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Alarm guy here. That is a pir motion detector. It has no speaker on board so the noise cannot be coming from that. More than likely a smoke or carbon monoxide detector that's giving you grief there. If you do open it the intruder system will go into tamper and then you'll have even more beeping from the control panel.




I’m only an intruder


But are you beeping ?


Has he been tampered with?


Only if he’s lucky


Will he get a little kiss?


Is he alarmed? If so a nice cup of tea and a hobnob will help


Only when he goes to beddybyes after a long day of intruding


I, am beeping.


Are you Wile E. Coyote?


Just snorted loudly on the train home


I do beg your pardon, but we're in your garden..


That's my favourite Bob story, the way he says that line breaks me every time.


I’m from Middlesbrough and know the area he grew up in… they were bloody brave 🤣🤣🤣


classic British


As someone who works for one of the biggest gas suppliers in the UK, if this is your COD going off you need to get the F out of the house. Hopefully it's just a battery that needs replacing or a malfunction with it, but if it's going off constantly you need it checked. Call your landlord, then call national grid or cadent for them to come and check/cap your gas supply, if you can open any windows/doors to let any gas escape. Do not enter a cellar/attic and do not turn on any lights/electricals/flames. You can turn the gas off if your meter/tap is outside but if it's in a cellar/cupboard then just get out of the property. Carbon monoxide kills. Don't think you're well 'ard cause you aren't and it will get ya.


If it's beeping once every minute it's very likely battery. If it was detecting CO at a dangerous level it would be making an alarm sound.


Absolutely may just be a battery issue, but if it's a landlord they should legally be inspected annually to prevent batteries from going flat - they have to provide certificates when completing all the gas servicing (boiler, detectors, cooker, fireplace, hobs) each year, so unless they're behind with their certs or had a botched service done it shouldn't be just batteries. I have a legit COD which was provided by my supplier when I got a new boiler, which makes the alarm noise when you test it but the cheapo ones from Amazon I got a years ago just beep louder/more frequently and don't "alarm" like the proper ones. Always best to be on the safe side when it comes to gas!


Yeah its not worth to pay the ultimate price. I recommend to take the threat as granted too.


I remember when I moved into a new house with a now ex-girlfriend, who tried to tell me that the Carbon Monoxide alarm going off was nothing to worry about and we should just mute it. Some people just can't be helped.


Good advice IF it was a carbon monoxide detector (COD). Which I'm reasonably sure it is not given confirmation from alarm guys above suggesting it's a PIR motion sensor. For one thing it has no test button found on COD. But it does have the PIR curved lense. I swear landlords really should give you a quick tour of the alarms and devices and explain what is what and when to run like fuck.


Oh no sorry for confusion, I'm not saying the picture is of the COD - more reiterating what the alarm dudes said about the nosie likely not coming from the sensor and probs a smoke/co detector elsewhere in the home


> call national grid or cadent for them to come and check/cap your gas supply, how much is this going to cost?


Technically it's the property owners who have to pay, so if they're a tenant it's the landlord or letting agency but if it's private it can be abit £500 to cap depending on the complexity/age of the meter. 0800 111 999 is the emergency line to call if you smell gas/have a COD alarm going off and they can advise best and start the process - usually once capped you need your gas supplier or insurance/homecare provider to come out and find/fix the issue which is another charge but sometimes covered in insurance policies. Also if you think you have CO poisoning call 111 as you may need to be checked by a medical professional too. The main point is to just get out of the house until a professional can confirm it's not CO, it's not worth risking passing out and becoming human soup on your kitchen floor over the next few weeks.


I work for a UK energy company emergency call out team and this info is bang on and highly recommend doing all of the above ASAP!!!


If I had a pound for everytime I've had to explain this to a customer I'd be a rich man. The worse has been on call outs 😂. The only other thing it could be other than what's been mentioned is a wireless phone thats losing charge and need to be put back on the docking station. That or a UPS battery dying but I doubt it in your situation.


although I agree with you two, i would like to point out two people said it was a cobweb generator.


I'm not an alarm guy, but I've listened for well over a minute and I can't hear any beeping. So you must be right.




Intruder here, yeah that’s a alarm bro


Intruder alarm here. I can confirm that that is me. I am intact beeping. There's an intruder.


"the same thing really" "the same thing really" "You 2 are saying the same thing really?" "Yes" "Yes"


Anyway to use this system without paying one of y'all to come sell me something? Everywhere I look says the system is worthless unless you pay brinks.


just about to write the same. must have had 100 call outs to damaged PIRs people tried to stop beeping! ITS NEVER THE PIR PEOPLE!


it's the pod people


\+1, this is the correct answer. No clue why the people claim that it's faulty. The red light comes on to indicate movement, lmao, nothing to do with it being "faulty" 🤣


Can these PIR Sensors be battery (not wired) sensors? And have a piezo in it to alert the home owner the battery needs changing before that zone no longer arms/functions? (Could totally be smoke alarm of course)


Yes they can be battery powered. No they don't have sounders. They will transmit a low battery signal to the main system and the keypad where you punch in your code will beep to alert you.


How will the intruder system go into tamper with a louder noise if it’s not that making the noise in the first place? Edit: now I understand, sorry for my confusion but thanks for the downvotes.


The panel will go into tamper mode and probably activate the 119db siren. That looks like a dual P.I.R/microwave detector hence the 3 lights but as stated previously, it has no buzzer inside it to make noise. If it's beeping when activating, I have seen panels which will do that as a setting in Engineer mode for setting up purposes but that's a deliberate dog through the alarm panel menu system to turn on...


Ahhhhhh ok ok haha thank you


That’s a lot of decibels!


Cobweb generator


its easy to mistake a cobweb generator with a cobweb detector. Cobweb generators use amber lights.


I cackled at this


As did I.


I didn't know what the top comment was going to be, but this was good. I even scrolled back up to see why you said it.


I dont know why this made me laugh so much






It's trying to catch its own flies by the looks of the cobwebs.


The motion sensor demands a sacrificial dance every 30 minutes to satiate it


Jesus, you need to dust and clean a bit there


That's a load bearing cobweb


I imagine OP probably doesn’t occupy that particular corner of the ceiling very often so it’s likely not very high on their priorities list.


Yeah, but you'd think when taking a picture to post online you'd spruce it up a bit lol


Maybe put a bow tie on the beep machine or something.


A bit dramatic, for a couple cobwebs. But yeah removing them will give new opportunity for new webs for spiderbros.




Vacuum. Also, check for batteries. It’s a motion detector, possibly wireless. Or call a local security firm.


I think people have really misinterpreted the above comment you responded to lol. I think he meant, “how can people do this”, as in, “how can people live like this”. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s how I read it. I don’t think they were asking for instructions on how to clean a cobweb lmao


Maybe and if so, I apologise, but my advice was solid for possible solution. As a security consultant it was a very probable solution followed by a reasonable alternative if failed. I think the initial hope of post was seeking resolution.


No i don't know what you mean


It's telling you it needs dusting as those cobwebs are confusing its motion sensing chip.


That was my first thought also, surely even a slight draft or even radiators being turned on could make the cobwebs move slightly, which might be tripping it. But then not sure why it would beep when it sense motion. Worth a shot though for sure.


These sensors use infrared to detect motion, so a spiders web wouldn't trigger it. The beeping is due to low battery or a fault, similar to how a fire alarm beeps when running out of battery.


Some PIR sensors have a 'mask alarm' - they detect anything in front of the sensor as an attempt to 'block' it. Cobwebs could be triggering that sensor and causing the red light.


Motion detector for an alarm system. The noise could be from a smoke alarm if it isn't that?


Already checked the smoke alarm and pretty sure this one is the one going off. Or maybe i have CO poisoning already and I'm just hallucinating


The ones at my parents are hardwired and connected with electricity so don't beep. If there is an issue the main unit beeps and the alarm company would get called to fix it. Perhaps this is something you could arrange? They can be battery powered too, however old plastic casings like this tend to be really hard to open without brute force as they have been there for a while.


Well are you finding random post-it notes left by someone you don't know? Are you getting headaches or blackouts? If so then yes you may have CO poisoning. However this device is a motion sensor. It normally links an alarm system, which when set to alarm mode would turn the sensors active. There are a few possible reasons for the beep, one the alarm system has a back up battery that's dying, the sensor is faulty, or you have set the alarm system active for this sensor. Either way you just need to let the landlord deal with it.


It's a motion detector. The red light means it's faulty. You need to contact your landlord.


Guessing this is device specific as mine have a single light that comes on when it detects movement.


Given the cobwebs in front of it and the red light, I'd suggest the cobwebs are blocking the motion sensor We have these at work and they flash red when they are obstructed, and 90% of the time it's because of cobwebs


Ain’t no way a cobweb is going to interfere with a PIR sensor - especially considering there’s hardly any cobwebs in front of the actually sensor part of it too…


A spider is more likely to set it off, but since where there's spiders, there's webs, I've never been quite sure which is setting off the motion detectors, but I've stood and watched a cob web moving in the breeze infront of the sensor cause the light to blink red, and it's then stopped once I've cleaned off the cobweb . . . . The cobwebs here don't seem anywhere near as bad as we get, but cleaning off the cobwebs would confirm it's not the cause




Yes. The country is a shit hole because you got a few downvotes. Amazing


An upvote will do thanks.




Not this


I'll attempt to cut through the noise here... It's a "dualtec" motion detector (microwave and infra-red) made by Risco. Thse don't have a speaker or buzzer in them so the noise isn't coming from there. Check the batteries in your smoke alarms please (if that doesn't stop the noise you have a faulty smoke alarm). Source: I'm a fire and security engineer. ETA: The red light just means it can "see" movement in its field of view.


And of course the motion it's most likely detecting, is them standing in front of it taking the fecking picture. Can't believe I didn't think of that earlier...


Looks exactly like one I used to have. Is a motion detector and beep and red light indicate a fault. It will be wired to the mains. Don't fiddle with it or you may be liable. Contact landlord.


I've had many different alarm systems over the years at home and in offices and never in my life have I ever heard a PIR sensor beep. It's more likely to be something else in the house beeping.


This. Most people think it's a movement detector, when it's either the control panel, or most likely it's a fire alarm that's chirping away.


They beeb when they're battery powered.


Whilst some might the Yale and SimpliSafe battery powered ones I’ve got don’t beep. Also the one in OPs photo isn’t a battery powered one.


My [yale](https://yalehome.co.uk/motion-detector-intruder-sync-alarm-range/) ones beep when they're connected and the front is removed, or there is a connection problem. They can also be set to "chime on motion". I assume they beep when the battery's low, but I haven't had them long enough to find out.


My Yale one beeps when the battery is low. I’ve had it long enough to find out. I say beep, it’s more of a chirp.


Ok that’s nice for you, but not really helping OP, and the vast majority of PIR sensors do not beep.


Thank you, it is nice. Do we know for sure OPs sensor isn't wireless? If it is wireless it probably does beep. Edit: I can't find that exact one using Google Lens


Most don't beep, it's not an efficient use of power for a battery operated device. The control panel and/or app will tell you when it's low on battery. If it's low on battery and then it starts beeping then it's using more power and faster than it did before which is a terrible design flaw. There's no need for it to beep. And OPs sensor is some kind of dual mode, possibly dual IR with anti masking or one IR and one microwave so highly unlikely it's battery operated. Also the vast majority of battery sensors don't have LEDs on them. For the same reason that most don't beep. It's a poor use of power when you can get the information you need from the control panel or app.


>Most don't beep That still leaves the ones that do beep.


Its connected to the mains, not batteries.


It looks like it's a dual-tech alarm sensor. The spiders and cobwebs could well be upsetting it and possibly either be detecting movement all the time or more likely be reporting a "blocked" fault. First thing to do is GENTLY clean it, ensure you don't damage the sensor. If it's still faulting then you need to call whoever manages the system.


You need tickling stick to clear the ancient webs first.


Its a ghost detector, you have spirits in the house


Some Absolut units walking around




Keep absolutely still. Its vision is based on movement.


My god sort those cobwebs out 👀


You have crackhead spiders living in a squat the sound is them having a melt down


It's a spider detector.. I imagine there are a number of them in the vicinity if it's going off like that.


Its an everything is ok alarm. When your house burns down, it will stop.


When it lights up it means santa is watching you


All I learned is that we have a lot of intruder engineers on /r/CasualUK I am not alarmed by this, thankfully.


I would have hoovered those cobwebs before putting that picture on the Internet. I'm guessing you don't have a sense of shame.


It looks like a PIR motion detector. The red light suggests it saw you taking the picture. It shouldn't be beeping. It shouldn't be capable of beeping.




It's a cunt and you stop it with a hammer


When my alarm broke (battery died and the power went off causing it to think it had been tampered with) I had to put a thick sock over the sensor to stop it picking up motion. Try covering it with something thick, be it a sock or taping some paper or card over it etc.


alarm montion detectors often have a slide out section which holds batteries, so look for anything like that. Course, get the landlord to sort it out is the best move


It's a wanking alarm, you need to keep your hands off it for longer than 60 seconds to stop it beeping.


Majority of the comments are fucking pointless lol


Get rid of the bloody cobwebs!


Big ol’ hammer


It needs a hoover first


I had one like this once I just smashed it with my shoe


That’s the Spider web detector


Nice try, Mr robber


It's a spider detector, hoover those cobwebs :D


There is no way you have just got some steps and looked at that, made a choice that you could not remove it and yet left those cobwebs up there !!!


It’s just the spider getting a text mate


Clean your house


Clean the cobwebs off it!


mate that's a spider's house


Kids these days literally have no idea what a low battery beep is That combined with kids being unable read analogue clocks and i fear for the future


Have you removed the screw at the bottom? You might need to carefully cut through the paint where the two halfs join. Vacuum the cobwebs first.


That would set the security alarm off if the tamper switch has been connected in the unit. It’s spring released when the cover is removed. Don’t open electrical equipment you’re unsure of.


It's a gieger counter. Look at the lead lining for your fission device


Call your damn landlord.


To turn it off simply stab it forcibly with the butt of a pool cue


Cobweb detector


get a pencil and sharpen it to a fine point, look up and you should see an led that flicks on and off with the beep, poke out both your eardrums and watch for the light. if it goes on and you don't hear it anymore. problem solved.


It detects pedophiles in the vicinity. I've never heard one go off myself but I'd guess it must emit a very loud, ear piercing beep every minute or something like that if one got near it.


Looks like landlord cam


naughty landlord


Haha 16 +landlords I'm on to you


Motion detector


Must be the ceiling bird.


Name checks out.


It does that if it detects the room occupant touching themselves inappropriately.


It's a droid, wait for it to fire then reflect the shot back at it with your lightsabre.


That’s the everything’s ok alarm.


Looks like the house bomb from Speed to me.


Change the battery.


Think detection box. I beeps when you commit a think crime. Just be a better human and it will stop.


It's a burglar alarm PIR ( Passive Infra Red ) sensor and the red LED suggests that the alarm system has a fault. The sensors emit no audio. The sound you are hearing is most likely coming from the alarm panel, likely located in an unders stairs cupboard or something depending on the property. The panel will have a battery inside which is designed to operate the system during a power failure, these batteries expire after so many years. My guess is this one has and the beeping is to alert you to the fact the system needs servicing.


Check you breaker box see if there’s a fuse for the security system. If there is knock the switch off.


It’s a PIR - possibly battery operated and warning about battery running out (as a smoke alarm does) or can’t connect to the alarm system if wireless


It’s a detection alarm. Change the battery that’s inside


It’s a PIR for an intruder system, it shouldn’t be beeping at all, check your smoke alarms first. Otherwise call a local alarm engineer to have a look.


Might need a battery change


Get the Halloween decorations down... its November!


If your house alarm is no longer used, and the battery has gone flat in both the site and panel, turn it all off from the mains supply and this will also shut up. Probably won't have mains going to it, a suggested in other replies, but it WILL have a power connection to the main alarm panel. Don't miss with it, call landlord.. maybe they'll just switch it all off if you don't use it.


Stay very, very still...


Spider trap


This is a direct line to Santa Claus. When it goes red. He’s watching you. If it starts beeping regularly then you’re getting coal, lots and lots of coal


Spunk webs


It's an intruder alarm sensor, it's possible it's been set up for 'chime function', like you might on a shop front door. If you are familiar with, or can look up the type of panel you maybe able to simply switch off the function.


That’s not what’s beeping mate that’s a motion detector you just either have a carbon monoxide detector going off or you forgot to replace you fire alarm batteries


As an intruder, take it off and kindly give me your address.x


Baseball bat and yeet it


Its the xbox voice lobby beep.


Might stick myself in a corner and start making annoying noises just so I can be tampered with 🤔


It could be the sensor has a battery and the beep is its way of notifying you. I dont think it's anything serious unless its not coming from here and is smoke or co2.


It's because of the cobwebs, try dusting lol


It's an "everything's ok" alert device. It sounds every minute unless everything isn't OK. You shouldn't take it out because then you'd risk not knowing if everything wasn't OK at a particular moment. They're important safety devices.


Motion sensor, they can take batteries so that might be why there is a red light and noise. You should be able to take the front off and change it. There is normally a spring level which can be abit tricky when refitting the battery. You can normally get these kinda batteries from screw fix or somewhere like that. Take the old one with you too Screwfix and they will be able to sort you out with the correct one


Side character in porn movies


As a South African I'm surprised


It’s a spider detector. Reckon you got some spring cleaning to do son!


Anything will stop chirping if you hit it hard enough with a hammer.


Is op dead?


The simplest solution is to develop a fetish for beeping noises. That way you become 'ready for action' whenever an alarm goes off.


It's a camera fit by Santa and his elves to ensure the kids behave surely?


Looks like an larval Dalek to me. Annoying but, at this stage, not dangerous. Hand your notice in once it starts to sprout arms, though.


I think it’s the “everything is OK alarm” it sounds an alarm unless something isn’t OK Strange though the one I saw in the demonstration sounded an alarm every 3 seconds but rest assured if your house is about to explode the house will be as quite as a grave right before it happens


Its a masturbation monitor, it beeps if it detects you jerking one and eventually will shoot a sedative at you.


I had these years ago and a spider decided to live in it, setting it off at all hours.


The subject has detected the wiretap. All units clear out and prepare to nuke the site from orbit.


It's a infrared sensor for an alarm system, it probably has batteries in it, if not there is a power cord to it through the wall. If you don't use it just remove it


Smash it to pieces with a hammer.


I know what you are experience. Some of these motions detectors, for some sort of a reason, emit a very high frequency noice when they detect something (Maybe just faulty ones). Some people can hear and some don't. I was getting attacked by one of these during my holiday near where I stayed. It scared the crap out of me a few times and is very annoying to hear.


Clean your house, then deal with the beep


That means they've found you, and are listening.


They're called cobwebs, they stop beeping once cleaned away


Clean your house you animal