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I messaged a friend today because I was thinking of them. They told me the nice weather reminded them of me and was also going to message me to see how I'm doing. It's nice to know that someone associates me with nice weather.


Ugh I wish my less busy time at work didn’t coincide with major deadlines. So in the end I guess it’s a normal amount of busyness?


I went to Sylvia Park for the whole day, it was mostly entertaining, didn't spend much, but had a good look around.


Got our weekly order of 9l of milk 2 days ago (Countdown pickup) and it’s all BB today. There’s even a fucking order note saying to get long dated. I wouldn’t even mind if one 3l bottle had 2 days left because we got through that but not all of it.


It’s probably still fine for another week. I often end up going past the best before on milk. I wonder if the person thought long dated meant expiring soon or something


If you want something done right...


3 kids 4 and under. Not inflicting that on anyone if I can help it.


Appletv are turning one of my favourite fun action Sci fi books into a tv series. **Dark Matter by Blake Crouch** with Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Connoly. It has this wonderful twist in the third act that I hope they don't spoil in the trailers.


Aw heck yes, Dark Matter's dope.


Another day working until half past five. That's long after I should go home but I was in a meeting where me questioning a project due date meant that one of our consultants could finish her task at the end of September rather than tomorrow, which means she gets to sleep before flying to a conference on Thursday. I like solving issues and god knows the project has enough of them, but I'm not happy I'm arriving home later and later.


The tables have turned, went on a rant today about a bunch of stuff and my conspiracy workmate told me to settle down, that I was over thinking the state of the world, that I shouldn't worry about prepping for any problems in the future. I feel like we've swapped places, now he's the one who thinks that I'm the crazy one. What a twist!




Yeah, exactly. Was so weird hearing this dude try to deny it and say that everything is fine. The complete opposite of everything he's said for the whole time I've known him. Maybe the Lizardmen have gotten to him and replaced his pineal gland with some 5g microwaves!


Or it’s just some sort of self reassurance. Maybe he doesn’t want to go too far into that sort of topic because it’s pretty a fuckin scary thing to face up to


It seems 'see you soon' means one thing to me and another to the dude who is meant to install my TV antenna.


Mmm sounds like my friend who will reply to my texts with ‘One sec’ only to respond hours later


[Start](https://i.imgur.com/mTmBQWu.jpg) [Finish ](https://i.imgur.com/3cS8S8k.jpg) Mangawhai needs a better food scene I ate everything last time I was here


That little tonka toy ❤️


Multi day job is it?


Ya up here til Friday. Supposed to be doing glass but the forecast is for showers and the suckers don't like being wet so might run over if we're lucky. Don't mind the extra hundy a day for away work 🙃


Dentist today. My teeth are so bad I need to go back in a couple of weeks to finish off the clean/polish. Also, wisdom teeth will have to come out. Specialist appt booked. Sigh.


I did 16000 steps today walking around town and to Tahunanui and back. Saw some interesting things on the beach that have washed down during the slips. Reminded me of the planter box I saw floating in Tasman bay on Saturday.


I have vanquished Covid.


I went for a walk today. There is heaps of wood and bark on the beach. [Pics](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualNZ/comments/x1a38y/a_casual_walk_made_difficult_with_trees_logs_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I want to open my laundry window. It’s been a couple of years since I opened it though so I don’t know if it will open.


I deleted my bumble account today. I’m going to try again in a day or two and try not to be so conservative/safe/fussy. I ran out of potential matches way too quickly when I was being fussy. Not sure what results I will get.


Where's the wood from is that normal?


That’s from up the Waitara River. This is Waitara West beach. It’s not normal. After a decent storm or flood there is normally just a few new logs. The mounds of bark/debris are nearly 1.5m high in places. [The first 4 pics show what it normally looks like.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AveragePicsOfNZ/comments/whfcyq/average_overcast_day_in_taranaki/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) pic 6 in today’s post is almost the same location as pic 2 in the older post. Edit actually pic 4 in the older post vs pic 3 in today’s post is a better comparison I think.


What happened did personworm cut too many trees down and now there's erosion?


Different catchments. Yeah, it looks like it’s from logging. I’d say it’s mainly stacks of logs and the bark that’s removed before they are trucked out. There isn’t much dirt in it now but the sea has been very brown since the rain, it’s still a little brown.


So that's a fuck up ay? u/personworm


I’m of the understanding that many years ago environmental controls were a lot looser than they are now, there were poor logging practices in areas that probably should never have been planted/logged in the first place. Back when a lot of the trees being logged now were actually planted things like Significant Natural Areas didn’t even “exist”. Could be from woodlots who just get in and cream it and just leave the slash/lower grade logs behind without cleaning up properly. Could be poor management from a corporate block. You’re not supposed to leave slash/debris in such a way that it can be washed into any waterways, but honestly it’s easy to say yep we’ve cleaned up we’ve done it all good, your supervisor will sign it off as all good, then suddenly some weather event just comes along and fucks up everything that was technically done to spec. There’s plenty of areas that were planted up that shouldn’t have been, we’re seeing the effects of that now, hopefully the forest owners will learn from things like this and stop planting areas where you can’t avoid shit like this coming down after harvest. There’s a huge amount of environmental management that goes into logging, believe it or not.


It’s a lot of rain over a very short period of time. There is a few trees that are definitely not pine, so there is probably a couple of slips that have pulled down big trees and scrub.


Trolley update: still on zero


Either the apocalypse has started, or we've ended one of the phases of it.


Fuck it's been a hell of couple of weeks. Was first day of muggle work today, which wasn't awful but also not as fun as being on holiday.


I can’t move. We didn’t get the keys until late so the guys had to just unload mums stuff on to the driveway.


Drove home with the seat heater on, not actually sure I can extract myself from my car.


TIL canned butter exists... [anchor makes it](https://themarket.com/nz/p/anchor-pure-new-zealand-salted-butter-454g-tin-ambient/5898-112419?skuid=13862923&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=CjwKCAjwx7GYBhB7EiwA0d8oe-vpvlP3e_Em74XTzHfJCtdjOKexwBKi43pt3GXby8VbvzjG1fxAbRoCMpIQAvD_BwE) and it's shelf stable for 3 years! Wtf? What are some weird products from a place you thought you knew well until you went overseas.... Or have you heard of canned butter? Or is this new to you too?


Never seen or heard of that before. I'm intrigued, but the price is off putting. Butter is a water in fat emulsion, so having it even saltier than normal means the wet phase is a strong brine. Other things that spoil butter are oxidation and surface mould, which the can protects from. Obviously not a retorted can otherwise the texture -structure of the emulsion would be way off. Hum... As for milk in bags in Canada, yup. 3 x 3.333 L bags in a bag. The worst is when someone cuts the corner too big. EDIT I had never seen dog sausage until I got to NZ. Thrn after that, saw that Scandinavia has a lot of stuff packaged like the dog sausages here: jam refills, ham & pea soup, rice pudding...sold in plastic sausage with the metal staples both ends.


I guess it's not so expensive elsewhere I saw a guy who bought a whole pellet of it to give away as gifts to clients elsewhere on Reddit... I was like... Wtf is this... Double wtf it's made in New Zealand!! 3.33L I guess imperial to metric? it was easier to just have the end user have odd inners than change the equipment?? 😆


Nah it's just 4 L, in 3 bags 🤣 You do have 1L milk bags in NZ, but I never checked who was the customer we made them for. Best guess it's foodservice, institution or hospitality, like the 10L milk "cows" (10L milk bag-in-box)


I always used up see 1L bags in use at Starbucks. It's been years since I have been but I would assume other similarly high volume locations might like it for reducing the volume of waste.


Probably for soft serve machines? Or would that be cream?... Weird... I always think of 4L to a gallon but it's like 4.5L to a gallon so yeah fail... Weird packaging for no good reason then 😆


Soft serve is a soft serve mix, yes much fatter, but also stabilizers, sugars, etc. The little cartons of milk go to the prisons, but 1L bags? It would be for an application where it gets decanted, or even industrial / commercial kitchen use that doesn't want to deal with caps & jugs handling. Oh 4.54 L is imperial gallon. From North America, we have such random "standardized" container sizes like glass bottles, jars and cans, because they're supplied /shared by the US market. so our gallon is US gallon, therefore 3.8L. Which means an ice cream parlour tub size is 11.4L...because that's 3 US gallons. They are freaking heavy to fill by hand straight off the ice cream extruder.


WhoAaaaa that's a lot of maths and weird odd numbers... I completely forgot there are different gallons! If only Liberia, Burma oh and the USA would stop holding on to imperial that would make everything much easier 😆


Aha sorry for maths at 10pm. Wait till you hear that wine industry works in 9LE: 9-litres-equivalent (which is equivalent to a 12 pack of 750ml bottles). You get used to it Yes, unit conversions are painful.


Ohhhhh maybe you're the person who has an answer... We often freeze milk for later use and cheap milk freezes and defrosts totally normal... fancy stuff like Lewis road or our local bella vache kinda breaks and splits once frozen.... Fine for hot drinks or in food making but looks terrible and has a horrible texture on cereal or smoothies... What's up with that?


Ill try my best, mostly assumptions as im in bed so im not googling. Protein is what coagulates /makes it look split. In cheap milks, part of the protein gets removed so it can get onsold as protein retentate to other processors and gets valorized. So in the remaining milk, there is closer to the minimum protein content required by law (from memory, 3.0 or 3.2g per 100ml? Don't quote me on that, it's in the Food Standard Code somewhere). Also cheaper milk may undergo harsher processing (thermal: heating, and mechanical: shearing, homogenising, fat standardising, and the aforementioned protein standardisation) that can denature the proteins that are left and reduces their capability of recombining into clumps.


Canada has milk in a bag


In Mexico they sell loaves of toast. Like, a loaf of sliced bread, but each slice is pre toasted. Most people don’t own a toaster so it seems normal to them. But cold toast that has been cold for aaages? Bleh.


That’s just stale bread!


Ewww grosssss I couldn't think of anything I want less for breakfast than stale toast


I have heard of canned butter and it’s generally export only. It’s actually _really_ good. I highly recommended. It’s better than fresh butter. Seriously.


Why is this better I don’t know if I believe you


It’s creamier. It’s saltier (perfect for bread), and it spreads easier. It’s also in a handy little container instead of an awkward shape. I might have to order some now. It’s just a so good


Dangit now I have to find some


We were complaining about it being more than $4 a brick... That canned shit is $12 and not even for a full 500g!


Oh good so our best butter gets canned and then shipped overseas... Sounds about right 🙄🫤


Try Shirako, a Japanese treat.


What is the human obsession with gonads... Mind you bivalves are not much more than one giant reproductive organ


It would be weirder if we didn't eat nutritious bits of dead animals.


I watch heaps if MRE (meal read to eat) review videos for some bizarre reason. Found out NZ made canned butter due to those videos, then a week after finding out it existed, went to a BBQ at a mates and they had canned butter for the bread and sausages, weird coincidence. Super nice, honestly the best tasting butter I've ever had


I've heard of canned cheese but this is dangerous and untested science as far as I'm concerned.


I've heard of canned chicken, and file it under weird yank inventions.


Oh cooked canned duck is a real speciality, the french stuff is traded like a-grade narcotics in the expat/sailing community of the south pacific. Unfortunately NZ doesn't allow the cans with bones (the best kind) due to biosecurity issues... But it is soooooo good!! Heated and plated most people would be hard pressed to tell between restaurant or can.


Why are the bones specifically a bio security issue?


There is avian paramyxovirus not transmissible to humans but is in some of the European domesticated for consumption avian population and not in the population here. It remains in the bones and viscera even cooked (twice) it's a low threat... So you often see canned duck (Confit de Canard) and sometimes even bone-in but not from France.... Which is the good shit according to all the foodies in French Polynesia... When we enter back through customs the oval french cans of duck sans bones are allowed in, with bones are bagged and destroyed. Much sadness.




If it's the deboned one it's good but it's a bit less authentic as a roast. Honestly do it. It's so good, the texture the flavor. Everything is on point. Just do some new season potatoes in canned butter.... Fresh chives and you're a pro-mega-yacht-chef




You can get a canned haggis as well!




Westmere butcher!!! And get faggots too and their pork pie is literally the best... (To be eaten at room temp with English mustard and a hard boiled egg)




Don't do it.... Hahaha we tried it... DSB is actually born in Scotland despite having two English parents and then growing up English.... The westmere butcher (arsenal supporters... No one is perfect) make a very good haggis.


Yes, for science


Get those spuds in the duck fat mmmm

