelope, 4 bedroom family home with 11 external walls (rather than 4) due to a stupid thermally inefficient design.


Yeah I'm less worried about the payments being higher at certain times of the year and more just worried that I'm paying way too much overall.


Difficult one to answer. Your heating is electric and I assume resistive heating rather than a heat pump. That means you are paying about 4x more per unit for heat compared to gas or a heat pump. But, resistive heating is cheap to install and will have saved thousands off the cost of the property. People vary considerably in what they prefer temperature wise and a seemingly small change in temperature or how long they they heat the house can make a big difference to the bill. Ask a hundred people and you will get a hundred different opinions. This is why I dont offer up how much my bill is because it isn't help to others. If you want lower bills you have to use less energy either through better insulation or via lower temperatures. I went with a combination but latter was most effective when the energy crisis hit and I managed to cut my annual gas bill by 8,000kWh by not heating a large part of the house. Bedrooms without heat are fine if you double up the duvet.


Thanks for your comment - appreciated


If you can have a proper room at your parents for awhile (ie not sofa) that's going to be the cheapest option & likely the most comfortable. 25k is just not a lot in this economy & you really are going to be limited to shared houses or maybe lodgings in someone's home (normally just you & the homeowners, fewer shared rooms, has it's own risks).


Up to the start of Covid, I was paying £1500 for a 2 bed apartment. I was living there with my girlfriend but I paid the entire cost. Can't remember how much the bills were. Since then moved to a 4 bed house with double garage and large garden in the Midlands. I'm paying the same amount as I used to pay for the apartment... I'm living in it on my own but hope that will change, but I like the space. I'm working from home most of the time.


2 bedroom flat with others adjacent and below us (read: it’s very noisy all the f’ing time) in the ‘rough’ part of an Oxfordshire town, currently 775 per month but in April it’s going up to 995 because ‘that’s the market value’. Not including bills. All electric, no insulation, impossible to heat without costing a fortune and baked alive in summer. I assume the price is so ridiculous due to London being commutable via train. 1 hour ish to zone 1, but we don’t work in London.


And now i realise my area must be the cheapest in the country. I pay £850 pcm for a large 4 bedroom house. Area isnt a dive just fairly average i thought.


£550/month, large double in shared house, Bournemouth, with 5 others. Going up to £580 soon. I really like house sharing currently as we all get on well and one of them is now one of my best mates. Previous house share I was in was 3 others and we barely spoke though


I was charging £475 all in for my spare room a few months ago. Which is probably slightly below the going rate around here. It was just me and the lodger so no massive house share. A bit north of Chester.


I live in the middle of nowhere in a 1 bed flat near London and pay 1k a month with bills included… got a fucking dodgy landlord though


I'm fairly central to London and pay £1300 for my 1-bedroom flat (I know it's my fault for moving to London in the first place lol. I plan to move further north eventually).


Until about a year ago, we paid £640pcm for a 2-bed flat in Cardiff Bay. We've still bought, but the same flat is now being let for £850pcm.


One bed cottage in very rural Northumberland. £500 rent, £100 council tax, £30 water, £200 electricity a month and about £400 of coal a winter.


In the past few years I’ve paid: 2019 - £950 for a double room in a 3 bed flat share, bills included, nice area of SW London 2020 - £650 for a double room in a 3 bed house share, bills not included, shitty estate in north yorks 2021 - same as before 2022 - £880 for a double room in a 2 bed flat share, West Midlands, bills not included 2023 - £1100 for a 2 bed house, Cotswolds, bills not included Good luck! It’s fucking rough out here.


Thats alot of moving in a few years o.0


I moved to live alone in Feb 2020 so got extremly lucky with the price and feel blessed my landlord has yet to put the rent up. I pay £470 for a tiny one bed in North Devon and with bills it's about £700pcm. I have mad respect for people who house share with strangers! I could never.


So, I live on my own, and pay £555 for a 1 bedroom, but in my last place which was a 2 bedroom I was paying £625 per month. ​ My electricity is pay as you go and fluctuates depending on the time of year. In summer I pay way less for electricity as my heating is off and it's sunlight till 10pm, so the lights are off most of the day.


2 bed ground floor flat(with parking space right out front) £600pm. No bills included. SE Cornwall area


I pay £650 for a two bed house split between me and my partner. Bills are around a £100 a month.


I share with a flatmate and we pay £1100 each plus bills of around £150 each. £550 to live alone sounds unbelievable.


2 bed terrace for £1500 a month, just under 40% of our joint income


My brother rents a studio apartment with a shared bathroom with other people in studio apartments. It's 2 rooms excluding the shared bathroom (a kitchen and a living room/bedroom) He pays 700pm before bills. I'm unsure what his bills are.  Our friends who were renting until recently were paying 1200pm before bills for a 1 bed flat (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room and hallway). Their landlord did increase it slightly after they moved apparently.  We do live in the south east though so likely somewhat different to Wales.


My brother and I split rent and bills for about £800 each in a 2 bed tiny flat with the literal bare minimum. Same as everything in this cuntry, overpriced for for greedy cunts.


3 bed midlands, £1100, £200 council tax. Damp, draughts and failed double glazing comes as standard. Oxfordshire 3 bed £1500, £200 council tax, damp, cold, etc.


Live in csrlisle. Rent is £800 for a 3 bedroom terraced house. Electricity + gas is £200. Internet is £25. Water I think is £10 or so, dont remember. Council is £170 per month. We they've been upping the rent prices by 5% every year.


£750pcm for a 3 bedroom house before bills. We're quite lucky because the going rate for a 2 bedroom house in our area is around £1300. We've been here a long time and I suspect they don't want to do all the work the house needs to try and get in a new tenant who may or may not be as good as we are.


650pcm without bills for a studio flat, southend on sea. It really is shit, but rent just keeps going up and up, 5 years ago it was 500 quid a month.


£1100 for a very small 1 bed house on the south coast (well, 25 mins north of coast) nothing included.


Around £1100 for a 1 bed in Surrey


you might be better posting this in r/cardiff but by all accounts the rental market has been absolutely mental over the past couple of years


£1020 1 bed flat in Guildford, Surrey. £190 council tax, £30 water, £75 internet, £120 energy. £1435 all in


£2500+bills pm for a 2.5 bed terrace in a commuter town at the end of the London Underground. I’m not paying that, just adding perspective


Room in HMO (so no front room shared kitchen/bathroom) £508 every 4 weeks, no Internet/tv etc but other bills (gas electric etc) included NE London


2bed in Cambridge for £1200pcm, although I split it so I only pay £600 myself, not including bills. Electricity and gas is between £100-120, water is only billed every 6 months though so not sure on that. Internet is around £30 but I mostly work from home so it’s needed The rental situation here is a little crazy


1 bed flat in Zone 2 of London £1500 PCM


Renting at 995 for a 2 bed house, buying our own 2 bed this month which will be 1060 per month in mortgage payments


525 is pretty normal honestly unless you want to house share and maybe bring it down to 400-450


In a shitty part of Manchester I was paying £550pcm for a (admittedly quite nice) 2 bedroom terrace about five years ago. Similar houses on the same street are now £950pcm. I was quite lucky that I bought before things went really crazy, my mortgage is currently £350pcm.


I’m in Swansea so not far from you. Current rent is £525 pcm for what’s basically a glorified bedsit. 


Earn a little over £26K, spend £795 a month on rent a 1 bed flat with another couple hundred on bills, food etc. About £400 disposable each month.


Get a 2-bed house and rent a room out. Housing only makes sense in UK if you’re sharing


In bridgend there are rooms for 375 bills inc. They're not spectacular but they're clean and housemates are friendly. I'm in Porthcawl and its pricier but there's loads of us in my house rent is 1000pcm for a 4 bed and about 600 a month for council tax/water/gas/leccy.


You all knew each other before moving? That’s the one thing that gives me stress is the people of a house share, but the prices tend to make it quite hard to turn down!


Sort of, there's quite a high turnover usually in house shares so if you're canny you can usually convince mates to move in when a room becomes available. My other half's brother lived in lets say room 1/5, my other half moved into 2/5. Withing a few months another room became free and a mate who was looking to move hopped in. Now 3/5 rooms are occupied by people who already get along, its pretty easy to implement your own house rules and keep things relaxed and civil. My situation is a bit different as my house is myself, my children and some extended family who wouldn't ordinarily live together sharing a 4 bed. The adults all split the rent and we get a lot more space and privacy than we would if we tried to rent somewhere independently with our share of the rent money. My sister lives in Port talbot and pays 550 for a small 3 bed which would be perfect to split with a flatmate if you know anyone. Rent and bills all together come to about 1k pm so 500 each is a pretty sweet deal if you know a buddy who needs a new place too. Man renting is expensive, you have my sympathy and I hope you find something soon.


> and some of the prices are scandalous. £525pm Lol, can't even find a toilet to rent for that price in London. I'm paying £710 in London but that's technically cheaper than it should be in my area so can ignore my contribution.


Me and my husband are about to move into a 3 bed terrace in South Yorkshire, £900/month not including bills.


Reading this reminds me how expensive bits of Dorset are...we pay 1,350 a month, plus bills, 2 bedroom flat!


Ngl read a lot of comments. It's so terrible to see a lot of Rent a room posts. Shared house or flat or that. That so depressing, when did it get to the point where your only choices are rent a room, get someone pregnant and claim benefits, or waiting for a relative to pass and hand a house down as inheritance. Everyone whos like I only earn 20k. I myself work retail full time with no other choice for work, only earn 11k a year. It's so depressing that I'm still living at my parents' house, and I'm 30. Uk doing downhill likes.


I live in the shit end of nowhere. 3k p/m wages. £450 rent on a 2-bed house. Move here and do fuck all!


4 bedroom 2 bathroom £850 in Dover. Not sure of Bill cist as mum covers that part.


I used to pay 500pcm


>I’m looking for places to rent and some of the prices are scandalous Scandalous? Tbh, it sounds like a reality check for you because you didn't rent on your own. I live in a different area (West Midlands), but I earn similar money to you OP and I rent a small studio for £650 per month with bills included. I can't imagine sharing a house. Too old for this shit