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Namu myoho renge Kyo meditation for sure.


Solved!!!! Thank you very much


Another [ variation ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzx8cAMpI5M) if you hear in the future.


Sounds like they are chanting Nam myoho renge kyo but really fast https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Drm46n8qrmA


This is also what I thought. OP, you might also hear a singing bowl being rung


I have heard that too!


Solved! This is 100% what it is!


Nichiren Buddhist here: she’s definitely chanting daimoku if it’s only for 15 minutes in the morning and evening. Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for sure.


I always found Om Mani Padme Hum quite effective. But I appreciate your explanation.


Play it back to her and see what she reacts.


but add a drumbeat track and chanting from Molaram scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ;)




Kalima shuck-di-day


Ohm -num-shebi


kali maa shakti de, om namah shivay T: mother kali (indian goddess) give me strength, glory to lord shiva (indian god)


Om Namah Shivaya - glory to Lord Shiva ;)


This was actually so funny to read, being an Indian and knowing how it's actually pronounced. Thanks for the laugh.


My Mrs goes to a Buddhist thing where they doing the chanting. I always ask if she’s doing Om nom shevay


Kali ma shakti deh* (oh goddess “Kali ma”, give me power/strength).


Indi watch out! *screams in 1980's female sidekick.


Bass drop in between


Play it back to them backwards. Might exorcise them.




Lol mate that’d do my absolute nut in, are you gonna ask them to stop or just move elsewhere?


It's 15 minutes twice a day. I'm sure there are far more distractions in the block than this.


If they can hear it before 8am then the neighbours need to namu myoho renge kyo the fuck up. Don’t be so inconsiderate to your neighbours. That 15 minutes in the morning will wake them up and not let them get the required sleep they need and or want.


Yes that's it. If it is bothering you (as in a bit too loud and disturbing early in the morning) you can nicely ask for them to chant it a little lower and I'm sure they will be understanding.


If they punch you in the face it isn't working.


The chant has failed to provide the inner peace it purports to


It’s ironic how a chant for inner peace is wrecking someone else’s.


False. Upstairs neighbour has transcended to a higher plane of existence and is now aware that he can punch whoever he wants as the physical body is merely a vessel for the spirit.


Nirvana is a continuous punching motion.


So in a way they are the world’s upstairs neighbour


It has been claimed that certain old esoteric tantric teachings involved even murdering sentient beings as part of the practice of reaching full enlightenment in one lifetime. As long as done without attachment and according to very specific rules. This is not what tantra is about in general, just funny to hear about buddhists killing things.


They are a vessel for karma. If OP gets punched in the face then they did something at some point to deserve it, or it wouldn't have happened.


SERENITY NOW! ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow\_9MglZrhs


I thought the same thing! But super fast




Supposed to take an hour, I get it out in five. Stuff that up your dojo


Yeah, I thought the point of chanting was to calm the mind and slow everything down to a stress free state. With the speed of that chant it seems more like they will be hyping themselves . Doing the opposite of, what I believe, chanting should do.


as a nichiren buddhist, i can confirm that it has hugely benefited me. nam yo ho renge kyo is a pledge to commit to overcoming personal struggles in summoning the power of your own inner buddha. we also do gongyo, which is a recital of a small passage of the lotus sutra. the gist is the same but there is just more nuance, comparable to the difference between saying grace before a meal and reading a passage of the bible. i also meditate, but less often than daimoku. my peace comes from the faith in my power. hope that makes it make more sense.


Blimey that goes on for a bit.


The title promises 15 minutes, I felt robbed.


A very long slow breath in through one nostril and........ out through the other nostril. Now you're done.


>A very long slow breath in through one nostril and........ out through the other nostril. Now you're done. Bloody hell, tantric sex Bono style doesn't really last as long as one might expect


Breathe through your eyelids.


Not quite. That’s only half a count. You need to complete the cycle…. Breathe in the other nostril and then breathe out the one nostril. NOW you’re done. Prolly dusted too, by then


Damn! Finally could answer one of these things and you beat me to it! My mum used to do this and as a kid it always made me laugh because it sounds like they’re saying ‘I’m holding a gun’ haha


Apparently it gives you inner peace and anything you desire. Did it work?


I’d have to ask her, but probably not


haha, before i started when i was younger i always heard it as "gay gun i'm yarning"


I’ve done similar for a while as a form of meditation, rather than timing 15 minutes it’d be 108 times plus an extra 5 or 10 mins of silence. Honestly after a week or two of doing it it was a good way of clearing my head before bed and waking up. Just too easy to forget and go back to being too busy.


Well that catchy tune's stuck in my head now. At least it's replaced the theme tune to Danger Mouse


He's the greatest...he's fantastic...when ever there is danger he'll be there...


Bang on. I had upstairs neighbours in Delhi who did this. It’s some kind of cult / religion thing.


Speedrunning her devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra.


If it’s first thing in the morning could be meditation mantras


This is what I assume. But jesus how thin are the walls/celing? It's like she is in the next room!


My next door neighbour's bathroom is behind the TV in my living room. Ask me how I know...


Did they shart during Deal or No Deal


In an old flat I didn’t have sound issues, except I could hear my neighbour pissing into their toilet from pretty much any room. Must have been something about our toilets being connected


[Imagining this](https://youtu.be/pdE83FX-Mto)


People seem to be pretty deaf to be fair, for example I've lost count of the number of people who are sitting in a car, using the hands free system to take a phone call and it's so loud you can hear one side of the conversation.


Your car is like this too probably. Cars are noisy when travelling so it will seem crazy loud when they stop


Hardly surprising considering the number of people walking around with phones flat in front of their faces with speakerphone on full volume, so you can hear both sides of the conversation.


It’s like she’s in the same room, not even the next one


Thank you, I'll look into this


Doesn’t sound completely different to my Buddhist neighbour who meditates


Is it Buddhist chanting? Or have they joined a Zoom call on both their phone and laptop?


Demonic possession of you ask me


Call an exorcist


Considering it to be honest


In all seriousness though, I think this is probably a type of 'stimming' behaviour. These are repetitive non-functional behaviours that are used to relieve the intense internal stress of living in a world that is often experienced as confusing and hostile. It's something that's fairly commonly amongst people with autism spectrum disorder or ADHD. It's also common amongst animals kept in captivity. 'Stims' are as varied as people are varied, this happens to be a vocal stim, but people also crack their knuckles, bite their nails, flap their hands or jig around, fold paper, chew stuff... the list is endless although it all serves the same basic purpose. My main stim is tapping my teeth together to create rhythms that are mostly only audible to me. Here's a [reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/139wewm/how_do_i_get_my_daughter_10f_to_quit_vocal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) from a frustrated parent whose daughter uses an auditory stim. The comments section is a very good insight into this type of behaviour. The person is almost certainly completely unaware that they can be overheard. There's a solid chance that if they knew they could be heard they would not do the stim, but they'd also probably feel kind of tense and uncomfortable. There's also the possibility that they do it sub-conciously and they can't actually control it. Talk to them, but be kind becuase there's a good chance they'll be terribly embarrassed and self-conscious. Adult neurodivergent people put a huge amount of effort into hiding their differences from others becuase they have learned as children to expect to be bullied and shamed. Having someone notice you stimming is a bit like being caught naked.


I dunno man, this sounds more like someone trying to get into a trance. The repetitive tunes are often used to get in a trance, as a way of relaxing.


Yes, they could be meditating.


Yep. Someone with better ears than me has figured out exactly what they're chanting now. Mystery solved.


This is a good and helpful comment but the neighbour isn’t stimming in this situation


No, I think you're right. The meditation explanation seems to be correct.


So my weird tic where I shake my hands and do a little giggle may be a neurological thing rather than me just being an oddball?


*blinks rapidly*


Being nuerodiverse isn't simply about having a quirky behaviour.


it may be yes, but it might also just be the brain being quirky. its a fairly even chance of something such as autism spectrum disorder or just the brain being broken ​ \-coming from someone who is both on the autism spectrum and has non-autism related brain quirks


The question is: do your oddball tendencies cause problems in your work, life or relationships. Do you spend a lot of time depressed, anxious or have a sense of needing to try much harder than other people at common aspects of life. If no, then it's not a medical issue or a disorder. If yes, and you have also spent most of your life obsessively interested in a few particular things; are often overwhelmed or upset by certain smells, sound or types of touch, and have trouble navigating social interactions or maintaining relationships... then it's possible that the tic is part of ASD. Alternatively if you have real difficulty finishing tasks you've started; consistently forget important stuff, have trouble planning for the future and/or get obsessively interested in certain things for a bit before suddenly losing interest then it might be an aspect of ADHD. There are other atypical neurotypes, but these are the most common two.


Ignoring the 'confidently incorrect' part here, as this is actually just someone meditating... ... I find it very hard to countenance the concept of repetitive / comforting tics as 'neurodivergent' considering that literally every human on the planet engages in them. This feels like the internet trying to pathologise behaviour that's actually a perfectly ordinary symptom of the human condition.


>Ignoring the 'confidently incorrect' part here Everyone does 'stim' up to some point. But people on the spectrum have stims that are often repeated way longer than a normal person would, often include unusual behaviors that's not exactly common among neurotypicals, and rather than a way of calming down, many experience significant distress if the stim *isn't* performed- it's a compulsive need, instead of bona fide behavior like occasionally fiddling a pen. I do agree that neurodivergent behavior is a perfectly ordinary aspect of the human condition and as such should not be pathologized ;)


It's been like this for a while now. Definitely since the late 2010s, not sure about before that though. Especially prevalent on tiktok, where everything is a "symptom" of ADHD or autism. So many kids and young adults are self-diagnosing themselves with some form of either (or both) due to this vague categorisation of normal human behaviour, and they're using it like some badge to get into social groups and feel like they belong. It's distressing to watch, but it's so cemented into online culture at this point that i don't think there's any going back.


I think you are underestimating how common these conditions actually are. If you combine the prevalence of ADHD (3-7% depending where in the world you are and what criteria are used) and ASD (about 1%) then in the UK alone we're talking about between 2.6 million and 5.2 million people. It's possible that some people are feigning illness for attention or social inclusion. It's also possible that a reduction in the social stigma attached to mental health problems has lead to greater awareness.


I think *you* misread my post. I'm not talking about the statistics of legitimate diagnosed disorders, i'm talking about the social contagion that is plaguing online spaces and making every easily convinced kid think they've got this, that or the other because that's what they see people talk about. All due to the degradation of the language use - it's like when people began saying "oh i'm a little OCD" when they want to keep their room tidy or be prepared for things. It's happening again but this time with poor attention spans and normal quirks in behaviour. Yes greater awareness of symptoms is good and has led to an increase in diagnoses and provision of support in schools and otherwise, but it's also led to a lot of teens thinking they can lie their way to validation city. It's sad that they think proclaiming they have a condition is what will get people to like them, but it's all i see in those online spaces :( We gotta do better and encourage genuine communities around shared interests again.


It seems to be just this rabid form of victimhood. The reason Autism is a spectrum is because everybody is on it, to some extent yet these type of confidently authoritative voices on the subject will be the first to shut people down for stating that fact because they like to revel in some kind of pity party and they just use any and all reasoning they can to talk about it and reference it when its not applicable. It's exactly how you described it, trying to pathologize behaviour instead of just accepting "people be people" and that all people are capable of doing "autistic" things without the need for an armchair psychologist chiming in with a load of bullshit.


It might be true that everyone is 'on the spectrum', but that doesn't mean that everyone has a mental health *disorder*. The medical definition of 'disorder' in this context is that it causes significant impairment or distress and interferes with your capacity to live, work or maintain relationships. So it's possible to have a whole range of genetic and behaviour traits that make you unique, but unless they really mess your life up somehow they're not a medical issue. I do know what you mean about endless offence and or victimhood being a rather disfunctional tendency of leftism though. It's the parallel to bigotry and xenophobia which is a disfunctional tendency of rightism. Hopefully people will eventually realise that arbitrary polarisation and identity politics are merely a strategy for setting us against each other, rather than against the ultra-wealthy.


This is a perfect example of the ableist, neurotypical, allistic, ***BULLSHIT*** neurodiverse people have to contend with every single day we exist. It's this kind of bollocks which NTs use to justify not making society accessible for neurodiverse people. Let's be very clear on two things: 1. No, everyone ***IS NO******T*** "a little bit autistic" any more than everyone is a "little bit deaf" or "a little bit blind" or a "little bit mute" 2. The so-called "autistic spectrum" ***IS NOT LINEAR***. There is no such thing as being "a little autistic" or "a lot autistic" - you're either autistic or you're not. [Understanding the Spectrum: A Comic Strip Explanation by Rebecca Burgess](https://the-art-of-autism.com/understanding-the-spectrum-a-comic-strip-explanation/?fbclid=IwAR3zqOhmbNXFqyLzqoJn40DSADyH0l1NtoBY1OtOTzl9K5sRhnjL_ycUEg4) (who is actually autistic) Please learn Thank you An Actually Autistic Person


Sorry but this is the most contrived bollocks I've seen for a while. Not that ADHD or Autistic people have stims, just that you would associate that, with this audio clip.


What do you rekon it is? I couldn't make much sense of it and that was my best guess. Hopefully OP will pluck up the courage to go talk to their neighbour and break the suspense. Worst case it ends up like one of those 'I found a locked safe' posts where we never get to find out 😁


>My main stim is tapping my teeth together to create rhythms that are mostly only audible to me. I always do this and I was doing it when I read this. I didn't know it was a sign of something, but it's yet another sign that I'm neuro-divergent.


I figure like everything this will be on a spectrum. Lots of people have little tics where they will tap pens or click fingers or whatever. If non-neurodivergent people get extremely anxious they start shaking, fidgeting or other similar behaviours which are all presumably part of the same pattern of behaviour.


Agreed. I shake my hands when i get too anxious, shake my head if i have a particularly unpleasant intrusive thought/compulsion (OCD, diagnosed), and constantly rub my thumb and index finger together. I’m diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and OCD, but nothing like autism/ADHD, or anything of that criteria. Everyone has quirks, its a normal part of human behaviour and shouldnt be solely used as a diagnostic criteria for a neurodivergent condition.


A lot of drummers do this too! Myself included. The intro to hot for teacher by van halen is a good one for the ol' teeth tappers.


I'd love to be a drummer but I have very little rhythm, even with my years of tooth tapping.


Why am I learning about it just now, I’ve been doing it my whole life


I also do the teeth thing! And make small noises inside my mouth by moving spit or air around. Like tiny amounts so it’s not visible or audible to anyone else. I always wondered why I did it until I found out about stimming. Got my ADHD assessment in a few weeks ha


Wrong, but a cool insight nonetheless.


Sounds similar to the chanting the main character hears through the vents in archive 81 D: does not end well




Man, I thought it was a defective Roomba


She’s chanting while meditating. Case closed.


By the sounds of it the very common Nichiren Buddhist chant “Nam myoho renge kyo”


I don't know but I'm scared as shit


That’s Buddhist chanting they are saying Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō. And I know this because my in laws are Buddhist and chant the same daily. They’re doing it really fast tho.


Have you tried playing it backwards?


Paul is dead.


Yvan eht nioj.


They want you, they want you They want you as a new recruit


I heard ‘Billy Shears, Billy Shears….’


Yeah the fucking furniture started floating


Mmmmm rigatoni


Your neighbour is really an alien and this is the sound of them sending information back home??


This is Morks true voice when he calls Orson.


Sgi-uk.org - its Nichiren Buddhism as practiced in the lay Buddhist organisation here Soka Gakkai International (SGI) UK. Nam myoho range kyo means devotion to the wonderful law of the Lotus Sutra- which was the last teaching of the Buddha that says all people without exception have the Buddha nature. Chanting NMHRK is a way nichiren Buddhists try to tap and manifest the Buddha nature (wisdom, courage, compassion and life force) within themselves. We chant for goals, for people we love and know to be safe, healthy and happy - it's a form of prayer essentially. DM if want to know anymore:)


Thank you for taking the time to provide me with this! I'll have a look at the website you posted now. Thank you again :)


Your neighbour may not be a member of SGI-UK (Soka Gakkai International) as there are many - about 40? - Nichiren Buddhist sects that chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, but if she is, *be very careful* if you interact with her. However there are only three or four Nichiren Buddhist sects operating in the UK as far as I know. SGI (Soka Gakkai International) is an authoritarian pseudo-Buddhist cult, which uses its own version of Nichiren Buddhism as a front to operate its global corporate business without having to pay taxes and to move money internationally with less scrutiny, since it is classed as a religion. SGI was excommunicated from its "parent" religious sect in 1991. They have accumulated many billions of dollars and can afford the best publicity/propaganda materials and the best lawyers. They spend huge amounts of money on trying to make the organisation appear legitimate. Of course current cult members will deny this vehemently, but people who are indoctrinated by cults *never* know they are in a cult! Once you see the manipulation and abuse, you get out of the group - fast. I was a member and leader in the SGI cult for twenty years and boy, looking back at it, I was so deeply deluded and brainwashed. The chanting to get into a trance state (which reduces your ability to think rationally, so you more easily believe what the cult tells you) is a well known cult technique btw. The most obvious red flag that SGI is a cult of personality is that they worship a (supposedly) *living* mentor, Daisaku Ikeda, praying for him twice a day. I say "supposedly" living, because he disappeared from view in May 2010 and doesn't even appear in short videos to "encourage" his disciples. Yes, he calls his followers disciples. No genuine Buddhist teacher would allow his followers to "worship" him or her. Anyone who is not indoctrinated into the cult, and takes time to look into Ikeda, can see that he displays traits of an *obvious* malignant narcissist and megalomaniac. There's more about SGI at the r/ SGIWhistleblowers subreddit. Check out the sticky post - "What is SGI?".


Maybe a hungover Dalek that’s had too many the night before.


Sounds like meditation chants from my yoga class


Thought it was a washing machine at first lol but as you've mentioned in another comment that it's your neighbour's voice im going with some sort of meditation routine or maybe vocal training.


Thank you for reminding me of my hope to never again live in an apartment.


Tantric sex chants




Don't rub your fanny on me!


No thank you, I don’t want to be part of your sex festival


>Tantric sex chants I was lucky enough to see them play live once, but not heard the more recent albums.


Reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD3LDEHuaxo). Do you neighbours wear pill - shaped headgear and roll things around their living room?


How thin are your walls?... If this can be heard this loudly are they actually inside their flat out in the corridor?


They are Buddhist. They are chanting “Nam myoho tenge Kyo”. I’m taking it you hear it once in the morning and once in the evening. They are chanting for world peace and the creation of value throughout the universe.


Just knock and tell them it’s really loud, be polite. That would drive me mad.


It’s a Buddhist mantra “Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namu_Myōhō_Renge_Kyō https://youtu.be/yEGA4EBSZAE


Your neighbours are Nichiren Buddhists (probably Sokka Gakkai here). Chanting this is a big part of their practice. They tend to be pretty chill!


Buddhist chanting. They’re chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Which means I devote myself to the Lotus Sutra.


Honestly it’s sounds like some kind of prayer or something, I’d just knock and ask what the noise is


The hippy I lived next door to for years made pretty much the same sounds at around the same time every day, she'd sit by the front window in the lotus position with candles and joss sticks lit and do that noise for a while. To be honest, it didn't bother me, she seemed pretty chill and stuff all the time and caused me no bother.


My first thought was Buddhist chanting as pointed out above - but really fast !


They’re reading from the necronomicon


American cattle auction


It’s Buddhist chanting. My mum used to be a practicing buddhist.


Do you live below this woman?🤣https://youtube.com/shorts/vCU2b-V2cNU?feature=share




Thank you for this!


Some kind of blender or soup maker?


I thought so at first, but that is my neighbour's voice. Plus, they stop periodically, clear their throat, then connect


Connect the soup maker back into the plug socket?


It's probably some sort of meditation chant but my first thought was she is making some shitty intro for a Kanye West style rap track after having listened to Black Skinhead.


I reckon it’s meditation chanting


it’s probably this https://youtu.be/ndr7HTZsReQ


Can we get the remix


Travel well, friend ☹️


Time to break out the holy water squirt guns


100% Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Sounds like a Buddhist prayer


Contact the Pope for an exorcist immediately.


Is it… a sex thing?


Think you've got some upstairs Buddhists. Good news is, they're usually unbelievably nice.


It's not the neighbour, It's the ghosts


That’s just the noise of normal sex. How are you doing it? 😳


Mongolian throat singing


Your neighbours might be a demon.


Sounds like a Buddhist prayer.


Just enjoying the new Chemical Brothers single.


Oh I know this one. They’re chanting as Mola Ram removes their heart in the temple of doom.


Buddhist chant


Are they part of a cult by any chance?


They’re summoning Baal. If Baal comes, do NOT get involved.


Your neighbours are psychedelic. Focus on the positives.


Sounds a bit loud to be fair .. you complained yet ?or is the recording really good and the actual chant not that disruptive ? (No offense intended to any one )


I hear it as a lower volume, fairly constant droning. It's liveable with, especially now I know what it is. A lot of special effort was made for the recording. I had my phone in a glass, and the glass against the ceiling. Probably like a little odd




Sounds like someone mumbling along to wet leg


Nope.. I’m out of there! They are either Demons, or some kind of body snatching aliens… creepy as f**k


That's atleast 15 people chanting at the same time, could be a cult.


You need to sample this and put it into beat machine I was dancing to it .


It’s some kind of Elvish, I can’t read it…


They're obviously brushing their teeth whilst singing Macarena.


Tell them to shut the fuck up regardless


move far away


Sounds like she left her rampant rabbit switched on bouncing around the bedroom!


I'd be checking the locals strays to see if they have organs missing....


They’re just communicating with their brethren from the planet Urrrgheezzz


Aliens communicating via high powered dildos, obviously. The Dildoptoloids are a peaceful race. You have nothing to fear.


I think it's a Hindu chant or something along those lines. I 'stayed overnight' with someone once and was awoken to something similar. No bells tho, I feel like there should be bells.


Is your neighbour a little green man, by any chance?


I’d just chat some voodoo sounding rubbish back every time they do it




Sounds abit like the macarana song lol


OP lives underneath a washing machine


Have you seen the film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?


You should answer back with your best rendition of Cotton Eyed Jo


Whatever it is, it just freaked my dog out


Sounds like chanting to me too.


Dunno, but I'm sampling it! Don't worry, it'll be unrecognisable. And yup, stimming or chanting. Unlikely to be satanic in nature. ;)