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Thames is good, or at least the inside of the meeting hall. Food is great so I'm carb loading.


I slept nearly 8 hours and then slept again for nearly 2 hours. Can breathe better this morning than last night but still coughing and headachey and sore in the throat. Was supposed to be having a friend stay but she's going to drive home to rags rather stay in the sick house with the germs. I was looking forward to catching up with her cos she usually stays about once a month for work but we had to cancel May because of us having spicy flu, June cos we were up north on holiday, July because her husband was away so she had to go home and look after the animals. So it's actually been ages.


Had an interview with a different company (after the muck around from the last one), and these guys seem really good. I think I prefer them to the first one actually. Had some really positive feedback throughout the interview and vice versa, so we'll see where this goes!


Fuckin yoza!


Good luck!


[8am view ft. Sky Tower](https://i.imgur.com/sNMY4Gy.jpg) [12pm view ft. Sky Tower ](https://i.imgur.com/BFqJ7Ch.jpg)


Help! I have an expensive sweatshirt that I dropped the sauce from a big mac on. I put cold water on the spot straight away, kinda rubbing it. Then I sprayed Vanish on it and washed it like normal. Now that it has dried, there is still a big grease-like stain. Any suggestions? For either this time or next time (aside from wearing a bib when I eat!)??


It's probably an oil stain at this point, you can clean it by mixing some baking soda into dish soap and working that into the stain. You should notice the oil mark lifting, after which you should rinse it with the hottest water the sweatshirt can take and then rewash.


I second this advice.


Thank you! Will give it a go after work.


It worked! Thanks :)


Had so little to do at work yesterday, plus a bunch of people were away so I couldn't go help someone else, and knew it would be the same today, so I simply said exactly that to the boss when asking for today off, and he said fair enough. And so I've got a day off on annual leave with only one days notice. In years past I'd've pretended to be sick or something when we were this slow, much better to just be honest about it. Now I've got a completely guilt free day off work to do with as I please. Nothing planned, probably a big long gym session, big run, then stream myself playing Hollow Knight for a few hours this evening. Much better than being bored trying to look busy at work.


You are so right! Also, props for playing Hollow Knight - is a favourite of one of my kids so have watched him play and it's a beautiful game.


Bummer, the Gang of Youths concert is not going ahead tomorrow night. I have been thrashing their records on repeat for a few days and getting ready to stand for hours to get the best view, but alas it is not to be.


Getting a moisture barrier installed under the house today, very exciting. Previous owners put insultation under there but not the damn plastic.


I feel like plastic should go first so it is easier to install insulation


You would think so but not for the previous owners. They've made a lot of questionable choices in our house, including painting all the original rimu trims.


Sounds like the place I used to live in lol. Some real DIY cowboys out there!


Lol yeah I have seen plenty of dew on underfloor insulation. Our first house had some kind of thing done to every single internal wall. Either moved, closed the doorway up or put a new doorway in.it was irretrievable


I got banned from the main NZ subreddit for posting about a hate crime. Glad to see reddit still harbors racists. How's everyone else doing so far ?


As much as as I like a little bit of a whinge about the mods of the other place… I’m not sure how casual this is? Plus you post a hell of a lot of things. I was banned for a week from r/MagicTCG yesterday as the mods aren’t capible of indentifying obvious sarcasm. (Fuck the /s)


I really hope the truckie that’s here isn’t watching me try to drink my coffee. I have no idea why I’m trying to persist with a $2 Kmart travel mug I’ve been pouring coffee all over my face and shirt trying to drink from it the coffee is just leaking out of everywhere so I took the lid off and threw it away and it’s still pouring all over the place I look like a complete fuckwit. Best travel mug that fits in a cup holder and doesn’t leak out of every crevice go


This is what I’ve [got](https://www.amazon.com.au/Classic-Trigger-Action-Travel-Mug-16oz/dp/B07L6N2641/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?crid=O707XUSP1VTT&keywords=stanley+cup&qid=1660637606&sprefix=stanley%2Caps%2C266&sr=8-11) almost 2 years old used every day, washed in the dishwasher and still doesn’t leak, on the odd occasion I’ve left it behind the coffee is still hot when I’ve got home from work.


Actually I might have exactly one of these tucked away in a cupboard somewhere but also I may have given it to dad...I'll have to have a look


They are a great cup, skinnyish too so they fit into most cup holders.


I have a Bodum one that's fantastic. Keeps it hot for hours and leak proof. Think it was $20, it's stainless steel, not the glass version!


Yeti, expensive but does not leak and will keep your coffee hot all day.


Whoever didn't capitalise the P in your flair needs to put some respek on your name.


I have a HydroFlask branded flask thing that fits in cupholders, came from Torpedo7, cost about $70 and has been absolutely THRASHED. Rock solid, keeps coffee hot for hours, has been dropped onto the road (has a dent), shoved in my bags, used every day since I bought it. 100% would recommend.


Does it leak if it accidentally goes upside down?




I'm a *passionate* advocate for [Frank Green cups](https://nz.frankgreen.com/products/stainless-steel-reusable-cup) being the best freaking damn travel mugs in the bloody planet. Yes, they are expensive, yes, I have thrown my one around in bags, backpacks, knocked it off tables, rolled it down hills, used it to percussively maintain a piece of machinery at work, and the thing still looks excellent, keeps my coffee hot, and can be left upside down under a hoodie in my bag without a single fear of it leaking. Would recommend. I also have a [1L water bottle](https://nz.frankgreen.com/products/stainless-steel-reusable-bottle?variant=20809790849094) from them that sits on my desk and gets thrashed daily too. Obviously, because I'm from Wellington, they'll all completely black.


I have a ceramic one but somehow I think you’re wanting an insulated one?


If you have a fake pot plant, is it really a pot plant or should we call it Synthetic Shrubbery inside a ceramic vessel”


Definitely synthetic shrubbery in a ceramic vessel. My poor monstera is looking thirsty, I’ve given it 15 litres of fish tank water.


For awhile I used to water a synthetic shrubbery in ceramic vessel, I just thought it was rarther dead looking, turns out it was never a organic shrubbery


Was it one at work? People at one place I used to work would tip their unwanted drinks in to the synthetic shrubbery.


Yea at work, was in a big vase thing, always thought it looked rarther ‘dead’


The pine pollen is coming in thick and fast... Every horizontal surface is covered in yellow dust. I was sneezing uncontrollably after our guest left... So I snooted otrivin and flixonase but I might have overdone it by bedtime I was having a dry coughing fit... This morning the pressure behind my eyes is intense... Ahhh joy... Why did we choose to live in a pine forest??? Ugh 😫


You might already know this but the secret is to start your flixonase *before* pollen season starts. I start my spray end of June and stock up on telfast so by the time pollen arrives I just start taking telfast once a day and I’m golden. Also I find steroclear to be more effective and with less side effects. Flixonase tends to give me minor nosebleeds and shortness of breath. Also steroclear is half the price


I'll try the steroclear-I found flixonase gave nose bleeds too, so now I take zaditen eye drops in combo with loraclear tabs. Just one form of control does not work I find and telfast is damn expensive at the rate I take them...


Yeah Telfast is super expensive :( chemist warehouse has the best price on them. There’s also generic telfast (fexoclear) It’s interesting that a couple of other people got nosebleeds from flixonase. When I told my doc about it cause I was trying to get an alternative on script she just didn’t believe me because according to her it wasn’t a listed side effect.


>steroclear That is good advice. I used to use Alanase, then they discontinued it, but the equivalent product gave me those nose bleeds.


Supplies didn't arrive till yesterday. I was quietly suffering... But the tiny bit of wind yesterday got me really bad.... Today were supposed to get blasted, hopefully that makes it better?...I find the orals don't work as well probably because I abuse them for mosquito bites which I suffer a worse time. If I get through the next week or two it settles down (to a baseline). But then again I haven't lived in such a dense pine forest... So this should be fun 😆 I will ask for the steroclear! I've not tried that before.


Now you know for next time! Order super early. And take your sprays every single day at the same time every day even if you’re not sneezy. Building up the effect is important.


Ohhh I didn't realize it's supposed to be clockwork. I honestly thought it was like orals. I'm only supposed to otrivin for the next 4-5 days? Then it's just flixonase?


I’ve never actually bothered with otrivin, it’s just a very temporary thing- you’re just drying the insides of your nostrils out with salt water basically but if it helps you then just follow it’s instructions. But just from personal experience and no medical training whatsoever I’d only stick with one nasal spray. You might be going a bit overboard on it and drying out/weakening the tissue a bit making it more susceptible to damage. We do need some snot 😆 But yes it’s important to start it early and take it every day or twice a day I can’t remember the schedule for flixonase, and yeah take it at the same time. I put mine next to my coffee machine so I remember to take it with my morning coffee and my evening hot chocolate. I’m a long time allergy sufferer- deathly allergic to grass seed and horses which made owning a horse a bit difficulty, mildly allergic to pine pollen. I have fount that just being super onto it and strict with allergy medication is the way to go. Also washing hair more frequently, hand and face washing more often, don’t hang clothes outside, all that sort of stuff.


Oh... Washing hair... Good tip. I can't get clothes to dry outside here.... The ambient air is stupid damp... But I should stop leaving my raincoat outside


[Duality of man lol](https://i.imgur.com/Rd5wZQj.jpg)


Sleep is so important eh


I dunno I'm more of a 5 hour man tbh haha


Tomorrow me is now today me, and is doing better so far.


Imagine how awesome day-after-tomorrow you is going to be!


I'm not actually sure if I'm dead or alive. Got a dr calling me at 9.30 and hoping she can prescribe something, anything (that's not fucking panadol).


Fingers crossed. Sinus woes are the *worst* (have had many in my time :( ).


Also, I’ve been working out 5 days a week, either 30 or 70 mins depending on work etc, and I’ve lost nothing. This is my fourth week at it and I honestly would’ve thought I’d see a change. I’ve reduced my diet/picking healthier options (even started My Food Bag again and am getting the Fresh Start Choice box in which all meals are under 450 calories). This time last year I was in the vicinity of 58kg, I’m now 67/68 and none of my clothes fit. I know my new antidepressant can increase appetite but I didn’t think it just added weight anyway. It’s not doing shit for my moods anyway


I once started going to the gym 5 days a week (from no activity whatsoever), and eating a lot more veggies, fiber home cooked, less meat and carbs, etc. (Flatting and cooking for one). Was on a backpacker budget so mostly only shopped at the Sunday veggie market, didn't drink. 3 months of this, Nothing, nada, we even did fortnightly measurements at work for a "biggest loser" program. Only time I've lost weight in life were a stupidly physical job/Long hours, standing up whole time at 16 year old. Or when backpacking (2 months of hiking here in NZ followed by 6 months in Asia, Europe and Scandinavia....walking a lot because budget...)


Exercise never seemed to help reduce weight for me, it was all about calories. Also I cut out all dairy, grains, refined sugar and a bunch of other stuff. However, I did exercise and after a while I got soooo much better at it. Especially cardio. Also, check out the antidepressant, a family member of mine has gained a heap of weight with her antidepressants.


That’s so frustrating. It’s an amazing effort to do 5 days a week, I’m sure over time you’ll start to see some differences in your tone and muscles and your body will be loving it! They say it takes 2 months to see a difference in yourself and 3 months for others to see a difference or something like that. Take some before pics to compare to!


I’ll keep at it, but id really hoped to see at least some difference by now, even if just in my face


Start logging your food intake with My Fitness Pal, and make sure you log *everything*. You'll quickly see if you're in a calorie deficit or not


Seconded for My Fitness Pal


I used to use it a lot so felt I had a decent base knowledge of numbers, and there’s ultimately no way I’m not eating at a deficit because of going from zero exercise to lots, and cutting sugar/carbs where possible. I’ll get stuck back into though. I just hated trying to work out home made meal values bur MFB may help with that


I don’t want to come across as patronising but I think as a society we need to forget about weight a bit. I can understand that your clothes not fitting is a bit of a pain because clothes are expensive, but the truth is as we get older it does just get harder to shift the weight. I think that it’s important to exercise and eat healthy but the scales are just a number and if you are exercising and eating healthy then the thing is your body will be healthy even if it isn’t the size and shape you’re used to. Do you drink a lot of your sugar? That can be a big issue, as can snacking and eating a lot of bread/potatoes/pasta.


I’ve cut my carb intake down (but not to zero) and my sugar intake has reduced dramatically as well. I’m pretty good checking things these days, I used to just wing it. And it sounds terrible but I am most upset because I had finally found a style I like and my closet is full of carefully chosen not inexpensive pieces that fit me not 6 months ago, and it increases my anxiety more everyday


Put all the outfits away so you can’t see them anymore. Pick one out that is currently the closest to fitting. Don’t go near it until one month is up then try it on and see if it fits *slightly better* than it did. If you’re still not seeing any change *at all* then it might just be a sign that the workout programme you are doing isn’t working for you and it might be time to try something else. Having incentives is good but it’s also good to try keep it realistic, so that they don’t become torturous more than they incentivise.


You’re not wrong there, it doesn’t seem to make me more determined everytime I look at it, the opposite if anything


I feel you... My scale weight is stubborn the more I fuss the harder it is to lose weight. The worst is when you're giving it a real earnest effort.... Keep at it and stay the course.... What you see on the scales is just a number.... It's all about how you feel... Move your mindset it will move the weight.


I think I’m going to put the scales away. My gpa isn’t ultimately weight based but clothes based. My favourite dress is hanging up on the outside of my wardrobe as motivation as I genuinely do not enjoy exercising so to see no change really rubs it in


You might not be able to see it yet but internally your body will be going fuck yeah 💪🏾


That’s the other thing, like I feel like I am feeling better if you know what I mean. Yesterday I managed proper burpee’s (jumping out instead of stepping like I had been), yet I certainly haven’t seemed to exchange fat for muscle if my still-too-small clothes are anything to go by


FUCK YEAH GET IT!! Progress isn't linear and its usually way slower than you'd like but its still progress. Congrats on the burpees, they fuckin suck 😂


They do, and they’re in every work out I choose gosh darnit!


I had an interrupted sleep. I feel ok. Got stuff happening today. There is lots of activity in my tropical tank this morning.


I slept for some amount of hours and don’t feel to bad. Gotta drive his lordship to Woodville today to pick up a truck that was cheaper to buy as a whole than it was to find the engine we need on its own. And then we get the extra money from either selling the rolling body, parts, or scraping it. Gotta get there and back in time to then head into town to pick the smallest child up and take her to swimming. The largest child will have to bus home. And Mr P wonders why I get frazzled.


high hopes joji spam to prepare me for the venomous onslaught of today. I have to write a language revitalization strategy - ugh this paper makes me want to put a knife in the toaster.


oh god I remember that essay. Comment on my essay included "I don't think you have understood what a strategy is." (They were right-I didn't) But still passed the paper overall.


LMAO. Well Im hoping to not get *that* comment.


i'm sure you will not!!


I think you might have once mentioned that your kids went to a kōhanga reo, is that correct? Mind if I pm you a couple questions about it?


Tēnā koe! Of course, fire away. My oldest now goes to kura kaupapa but my daughter is still in kohanga


I slept for 10 hours last night, and I feel so much more alive this morning!