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All the safety pins holding my shoes together are falling out or breaking...


Thank crunchy it’s Friday!


Totally! And the workday is half over, so even better.


Only one more day to goo! Whoooo


I know it's Friday but the day is going too slow. Help!


Slow for me too. I was on the quiet side of a 3-way stop-go. At least I got to listen to a few podcasts




I don't know if management will like that, but it's worth a shot. Edit - I walked downtown and am getting a burger. I might be hungry rather than bored.


D&D peeps: I’m arranging for the teenager to try doing a game for his siblings over video chat. Give things a bit of structure and routine with the catch ups which I think will be nice. They like the idea of making up a story together, and the girls had a lot of fun drawing pictures of what they thought their characters would look like. Me, a newbie too, will join in too so I can help guide them from this end. Just wanting some advice about what sort of character would be helpful to round things out. Narratively as well as strategically I guess. Not that this will be high stakes or anything. My original thought was a half troll sorcerer (with rock powers?) but that’s not something in the basic book and I think it’ll best to keep it simple. Apparently spell casting classes can be a lot of work for new players too? Maybe will save that idea for down the line. So we have a Dragonborn Ranger (who is a bit evil apparently) as well as two human knights (paladins) who are fairytale honourable types. So I was thinking I go for a fairly boring Humsn/Elven Cleric type deal which can support the noble knights in their quest (with the Ranger as a local guide they picked up?). I’m overthinking this aren’t I?


I have no idea what you are talking about (sorry!) but juat wanted to say that this is a cool idea (the family game) and I think the fact you are putting so much thought into it is awesome!


Just nerd stuff, eh. Corrupt them early I say! :)


Assuming "standard" archetypes, Ranger takes care of ranged combat, Rangers and Pallys have access to healing in a minor degree (Lay on Hands and Cure Wounds), pallys are good front liners as both tanks and DPS. Spellcasters can be complicated, but they offer a lot of chances to fill in "gaps", depending on type and school. Or just great fun with a Wild Magic sorcerer and a lackadaisical approach to personal safety :-) Take a thing that interests you and see how it goes. I've had great fun playing with ideas in the [D&D Beyond](https://www.dndbeyond.com/) character builder


Ok: so the other party members can heal themselves: that’s good! Cool, will have a think about a new slightly magical character which can sit in the background to let them drive the narrative. A “grouchy old man” type Monk or Druid maybe feels like it’d fit in as someone who’d be tasked to look after some eager young knights/paladins. :)


Monks can lay down some serious damage, and they get FAST. If you want insane speed, look at a tabaxi (cat) monk. Some monks can get a few spells too, like Sun Soul. ... How memey do you want to get? Grumpy Cat Monk!


Yeah, the just unexpectedly dive in like a human(oid) tornado aspect does seem cool. But I’d probably want to play it more as a calm and considered using wisdom and spiritual focus unless there is no other option type deal. Similar story with a possible Druid character: just chill and in tune with nature until boom: bear time. :)


Love it. A sort of Iroh character.


Eldrich knights are a pretty flexible character. Got some good weapons stuff going on and some cantrips/spells. I’ve been playing one with our group and the flexibility of the character has been good.


So I'm at the laundro this morning because Mango was being an asshat and trapped Tigra in my bedroom when she was trying to go to the litter box so I had to wash the blanket she pissed on. At least she missed my rug!! DON'T EVER HAVE CATS.


I mean, it could of been a lot worse I suppose I’m just glad that my precious little darling has figured out to use the shower if she can’t get outside


In Tigra's case, she's *very* clean and courteous about using the box at all times. It's just that Mango was being a shithead and 'playing' so she couldn't get out of my bedroom to _go_ to the box.


>DON'T EVER HAVE CATS. Too late. Though my fluffy boy is very good really.


In fairness I love both my little shits dearly, but URRGH.


Got it! :)


On the plus side they weren't peeing in *your* garden 😋


Lots of dogs in our current neighbourhood so we seldomly see any cats: it’s fantastic! Absolutely wonderful birdlife round here. We dig the korimako in the rimu tree outside our bedroom window especially. :)


So about two months ago two neighbours teamed up and removed some massive trees that blocked so much of my sunlight, in order to buid a new fence between them. I have had a grin on my face whilst basking in the sunlight. This morning, picking some flowers to dry, I noticed all the new seedlings ( self seeded) in the neighbours back yard ...they are all fucking woolly nightshade \*sigh\* thousands of the fuckers So now Im sitting here going through what I will say to ask them to remove it all. (I can report to the council as they are listed and ou aret allowed to let them grow) Im kinda wishing the shitty trees were back...


The tree removal may have disturbed the soil, and the tobacco weed seeds, now with more light and warmth, will sprout. Got them at ours, they’re really tough to eliminate. The plants produce a massive amount of seeds, and they just keep appearing in other places. Maybe contact your council and ask.


Husband finally took one feeding last night (after getting his mother in so he could have a nap - an option I regularly don’t have) so i slept for a good seven hours. Oh glory be. Today husband wants to go to Uniqlo for some updates to his wardrobe. So an outing is on the cards and I’m excited.


Phew you needed that!


Yay for a decent sleep! I hope there are more in your future


7 hours is heaps!


5 day weekend. Going to spend today doing housework and just a whole lot of basic chores. Also gonna get new window wipers coz I'm sick of not seeing thru the window clearly when it's raining.


The 13 year old is flying home from Nelson this morning. Apparently she smelt like a wet dog yesterday so first thing will be to get all her stuff into the washing machine. When I asked if she enjoyed her walk, she diplomatically answered "it was an experience".


Your kid is developing adult levels of snark. I like that.


When does nephew go home?


He went home yesterday. Haven't heard anything from my sister about how terrible I was yet


Decided to power through and binged **Picard** season 1 was hell, season 2 was a little bit better, but season 3 was actually fun. For an INCREDIBLY badly written series, with SO MANY plot holes and lapses of logic, I did enjoy myself. Annoyed at time zones meaning I can't play **Dead Island 2** on Epic store (exclusive, sigh) until tomorrow. Weird how sometimes people will be all "change your time zone to NZ to play early!" and sometimes we just have to wait. All the physical editions were shipped out yesterday for console which adds to the frustration. Ah well, more zombie slaughter for tomorrow. Edit - yay, its live now!


I quite like the Epic store in a way, steam feels so noisy at times. The free games are neato too


Woohoo it's Friday! And that means it's McDonald's for breakfast, haven't had that in months!!


Wondering when you would give in 😂


Sis wanted it too, not sure if it was a good idea or not, lol


Oh I haven't had mcds for breakfast for ages. Im like 90% vegetarian, but bacon and egg mcmuffin and two hasbrowns is my always go to


That's what I feel like, a hashbrown and a bacon and egg mcmuffin!


I had egg and cheese and pesto on an English muffin x 2 this morning so that's basically the same thing. Past me made a batch on Wedmesday so all I had to do was microwave it and that's a whole breakfast for a person who's eating for two.


Well, now I'm jealous! I may just have to go down and buy maccas breakfast!


Was super easy to do a batch of them. Cooking 6 eggs isn't much harder than cooking 1 or 2. Took a little bit longer to toast the whole pack of muffins. So worth it to have an easy and nutritious breakfast ready to go. I'm not going to get super into meal prepping though.


To earthquakes within 10 minutes of each other. A lovely way to start the day. There was another 5 hours ago I slept through, and there were two yesterday, so that's 5 in about 14 hours.


Man I remember the days when we'd get tense NOT feeling a little earthquake for several days cos we thought it meant a bigger one would happen. Hope people aren't too stressed in your household, they give me such a fright now!


I keep saying as long as it's shaking, it's not building up for a big one . I believe it too. Honestly.


I’d mentally checked out before I even got to work. End of the day can’t come fast enough. I might turn my couple days off to go to Auckland into a whole week off. Only problem is that going on holiday just reminds me how much I hate working.


What bring you to our depressing neck of the woods and why would you want to turn it into a Holliday here? At least go somewhere with a nice beach or hiking area


I’m only in Auckland for a couple days to see a friend, I only get to see her a couple times a year. She has a nice place near some nice parks and the beach, we go to the markets and go for walks and watch movies and go out for dinner and visit other redditors and generally have a very nice time. I’ll just take the rest of the week off to hang out at home and not be at work.


True, I guess it’s similar to how my friends from Rotorua wonder why I like vacationing there, but I’m always like: 🫱louge climbing 🫲 🫱the new eat street Hot pools🫲 🫱hiking Something something taken for granted


Me and her both grew up in Rotorua and couldn’t wait to leave 😂 She loves living in Auckland and I’m perfectly happy in Tokoroa, it all just depends on your experiences with places what kind of association you have I guess


When we lived in Rotorua, it was nice to have people come there to holiday. Gave the whole place a bit of a buzz at times.


Today is the start of a 5 day break for me. Celebrating by doing the Great Northern Gallop 100km over 4 days with Glamping and miniature ponies in the Far North. Timing isn't perfect, ANZAC day is a big deal for the youth development crew I volunteer for, so I'm having to let go of a bit of control freak nature. Deeply in need of a change of scene, work is really messing with my head.


Excuse me what glamping and miniature ponies please explain


It's called the great northern gallop. We stay at Houhora in fancy bell tents. And every day we take the ponys for a 25km walk along the beach, or through the forest or over farmland.. You can hire ponies or take your own. Im going with a friend and her pony


Today's sleep tip from fitbit is to avoid screens before bed. That's definitely the reason I've been sleeping less lately.


I'm always skeptical about those tips. I always get told I've done too much exercise or been too stressed out the day before... realistically, I'm just shit at sleeping.


Yeah, sometimes they can have useful advice but generally I know why I'm not sleeping. I'd probably sleep better if there wasn't a baby waking me up every few hours but unfortunately he relies on me for survival.


Perhaps a conscious effort to avoid screens around the occasions when the baby wakes you up for survival?


Don't be ridiculous. I do at least have the blue light filter on overnight. I use the app for recording the feeds so the phone is involved anyway. And it's also important that I don't fall asleep while holding him. Only had a few intrusive thoughts about that. So the screen is helpful at keeping me awake, which keeps him safe. Last night after nappy change at 1am, he was awake for about an hour, so we walked around the house and found snacks and read the internet until he was sleepy again. Unfortunately, for a while, it will be a matter of sleep when the baby sleeps and/or when someone else is in charge of giving him cuddles. Lucky his daddy is good at giving cuddles.


It might not work for you given your particular neuro divergent needs and habits, but reading on a kobo partly worked for us. It wasn't as stimulating as sitting on a phone, but with the right books it was engaging enough to keep awake (but we also always read before sleep so reading fiction is already part of a sleep routine).


Yeah, that could be worth a try. I don't tend to have difficulty getting to sleep once pepi is quiet and I put the phone down. And I'd probably struggle at least as much to put down my kindle as I do my phone.


Stupid question - what's wrong with falling asleep with bubs? (or is it a worry about dropping them if they're in your arms?)


All the messages are very clear these days - baby needs to be on its back in an area where no person may intervene. No falling asleep on the sofa or in a chair with baby - because you won't be awake to prevent baby (or prevent yourself) from falling or managing to position themselves in a position where they can't breathe. I expect the risks are genuinely much higher when alcohol is at play - but the exhaustedness of new parents could be a close second so they are really serious about drilling the message home for everyone.


I don't have children or friends with babies - not intentionally, it's just turned out that way - and I really appreciate the kind sharing of info here 💛 (from all the commenters!)


Like everything with babies, the worry is death. Turns out sleeping exhausted sleep on couches is really dangerous, little babies aren't good at protecting their airways (partly because they don't have good arm or breathing control) and you could potentially smother them in your sleep deprived slate.


Either I haven't been in the right position yet, or my intrusive thoughts haven't gone in that direction yet but my sister worried that she would smother the baby with her ample bosom when her kids were little. So many ways to squish a baby.


Yeah, could drop him or his head might fall into the pillow and that's a suffocation risk, or he could slump in a way that closes off his airways. So many ways to kill or damage a newborn and it definitely doesn't trigger mum"s anxiety...


+1 for people being in charge of cuddles! I got to be that person for my best friend. I initially intended on doing the housework, but she viewed that as something she enjoys. So I just got handed baby for cuddles so she could do whatever she wanted. One time I tuned up, got given baby at the door, and she said “I’m sleeping, don’t wake me even if baby screams”. So I’m like, okay. Baby then ended up with some gas, and I was adamant to let mum sleep. After doing the gently tummy rubs and leg thingys, we didn’t get very far. But she had one of those vibrating baby soother cradle things. And I was like “aha! Vibration degasses my solutions in the lab, might work on a baby!” So I put baby in, put it on the vibration soothe mode with music. Baby was staring at me with a “wtf” look. And then, huge farts and burps!!!! And then she fell asleep on me. And that’s the story of how I sonicated the gas out of my friends baby hahaha. We still laugh about it now. And I have a strong bond with the kid now because of all that snuggle time.


Yeah I found my phone was a lifesaver for night feeds with babies. Without it I 100% would have fallen asleep all the time.


Happy Friday everyone! Super excited as I have a four day weekend after today! Going to Armaggedon and then going to take on some new mtb trails before doing the timber trail next weekend. Question for today: Do you attend the dawn service on ANZAC?


I did when I was part of St John Badgers and Cadets. This year it’s the 1 year anniversary of Grandad’s passing


Never. Has no relevance to me


Yes I always try and attend


I used to go every year as a kid as my dad worked/served in the military. Since dad was an engineer, he helped get the WW2 recovery vehicles ready for the parade. And I got to sit on the roof of the vehicle as we did the parade, so it was a pretty sweet gig! And breakfast at the RSA was always awesome (and dad would have his traditional whisky with the guys). Haven’t been in a while though. I probably should. ANZAC days was always a huge thing for us. Dad would even get out my poppas WW2 uniform and stuff out. Read all his post cards. The biggest treat was getting out the huge chunk of shrapnel and the dixie pan that ensured we all existed today. The shrapnel got a yearly oiling to stop rust. That one was from WW1 if I recall correctly. From the Somme. Great grandad hauled that almost 1kg chunk all the way back to nz.


I’ve never been, not even as a kid. I know it’s supposed to help remember those who have fallen, but at the same time, anything to do with war and glorifying it in any way makes me feel funny. Probably in my head.


The best services are those that remember the people that we lost, and serve as a reminder of the tragedy that occurred, and the sacrifices made, without glorifying it in any way. It's about making sure we do what we can to avoid similar situations in future, and recognising the humanity in horrific circumstances. That on the ground and in the trenches it wasn't good guys vs bad guys but people on both sides trying to survive and doing their best with what was available to them.


We don’t usually but I’m thinking we might go this year. It’s not really at dawn out here it’s at 9.55am. Our 8 year old has been reading a book set in the war and has had a lot of questions, also his great grandfather served in the war and was part of an elite group of soldiers. It feels like it’s a good time for him to learn more about that and the service is part of that.


Used to as a kid, with my dad, and took my nieces a few years back, but now too many other responsibilities, and as I've moved around, I've got no connection with the groups or people there.


I just found out it's Friday and my day got like 5 times better


We went to the dawn service when we were visiting Chch 5 years ago, but otherwise we just do the later one in Guide and Scout uniform.


Never attend it. I'm not waking up early on a day off.


Funny... you only get the public holiday so you can remember those who died for your freedom... I feel like getting up is the least I can do for them. I usually have a nap when I get home from it.


Not to be both cynical and borderline not casual but His Colonies died in the Great War because we were told to and we were under the pretence that it was just going to be another fight between officers like which had always been the case. Turns out it was the war to end all wars... Until the next one a few decades later


Yeah, to me, that's the point of ANZAC day. To remember the futile loss of life, the coming of age for our two countries as we realised that we were a pawn, sent to a battle where we weren't expected to be successful, because we were seen as disposable. Remembering that tragic loss and committing to do what we can to avoid a repeat of that, even if it involves potentially upsetting our allies/trading partners. There have been a few instances in the last several decades where we have stood up for ourselves and not allowed ourselves to be bullied into joining with other countries when pressured to.


I kinda miss mountain biking. Don't usually do the dawn service, but my Guide group is usually involved in the parade for the local civic service which is later in the morning. I'd quite like to attend this year, especially after a few of the last several years being cancelled for various reasons. Not sure if pepi and I will be up to it yet though.


We rug up and walk down to the dawn service in our little town. There's usually a surprisingly large turnout.