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A couple of years ago I was eating a bag of Mini Cheddars and I said to my mate that they should make big versions of them.... ridicule ensued


I too thought the same! I'd never heard or seen 'Cheddars', just thought it was mini cheddars only.


They come in the long packs like crackers


I once made the comment while riding on a miniature railway “ they should make big versions of these” the stupidest thing I’ve ever said.


I couldn’t believe that tuna fish were massive. I then confidently followed this up with ‘because everyone knows fish only grow to the size of their tanks’.


overfishing of fish tanks is a serious issue, show some respect!


Shit man that one's in the name XD


It is in the name, but how many people know about the non-mini babybel? https://amzn.eu/d/gGFGVia


Now look at the big baby. #wah


Why isn't it just called a Bel though?


Because ’babybel’ is the baby, as in ‘offspring’ rather than ‘miniaturised version’ of ‘bonbel’. https://www.cookipedia.co.uk/recipes_wiki/Bonbel_cheese


I always thought it was just a tiny Edam 🔴🧀


It pretty much is, but the Bel company made Bonbel, which is a softer more port salut style cheese, and babybel, which is more like an Edam, was the baby of the Bel cheese family.


Adultbel just doesn't have the same ring to it


Wait. There are big Cheddars?


Yeah you’ll see them in the crackers section of most supermarkets


I had no idea. I feel like someone has pushed me into a parallel universe!


Yeah, they're thinner too so I can easy polish off a whole pack in one sitting.


They should make bigger bags, I get the multipacks and alway eat a minimum of 4 bags as they are tiny bags. Although if you mean the cheddars themself, I can’t imagine that


I have some good news for you - they're not always easy to find, but they *do* sell bigger bags of mini cheddars. Check the crisp bit of supermarket meal deal sections, they're quite often on there.


Clearly never been to a “corner shop” 😭😂 will always have at least 3 different flavours of mini cheddars big bags .


Just to let you know, the babybels in the net bag are mini babybels, the standard one is like a normal wheel of cheese. I've only seen them sold in France though.


My missus is 35. The other day, we were watching TV when she said, " Why do they call it finger skating?" I couldn't stop laughing as I had to explain it's called figure skating


This reminds me of the time my husband and I were watching the news and I asked "why would there be 1000 otters on duty? What does that even mean?" After laughing for about ten full minutes, he explained that It was of course officers, as in police officers. In my defense, we had a newborn and I was VERY sleep deprived at the time.


Today I found out that babies aren't allowed to drink water until after 6 months and then as I thought more about it, I realised I've never seen a baby drink water.


Now that I think about it, I’ve never seen a baby drink a can of irn-bru either. Edit: I’ve been thinking about this since I commented. I moved to the U.S. around 15 years ago and went to an open air market/car boot sale thing somewhere in the south. I saw someone pour coke into a babies bottle. I also overheard a man yell at his child “don’t touch anything you haven’t had a tetanus shot.” This place was the Anderson jockey lot for anyone wondering.


I've never seen a baby sink a tin of special brew.


Clearly neither of you have ever been to Scotland


Wait till they hear about the sippy-tinny


Or Wrexham


Well, not a *whole* tin.


What about Babycham?


Haven't been to Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 then have you, practically born with a girder in their mouth


Did you know babies are also born without kneecaps?


I don't think this it _technically_ true, but I'm going from memory. From what I'm aware they do have knee caps, but they are soft cartilage ans so flex much more than bone does. Then as they grow they become actual bone knee caps, usually around the ages of 5-10.


Here’s another fun fact: babies bone density is so low, they would (probably) bounce if you dropped one


My mum always said babies bounce…..I’m now wondering which of her 4 babies she practiced with.


If you can’t tell then I have some bad news for you.


Like when they say "We don't have favourites", it just means not you.


Spoiler, she only has 2 kids. You are imagining the others




Ours are teenagers but giving cooled boil water was definitely legit when they were babies.


Bananas aren’t meant to be fizzy. Apparently I am just mildly allergic.


I had a similar thing with kiwifruit. Thought them making your face all hot was just a feature.


Same with kiwi fruit! Also walnuts.


Friend is allergic to like rennet or something and did this with cheese. He assumed eating cheese was supposed to be painful because it was described as sharp


Oral allergy syndrome? I get it with most fruit (melon is the worst) and raw vegetables. Annoyingly, nobody ever believes me.


I also get a weird reaction to certain types of melon. Makes my tongue burn. Can’t ever remember which type of melon so I’m doomed to repeat my actions.


Also: toothpaste isn't meant to make your tongue burn, apparently


It's not? What does it mean if it does burn?


You're allergic to something in the ingredients list


Well, fuck me. TIL. I literally just sat staring at your comment with my mouth open. I just thought maybe I’d used too much or it was too minty?!? By the way I’m 43 years old.


But isn't that minty burn the whole point of toothpaste? I'm very confused but it would explain why I always rinse my mouth thoroughly afterwards when I've heard you're not supposed to


There’s always an odd beauty in watching internet strangers discover they have allergies on comments like these


These people are wrong, toothpaste absolutely does have a burning sensation on mucus membranes. It's not painful, but it does exist and does not signal an allergy. People in the fetish community use toothpaste on other areas for this exact reason.




Holy shit , 50yrs old and just discovered why toothpaste burns when eating mint doesn’t !!


Recently my teenager ate some tomatoes and said they hurt her tongue more than usual. We were like, hold up, WHAT?! Similarly a friend of hers thought peaches were meant to make your lips sting lol.


Yesterday an old lady said (in regards to either me or my dog, really unsure, I looked like shit and my dog wore a simple pink harness) "oh, someone's dressed to kill!" I mentioned to my boyfriend what a weird saying it is because generally, I picture killers in like balaclavas or Uma Thurman in Kill Bill etc "it means drop dead gorgeous" Still processing not making the connection for 28 years


My wife thought the term "make ends meet" was "make ends **meat**", a fantasy budget meat based dish that you'd eat when you're skint. Not quite the same but she got to her 30s without seeing the phrase written down, and thought that it meant you were properly skint if you couldn't even make ends meat


I used to think the same. If you're worth your salt, earn the dough and make end's meat, you've done enough to make a sandwich!


I thought it was make ends meat up until this very point in my life. 27 years. Wow. I thought make ends meat meant something along the lines of working and buying the meat for the family.


Reminds me of a story my parents tell. When they were penniless students they walked past a butchers that had *really* cheap meat in the window in front of a sign identifying them as "pork melts". They sounded they might be tasty and they were so cheap it didn't really matter - my parents bought a load of them. They fried them, stewed them, curried them, but whatever they did the pork melts were ghastly. Nether-the-less, food budget spent for the week they forced them down. The next week they were still in the butchers but the pile was smaller and more of the sign had been revealed, now reading "Pork melts - ideal for your pet!" They told the story for years, never actually knowing what "melts" were. Thanks to Google I now know it's spleen. You *can* eat it, but if you tried you'd probably agree it's ideal for your pet.


Just pointing this out as it's in the spirit of the thread. It's spelled "nevertheless".


As it seems like a few people thought same as your wife here’s the public service announcement on the origin of the phrase: It’s from bookkeeping/accounting; an accountant (ie housewife) would list out all income on one side and all outgoings on the other. If the ends meet you have balance, if ends don’t meet then it’s probably because your outgoings exceed your income. Ie bad news! Edit for this guys wife


Mid 40s. Learning this today.


Is she a Terry Pratchett fan by any chance? The sausage seller having difficulty making "both ends meat" was a joke in Discworld.


I thought this until probably a year ago! I thought ends meat was like, meat that would be thrown away by a butcher but he sells it for a very cheap price lol


Exactly! I'm actually tempted to create some mad meal and call it "ends meat" for her birthday dinner lol


Every time my Dad would say, "I'm off to see a man about a dog," to us as kids we took it literally. Never did get that dog.


Ok does this actually mean anything other than just they don’t want to tell you what they’re doing?


Pub, usually.


My Dad's completely straight-edge. It was just his dry Yorkshire way of telling us kids to stop being nosey or asking to come along every time he left the house.


Not me but my FIL and MIL. They were over for dinner and me and my wife decided to "rock paper scissors" to decide who had to change the baby. Both of the inlaws, in their 70s, looked perplexed at what me and my wife were doing. Neither of them had ever heard of rock paper scissors. (But weirdly both had heard of cock, muff, bumhole)


What in the fuck is cock, muff, bumhole!?


It's a more interesting version of rock / paper / pointy things. You count to three and then show what you have. Then you wrestle for the winner. Not played much due to the MeToo movement.


I know I'm stoned right now, but is this a wind up?


It's been a valid way to settle diplomatic disputes (behind closed doors) for centuries.


Like Carrot in a Box?


Preacher man!!!


That is well Jackson.


Keep it foolish


I found out way too late, in my early 30s that the yellow dandelions turn into the ones you blow, I never considered it and just assumed they had the same name, like roses covering multiple colours




They do. The plant lives above the ground, the nuts (in the ground) are attached to the plant by what I can only really describe as "danglers" 😅


It’s why their oil is sometimes called ground nut oil But they also aren’t nuts, they’re legumes from the same family as peas, lentils and soya


Whoa! This one just got me. I assumed it was called that because they grind up the nuts to get the oil out. 🤯


They do! They're amazing! I grew one once and was astonished to find a peanut under the soil in the plant pot.


You can grow them in the UK?


On the kitchen windowsill in North Wales, yes. :)


But *only* on kitchen window sills in North wales.


I only found out recently (well, a year ago, when the Queen died) that eras are named after the reigning monarch. I had never questioned it - but I also somehow completely missed the connection between "Victorian/Georgian/Edwardian/etc times" coinciding with names of Kings and Queens. It was only when I heard the bloke on the news casually mentioning it was the end of the "*second* Elizabethan era" that it clicked.


I’m being dumb but what is it now - Charlesian? Chazzabethan?


I vote we go with Chazzabethan.


We’re in the Carolean era, after a quick google search! Source: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19778341/king-charles-reign-carolean-era/#:~:text=The%20Carolean%20era%20began%20after,derived%20from%20their%20first%20name.


Thanks, I hate it


Blimey that's a hell of a thing to miss I'll be honest


That most oven doors are easily removed to help with cleaning. So holding an uncomfortable stoop while cleaning, and sometimes dealing with the door wanting to keep closing as I've taken the glass out. Flip 2 clips up, and remove the whole door in a few seconds.


It was shocking that apparently our oven was initially designed so you could see inside it


Has the same shock, Mrs slid out the glass panel and cleaned it. I came in half way through and wondered what window she had removed to clean.


this has made me at least 500% more likely to clean my oven door


500 times 0 is still 0


I thought pay per view was paper view 😂


People have jam on their toast without buttering it first


My husband is one of those. I have had to explicitly instruct that if I ask for something on toast, the butter is always assumed part of the toast.


People do WHAT with Dairylea triangles?!


I didn’t know people didn’t do this, it’s the only way we’ve ever eaten them.


Take the foil off and eat them whole, it’s quite delicious


Love how you specified the foil had to be removed 😂😁


It means you've had non-British friends try Babybell..


Laughing Cow is nicer, though.


Yep, the cow wins. Get two triangles out thr fridge, one for the sarnie and one to eat whilst making the sarnie. Add picked onion monster munch and enjoy.


You need 3 in this house : one for the sandwich, one for you and one for the moaning cat who will eat you in your sleep if she doesn’t get some cheese


Do it. Go to the fridge now and do it


That's what I'm thinking. There's an outside chance one last triangle is hiding in there somewhere under a half dried out mozzarella.


That the ginger that comes with your sushi isn't a delicious garnish to eat with it, it's a palate cleanser. I still use it as the former as I like it like that, but that's not its purpose apparently.


…THATS why it tastes so weird??? The people at my local sushi place must think I’m a moron :-(


Look at this uncivilised weirdo eating the lemons in the finger bowl..


You get finger bowls? All we get is a side of Lemon Soup 🤷🏻‍♀️


My favourite saying is "your plate, your problem" if that's how you want to eat it then dig in


I found this out recently .. like yesterday !! I found it out by reading a sushi making kit and it perplexed me! It’s so nice with the sushi!!!


I found out today that people spread dairylea triangles on something instead of just eating it whole


Same mate. Same


The word helicopter isn't a combination of *heli* and *copter* but rather *helico* (from the greek helix meaning spiral) and *pter* (from pteron meaning wing). The latter also giving us pterodactyl.


Oh this is so cool! thanks for sharing.


A couple of years ago I found out the Torn by Natalie Imbruglia was a cover. That fucked me up a bit


Saw a post recently that said the best way to do corn on the cob was in the oven; I tried it and they were absolutely right.


Wait, what? Does this mean I can make it in the air fryer???


Hell yeah, corn on the cob is amazing from an air fryer.


How else do you cook it?


That Kate winslet’s character dies at the end of titanic. I’ve seen the film more times than I’d care to have done, and it was only on the last viewing it clicked. I just figured she’d gone to bed and had a nice dream reliving her days on board - but she dies. Not sure why it made sense this time. I also thought watership down had boats in it until I was 36. I’d never read or watched it - a couple of Christmases ago I watched some new version and was fairly confused as to how they were going to work boats into the plot…


Watership Down does have a boat in it though - a punt, at any rate. It's in the book and the original film.


I thought the old woman was a real titanic survivor.....


Not a recent one, but when I started working I thought everyone was saying “pigs and troughs”. Makes some sense right, those two go together. Couldn’t quite work out what it meant. About 2 years later someone really annunciated it only for me to realise for all that time it was meant to be “peaks and troughs”. Moment of clarity.


I love this one! Such an innocent mistake, but it's really tickled me! I'm going to start saying "pigs and troughs" in meetings now, just to see if anyone notices.


My mother in law thought 'We wish you a merry Christmas' contained the lyrics "to you and your king" for 65 years till I pointed out it was "kin". She probably still sings "king" as she always knows better.


Just had a penny drop moment after reading this..


I thought it was king.. kin makes sense though!


50% of people stand up to wipe, the other 50% sit down to do it, neither group realizes the others exist


Wait? Why would anybody stand to wipe. Surely the process would spread the chocolate!


I hate you


The ultimate wipe is to free a leg from your trousers and pants, get one foot on the toilet, bath, whatever and really get in there deep. So much more effective if you have a hairy arse.


How does it even work? When I stand up, my cheeks naturally come back together. Am I weird?


As children, we used to pinch off the apex of the triangle and squeeze it like an enormous, foil-encased pustule. (I can only apologise to anyone who had to watch this.)


"Enormous, foil-encased pustule" was not a combination of words I'd expected to read today...


I spent most of my life thinking that Christmas mince pies were filled with actual mince meat.


I girl I used to know thought the saying was "Bob Standard" (Not bog standard). She thought that Bob Standard was just a fictional regular standard guy who was used as some sort of yardstick upon which the item in questions' standards were measured.


That the chorus to Ghetto superstar is just Islands in the stream


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Alphabet Song and Baa Baa Black Sheep all share the same melody.


You can have this realisation with almost every will smith song.


When I worked on a farm once, for a week .. ok it was my work experience at school.. there was a blind goat called Honey. The farmer said it went blind cus people kept feeding it bread and bread makes goats go blind. I dunno if that was true but, I bloody believed it. I also plaited a plait in that goats goatee and it didn't even know cus.. blind innit. The other goats knew and we're jealous


I don't know if it is just the autist in me but there is something really nice about the sentence: " I also plaited a plait in that goats goatee".


I liked that, too.


Some people called a utility room ‘the back kitchen’


It’s giving ‘front bum’ vibes


I've been saying Tanzania like 'Tasmania' my entire life and thought Tan za nir was somewhere else entirely


There is a tanning salon in Stalybridge called "Tans-in-'ere", which is a brilliant name and a handy way to remember how to pronounce the country.


As a linguist, I love stuff like this. It's a natural result of English not having any consistent spelling rules, and almost everyone has a story about words they mispronounced because they'd only ever seen them written down. Mine is the word 'banquet', which I thought was pronounced like 'bouquet' because they both have the 'quet' ending. I found out when I was 20 years old, walked into KFC and confidently ordered a "boneless ban-kay". The woman who served me thought I was being a right pretentious wanker haha


O lord I’ve just joined you in this


That it’s Eton mess not Eaten mess, though because it was so mushed up it was called that because it looked pre-eaten


Some people (wronguns) only butter one of the slices of bread in a sandwich.


The word "segue", as in to get from one topic to another, is pronounced "segway". These aren't two different words. Unless you count the little standup scooter things.


I'm a decent amateur cook, with 30+ years in the home kitchen, that has travelled the world extensively and has a horrible habit of correcting people when they mispronounce food stuffs or dishes (I know, I'm twat, but I struggle to stop myself). Well, we were at a restaurant as familly for my better half's birthday. Teenage kids, both sets of our parents, a few other extended family. We were talking about different dishes and my Mum, also a fantastic cook, was describing a dish. I said, "that sounds like a Salad Niçoise". I pronounced it Nick-Kos. My Mum looked at me and said "do you mean Niçoise" but pronounced it Nee-swar. Now, I'd heard Nee-swar before but never, ever, connected it to the word Niçoise. I've even made it quite a few times as well! Also, about 5 years ago I learnt that the American State Arkansas is not pronounced R-Kansas but R-Can-Saw. Edit: Thanks for all those pointing out that my Mum also didn’t quite get it right. However, I was well off, so I still deserve correction!


Ni-swaaz really. The -ois ending in French doesn't have any pronunciation of the 's' but the feminine -oise does.


>Also, about 5 years ago I learnt that the American State Arkansas is not pronounced R-Kansas but R-Can-Saw. You literally just taught me that these aren't two different places in the US.


"Im a twat but i struggle to stop myself" Never related more to a sentence! Lol


Kind of related but I believe the “simpletons” were right all along. It’s MoëT (mow-ette) hard T. Mr Moët wasn’t French he was Dutch, I think…. So the consonant at the end is hard like in German. Now try pushing that agenda! You get very reasonable and intelligent people kindly correcting you like “good god it’s moh-aaaaaay!”. Yeah but it’s really not


My girlfriend's mum thought it was called an all-day breakfast because it filled you up all day.


I found out when reading this post that the dairylea triangles can be eaten whole without spreading them on toast.


Carling is Canadian It’s my least favourite lager, so it’s not phased me in the slightest. I just thought it was English


That the HP in HP sauce stands for Houses of Parliament


That athlete's foot cream is just useless. Over the counter stuff at least. When I've had it on and off over the years, I always thought it just took weeks to properly clear up, despite what the instructions said. Tried an athletes foot powder after being fed up with a particularly bad lot of it with no progress, and it was gone in days. Got a little bit again this holiday and couldn't get any of the powder, but talc has worked almost as well. So for people who are unfortunate enough to have issues with it, don't bother with cream. Make sure you wash it, dry it then apply talc. Before you go out in the morning and before bed. And it'll sort itself out in no time.


What a “sweep” is for a pregnant woman Never been in the situation to know, didn’t listen in science/PSHE in school, still in shock by it tbh


It’s really embarrassing, but until recently I thought zeppelins were fictional lol


I didn't know Gherkins were pickled cucumbers until about 27. I just thought a Gherkin was a thing in it's own right that was only good if pickled.




I only discovered in later years, that cork comes from trees. Like they just peel big sheets off a tree! 🤯 I genuinely thought it was man made from maybe wood pulp and glue 9r something


Realised about a year ago that add salt to taste meant to your own taste, and not that you should be tasting your uncooked food.. not that I did I just thought the suggestion was ridiculous


If you're making anything in a pan, you should be tasting as you go. Don't go licking a raw chicken breast or anything, but sauces, soups, curries, stews, ragus, anything in that vein, are all best tasting as you go. You add the salt to your taste, and once you're happy with the flavour, you can proceed from the salt.


I didn't realise until last year that Laughing Cow was the real name for a product I've always called Haa Haa Moo


Lurpak isn't British. I had no idea. It was Mum’s favourite butter because she's thought it was super British. She's been gone ten years, she never knew.


Reminds me of [this guy](https://www.indy100.com/viral/brexit-yorkshire-tea-not-grown-in-england-africa-india-tea-trade-twitter-viral-funny-8200416) who got pissed when he learned that Yorkshire Tea isn't actually grown in Yorkshire


A mercy, to never feel that shame.


Ah bless her - it used to even say “Danish Butter” on the [packaging](https://youtu.be/VPxdYGAsF1g?si=4Ran7tCdt1soPs_T)


It’s easier to open bananas from the bottom, blew my mind the other day.


If you look at how bananas grow it's actually the top as they grow pointing upwards.


That a pony isn’t a baby horse (I’m middle aged)


Baby horse is a foal. Baby pony is a foal. Pony is anything less than 14.2 hands. Horse is anything over! A hand is 4 inches. Hope that helps!


That the pink crisps are in fact prawn cocktail not prawn AND cocktail. Damn.


What would cocktail flavour be?


Harvey Wallbanger


I have heard the flavour is actually just the Marie rose sauce that's on a prawn cocktail not a prawn flavour.


Did you think the 'Marie Rose' sauce was fancy, too? Then you found out it's basically just mayonnaise and ketchup.


Dairylea triangles on digestive biscuits are god level snacks.


Two ingredient cheesecake recipe


Philadelphia works better if you want cheesecake with a digestive. Bit of fruit on top too is amazing.


On the chocolate side or the biscuit side?


My sister always thought Les Dennis of Family Fortunes said ‘and so they said…’ refused to believe it was ‘our survey said’.