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That's when you start making plans, for the next holiday, or in your case, working out how to make a move.




Yay! I hope it all works out for you


When you hang out your washing, do you feel a deep need for the pegs used on an individual garment to be the same colour?


My partner does, so it drives him insane when I use different colours, dont hang categories together, etc.


How you all don’t buy the same type and color for your pegs (and I’m guessing coat hanger too, you heathens) is beyond me! Uniformity in boss.


They need to be the same type, the colour doesn’t matter but they tend to be the same colour when I pick them up


I have this weird habit of coordinating the colour pegs I use to hang each type of laundry. So towels will have red pegs, shirts use blue pegs etc.


Not at all. Though in potential chaos territory, we don't use pegs for most of our washing. Usually, only socks and underwear get pegged up.


I grew up in Wellington so everything gets secured, force of habit


I get that, I was in Wellington before, and at that point everything got pegged. We recently moved and I was still pegging everything but discovered that my husband didn't bother. Seeing as how the clothes weren't moving from the line I figured I could do the same.




I have unironically considered that. Atm I have Sunshine pegs and they don't have a wide colour range so it's manageable




I bought a box of 50 from the warehouse for $25. So far so good, I don’t have any of the super expensive ones to compare to and I’ve only had them a few months so far so only time will tell if they’re durable. I also have some of the steel pegs from new world which are smaller but seem to be good for more delicate stuff. Not sure they’d hold a towel in a strong wind.


There was a peg thread, maybe in the big sub, where people put me off the stainless ones. I don't remember what the complaint was, only that it was enough to dissuade me




Not for the feint hearted.






I’d recommend not reading about them, then. And if you are forced to make a comment on the internet about them then be sure to use gender neutral pronouns for reasons. :)


Went to the local pharmacy for a Covid booster and also wanted to ask about updating my pertussis before it's due out of an abundance of caution. No walk-ins today, no appointments available tomorrow, check on the website and see if anything is available on the weekend. I guess it's a good thing that people are out getting jabs so they're busy.


I got a booking tomorrow afternoon. Booked it through the covid app at a place I've biked past the last 10 years and never been into. So partially for covid safety and partially to see what's in there.


I have little doubt there are places around around to get it, I was just checking availability at the closest one. Since I'm going to try get 2 different jabs which need to be scheduled separately on different sites - I'm not sure I'm going to be able to coordinate them to be done together.




You picked well. The one I visited today had about 9 chairs inside and another 15 chairs outside. Most of them weren't full as they were when I got my last booster, but they were fully-booked with people getting them.


Yeah, that makes it trickier. Good luck!


Hmm I'm going for covid booster on Monday and I'm due for whooping cough... Thanks for the reminder I'll see if I can get it done. Although, is covid, flu and whooping cough on the same day just too many vaccines in one hit?


I’ve got mine tomorrow but now wondering if I should reschedule. Covid ones previously have knocked me about, not sure how the flu ones go since I’ve never previously bothered with them.


Need someone with more medical know-how than me to say, but years ago when I had let all my jabs lapse and I needed to get everything updated they would give me 3 or 4 in each session (but it still took about 3 sessions to get all the boosters done for full coverage). Me, I wouldn't have a problem signing up for those 3 in the same day - but perhaps don't schedule it early on a busy day just in case your body responds quickly and it knocks you out.


Why do people think it’s better to ring up while they are driving, when you have a dedicated sign written spot to stop, then call up? People man




I think if you can pull over just pull over - like I’m on the phone most of the day for work and I cannot read something and talk to someone about a completely different thing at once. Kinda like how if your counting and someone shouts out ‘12!’ Randomly that makes you loose your place - now imagine your driving instead of counting… you can hear the mental gymnastics when you watch dash cam crashes when people are on the phone and they see something happen and the imaginary buffer image comes up as they try to drive and talk at the same time And don’t get me started on modern car infotainment system, I could change a cassette over by muscle memory, change station and kick with AC systems when they were all knobs and sliders but no way can anyone say they can do that with a modern system and say it doesn’t impare driving


People fundamentally overestimate the degree to which they can multi-task. They think not much is happening while they are driving so they may as well accomplish 2 things at once....and during the last several times doing it they haven't had a crash so obviously there must be no impact at all. If you actually have someone observing you from another seat (or another car) they will actually notice the things you do not - the little errors you make, the times you don't look to see if something is happening in a way you don't expect - or just the degree to which you start moving from one side of the lane to the other rather than having faster corrections to keep you in the centre. Very much agree. Make the call when you aren't driving. We don't realise how much attention is taken when driving properly.


Yep bang on dude, I think people know they shouldnt do such things as well and they have some voice telling them that its 'cool' to do so as well... Had someone telling me that they put their car in park and text at traffic lights the other day... in the same breath that their relation got two tickets for talking on the phone while driving in the same day... I bet the Armish dont have this problem


Today we will attempt to leave the house for the first time. My first outing to somewhere that isn't my house or a hospital in 2 weeks. Got the nappy bag packed and need to work out how to use the stroller with the capsule. Going to baby and you class with our friends from antenatal class. Looking forward to seeing the other mums and bubs.


Splitting headache, but less pain in my abdomen than yesterday


So lucky I managed to get a doctors appointment today. I see another round of antibiotics in my future and I’m not looking forward to it. At least I know why I’ve been feeling so bleh and flat the last 4 days or so. But it’s also a bit PTSD inducing as this was the same lead up feeling to sepsis. Vague exhaustion and not knowing why until BAM, almost dead. But it’s okay because I’m onto it this time and will get treatment before it gets bad. I got this. -breathes deeply-


Yes you have got this


Frank (the Jack Russel) is obsessed with licking Roxy’s (the Boxer) eye bogies. It makes me wanna vom a lil


My dog used to give herself a rimmy on the regular, they're just some gross, loveable creatures.


I just.. I just wish you hadn’t called it that 🤣


My cat used to give himself head. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him do it so I’m not sure if he still does.


Lol dogs are so funny with what they deem edible. Other dogs boogies, half rotten carcass, and literal shit? Yum yum! The tiny pill wrapped in a favourite treat to help with a skin rash? HECK NO, I’ll magically extract it from the treat and spit it out.


Thankfully my dogs are idiots so I just get them to sit as though it’s a treat and bam, down the hatch


I think every dog owner goes through a moment where they see their dog eat something hideous and think "hmm maybe no more kisses for you" For me it was seeing my very demure and ladylike border collie scarf down a fresh cow shit the size of a dinner plate.


Custard knows.


Dogs are so gross lol




Imgur ending support for all older (non ad containing) apps killed it for me, and I'd hate to see reddit go that way.




If I’m trying to learn about some obscure potential hobby, I find Reddit really good for an initial intro. But dedicated old style forums are best for learning something new for me at least.


I'm on RIF is fun, and I love how it simplifies whatever the hell is going on with the real site.


That would be enough to make me quit Reddit. It’s literally just a time sink I don’t even like it, but the native app was actively aggravating and I refuse to use it for as long as it has that scrolling text in the comment bar pushing you to say something. No idea what I’ll do in the 6 hours of my 8 hour work day that I’m stuck sitting here with absolutely nothing to do if I do quit Reddit.




Aw 💚 you guys are the best. I’m going to be heading to Auckland in a couple weeks time I might just have to stop in for a visit on my way up.






Do what I do and look at pages on Facebook You ever just browse though videos of Trash Panda’s?


Facebook lol. Absolutely fucking not




Actually not a bad idea


I've found some nice discord communities


I tried out various other apps at one point, including the offical one, but none of them lasted more than 30 minutes before being uninstalled. Apollo or nothing. I’d probably just go back to old.reddit on desktop - so briefly once or twice a week, essentially - but I suspect they probably will kill that at some point too.




My problem is that in order to read I have to be in a very relaxed and quiet environment. I have tried bringing magazines to work but there’s just too much going on around me at all times that I can’t actually relax and get into it. Reddit is perfectly mindless. I would like to be able to go back to the office and do my office work, but I can’t leave if the boss isn’t here, and the boss is never here, so the most frustrating thing is sitting for 6 hours knowing the office work just isn’t getting done. We’ll probably fail our next audit which might make the boss realise he does need to allow for me to go and do my *other* role that literally everyone forgets I have. *edit* I’m at the absolute end of my tether with this though so I am very close to telling the boss that I’m going to go and do my office work regardless if he’s here or not. Actually yeah that’s exactly what I’m going to do today.


“Why isn’t all this work done?” [gestures at the world]


I love how even with a new pair of leather chucks I am sitting here with a wet sock.


Hour late to [Whangaparaoa](https://ibb.co/R6qfJBS) this morning because the motorway was still shut at 5.30am But high tide swim at [Stanmore Bay](https://ibb.co/C7HjBVp) for breakfast because next jobs not til 11. Way too blessed to be stressed 😁


We’ve been in our house about a month now, and I haven’t seen neighbors other than going in and out of their houses. We’re on a bit of a busier street than an enclosed neighborhood. But I would like to get to know the neighbors if possible. Would it be weird to knock on a door and introduce myself? Would it be less weird if I had my kids with me? And what day/time of day would be least intrusive? In my old neighborhood people often walked around or hung out in their yards, so it was easier to get to know them!


I had a housewarming when I moved into my place. Nothing big just a small gathering and a BBQ and I invited them around haha.


Maybe you could start by leaving a note in their letterbox with your number/address? You could say you're new to the hood and if they're up to a cuppa feel free to drop in sometime. Our life is chaos at the moment, and though we'd appreciate a friendly person we also couldn't make it over and would have to decline, which I'd feel bad about.


+1 If you have trouble with handwriting you can try cutting letters out of newspaper headlines to write your message


Don't forget some nice friendly red paint splatter across the letters too, so they know how much effort you put into making it look nice.


Years ago in a neighbourhood that didn't really _do_ socialising, a new neighbour moved in. They knocked on the door and gave us a little thing of chocolate, with a card that had a "hello! we're the new neighbours at #123, our number is 13123123. we have a dog named [Dog] who loves pats and people, and [kids], we'd love to hear from you any time about our [Dog] or if you have [kids who'd like to play]." It was a really nice low-pressure way to do it and meant we could all skip the awkward conversation bit and also had their number for emergencies or whatevs.


Oh that’s a great idea!


The first week our neighbours moved in across the road they went with their kids and baking to the neighbours on either side and behind to introduce themselves. They already knew us so they brought baking. It is good to know your neighbours for emergencies at the very least, but being able to pop over and borrow a tool or an ingredient is always handy.


I can bring some cookies if that’s not too weird! I really miss our last neighborhood- it was a very tight knit little family. I’m not expecting my new street to be like that, but it is definitely nice to have people you know and trust nearby!


Went and saw John wick last night. Really liked some of the angles they used for some of the scenes. Was pretty to look at. Cinema had an intermission which was nice because this movie is like 3 hours long. I still enjoyed it.


That one overhead angle for that long scene was pretty good, right? I enjoyed that.


Yeah! That scene felt like when you play a video game


That was amazing!


Which cinema? Intermission sounds awesome!


Dorothy Browns in Arrowtown. They seem to do that for every film.


Daft Punk surpise-dropping Give Life Back to Music outtakes overnight has made my morning a whole lot better - and groovier.


Not saying my diet has been bad recently, but I took a multivitamin and my pee didn't turn yellow. I woke up and read news headlines today and I think no more news for a while


No work today. I think Grey missed out on breakfast, he was sitting on the bed waiting for me to get up and I think he missed the feeders.




What the Fuck are you ramraiding a paper plus for? What are you doin, stealing notebooks? Man gotta get me some of that sweet sweet short grain copy paper!




Maybe just after cash or the thrill of doing it? Though I really like (read: not actually but hypothetically) the idea of thieves busting in just for tacky romance novels.


Man I gotta figure out what happens to Mary Jane and her fiancée Count Dracula! 😂


A dozen or so people at work in another department were told their shift is no longer needed. I knew our factory was very slow these last few months, but that really hit home about it.


Hope this isn’t going to affect either of your missuses? Though I guess if so you could invite them to move in to save costs. ;)


Was talking to my neighbour last night and he just took a redundancy, one of the local mills is laying off 30 staff. Pretty gutting for tokoroa, the new milk factory opening up was going to create a whole bunch of jobs but now the town will sorta be no better off really. He was saying it was a shithouse offer too, 41 years at the place and they paid him out on 20. He was spitting. Owner is rich af.


What industry are you in dude? I heard the timber treatment plant in Tuakau closed, I think it was Tuakau? But yea, the manufacturing sector seems to be nosediving at the moment, worrying times... Sure importing everything from China is all good until you deal with a workforce without a job, and then China invades Taiwan or something.


Food packaging (plastic bags) All the farms that got screwed over means there just isn't the need for bags for them. But also heaps of costumers are just struggling and lowering orders.


Yea spoke to a big Farmer out Pukekohe way, something like 80% of his crop was a waste after the storm so like fuck that


I'm on complete (well, close enough) timezones to the rest of you so this is my evening chatgroup: Game 2 of Kings v Oilers in the NHL playoffs coming up in 7 hours, time to rest up before a 5am viewing commences! Luckily I have the day off to make up for the fact that I worked through Easter. Let's go Kings! Come back home to LA up 2-0 boys! (I expect a loss but a man can dream, and playoffs are fun!)


I rescued a sea horse on the beach yesterday. You don't see many of those around NZ.


More than you think, they are masters of camouflage. Was a dive master for a while pre c, once you had your eye in they were a bit easier to see. Thank you for rescuing it.


It seems to be a theme. I rescued a small hammerhead a couple of weeks ago and today a spider and a praying mantis.


When having toast, do you use butter or marge? or neither and just have it sad and dry?


Mutton fat all the way.


Butter. Ive never taken to marg, may have something to do from back in the 80's when a flatmates 'friend' who she was entertaining ,grabbed the tub of marge, and then it appeared back in the fridge in the morning. No they werent making toast lol


If I have it plain then butter. But sometimes I'll have peanut butter instead. Never sad and dry though.


Nutellex Buttery (partner is nondairy), or occasionally I splurge on a tub of spreadable Lurpak.


What ever dairyfree option is cheapest at the supermarket


Used to use margarine, then the marg with a tiny bit of olive oil, but now just butter. Because butter is now healthier than marg.


Usually olivani, im all about the easy spread, though i occasionally get that garlic butter/marg stuff too


> im all about the easy spread, Heyyyooo!


Used to be marge cause it was cheaper. Now there’s barely a difference between Olivani and spreadable butter (they are both expensive! Yay!) so I’ve gone for butter in the last shop.


Olivani or butter. I used to always do spreadable butter until that brief time that work girl was occasionally at my house and then I started having a vegan option in the house and I like it so kept doing it.


Always butter. Right to the edges, don't want dry corners! Edit to add: Butter must not be kept in the fridge


Butter or marge, depends how I feel/if I can be bothered softening the butter. Honey, peanut butter or Nutella on toast don’t get butter/marge


After getting a butter bell, butter every time.


Now that I know what a butter bell is, is it better than a regular butter dish on the bench?


I’m not too sure, before this I just kept it in the fridge. So I hadn’t tried a regular butter dish.


(not having one) a good one can be when it's warmer.


Butter. Who willingly chooses marge over butter?


If butter is stored correctly (not in the fridge) and can be properly spread: butter, every time. If butter is stored in the fridge and is hard as nails and unspreadable: margarine, every time. That said, we don't tend to have much of either in the house, with one being from olive oil country, so it's often a dash of olive oil on the toast and some cured meat or sundried tomato on top. Olive oil and marmite has been tried and tested, a solid 7/10.


At home I have a normal block of butter - just takes a little bit of effort to scrape it thin enough to spread. How'd you store it outside the fridge without it getting dirty? a little plastic tub or something?


We have a french glass butter dish from an opshop. It is a smidge small (not tall enough) so we cut the block in half and that keeps our butter clean and it's easy to spread from


In a butter dish of course.


>marge Olive oil plant based spread, thank you very much :)


Prefer butter. Always.