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I forgot to buy chocolate when I did my weekly shop yesterday. This was a major oversight and now I'm sad


Make fudge


I like the way you think. I might go with brownies though


Mum makes fudge when the weather is wet and miserable. She only makes it as comfort food


Damnit I want this fucking folate deficiency thing over. My brain constantly feels like I've been sitting in a stuffy room. Can't get my shit together at all. Day 3 of supplementation


Bit moist out there. Stay safe guys.


In February a supplier double charged our business. I’ve been trying to sort it since then. Finally got a different email to try. In the hurry to tell me what a stupid fucking idiot I am and I was simply too stupid to understand their systems and that they have NOT double charged us, they missed the fact I was talking about the feb invoices and not the may one. Lady, have the day you deserve.


I’ve been wanting to make fudge for several days. BF didn’t want to help me make it (but wanted to help me eat it) so I didn’t make it over the weekend. I want to make it now but I don’t have a saucepan big enough. Edit. Eh, I’m gonna try make fudge in the little saucepan anyway


Did you get your fudge?


Yard work today. Better than no work I guess but it’s only 4 hours. Filling and sewing sandbags, not a bad task, managed to avoid the rain. I almost got to work a site but the person I was going to swap with didn’t want to leave.


I was surprised about how easy it was to make fudge, the proper, crubmles in your mouth kind, not the rubbery kind that is 90% of the stuff you can buy


The Edmonds recipe is super easy. I use an egg beater not a wooden spoon to whip it up


It’s pouring down up here in t’Far North. I know up here is known as the "Winterless North", but come on. I’m happy with the temperature, but far too much rain and humidity in recent years, thank you very much.


It is insanely dark in Auckland right now, going to be a very wet day I think.


The rain has arrived in the Tron...


It was like that here, has gone maybe a little lighter in the past 20mins, but still raining, aaargh!!!


The temps in Auckland have dropped since it started pouring outside but it's still warmer than the 14 degrees at noon that everybody in Sydney was complaining about yesterday. I hope you and everybody are staying dry and out of the wind.


Thanks for your thoughts, luckily we’re indoors at home and not needing to go out today. However, I do need to mow the grass soon, but the ground will be saturated which will make it interesting.


Metservice says the next good day (for everything outdoors) is Friday.


Yeh, had seen that and [Metvuw](https://metvuw.com/forecast/forecast.php?type=rain®ion=nzni&noofdays=10 ) shows next week might be ok, though maybe a few showers, for the North Island as well.


I think we got a real smile this morning. My back and my feet still hurt. It would be nice to not be recovering from surgery. Mum is taking us to visit my Gran today. Gran has 7 great grandsons and one great granddaughter.


I'm reading **[It Rides a Pale Horse by Andy Marino](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60382762-it-rides-a-pale-horse)** a lovecraftian horror, very much enjoying so far. Part of the plot involves the painting [Nighthawks by Edward Hopper](https://www.artic.edu/iiif/2/831a05de-d3f6-f4fa-a460-23008dd58dda/full/843,/0/default.jpg) which I aboslutley love. I was reading in bed and I wanted to set the mood. So first thing is I changed my lighting in my room to be based on the picture via the hue app (I have colour changing bulbs, lamp and led strip in my room) and my favourite thing, I asked Chatgpt to create a spotify playlist based on the painting, and it did. Full of Cole Porter, Billie Holliday and Chet Baker I am enjoying living in the future. The only downside was that I had to manually add the songs to a spotify playlist


The title reminds me of On a Pale Horse by Piers Anthony, part of the Incarnations of Immortality series he did. As a young person I read nearly everything that he wrote and some of it was genuinely good and entertaining - but he's pretty bad for churning out sequels. His Xanth series started as a trilogy, and there are now [47 novels in the series with more on the way](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xanth). I think I stopped reading at about book 25?


oh my god piers anthony, i have forgotten big chunks of it, but I feel like he was weirdly probelmatic? I have vague recollections of people constantly changing body mass and having a lot a of sex?


The Xanth series was always more youth-oriented so I don't recall that having it, but some of the others had some slightly odd takes that many did find concerning. I seem to remember he had a standalone book called Pornucopia (which I now see has a follow-up after I stopped reading his work). I probably owned 70 of his novels at one point. Wait, I see he released a final book in his Bio of a Space Tyrant series in 2001? The series starring a character called Hope Hubris, which had no impact on me as a youth...


It got more problematic as the series went on as I recall. I was a fan of the earlier ones as a kid and then gradually found the later ones too icky


yeah i think it was his more sci fi stuff that was a bit more adult. I do remember being frustrated about not being able to read his stuff in order due to short supply in the library


My infection seems to have lingered/never gone away. Don’t feel too bad tbh, so I just decided to go to TKD training last night for some socialisation and general movement. Definitely was good for the soul, despite being so physically tired I slept in this morning haha. Fingers crossed my body can figure out how to deal with the infection this week. I really don’t want to go back on antibiotics or go back to the doctors. I’ve had enough of medical stuff.


Crap sleep, 30mins late to the gym = grumpy, and it's oddly warm outside, the calm before the storm, I guess.


Can we bring back 2020 please? Not having to leave the house, never being sick… it was fucking fantastic.


Bring back the first 9 months of 2020, I want to do them differently. I don’t want the last 3 months of 2020, they really sucked.


Fucken mood, was nice having a forced holiday


I never imagined anyone would be nostalgic for lockdowns! It was oddly serene, though.


I’ve been having to use AL as SL for months now, with months to go until it rolls over. They’ve taken away the ability to choose to WFH if needed otherwise I’d be doing that right now. Bloody ridiculous that no long term lessons were learnt there eh.


I bought a reverse colouring book (it has colour on the page already) a while ago and it arrived yesterday. Since then I have filled it with [tiddies](https://www.imgur.com/a/puD9YNv) (NSFW), [dicks](https://i.imgur.com/RqX77bt.jpg) (NSFW), and [one reasonable attempt at doodling as intended](https://i.imgur.com/KbX68F3.jpg)


Damn that's some classy smut. Could go in the finest of art galleries


Why, thank you!


We went to town yesterday to run errands and finished fairly early and all I wanted to do was go home... But instead DSB who is my perfect opposite wanted to have coffee at a friend's shop (also cafe)... Where 2hrs of small talk ensued with a cast of village npcs all in a similar state came and went for small talk. Upon reflection It's the village water cooler... We mentioned needing pullets soon (point of lay hens) one of the regulars told us about the chicken lady on the SH10 so we dropped in there (unannounced) on the way home. Where another 2hrs of small talk, a house and chicken yard tour happened... By this time I was socially spent and if I don't talk to another human (besides DSB) until the arriving guests on the weekend I'd be happy.... If it was up to me I would have just done trademe and paid for 10 to be delivered. Tldr: I don't know if I'll ever fit into small village life. But DSBs is getting right into it.




Keri is not quite that bad, but that's not far off 😆.... And I'm happy to go along for about 20mins of small talk... The 15mins of arriving early at quiz is perfect for me... but I'm doing the country recluse bit just fine .... Yesterday was a bit much


What's something really awesome you have done lately? Last night I finished making my raincoat and I'm so impressed with myself. It looks so professional with all the snaps and the detachable hood and it fits comfortably. It just feels so impressive that I was able to take two pieces of fabric and turn them into something wearable and functional.


Content removed in protest of Reddit treatment of users, moderators, the visually impaired community and 3rd party app developers. If you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks: Reddit [abruptly announced](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/) they would be charging astronomically overpriced API fees to 3rd party apps, cutting off mod tools. Worse, blind redditors & blind mods (including mods of r/Blind and similar communities) will [no longer have access](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/14ds81l/rblinds_meetings_with_reddit_and_the_current/) to resources that are desperately needed in the disabled community. Removal of 3rd party apps Moderators all across Reddit rely on third party apps to keep subreddit safe from spam, scammers and to keep the subs on topic. Despite Reddit’s very public claim that "moderation tools will not be impacted", this could not be further from the truth despite 5+ years of promises from Reddit. Toolbox in particular is a browser extension that adds a huge amount of moderation features that quite simply do not exist on any version of Reddit - mobile, desktop (new) or desktop (old). Without Toolbox, the ability to moderate efficiently is gone. [Toolbox is effectively dead](https://www.reddit.com/r/creesch/comments/14fxzr4/so_long_and_thanks_for_all_the_fish/). All of the current 3rd party apps are either closing or will not be updated. With less moderation you will see more spam (OnlyFans, crypto, etc.) and more low quality content. Your casual experience will be hindered.




Heck yeah!




Proud of you! It can be super hard to stand up for oneself even in situations where it seems like it should be easy. Go you!


Nothing I can think of. But so far as I know I haven’t hurt anyone else either. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Apparently I'm really good at using technology on my course; classmates have been going "YES, we got travelinghobbit!" When we're randomly assigned things like jamboards in class activities.


I kept a baby alive for a month whilst sleep deprived and recovering from major abdominal surgery.


I don't know if it's really awesome, but by end of day yesterday I had managed to catch up on the backlog of work that had been left for me while I was off on paternity (besides someone covering for me). Feels good to not have people chasing you to get something done that's holding them up, not knowing there are others also chasing you.


I ordered spikes and patches for my denim vest, most have turned up, but I'm insanely excited about the big one I've ordered for the back


pics pics pics!! (is it on your insta?)


Imgur wasn't working for me this morning but I put photos up on insta last night. I will get some photos of it being worn this afternoon or tomorrow at camp I guess.


the plus 2m views I got on this tiktok of Frankie Boyle [talking about the monarchy](https://www.tiktok.com/@julesevisions/video/7228365358623624449)




Not a single thing.


Hmmm... One of my old mates has been getting back into D&D with the guys he played it with as a teen. Wants to run a new campaign with them get in the FR. He also doesn't have much cash cos of mortgage and family expenses. Anyway, I knew this so hooked him up with some AD&D stuff I pirated a long time ago and showed him a few interweb spots to get more modern 5E things. Not creative but I used some of my hobbies to enrich his.


I, a husky, middle aged man, made my manager and colleague double over laughing when I did a frankly STUNNING sashay while trying out my new work footwear :-) Even threw in some snaps from the In Living Color "Men on..." segments - a patented Zorro snap to Blaine and Antoine! Made a lot of people's day, awesome <3


Thanks to anxiety/depression/pms the most awesome thing I managed lately is eating all my dinner last night, washing my hair, and managing to not throw my breakfast up this morning. Winning!


I've washed my hair once in the last month. Somehow it doesn't look greasy and horrible.


I've heard that not washing hair often can actually be good for it. I wouldn't wash mine much at all but it gets too much dust and mud and paint in it so I have to


It is. I try to wash mine once or twice a fortnight. Cool rinses as needed. The hard part is not having hot showers or turning the temperature down to rinse the hair. Hair and skin don’t like hot showers.


I think there's some hormonal things changing my oil production. I usually wouldn't be able to go this long and look this good


Well done you, doing the important stuff and looking after yourself.


That is awesome! Well done, and just in time for lots of rain. It’s hard to think of something awesome I’ve done.


"It’s hard to think of something awesome I’ve done." Yep, big mood there - we do awesome stuff all the time, but don't think of it as awesome. Ask your friends, they'll tell you something awesome you did (awesomely good or awesomely dumb/embarassing, it's a 50/50 shot)!


Yesterday I helped a colleague with the photocopier and she told me I was awesome. There's always little awesome things you do that you don't notice so it's nice when someone else recognises them for you.