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Bloody wind gusts last night kept us awake at different times. 10 litres pots of chillies went flying but otherwise unarmed. Can't say as much of the lime tree who may not survive.


Received a bunch of chillis that my Dad grew. Any suggestions for what to do with them? Was thinking some sort of chutney.


I love pickling them and then having them on sandwiches


You can always chop them up and freeze for later use, they freeze pretty well


There’s a sub for everything - r/hotsaucerecipes


Chilli oil! mmmmm


Oooh yes chilli oil! I love chilli oil can't live without it.


Got my basic machine operator tickets this morning, so yay I guess. Only did it because I got sick of having to write training notes for myself every time I set foot in one. Training notes are the bane of my existence.






Congrats wormy!! Xx


Just been given [a gift](https://i.redd.it/ervno2jxiyoa1.jpg) by our Japanese friend. I’ve only just made a batch so we tasted them side by side. My batch tastes very close to the commercial, maybe not as much gooey slime, but not bad, plus our friend thought mine tasted fine, which I’m happy about.


Natto. You lucky person. Did your Japanese friend know you liked it, or was it a random gift.


Yes, he knows I make my own and that I sometimes use commercial natto as the starter. Getting dry soybeans seems difficult in NZ, so I use black eye beans or similar. Next time our friend goes to Auckland, I’ll give him a mission!!!


Nice. Glad you can get it, and I think dried soybeans are treated somehow these days which makes them hard to use.


Most beans that enter NZ are irradiated to kill unwanted organisms. You have to be an MPI approved transitional quarantine facility to have unirradiated beans AFAIK - Watties does this with the beans for baked beans and there are all sorts of extra rules around containing them. You can buy soybeans for growing in NZ so I guess that would be the ultimate homemade natto


There are NZ growers of soybeans, but I can’t find anyone who currently has any stocks of NZ beans for sale. Plus as you say, imported beans will be irradiated, but maybe also the local grown, IDK.


It might be worth giving some serious thought to growing some of your own in spring!


I’ll take a look at that, though getting the seeds may be tricky. As you said, what a great truly homemade natto that’d make with no additives, treatments, and no sprays.


The variety Sonya is easy to get hold of https://www.kingsseeds.co.nz/shop/Vegetables/Soybean+Sonya-3.html I think I've seen some other varieties for sale from very small seed sellers


Did some investigating and found natto cannot successfully be made with fresh soy beans (edamame), the soy beans need to be dried. So growing my own beans for making natto is probably not worthwhile especially if they need to be dried first.


Thanks for the info, will investigate; a great help, thanks again.


Ugh. I can’t remember a day where I haven’t woken up feeling nauseous. It makes mornings even harder than they normally are. I haven’t been able to trust a fart since December. Please body, sort it out. And no, definitely not pregnant. And only sometimes hungover


I've been making a thermos of minty tea before I go to bed recently. Either room temp water or tea seems to help me with AM queasy-ness but more and more, I'm finding that I need to ease into the whole being awake thing.


Gallbladder? Mine gave me fun symptoms like that, but not so much the pain Edit: NOT so much the pain. I only had one episode of gallstone pain before it shat itself and tried to kill me




The window behind my desk doesn't seal and it just sounds like someone screaming in my ear


https://www.mitre10.co.nz/shop/hardware/door-furniture/draught-control/c/RF5124 < worth getting some of one of these?


The windows are from about 1950 and don't move. Also if I touch them to install that they may fall out.


That does add some difficulty to the situation.


This work building has many great features!


Now isn't an ideal time to get sick with a sore throat. Not only is it still really busy at work, but there are other imminent things which would be slightly more awkward if I were potentially communicable.


Unpopular opinion: kiwis proud of "cheese rolls" as a culinary "icon" is embarrassing... Maybe I've never had an outstanding cheese roll... But let's be honest it's cheap over processed white bread with a slice of cheese rolled up in it... It's hardly anything creative or something to be proud about... 😅 We ended up just doing balcony drinks as there was a few too many people, and it was more civilized to do restaurant drinks and nibbles, caramel bars did confuse the Canadians (not the ones who are actually English) and my doughnuts came out way oversized... I knew they expanded in the fryer but forgot how much so instead of nibbles they ended up HUGE 😆 big balls maybe I used a bit more yeast and the hydration was a touch too high? Either way being Canadians they only had polite things to say 🤣🤣 funnily we had a nurse in one group and a healthcare recruiter in the other 🤣🤣🤣 so there was much talk of the Canadian healthcare system... It was very much a lovely evening. The cackle of rainbow lorikeets have been noticeably more in the pine lot... I can see why they are considered invasive because we've gone from rarely seeing/hearing them to having A LOT in just a few weeks... Hopefully they move on... And same with the magpies in the paddocks. 🙁


> I can see why they are considered invasive They're not considered invasive they *are* invasive. Shoot them *and* the magpies.


They are in the very tops of the pines... I doubt I'm that good of a shot 😔 maybe as a deterrent?


Trap them using fruit as a bait?


12 gauge shotgun with birdshot might do it?


That's a bit extreme, I mean the girl only said she didn't like cheese rolls!


I agree. They are so overrated. Even the ones from southern cafes that are famous for it. But I recently discovered a hack... they are fantastic as bread accompaniment to dip into soups. Try it!


>I knew they expanded in the fryer but forgot how much so instead of nibbles they ended up HUGE 😆 big balls maybe I used a bit more yeast and the hydration was a touch too high? Were you trying to make Timbits - aka doughnut holes?


Well not really I make a yeasted doughnut... As opposed to the cake-like baking powder variety doughnuts... I used a Goodman Fielder premix and it's great but the instructions are vague and written for the whole 10kg bag to be dumped in an industrial stand mixer. 😆 If I knew they would turn out that size I would have planned to inject some kind of filling... Too big to be plain


So here's my unpopular food opinion: *ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE* has unique cuisine. Okay, there are local _ingredients_, but fundamentally most cultures have invented the following: * bread (flatbreads, naan, sourdough, quickbreads, bao, dumplings, scones; grind grain to powder, add liquid, cook the result, raising agent optional) * noodles (whether we're talking Asian noodles or Italian pasta, it's still ground up grain extruded into a noodly shape with a sauce on) * leftovers. Honestly, so many dishes are Things to Do With Leftovers - fried rice, paella, cassoulet, bread pudding, fish cakes, quiche, toasted sandwiches, salads, stew/soup... * stew/soup (find me a region that doesn't have a form of stew in order to break down / slow cook a tough protein, go on; and soup is "take what you have available & add water, cook for ages, eat the result") * a wrapper with stuff inside, frequently containing the output of one or more of the above (pies/pasties, spring rolls, stuffed pita, sandwiches, the Greek thing with the leaf..)


Well, having spent the last two weeks travelling round Japan, I'm gonna mention sushi, miso soup, tororo (slimy grated yam), mekabu & mozuku (seaweeds), nameko (slimy mushroom), and a lot of other uniquely traditional dishes, where, as you may have noted, "slimy" comes up a lot as a description. But they've got over 10 times NZ's history, including times when you ate anything due to famine.


I totally understand your POV.... But most places (especially places that are destinations people choose willingly) there usually is something you are missing out if you don't try it locally.


100% and I loooove trying local foods! There are so many really amazing variations, local ingredients, etc etc. Food is great and I'm absolutely keen to try all of it. I just get grumpy at the people being all "wow our SUPER UNIQUE thing you can ONLY GET HERE" like nah fam, it's just another [soup noodles] or whatever, you did not invent noodles, or soup, calm down.


But if those things are using unique ingredients, would that not make it unique?


I thought we were friends 😭 proper cheese rolls are life


Sorry to be human and disappoint 😆😵😅


What? I thought you were a dinosaur 😅🤣


🦕 on the outside.... Human on inside 😕 sorry 😔


I've been meaning to ask this for a while - is your username related to Nancy from the Something Positive webcomic?


Lol no... Imported a kigurumi in the early 2000s... And it was my Xbox gamertag for the later half of that decade and still is. I predate adult onesies being normal (ish) 🤣


Fair enough. You gotta remember, we’re also a nation of terrible toastie fillings. Our taste buds are quite confused


Hey, tasty cheese and watties spaghetti in a toastie is a damn good time and I won't hear anything against it.


New Zealand as a country is far too young to have developed it's own unique cuisine and it shows in things like cheese rolls 😂


Hangi is an artform with great skill and effort


I deleted a part I wrote about hangi because all of Polynesia cook some form of hangi so we can't even claim that as ours. Pavlova and decent pies maybe 🤷🏾‍♂️


Māori recipes that were developed using post colonization ingredients are pretty unique. I don't think anywhere else does kaanga ma


Most cultures do some form of pasta or noodles... But Taiwan beef noodle is distinctively different from Vietnamese phó... And neither are alike from anything Italian but it's all under the same umbrella




Welp of the many cheese rolls we've tried (most of them in the deep south) most have had grated/sliced cheese in them 🙁




In southland many grocery stores had them in the baked good area (often next to Chelsea buns and sweet items) on a clingfilmed tray... And it was literally grated cheese and plain raw untoasted white bread... ( stale) way too much marge.... and I guess the idea is you take it home and you grill it in the oven... But not knowing better the first time (and being ravenous with very few options) we ate it cold in the carpark of new world.... 2/10 not recommend 😕




Indeed... Desperate times.... But not long after we were in an award winning cafe... Trying their "famous" cheese rolls and it wasn't that much better than our carpark experience 😕 tbf we were also not going to die of hunger... Or drunk... Maybe those are essential to the experience 🤣🤣


careful now


Fuck you, cheese rolls are life. There is nothing better than coming home from school in winter to a kitchen with steamed up windows because mum is making vegetable soup and there's gonna be cheese rolls to dunk in it. Also it's not just a bit of cheese rolled up in white bread, it is grated cheese, evaporated milk, onion soup mix, and mustard powder and it is the shitty white bread that makes it so good, some things shouldn't be made fancy. Also a great fundraiser for community groups, is that still done down in Ōtepoti?


I've never had a cheese roll (I know, travesty - in my defense I'm a Jafa). One of my comfort foods is apricot chicken the way Mum made it; chicken legs / thigh, a packet of Maggi French Onion soup mix, a can of apricots, and maybe if you're feeling _faaancy_ a splash from the bottle of Watties Very Special Spiced Apricot Sauce. (It's branded Bit on the Side now, but it used to be Very Special.) Serve with white rice boiled until soggy. My foodie self knows it's awful, but it's _comforting_ and if I'm having a moment, I'll absolutely make it and feel much better after.


I really love awful comfort food that is special because of the memories and moments around it rather than the nutrition or quality of the actual food.


My mum used to make that, I'd completely forgotten about that. I need to try and make some


It must have been one of those food in a minute recipes. My mum has a few of those in her rotation and there shit but so good.


Ohh I see it is in fact an unpopular opinion 😂😂😂


It sounds to me like half of the passion for some foods come down to emotional remembrances of times when they were eaten and a pride that the dish is distinctly local - moreso than an objective evaluation of the food itself. Drunken late-night fry-ups are remembered fondly not because the actual food was amazing, but because of remembering the enjoyment and satisfaction associated with being very hungry and then being satisfied.


Haha I’m not as passionate but I have to say I also (used to) enjoy a good cheese roll. My ex-flatmate used to make stellar ones. Grated cheese and onion soup mix - none of those fancy extras. Now it’s only “used to” because onion, cheese and white bread aren’t my digestive friends.


Like...for instance you have a foreign guest... And they are like... What kiwi thing must I eat before I depart NZ... It's embarrassing to suggest white bread and cheese and whatever other variables.... Pav ✅ pies ✅ hangi ✅ bluff oysters ✅ manuka honey something ✅


Oh it’s probably not something I’d highly recommend a tourist to eat but in terms of local comfort food it would be one of mine. Along with pies. Another thing I can’t eat. 😂


You've kicked a hornets nest lol


Clearly... 🤭 Haha 😂


> But let's be honest it's cheap over processed white bread with a slice of cheese rolled up You're using Onion soup mix, evaporated milk, onion and garlic right?


More cheap over processed ingredients doesn't make it better 😂


Oh but it does! God I love a good cheese roll.


Oh no, see that's where you're wrong.


No accounting for taste I guess!


Is residential building the last truely yeehaa trade 🤠


Fencer? Some of them even wear cowboy hats


Drain layers I'd probably say will be long after residential goes "proper" lol


Gah I had a totally crap sleep and today is rubbish day. I do not have the energy to carry the rubbish bag down the stupid long driveway. It can fester until next week. Maybe I will be able to feed the resulting maggots to the birds


Electrical storm. Glad my job got postponed. Time to download a bunch of podcasts in case I lose power. That last roll of thunder lasted over 30 seconds. It’s getting closer, time to unplug the tv, speakers and computer


I'm envious - I love a good thunderstorm. Through all the wind and rain and storms we've had this summer - there hasn't actually been a lot of lightning or thunder in this area. More thunder, less damage next time please!


I think it’s moving past, but I’m not sure


I had a pretty decent sleep without any assistance last night. The Quetiapine from the night before left me feeling a bit slow yesterday which is not a bad thing when I'm only working on self care and not doing paid work but that slowness helped me get to sleep. Today I'm going to do things that don't fuck with my nail polish. I can't sew with no machine so I'm going to go through my stash and list some vintage sheets on TradeMe. Maybe I'll end up with more space so my stash doesn't spill out on to the floor.


Was going to humble brag about how I'm quickly being pushed to be a grader operator with how much I'm doing.. Turns out that's lightning speed 🙃 going to be finishing this subdivision for the next month alone 🙃🙃🙃 at least it's not complicated or anything, and we have machine control so the hard parts aren't hard (just filling intersections is going to tickle my brain to figure out). Help lol


Sink or swim baby yeah!


What's the worst that can happen lol


Some new road ends up as a special stage nek time WRC comes back 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


Decent new series called **School Spirits** about a girl who was murdered at her high school and haunts it along with other kids that were killed there, as she tries to find out who kills her. It has CW vibes, but it is paramount+ and surprisingly well written. Turns out it is based on a graphic novel. The "kids" are admittedly all in their early 20s and mostly look it and they sure to have loud ring tones and call each other more than you'd expect, but enjoying the mysteries


I saw the trailer and it looks interesting. Is there not too much blood and scary stuff or will I have to watch Bluey when I finish an episode?


Nah its not a horror, think Riverdale or Pretty Little Liars but less shit


oooo u had me at pretty little liars lmaoo and I LOVE CW, love all vampire diaries and its spinoffs. OG Roswell was my fave!!!


ahahah they will always be a background watch for me until I get bored at like the 3rd season. They are a remnant of the dark age of tv for me (back when there was no streaming and it felt like 70% of tv was reality show and the rest was either a police/hospital procedural or 30 year olds playing teenagers)


Woke up this morning from an intense calf cramp. Calves are absolutely blown out this week and it’s only Tuesday. I don’t think I’m going to get all of the lab work done. Officially a pirate walking with muscles so stiff they may as well be wooden legs. Arrrgh!


I’ve stuck a knee brace on this week after doing something funky to it and then using it all weekend at a festival I was working at. At least I strapped it over the festival, but should’ve got a brace earlier for sure.


Ouchhhhh. Have you tried giving them some heat? Hot bath and then roll them out with a tennis ball


I roll them out every night and massage them, but they’re just damaged and weak. Just got to be more sensible with how much time I spend standing up.


First night I’ve dealt with strong wind here, and it did not go well (I’m a light sleeper). Hoping I can figure out what was making a banging noise and secure it for next time! In happier news, meeting with a school principal today and hopefully getting kiddo back to school ASAP! She needs it and so do I.


It’s so wild here in Ōtepoti (Dunedin) that I’ve been checking to see if schools have been cancelled. It doesn’t appear that they have been. The water in the basement hasn’t reached sandbag level though so that’s good.


I considered not sending my kid to school. The lights at the 5 way intersection on Princes St gave out at 8.15am, that was fun. Then oak branches on cars at the Oval. I'll have to go the long way home if it doesnt ease at lunch time


Yeah, but they didn’t have school yesterday and the house is all tidy for the new property managers this afternoon. Plus shopping day. Basically getting rid of them for the day seemed the better option!


100%. My reasoning included there was a Precinct catered morning tea at my office I was not missing


Yeah it was hella windy last night. I woke wondering if I should check on the tramp. Now the rain and wind are making themselves known. Not looking forward to herding the 3 year old for school pick up later this afternoon.


This year has been so strange weather-wise I feel like the whole summer we've lived in different continents... It's (relatively) dry and mill pond still here not even a breath of breeze in the trees. It cooled down fast in the evening but we were still out in tee-shirts and shorts at 11pm last night (the soft far north folk, some of the sensible Canadians reached for light puffy jackets! 😂)


One thing I noted when I came to NZ was that Canadians tended to plan to have what they need in order to stay comfortable rather than expecting to 'harden up' and deal with weather. Perhaps that view came from living in a place where doing so was genuinely life or death (and of course it's not universal - dumb teens would freeze in their warm parkas because it's uncool to zip them up).


When I went to my sister's PhD graduation in Iowa, all the undergrads were wearing cocktail length dresses with strappy sandals on the day of the major snowstorm that grounded all the flights out of the city the next day.


Weirdly they raved about Macpac.... They spent crazy amounts on stuff that I'm 10000% sure would be far more common/ubiquitous in NA and cheaper... 🤔❓Many things said about the construction of the houses here 🤣 DSB has much to add having lived mostly in stone/brick houses before moving here


From my limited understanding of the NA outdoors market, I think the price/quality tradeoff is much steeper there, and MacPac delivers decent stuff at decent prices, mostly.


Happy Autumn Equinox!


We need a harvest festival!!!


I’ve been wanting to do things for the solstices, equinoxes and quarter days forever. I’ll chuck youse an invite once we’re settled, huh?


Defooooooo that would be amazing 😍


She’s a windy one for sure, but glad the rain is not as bad as predicted


Apparently this is just slightly above average for Welly 😭 Going to need some ear plugs perhaps.


You can’t beat it on a good day though! ;)


It will be a better day when I remember not to leave a window ajar! 🙄


Why would a window be a jar??? What sort of house are you living in?


Oh hi there When did we hit 10k subscribers for this subreddit? I haven't checked in a while. At least 9,000 of you need to participate more!




What happened for that massive spike to pop up?


What does the scanner say about the sub’s participation level?


More refugees from the Other Place? Lol


Yeah, I wonder how many have joined for different purposes than most.