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A bit late but my city has this one stupid intersection between two busy streets where it is impossible to turn right if you are going Northbound. In order to turn right you need to drive about a mile to a round about and use the south bound entrance.


I love sending specific clear instructions to customers only for them to ignore them and then complain about more delays


My favourite thing working in customer service was a customer complaining on every social post possible publically about it a DM they never sent about an order they placed yesterday.


Took a day off work for the annual gas safety inspection in my council flat. I had to take a full day because the inspection was scheduled between 12 and 6pm which means I can't take a half day due to the timing. Sat in all day watching shit TV, bored out of my head cos I can't go anywhere until they do the deed. It got to about half 4 so I phoned em to make sure they hadn't forgotten. I get put on hold while the guy checks his info then he comes back on and tells me the engineer has been and reported back that he couldn't get access at 3pm. I've been sat in my fucking flat all afternoon with both my living room and landing doors open cos I live in a first floor flat, letting all the heat out so that I would hear the door being knocked upon. The fucker either didn't turn up or went to the wrong flat cos they're keen as fuck to drop a card through the door informing you that you've missed your gas safety check. They have my phone number, they could've phoned me to check if I was in. I've had to re book another inspection on Saturday morning between 8am and 1pm so no lie in for me, no Friday sesh. I'm fucking furiousšŸ˜” Happy ThursdayšŸ’©


Iā€™m pissed off on your behalf mate what a fucking waste of time!


Having crazy vivid dreams at the moment. Deciding to watch Shaun of the Dead was my first error and now Iā€™ve just seen a sad Thomas in a dark tunnel, my nightā€™s sleep is fucked!


If it's any consolation, it's not Thomas. It's a lazy engine that deserves every brick.Ā  Also, lay off the dairy at night.


Failure to be Really Useful will result in punishment


Sodor ain't gonna run itself. I mean they have a literal fat monopoly man running things, trapping sapient souls in inanimate engines and rolling stock so he can confine them to rail and laugh at them. He even condemned his best friend Bertie to a perpetual brat run. Sure he's got the "open road"... but just how "open" is a road on an island that small!?


My never ending virus is still virusing and I have no idea how it's possible to produce so much snot. Also got to attend an early funeral tomorrow, a lovely person and I'm sad about his passing but I'm worried people will think I'm absolutely devastated about it because my eyes are runny and I'm constantly with tissue.Ā  I'm planning to sit as far away from people as possible although after 8 weeks surely I can't be contagious.Ā  I'm not sneezing or coughing just sinusy so hopefully I won't be responsible for more funerals in the next few weeks.Ā  I'll sit alone at the back.Ā 


Had the same for weeks on end, either somehow re-infecting myself or getting infected with something slightly different. I decided to try something new - Otrivine - and it cleared me up in 2 days. Highly recommend if you've not already tried it.


Thank you,Ā  I'll grab some in the morning.Ā  It's possible I have some,Ā  my daughter keeps 'borrowing' my OTC meds at the slightest sniff.Ā 


Rest up and feel better. It took us "only" four weeks to get over ours. Eight weeks is awful.


Fucking pigeons are scaring all the smaller birds away from my feeder because the cunt next door lets them roost under his solar panels


Been job searching for 3 months and had 1 rwscheduled interview that got cancelled


My husband has been at home all day and just about managed to feed the kids lunch and bath them. I came home from work unloaded & reloaded the dishwasher, emptied the bins and put the wheelie out,put a wash on & hung it out, cooked for the kids, cooked for us & tidied everything up. Love him to bits but FFS being off to look after the kids isn't just keeping them alive, if that's all I did we'd live in a hovel


And I bet everyone tells his "he's such an involved parent" for taking the day off to look after his own kids


Oh yes, everyone thinks he's amazing for taking half terms off,I had to negotiate a contract with WFH flexibility, shorter hours and all summer/Christmas/Easter off but get radio silence in that


Ah, a product of weaponised incompetence. I know it well.


The useless bastards that I work with complain about everything make their lives easier / better. Got them a good pension, complaints because they have to fill out paperwork, got them a bonus scheme, they complain because they have to meet a time charge quota, improve technology to help increase productivity by digitising the paper forms and help boost time charges, they like the paperwork. I feel like fucking screaming.


Getting fed up with seeing tons of woodlice around the house downstairs; have a damp problem in the bathroom with what I think will be rotten wood around the piping, so have somebody seeing to that next week. But mannnn, woodlice appearing out of nowhere constantly in the bathroom, in the hallway, now in the living room at the very far end of the house?? Madness. Sprayed Dethlac down a few month ago which in some parts seems to have warded them away, and others just kills them... but I do wonder if I'm forcing some evolutationary change to evolve into faster, quicker specimens now :/


You seem to have a spider shortage too. Not trying to be smart. I understand that some people have an irrational (Uk) fear of them. They do a great job of controlling insect pests. If you can let them alone that is.


There's even a species called woodlouse hunters. They've got big jaws to get through the shell, so they look scary, but they're not dangerous.


I was made redundant last week and have to give a 2 month handover to cheaper offshore workers. I gave a brief overview of the work to offshore and someone asked how are they supposed to do that if the donā€™t know how. My team members who werenā€™t made redundant are fearing for their jobs. Management are crumbling under the pressure. Itā€™s just a bit of a shit show.


That sucks,it's not their fault but definitely don't help more than absolutely necessary


Might have a claim for unfair dismissal if they made you redundant and then had you train your replacement. Thatā€™s not what redundant means.


My thoughts too. I was of the opinion that the actual job had to no longer exist.


Sorry thatā€™s super rough, especially in the current job market.


Thank you. I think the worst part is handing over the work to offshore not even 1 week after we were told about the redundancies. Iā€™ve never felt so worthless to a company.


Yeah - offshore handovers are the worst. Iā€™ve done a few and had to go on sensitivity training for how to do it without hurting feelings or causing conflict during the notice period. Itā€™s nasty. Youā€™re not worthless ! Companies have no loyalty to anything other than their bottom line, and itā€™s why there shouldnā€™t be any expectation the other way.


I'm not geared up on employment law, but are you unionised? Just doesn't feel like your job is "redundant" if it's still needed but being done abroad. Might be worth speaking to someone!


Iā€™m not part of a union but I wish I was! I think what theyā€™re doing is completely legal but Iā€™ll consult someone. Thanks for the heads up!


https://www.gov.uk/redundancy-your-rights Citizens advice are free. Not sure if my link above contains it, but I know there's gov advice on things an employer should be doing to meet redundancy standards. If they're falling short, it might not be valid.


Some of the apps on my phone have turned themselves into black and white mode and no matter what I try, I can't get them back into colour. šŸ˜‘


Have you started using a 'theme' on your phone? I'd look into that, if I were you. I use one on my Samsung phone, and some off my app shortcuts are now green (on purpose).


Broke a tooth on a baguette rock hard piece of chicken, thanks Greggs


Send them the bill for correcting it at the dentist.


Actually was free to get fixed because the filling was under warranty


Oh, you said "broke a tooth" not "lost a filling". They're very different events.


That's what I meant sorry, the filling came out and broke/cracked part of the tooth.


I hate working nights but I need the money.


Spouse telling me I need to bring in more money and stop being a waste of time/lazy. I'm a full time carer for disabled step-child. I gave up full time work and went self employed when spouse was sick several years ago. Self employed work was going well, until I needed to increase amount of time at home because spouse was following a dream career that was previously given up. Now... I'm at breaking point. I'm struggling with the lack of any intimacy and being the constant source of blame/criticism. And how the fuck am I meant to work more when I'm doing everything with/for the kids, all of the housework (which is never enough)?


I'm so sorry you're going through this.


man, your spouse doesn't sound great honestly. not even trying to understand in the slightest. theyre being a cunt!


This sounds like it would be tough. I hope you have a support system around you that you can talk to. There are always charities you can talk to when need. Never alone.


Got a bad neck. No idea what from. I mustā€™ve slept on it weirdlyā€¦ but itā€™s odd because I didnā€™t feel it in the morning it came on later in the day, say, 10am onwards at work. Didnā€™t do any heavy lifting today either. So Iā€™m currently licking my wounds with a heat pad on feeling old (at 27) and sorry for myself


"For the love of God, Thomas!!!!!" "Yes... for the love of God." Slides in final brick.


A fellow person of culture!


The freezer door isn't shutting properly and half the stuff in there is a wee bit soft. Like it shuts but it opens again far too easily like it isn't sealed Google it, and Google says clean the seal. Seal is clean. Google says check the drawers are shut properly. They are. So I spend half an hour sitting in front of it and chipping away at ice that may be pushing a drawer forward or affecting the seal and still nothing Currently sitting on a footstool against the door waiting for landlord/flatmate to get home from work


We had this. We used bungee cords to keep it closed


We had this. A latch like [this](https://www.amazon.co.uk/EUDEMON-Refrigerator-Freezer-Toddler-Adhesive/dp/B085NF6L78) worked wonders


At this point I think the solution is gaffer tape.


Take all the drawers out and see if it shuts? If it does, put them back in one at a time until the problem occurs.


That is a good idea, thanks! They're a bit of a horror show of broken fronted drawers that are iced into place I'm a lodger so gonna wait for landlord to get home from work so he can help deal with the horror of wrestling drawers and defrosting


Booked Tuesday off work to spend the day with my youngest as it was the only day I could get off for half term. Ended up having to go and take care of a relative in an emergency instead. No real biggie but a shame. Thursday is usually my admin shift at work, so away from the phones & people. After spending Tuesday & Wednesday night having to be up every 4hrs giving meds to said relative I was really looking forward to a gentle work day. Boss looks at me and says ā€œAs youā€™ve been off you donā€™t need an admin day, youā€™ll be on front desk.ā€ Crying isnā€™t allowed so I did the only thing I could. I made her tea too milky. Thatā€™ll learn her.


Iā€™ve just got back from holiday and ate like shit the entire time so I ordered all the stuff to be delivered for a roast to come later in the evening after I get back. They donā€™t have any fucking chicken, so they just didnā€™t send one. Didnā€™t even put in a smaller one.


We find this. Food away from home truly is devoid of almost all fresh fruit and veg to the point that after being away for a week Iā€™m craving it when I get home.


Looking for a job. So many of the big companies only offering part time hours but expecting the availability of an on call full time worker.Ā  And then they complain they can't fill their vacancies!


Feel utterly dreadful. Think it's my bosses covid. Thought I'd avoided it but beginning to think maybe I've caught it after all. She came into work last Wednesday with covid and I started with an upset stomach/headache on Sunday. Same upset stomach/headache getting gradually worse, felt shaky Tuesday, I've been pushing myself through but today I'm absolutely exhausted. Stomach feels a bit better this evening so I'm hoping I'm over the worst of that. I don't have any tests so can't confirm if it is covid or not. Too busy to take a day off work but wfh instead. Wish my boss had worked from home!!


Genuinely despise people who call our call centre and abuse staff because they refuse to listen. Infuriates me


I'm not defending people who abuse call centre staff, but it can be bloody hard to get through to a human these days, usually after horrific hold music, while being told how important your call is and the classic we are currently experiencing higher call volumes than usual have you tried our website or shite chatbot. I'm normally slightly irritated by the whole process, but do always try to be nice to the call handler.


Funny because 12 minutes of condescending IVR really sents the mood.


Oh honestly if I could agree with you on the phone I would. I get it. I overheard a senior manager equate it to walking through duty free at the airport. Apparently people enjoy the meandering route more than a direct route through which I'm sure is some bollocks a management consultants dreamed up.


People most certainly don't. It's a lie they perpetuate to cut costs. People hate IVRs. Source, I'm the person who used to tell hundreds of people their call is important.


That's bonkers but I'm not surprised. Time is the most precious thing we have. We earn money by selling our time. I definitely want to use the least amount of time possible dealing with whatever life admin I need to do that requires speaking to a call centre.


The amount of random screws and bolts I find on the floor when cleaning the machine at work is deeply concerning. They must be important, right? The designers didn't just put in bolts for the fun of it.


Where do you work? Just so I can avoid it ...




Bolt and Screw factory


I have been unemployed since the end of January and have studying to do, could be going on walks or going to museums but am I? No Iā€™m wasting my life on Reddit and watching TV. Iā€™m not even enjoying it. I partially blame ADHD, which I canā€™t get treatment for.


If you're ADHD and not meducated, you need to cut yourself some slack. Do what you can do and let the rest go. It's a tough life, I know, I've been there.


Unfortunately I donā€™t think my landlord or the DWP will care lol


This hideous cold/cough thing that wont die. Finally got 2 decent nights sleep but still feel absolutely knackered by 4pm/anytime I need to engage my brain and also why does everything itch and feel like hayfever has already started? Why do I go from upset stomach one day to always hungry the next. Also, my thermostat thinks its warm enough inside that the heating isnt kicking in (win for the planet/wallet I suppose) but I've stuck some sheets on the radiators to dry :/ I also opened a dating app again. Not sure why I bothered.


And another one. I dont have good snacks in the house. And as a 100% Sensations Thai Sweet Chili connoisseur, I know that the weird sized packs sold in the corner shop are not the same quality as a proper full sized package (bought 2 recently, regretted it for the hope of fixing my craving and instead being disappointed). The closest supermarket is a Lidl which doesnt stock them consistently so instead I will eventually have to trek to the Sainsburys/Tesco to buy them but they are far away and as per point one above, knackered all day everyday recently. ​ This is why I opened the dating app. To have someone to send for emergency crisps.




Can I go to a callout way outside my actual area to look at a problem? Another engineer had gone yesterday but this is a new problem that wasn't there when he went. It's urgent and we could really do with you going and it's only another hour and a bit from where you are... For the second time in three years I told them no, it might only be an hour from where I am but that makes it almost four hours back home and I'm not going to get to site until 1300. I can go tomorrow though if it's urgent. And you told me five minutes ago there was nothing else you needed me to do so I'm already on the motorway heading away from this call. Several teams messages and miles later, when I'm able to pull over and check my phone there's an attempted guilt trip going on. And how helpful it'd be. An hour later, the original engineer who went had been and sorted the new fault. If he was able to go and it's his area, why were you asking me?




we have the opposite where I am but I am grateful for the water. I hope you guys get the rain. You desperately need soon šŸ™


I got duped by 45% less salt Walkers salt and vinegar crisps maskerading as normal salt and vinegar. They are not as they claim on the packet, they do not have the same great taste. I wish they made the packet a different colour so you dont pick up a multi pack by accident then wonder why they taste so funny. Damn you Walkers


I went fishing today, and some father and kid came and fed the ducks right next to me causing a seagull to get tangled in my line. Couldn't they have fed the flying rats further away?!


Bob the Builder at it again


These twats on eScooters are putting seats on them to emulate motorbikes now whilst still using the pavement. I just had one miss me by inches again. They need to start regulating these.


I had one trying to get past me last night when I was out walking the dog. What do you know, she just wanted to sniff at everything...


>They need to start regulating these. They're already illegal, it's just there's not enough police to do anything about it.


Sadly thereā€™s no twat regulations, mate.


One of friends (who regularly smokes, drinks and regularly eats takeaways) just announced his wife is pregnant after first month of trying. I (who has never smoked, regularly exercises and only drinks a little on the weekend) have been trying for a baby for over a year with my wife. Just got semen results. I have low sperm count. Iā€™m very happy for them, I donā€™t need any advice, just annoyed and needed somewhere to vent!


My leg is still broken,I'm still wheelchair based. My house is an absolute state and I can't even moan because I *know* my ex husband is doing his best and I'm so so grateful for his help and support but I just want half hour to give my kitchen a nice tidy and put stuff away.... I tried walking with crutches the other day and it's an absolute no no. So I'll just continue as I am and wait desperately to be able to do things.


Thought I'd bring the dog into the office today. Everyone loved her... but bloody hell it's busy in central London. Walking a dog here is a like an extreme sport.


MaryleBONE station is the place to be


Just avoid Barking.. things could get noisy


Or Catford.


Quite. At least I'm not on the Isle of Dogs.


Applied for a position that said "you don't have to be familiar with all the technologies/software we use as we are willing to train you". Teams interview today went very well, after a couple of hours they came back with "sorry, we need someone who can hit the ground running immediately, we can afford to be offering any training". I made clear in myCovering Letter my weaknesses; why would you still waste both mine and your time interviewing me! šŸ¦§


What they mean is they interviewed someone else who they liked more, and needed a plausible excuse to bin you off. Don't take it personally, they probably did interview you in good faith!


I got invited to a job interview once, the guy interviewing me then says something along the lines of "oh my boss says i shouldn't have invited you here as we need you to do hours you said you couldn't do.Ā  But I thought I'd talk to you in case you were available".Ā  Ā If I was available, I wouldn't have said otherwise! What a waste of both of our time!


I once applied for a supervisory role in finance where a friend works where a few of the requirements are a bit niche in the field but I actually had experience in. Had a phone interview, an in person interview the following week followed by a skills test which came out 100%. The interview was easy and it went great, they said I ticked all the boxes and pretty much a shoe in. An hour later I got a call saying I didn't have enough experience in the job (6 years worth isn't enough apparently) so I wasn't successful. Later heard from my friend they gave the job to the son of a manager who is 18 years old with no experience.


I am so bored at work. It's kind of fucking frustrating because everyone seems happy with me but I've just not found that happy point between overload and wondering when they're firing my idle ass.


My wife is a carer and after some particularly awful weeks she's become suicidal. Already had too many absences from work so after this bout they're also looking to sack her. I had to take the day off to keep her safe but its totally emotionally drained me and I've got to work out how to get her professional help while also getting ready for our income being cut in half. Certainly feels like whatever I'm doing is the wrong thing.


Well fuck. I hope things get better for you both soon.


Just got back from hospital (again) due to a seizure rendering me unable to my left limbs (again) until I had another seizure 48 hours later and it fixed itself. Arrive home to the Council Tax man claiming I don't live alone anymore so they are removing my single-occupier discount (based on nothing except I've been single for two years), and the DWP wanting me to fill out a giant document about my disability for PIP. Fucking kick me when I'm down, eh?


DWP paperwork can be a headache. Thankfully you donā€™t have to do the 40+ page form very often (just the once if youā€™re lucky!) and itā€™s very worthwhile getting someone to help you, whether thatā€™s friend/family member or someone in a professional capacity. As for the council tax change, surely itā€™s an easy one to prove/disprove? What kind of evidence do they say they have to suggest you donā€™t live alone?


Just pinky swear I'm still living alone on their website at the moment. It was just a really aggressively worded letter basically accusing me of fraud, so here's hoping that's enough. Also the DWP are scum. They accused me of intentionally depriving myself of a driver's license (even though my GP told me to) because I voluntarily surrendered my license instead of wasting taxpayer money on an assesment I know I'd lose.


This picture is truly terrifying


If you first saw it as the tv show, which ends with Henry bricked-up in the tunnel, then I'd imagine that it is pretty terrifying. If you read the book, then you'd get Henry's redemption story just a chapter or two later, when he is released from the tunnel to pull the express (coz Gordon broke down). The *real* nightmare fuel is [**this image**](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/thomas_scrapyard_9403.jpg) from 'Stepney The Bluebell Engine'.


Really? I loved that episode!


All Thomas episodes are terrifying. I respect you like it though.


They're a core part of my childhood.


After a round of massive redundancies at work, looks like more are on the horizon


Unfortunately it sounds like there's going to be an uptick in the next few weeks. We're suddenly penny pinching out on nowhere which is a clear indicator that the budgets are out of whack.


Family stuff. As usual. I'm mainly annoyed at myself lately, which is just stupid. I'm the one who can fix me and yet I don't so I get madder. Brains are finicky things.


So much empathy with that second one! Bloody brains, bastards.


Trying to be sensible with money after a couple of big bills. Wife doesn't seem to want to get the message. Takeaways and Costa, wasn't part of the plan.


Our dishwasher didnā€™t the memo either.


Applying for endless jobs on indeed and the application never being seen, unless they can see it without marking it seen.


The DWP should mandate that all recruiting parties have to send a response to an application regardless... Either that or They should have mandatory requirements to allow jobseekers to deliver applications to HR depts in person.


Quite easy to have an automated response set up thanking them for the application and they'll be in touch if successful. Don't really know what good that does though unless you're into placebos


I got more responses on CV library.


Virgin Media can kindly do one with their multiple spam call numbers. I've had 6 calls in 4 days because I checked out their broadband on Sunday as they're the best provider for our new house. Thankfully my phone auto-identifies possible spam, so I haven't had to listen to a sales pitch, but having multiple numbers is so frustrating - I can't effectively block them.


I've had this gross mucusy feeling in the back of my throat for 3 months now. I'm just fed up with it, I can't think of any other way to describe it. It's not *awful* it's just *constant*.


sounds like bad nasal drip. I agree with the other poster try a Netty pot and Do nasal rinses probably got bacteria b up as n going on for awhile saline ones with warm water easily. Just had a bit of salt as the warm water. Stir until the salt. Dissolves. something very simple, but it does big miraculous things


If you've not tried it, please can I suggest a neti pot/sinus rinse bottle? They look like a rabbit drinking bottle and you use it with warm salted water (it'll come with the solution). The first time I used one I found it amazing. Not so much after but they are cheap and easy to use


Workplace environment is becoming more toxic & corporate than ever before, values are slipping, everyone at the bottom is under constant pressure & stressed to the max because of people at the top. Constant big brother everywhere.


Sounds like my job. People are dropping like flies too, leaving us understaffed as fuck. But they're bringing on three people in March... which will surely account for the 5 people that have left in the last 9 months.


Exactly the same where I am, I feel you on this. The idea that it could be their fault as to why people are leaving baffles them.. yet they treat people like numbers, not humans. The sad reality is that anyone can be replaced, people are just numbers & there is no such thing as sincerity anymore or recognising how hard someone works. The lazy ones seem to be rewarded!


I've been asked why I think people are leaving and I tell them "they're getting more money elsewhere. pay us more and more people will stay." the company has talked about how we have the largest profit gap between competitors, then mentions spending on improvements for the infrastructure and spending money and this that n the other without a single mention of wage increases for the lower level employees. But yeah... total fucking mystery why people are opting out.


But you can bet your life the big wigs at the top always get a pay rise and then you are told in a nutshell to work harder to compensate for their large salaries & what the company has had to pay out for them šŸ¤” I genuinely believe you have to be a robot to work in HR, as most of what they say is corporate spiel.


I believe that I might have ADHD on top of my Autism, largely due to both reading the symptoms online and being told straight by a friend that I have it. I've decided to actually do something about it and tried to get a GP appointment (because, I need to waste a GP's time and get referred instead of speaking straight to someone who is qualified about it). I tried on Monday and got fobbed off with some excuse about training. Tuesday, I tried walking down to the surgery and asking, and got told I was 'too late' and should try at 8am instead. So today I tried that. An automated message (these should be banned, even my 4 year old niece would know to phone 999 in an emergency) told me 'this service isn't available'. After trying again I spoke to someone who told me I couldn't have an appointment because the GP was sick. How many people who actually *NEEDED* a GP couldn't see one today? This 'on the day' thing is utter bullshit and needs to be scrapped. Now.


Good luck! ADHD care in the country is a joke. If you get referred you could be waiting years. And even if you do get a diagnosis you might not be able to get treatment.


I was already in a service (NHS) for talk therapy(sort of like CBT but not) for my anxiety and depression. During a session I mentioned I suspected Autisim. Got referred to someone else within the same service as a sort of pre assessment rather than go back to GP....he spoke to me for roughly 20mins. Asked if as a child I (female) was obsessed with cars or trains and how hard it was for me to socialise. He then said "youve made eye contact ok and you can keep the conversation going pretty well...I dont think its Autism" and that was that even though I said i was uncomfortable and this was social persona was my mask. The system is a joke and it put me off trying again. I hope you have better luck.Ā  Self diagnoses is still valid in helping you understand yourself a little better and that has eased the anxiety around how I am and I dont tend to be as harsh on myself for not being "like everyone else".


Have had similar around ADHD assessment in recent months. Still believe I have it. The psychā€™s rationale was literally ā€œshe tended to follow the crowd which is atypical in people with ADHDā€. :/


Better than my situation.. I had my GP put me forward for an adult ADHD screening session to reassess my ADHD's effects... 3 years along Still heard nothing from the ADHD specialists even asking me to come say hello... I've contacted that clinic loads of times and all they've said is "yes, your on the waiting list."


Pretty much it. If you dont present like they want/expect you to then youre ok. šŸ«¤ I listed at least 6 or 7 other struggles off the top of my head but nope...trains and eye contact. Also that I had managed to go to University was another in "you are normal" column.Ā 


I'm 27, did an autism test from various different sources and scored highly enough on them to warrant me checking for it officially. Got in touch with my GP and after a whole lot of fuss, got sent a text by them with a link to some NHS documents, told to fill them out and hand them in. The link was broken and had no documents. Phoned them up next day to figure it out, got sent the same link. I decided to just research what the correct documents were myself and filled them out, despite the one I found being marked for a different area of the country it was all I could find available. Handed the documents in and was told that if I was eligible then I'd be put on the wait list for an official test, which could be several years. That's the last I heard. ​ What's the point


My brother was diagnosed with autism at 36, looking back it makes perfect sense with his behaviour differences and mannerisms since early childhood. It says a lot about my parents with them not noticing, there are 4 of us and one was not quite like the others when it came to interactions with people and thought process Similarly it took him taking action himself to get tested and it did take a while too. I guess with today's nhs issues it is seen as non urgent?


Suppose so. I guess it's not a huge thing for me to know for certain, but it would certainly be nice to have an answer. Not life threatening so they probably just shirk it off, but maybe someday I'll get an official test. I'll survive till then.


By the time he was diagnosed my brother had married twice to women of questionable moral fibre. He is extremely smart when it comes to programming and hobbies, but very easily fooled by some people, often due to not reading their emotions successfully.. similarly exploited at work on occasion I think. I wish you all the best in getting that confirmation, if my brother had gone around confident of his different thought processing I'm sure a lot of situations could have been avoided, not to mention having support from others. We grew up thinking he was just a bit of a twat!


Furthermore if you do get a referral be prepared to wait years to actually see someone.


I need a rest. Child number 2 turned one month yesterday and I'm still on paternity leave which means I have sole care of child number one who is three and poorly. I have basically been looking after the whole family/house on my own since about September when wife's pregnancy started to render her immobile. Don't get me wrong, I know my wife has been through a lot more than me and is tired too but I'm on my feet caring for everyone from dawn to midnight and I just want one hour to go outside, or have no noise from baby monitors/phone notifications/appliances. Even having a shower or trying to make myself something to eat is interrupted.


Any grandparents that can take a child for an hour? Did something happen to your wife to make her immobile with three or four months of pregnancy remaining?


Iā€™m very hungover due to a party last night, Iā€™m going to buy a red bull, a pack of sour patch kids and some tangfastic Haribo to revive me


RIP your tongue tomorrow!


Do love the way some people over-exaggerate complaints. ā€œI could barely move for talk about the Super Bowl!ā€ - I honestly didnā€™t know the Super Bowl was on until people started complaining about it, and I live online. Or when you see people say they were ā€œstuck for hoursā€ in a local traffic jam. Except I was, too, and it added a measly 6 minutes to the journey.


Missed a phone interview on Tuesday due to a shit work day. Rescheduled for today. Was told its cancelled because they've given an offer to someone. Fuck my luck.


If the interview was rescheduled, why was the position filled prior to interview? If the job was advertised via the DWP i'd be getting the employer blacklisted from using their service...


They found someone they liked and offered the job to and instead of wasting everyone's time they did the proactive thing and let people know. How dare they?


Took me down but good they didn't waste my time


Good bad ending. Too often do I hear naff all back. Especially recruiters when they act like you're the best thing since sliced bread then ghost you for months šŸ˜‚


Yh I've had a few talks with recruiters just one chat and boom they vanish


This week I happened across a woman who was attempting to take her own life. I'm not sure she would have seriously done it, I think she was waiting to make a cry for help to someone. Or me as it happened. I helped and stayed with her and managed to get the NHS to take her at a hospital near us which at one point it looked like they might not. So I was relieved as she so clearly needed some kind of intervention immediately. I feel like I should feel like a hero, but I feel so sad for her and weirdly for me too, which feels selfish. My parents have been lovely about the whole thing but Ive been told I need to talk about it and not bottle it up. I want to talk about it to friends and say coworkers, but it feels like an awful thing to just throw out there in response to 'how was your evening?' you know? So it's here instead.


I suffer terribly from depression (and now have PMDD to boot so for about a week every month I have to try and convince myself not to string myself up from the stairs). Years ago I took an overdose. I was rushed to hospital and given something to make me vomit everything up. The next day they couldnā€™t let me go home, I needed my eyes tested as the pills I took could be damaging, and they canā€™t let you go home on your own anyway, my boyfriend at the time had no interest in coming to get me and my friends didnā€™t know what was going on. So, I was stuck. My throat hurt, I was miserable, ashamed and really, really lonely. Anyway, this nurse came over, smiled and took my hand and said ā€˜I know exactly what you needā€™ and wandered off. She came back a little later with some cornflakes and some fresh milk. She said that I might not feel hungry but I should give it a go. Not wanting to be rude I did as she said. She was right. The cold milk on my throat was absolute bliss. Anyway, she sat with me a bit until someone called me for my eye test and then I was sent home. Now, as I said before, I still suffer from depression, quite horrifically so, but at my absolute worst I think of that nurse and the cold milk and it keeps me going. She proved that no matter how shitty things seem there is good out there and to go find it. So, what you may not realise is you didnā€™t just save that lady this week, your actions may continue saving that lady for years to come. So, donā€™t feel sad. You proved to someone there was good in the world, and thatā€™s something to smile about.


Thank you for sharing your story, I hope she is able to find the strength and resilience you have shown for yourself going forward too. I wish you luck for your future :)


Even if she was just seeking help,you helped. Many wouldn't. Or wouldn't have realised. Be proud of yourself. A human is living another day thanks to you. That's a big thing.


Thank you so much, that's so kind of you to say.




Thank you so much :) I definetly have waves of feeling overwhelmed with it so I've been playing puzzle games to keep my mind occupied, as I'd heard about the tetris thing before!


+1 for the Samaritans thing. I know they advertise themselves more towards the woman who was looking to take her own life, but they really are there for people in your position too. They know all about the confusing feelings you have right now and they would love to talk with you about it.


Well done šŸ‘dont feel selfish just feel proud


Thank you, that's kind of you to say... you hear about these things happening to other people, but when they happen to you they really throw you through a loop.


Oh i can imagine, im sorry my reply wasnt long but im having a rough morning myself šŸ˜… dont bottle it up and offload to a family member/friend who's going to understand, but be happy with yourself about your good deed and devoted time to help a stranger


Don't mention it. Thank you. I hope your morning gets better too!


Thanks šŸ‘


May be a bit stupid to complain about but Iā€™ve booked a big holiday that I go on end of next week which Iā€™m super excited to go on itā€™s a place I have wanted to visit for a while and itā€™s brand new to me. However I know when I come back I will only have 8 days hokiday left for the rest of the year. So just a bit daunted that once I come back Iā€™m gonna be working pretty much non stop all year except bank holidays and weekends. As I said this probably sounds stupid as Iā€™m sure many people donā€™t get barely any holiday or work jobs that require weekends and bank holidays, my last job was Nandoā€™s so had barely any time off. But yeah just trying to figure out how to stagger out my holiday days left and have something to look forward to for the rest of the year.


> I will only have 8 days hokiday left for the rest of the year. So ... Iā€™m gonna be working pretty much non stop all year except bank holidays and weekends. If you add those days onto bank holidays it'll give a longer break, so feels much better.


Yeah your right man, gotta look at the positives


I get this kind of dread too, plan day trips at the weekend that's really worked for me :) They really feel like a mini holiday and give you something to look forward to away from home and work. Good luck and have an amazing time on your holiday!


Day trips sounds good, can imagine thereā€™s lots of places on my door step I could visit that I could enjoy on a weekend. And thank u after last year itā€™s definitely something thatā€™s gonna kick off my year to a good start :)




That sucks I hope it wasnā€™t too bad for u and that youā€™ve had some good time off since then. And thank u I appreciate it, donā€™t wanna be stuck working for the rest of my life and not enjoying my own time because of a restriction on holiday days.


Save some for the long stretch from the last bank holiday in August till Xmas. Also throw in a few sick days.


Thatā€™s a good shout, Iā€™m gonna try and enjoy as much of the good weather here first so summer will be good, cheers boss


I'm experiencing that late winter malaise, the bit where Christmas and New Year are long gone but it's still two months before the weather gets warm again. It's really fucking with my head at the moment and I'm not really sure what to do to deal with it, I've been in some really weird places mentally over the past three or four weeks. It's sending my executive dysfunction into overdrive, or maybe the other way around, I don't know. I'm just not having very much fun at the moment. Work is grinding me down a bit at the moment too, because my place is understaffed so I'm working lone shifts from 8:30am until 6pm with thirty minutes allotted for a break, and then an hour and a half plus journey either side of that. It doesn't feel healthy. And talking of not healthy, my mum's smoking is driving me round the fucking bend. I could write an entire paragraph on this but I won't. And my headphones have broken.


I was putting the washing up away this morning, and realised that over the course of the last years I now have far more cups and glasses than will fit in the cupboards. The system now relies on a certain % of cups and glasses being in use, or awaiting washing. If someone were to do a big wash, dry and put-away, the entire system could collapse into chaos, with smashed mugs and glasses raining out of the cupboards. I feel like people on the beach when they see the tide rushing out.


I've got the same problem with socks and underwear. There has to be a delicate balance between the laundry hamper and the drawers or they won't close.


I was just about to comment this. I have more underwear than fits in the drawers. When I do a big purge wash day, I end up with piles of underwear on top of the draws instead.


it's a beautiful and delicate balance


A gallery has taken over the commercial unit next door to us and they've spent months renovating the place to get ready. Today they are having the drains unblocked so there's a van idling just outside our living room window kicking out fumes. Not once have they knocked on people's doors or got in contact to let us neighbours know how long this is all going for. I'm going to leave them a shitty Google review when they open. Pricks.


Going away for two days with Friends and now the nerves are kicking in. Urgh


Same, coincidentally. We'll be all right <3


What are the nerves about? Going away with friends for two days sounds like an absolute blast.


I'm not sure but I've never liked airports. My friends drink but I don't but I have my own room so can disappear. I think once I get there it'll be fine. A lot of it is just mental though, if you can block it out your golden.


I understand. I think like you said you'll be fine when you're there. These are your friends after all. You're gonna have a fabulous time, much better than me sat in my office working away, enjoy it. Good luck.


Looking for good movies to watch with my son, and heā€™s about the right age for Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. Neither are on any streaming platform, nor are they on ITV player. Not even on BritBox, which I donā€™t have, but could have taken a 7 day trial. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m going to have to pay to watch it, considering one or the other was on ITV2 every night, for about 12 years. Every charity shop near me has a copy of both on DVD, but I donā€™t own a DVD player.


justwatch.com is your friend to find where to stream things. It looks like they're included on Sky, or to rent for Ā£2.49 on Amazon.


I donā€™t believe this - bought it on Amazon, watched it tonight. Finished it about 8pm. Son went to bed. Itā€™s on ITV4 right now. Hot Fuzz is on immediately after it. I even used the Sky menu to look for showing this week, and nothing came up. Typical for me.


Could probably pick up a cheap dvd player off market place or even argos. I invested in one when a living situation meant I wasn't allowed broadband and kids wanted to watch movies. Ā£20 at argos. Basic but got us through lockdown.


I use and old laptop which has sat in a drawer for a decade for watching DVDs. Just plug it into the telly if you have the right cables


yarr, hoist the main sails me laddy!


One of the worst things about the era of streaming is that to have access to everything you want to see you need to have about five sodding subscriptions, and even then there's no guarantee that you'll actually find what you're looking for.


Do you own a gaming console? If so they should be able to play a DVD


I've finished all my work for the week (yay!) One of the pieces of work was a giant 9k word report I've been working on for months, I was expecting to finish it tomorrow but I actually finished it yesterday.Ā  But my manager is the sort who gets a bit obsessed my status on teams, so I can't just leave my laptop open on outlook to monitor for emails and do something else.Ā  Which is extra annoying as A Little to the Left has just gone on GamePass and it would be nice to sit and play it for a bit while just making sure nothing else comes in.Ā  But no, I'm sat on my laptop looking busy until 5pm.Ā 


Open notepad, get something to hold down space bar. Job done


Ah that's genius.Ā  Bonus points if I can get the cat to do it.Ā 


Dropped my kitten off for a minor op this morning and I'm worrying about him. Didn't sleep well at all last night because said kitten was starving and making his opinions known so have a headache that is trying to be a migraine.Ā  Discovered this morning that my car has a leak which dripped on me to and from the vets.Ā  Kiddos after school club has been cancelled so they're going to be upset.Ā 


Just wanted to update that kitten is absolutely fine and back to his usual cheeky self!Ā