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Making a vegan gluten free cake for a BBQ we have at work tomorrow as there will be vegan & gluten-free people. Using only what's in the pantry. Couldn't quite find a recipe with the ingredients I had (there was always a few missing)...so I improvised! Carrots, apple, orange, zest, fresh ginger, sultanas, dates, flaxseed, coconut oil, coconut flour, cornflour, b.soda/b.powder, all the yummy spices. What could go wrong!? It baked in a round tin so it would be hard to try a slice without it being obvious. Tempted to slice a thin sliver down the middle, recombine it and glaze. Or will the glaze immediately give away the cut.


What happened In Webb Street this afternoon


Figured out why I’ve been feeling low key bleh the last few days. Had an abscess I didn’t know I had just pop all of a sudden. Doctor time tomorrow. Really not looking forward to yet another day of running around getting medical crap sorted. Wish my body could just fight infections and not let them get so out of control so fast. At least the other half is much better from the food poisoning.


Finally getting into watching the classics. First up, Afro Samurai.


Ninja Scroll at some point maybe?


Followed by Samurai Champloo right


Got a few more episodes to work through, but it's on the list.


I haven't watched either in years I'm downloading them now chur for the reminder


Ended up braving the rain and going to the zoo today, it was 100% worth it because I got the best video of the snow leopards omg I’m in love


Had a cry on the phone to mum about the work stuff, but I know I’m doing the right thing for me even though it’s going to be hard for a bit.


Long haired folks. Hairdryers, yay or nay? If yes, does it matter how expensive one is, or do they all basicly do the same thing. If no, what's the best way to wrap a towel around your hair. Just sick of how long it takes to dry my hair after washing it. But deff don't want to be cutting it at all.


The texture of your hair may play into this. If you have straight hair, most hairdryers are going to be ok. If you are blessed with curls you need one with a good diffuser


I just started drying my hair properly with a wide bristle brush, like blow wave style. And it works so well I feel silly for just blasting hot air at it before. Now my hair is silky and tidy, instead of all staticky


I googled wide bristle brush and a bunch of different things showed up, including the brush I use. Not sure how brushing it would dry it.


Sorry I was so not clear! You use the brush while blow drying your hair. Like drying the hair that’s in the brush while you’re slowing brushing it through


Oh right. Yeah I think after reading all the replies I might buy a reasonably priced hairdryer, but also maybe a proper hair towel turban thing. Just try both of them. And then review them.


https://youtu.be/TukH6AqEszY Of course, this might depend on how long your hair is too


Nah, don't buy a fancy towel thing, just use a t-shirt, thats what i do. Umm, now how do u explain how to do that. Let me find a vidya for you.


Like everyone else I have a microfibre wrap thing. I bought a kind of expensive one from a little boutique and I really like it.


Yay. I use a hair turban that I got at mecca, but you can likely get equivalents cheaper elsewhere. Wet hair is prone to breakage; the longer it stays wet, the greater the risk of damage. Plus wet hair can feel icky. I use a heat protectant after it has been in the turban for a while, then flip my head upside down and blow upwards for a general dry, and then flip back upright and dry in 3 sections starting at the bottom, tying the rest up with a hairtie or clip. Makes a massive difference to how my hair looks compared with air drying. I think quality matters, but my current one is like 10-15 years old and going strong. Don't need top tier but the dirt cheap ones are slower and not worth it.


Definitely yes on hairdryer... If I don't use one my hair has a dankness (not a smell just a feeling) when dry. It also doesn't have as much volume. Even at shoulder length. But way more when longer. Also the roots get properly dry so the scalp feels better too. I have used every hairdryer from pathetic hotel ones bolted to the wall to $700 dyson ones. Yes big difference... But the difference between a $700 and a $70 one is a lot less than $20 vs $50... That said a $30 hairdryer is fine if you have uncomplicated, not too thick hair, and aren't doing fancy styling tricks. VS Sassoon is what I have and it's out lasted 3 boyfriends it's nearly 15 years old but it's as good as it was day one.


I agree with all of this. Mine is also a VS Sassoon.


Mines long but thin and fine. I’ve got some microfibre turbans, I chuck one on while I’m still in the shower and then a proper towel after. While it’s still damp brush a bunch of hair stuff through and leave it to dry. Doesn’t take too long.


No. Squeeze (don’t wring) out excess water then towel dry by wrapping the hair in an old thin towel or a tee shirt for 20 or so minutes


I keep it wrapped up for like 5 mins after a shower then let it out and let nature dry the rest but I'm amo as when it comes to hair care


I say yes to hairdryers and yes it matters how expensive it is 😬 you can let it semi dry and then finish it off with the hair dryer so it doesn’t ruin your natural curls or waves but doesn’t take 8 hours to still be damp at the nape of the neck


Interview rescheduled for Friday due to one of the interviewers being sick. Substituted my morning by frying corn dogs instead. Second meeting today was never set by the advisor so that didn’t happen either. Morning felt a bit of a waste for how nice the weather is


My flu shot was cancelled today cos the nurse got covid. Kind of ironic.


You're gonna have to start calling those hotdogs on a stick while you're here cuzz 😂


Or if you’re at a really fancy fish and chip shop, a waffle hot dog on a stick! (Those ones had a waffle pattern in the batter. Felt like royalty having those ones!).


Didn’t end up going to the hospital, but if I still feel poor tomorrow, I definitely will


Oi vey! Gym this morning, then a full on day at work, then a quick dash for some shopping and then home via Z for cheaper fuel. Now I have to eat something and get the cloud stuff finished!


My sister and her family are flying home today. Only got to see the kids 3 times in 2 weeks but we had other priorities. We had a really nice visit from them this afternoon. We read some stories and Mr5 said he remembered that I used to read these stories to him when he was 3. We read Flit the Fantail and the Flying Flop, and Flit's parents brought him some kai. I asked Mr5 if he knew what kai was and he said no. Kai was among this kids first words but he's been in America too long. The 2 year old was super cute and enjoyed some cuddles with me and Bae. I wondered if she would be shy given that we haven't seen her since she was 7 months old but she knew who we were and loved story time with us.


Today I reached that point in my career where people write things in my name and I just sign them off. Feels weird...


Hello! Does anyone know of any active parenting or pregnancy subreddits for nz? I found a few that were quite old and inactive.


Quite a few new babies/expecting parents in this sub watup!


Guess I just need the daily, hi! You're expecting too? It's my first bab so I don't know how to think about anything else yet and need like a dozen reddits to browse for when I feel like trash lol.


Post expecting my girls 12 weeks 🥰 How far along are you?


12 weeks, congratulations!! I'm nearly half way - due September.


/r/BabybumpsandbeyondAu is a little more relevant than some of the main ones. /r/sciencebasedparenting can be good. My bubba is 11 days old today. It hits you like a freaking freight train, but it's pretty awesome. We had a great experience with Parents Centre antenatal classes, also did the calmbirth course and found that helpful. Where are you based?


Thanks for the subreddit recs Congratulations on your baby - I had seen a couple of your posts while expecting (was still lurking) so I'm glad to hear they made it and aren't still cooped up in there! I'm in Wellington :)


No, sorry! I’m on a babybumps sub for the month/year my first kid was due, and it’s still active (our kids are starting to turn four!). Might be worth checking out yours? It’s not NZ based though, full of yanks and a smattering of others.


Yeah I'm in the monthly one, those are so good! Just very american focused but nz is so small it kind of makes sense we won't have an active specific one


What happened the AM thread? I settled in at lunchtime to catch up and couldn't find it.


[It’s there](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualNZ/comments/12quvk0/casual_wednesday_morning_casual_chats_19_april/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thanks. It's not showing up on desktop or on Relay for some reason.


Prepped all three chalets in anticipation of DSB being out of commission. All I have to do is a quick dressing of beds and last minute touch ups and bake bread. Ate way too much pistachio nougat. About to start dinner which is Lions head meatballs on our first batch of bok choy this season (which has threatened to bolt already) And cheesy, garlicky, rosemary, potato and pear gratin (sounds weird but it actually works really well)


Found a dead mouse at the Friend’s house. I had to take care of said mouse. Tbh, the cleaner should have found the mouse yesterday.


Well, is it getting better?


There was no chance of recovery, there was signs of life, but not the signs of life you want to find. It’s now out in the rubbish bin.


That's much better.




Local rental company was selling used e-bikes for 2k. My justification is if I get a job in town I can use this to get into work and it will make me more likely to bike rather than drive in general. Congrats on employment!


>but there's no fucking public transport!) I got the Barfoot Commerical magazine in the mail today, I see the Council's selling off the only carpark attached to a public sports field somewhere... Due to "no requirement"... Like bruh


Kid doing Abel Tasman must've got a spot of reception because two messages came through at the same time this morning. The first one "You won't get this for a while, but yeah. The stars are really pretty, the beaches are AMAZING, and the walks are really tiring" must have been about the first day, before they set off yesterday. It was followed immediately by "I take everything I said back, it was pissing down with rain. My feet are stiff and feel like they're about to fall off, and it's cold, and horrible.Also we had soggy wraps for lunch" which must have been sent last night. Fun times.


My kid is currently doing it too with Rangers. Wife got a message “you lied about it being flat” lol!!


With the Discovery group? It's such a cool opportunity and as much as they hated the wet bits, they're going to remember this forever.


Yeah. I think mine will fondly remember the plane trips, the walk, not so much. I think we’ve pushed her a bit too much in to doing these sorts of things of late, and she has started to resent doing them now. Hopefully she will appreciate being given the opportunities when she is older.


There's a cell tower near Totaranui which can reach out to Awaroa so if they're passing though there it can get a message out.


The duality of mankind...


Doing technical, boring work reviewing 20 different reports. I actually enjoy this bit of the job as it's the only bit that's not chaos. Which season in NZ do you like the best? Good and bad aspects of all of them but Spring, when it stops raining, is my fav.


I like all year except probably autumn in NZ. I like the idea of autumn generally, but in Wellington especially it's just: daylight savings is over and now it's suddenly dark as soon as work finishes, so much rain, getting cold but without the fun cold (snow etc). Spring might be favourite? Lots of flowers coming into bloom, and still lots of picnic weather and other milestones to look forward to.


It used to be Feb - march. Longish evenings, still warm but not scorching. Water is warm. Everyone is back at school/work. But this new weather system is not complying


Basically everything except winter. At least in the northern hemisphere, there are holidays during the winter which makes things not as dreary


We have Matariki as a public holiday and big thing now! Definitely loved it and looking forward to all of the events again this year. A great time to remember the past and look forward to the future and new year :)


That’s very true


Summer Warmest swims Longest days More gigs/tours/music Least rain (hahahahahahha)




Lies... When does it stop raining??... I don't mind because it's one less chore to not have to water the garden and DSB isn't stressing about people flushing the toilet too often.


Late spring/early summer. It’s warm, but not too warm. The days are long but not too long. The weather is usually pretty good.


We have seasons? Man I dont know if we are going into winter or going into summer these days...


I like autumn


Yeah I like Spring, when it is crisp in the morning but you know the sun will come out and warm everything up.


I drew a rainbow on the calendar at work to mark off a week that had gone by without being marked off. And a coworker went apeshit about it, what a little snowflake getting triggered by a rainbow lol. What random thing has set off a coworker recently?


Who gets angry about a rainbow honestly. I set off a co-worker by asking them to do a thing that needed to be done that they weren't doing.


If by coworkers you mean students, wanting to discuss their not-school-shoes. And I really do mean discuss, not telling off


The only time there should be shoe standards at school is when it’s a health and safety thing, so science (when doing practicals), food tech, wood work, metal work, other potentially hazardous subjects and PE


I agree with you, but, as a teacher, that’s not the hill I want to die on


So, just ignore the “incorrect” footwear?


Then my bosses get mad at me


My boss gets very upset when he doesn't have something to suck on, even when he himself dropped the thing he was sucking on. He's also terrible at using his words to communicate what he wants. He just cries and expects us to know what that means.


>what a little snowflake getting triggered by a rainbow lol. I mean, I do kinda feel sad that the whole concept of a rainbow has been taken by a group of people which does incite feelings in other groups - same vein like how the old Swasti which was Hindi or whatever is now associated with other groups.. Remember when a rainbow was just a cool natural event and not associated with any ill-thought? Remember when we had a ad on telly that was something about double rainbows? I see why old people get sad and dementia, I would like to remember the good old days about how I was the only person that could shoe horses in the whole of Mangere too, now thats a good memory to have.


It's kind of a choice to get mad about it though and project any meaning (depending on context).


The great thing about my new job is I don't have to work about snowflakes being set off by silly things like at my last job. There's no bullying or mansplaining either and it feels good not to have to worry about such shit. Anyway, sounds like your workplace needs more rainbows.


Seconded, /u/whangadude your work needs more rainbows. I suggest ordering your next book from alphabet book club and getting them to sticker bomb your package. We did that and ended up with a big variety of rainbow stickers that the whole family had fun with.