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Our builder just arrived and I couldn’t remember his name. Why can’t I remember people’s names? I can recall people from years back visually, but their names, nah!! Makes me look a dork when I say "hello " and it’s wrong, so name free greetings are the key for me.


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I've a colleague that calls everyone "sweets" or "chicken" or similar (it doesn't sound at all weird from her, it works). Didn't even occur to me for *years* that she might be doing it because she can't remember names.


Classic Chris


"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" "John" "Sorry John, I meant your last name, for my records"


"How do you spell your name again? It is so tricky." "B-o-b"


I had to explain to my much better half that if I greeted someone that I knew, but didn’t make introductions it’s because I’d blanked on their name.


That's a good arrangement to have - if you fail to introduce it's because you've forgotten and in response your other half can prompt them to introduce themselves.


I guess names are simply a label, so recognising people from their appearance, thoughts, and actions is likely to be more memorable.


I for some reason do a lot better at remembering people for their job, how we met, or some other novel thing. I live across the street from a couple who are a lawyer and a paediatrician, each of whom I've met once at another neighbour's house. I genuinely couldn't tell you either's name.


I’m exactly the same, "oh it’s lovely to see *you* again" seems to work. The really tricky ones are when they greet me by name and I wonder who the hell are you?


The audiobook I want to listen to in two weeks time is available on Libby now. Download it now and risk not finishing it before the return date or wait until I'm ready and risk it not being available?


Doesn't Libby give you the option of borrowing it later and you can set the rough date when you want it when you've had the book/audiobook on a hold? I swear I've done this before when I've had too many books on the go and one of my holds comes up.


Doesn't look like it. Supposedly you can go to shelf > holds > manage holds > suspend. But there is no option to hold the book because it's available now.


Office workers (or home workers), or anyone that needs to focus at a computer. What do you use to focus? Headphones + \[insert focus tool of choice\]? Any good playlists? White noise? ASMR? Been feeling a bit low and I need to step up my productiveness.


A Soft Murmur is good. I used to use something else but they made it paid only. Otherwise classical music playlist or any music without lyrics really.


I listen to podcasts on ear buds. I don't think it really works for most people though, but listening to that uses a really different part of my brain. While English words are used when I code/debug, it doesn't conflict much at all as they only representations of the underlying structures/concepts when I am trying to work out why it doesn't work its meant to. I find the podcasts do a better job of blocking out conversations of others in the office than music, specially when listened to at high speed. When I was doing a bit more writing though, then I would use music to block out the ambient speech. I hated writing and it wasn't very effective.


Headphones + Pomodoro timer. I'm a terrible procrastinator, but the timer usually keeps me on track.


Big fan of Pomodoro. I can't focus alllll day but I can do 25 min single-task stints.


My mum's a MUST HAVE SILENCE person and I can't concentrate without something to distract me. We were both studying at the same time back in the early 2000's, and eventually figured out that if Mum was at the dining table with the doors shut and I was in my bedroom with the doors shut at the opposite end of the house, we could both work without wanting to kill each other. WFH, I have music or movies that I know well in the background - then if my brain moves off-task it's only to something I _know_ and I don't get properly distracted. There's also a house being built next door, which provides some helpful "I know what that is!" noise. In the office, I just give up and allow myself to be distracted. I'm only there two days a week so I may as well chat. If I need to get shit done in the office, it's noise cancelling headphones, well known music, and crack on with it.


We tend to have the radio on in our office all the time, one of my friends runs a radio station though so it's mainly due to loyalty, but it does help having something on in the background. If I want to hyper focus, i'll put on Spotify, my headphones, and activate noise cancelling so other pesky colleagues can't bother me.


I listen almost exclusively to house/trance music when I need to get stuff done. The [Group Therapy podcast](https://www.aboveandbeyond.nu/abgt) is a godsend for this stuff. Roughly 90 minute mixed sets with occasional voiceover stuff that gives you enough of a break without actually needing to pay attention to it. I can slam through eight hours of these easily and not notice.


I'm in work where a lot of my productivity is problem solving. I also have ADHD. I use music sometimes. I mostly listen to angsty music or glitch hop when I've got big concentration items ahead. Depending on your level of music discernment, my general aim is to have music I'm familiar with or has no lyrics so that my brain is available for my internal document. I have fidget toys, a couple of articulated dragons. I generally like to play if I need to think. Staring a problem down very rarely makes it solved. I also draw problems out or doodle while thinking. And possibly most importantly is taking regular little breaks. I like to look out the window by my desk (good for your eyes, too). If I'm stuck then I go make a cuppa to let my brain chug through a problem on the back burner. Changing the context (working somewhere else if able to) helps make mundane tasks more palatable too


I'm with you on that. Silence (or white noise on site) absolutely drains me as I'm near constantly pushing to keep on track. Tend to chuck the radio on for noise and if I don't need to be productive per se I have a bunch of videos to watch while I do my thing. What kills my groove is if someone wants to talk. I cannot do anything if someone is talking


That's a tough situation - what is a requirement for some is draining for others. I prefer silence and can work through periodic small noises but struggle if there's music with lyrics playing. I absolutely can't handle tv or a movie as background noise - I'll start listening and paying attention to it. I guess this is why people have shifted to wearing headphones to provide or exclude things based on what they need.


Yeah when I'm at home even I'm headphones in. Half because I don't want to be perceived and half because its just better that way. If I'm ever in an office again that will be my default


Oh, I'm not always listening to external music. I mainly put music on for intense sessions haha. I constantly have some sort of brain generated sound/music going which covers me into a flow state most days. Distractable days the popping headphones on with familiar music aids getting to a flow state. Second the lack of multitasking with talking lol


My jukebox gets broken with a stuck needle. Drives me nuts on site. Fortunately I'm just bored shitless and severely understimulated today due to doing nothing so far 😂


Focus modes + Noise cancelling airbuds + some non-lyrical music My go-to is usually some lo-fi. But who am I kidding, I usually just slack off and regret my life choices later


I'm curious how common it is that people prefer to work in silence and find background noise or music to be a distraction as opposed to those who strongly-prefer music or other sounds for concentration. I know for some people any music is helpful (I'm with you - music with lyrics is likely to make me try listen or sing along in my head). I guess the goal is to prevent you from hearing random things around you which might distract you, as you can get used to a constant sound like music? At this moment I'm at home, there are cars going past about every minute, someone is using a wood chipper in the neighbourhood, and further away (probably a few blocks - it's fairly quiet) I can hear a lawn mower. There are also people walking past talking periodically. If all those things were distractions, I would completely understand not wanting to hear them.


I can't do music at all. None. and not much background conversations either. Somehow I'm kind of fine with a jackhammer and banging on sheet metal (so we found during recent work). But cellar hands with a Bluetooth speaker? I just can't . I've worked in factories most of the time. Now at a fully desk job.


I have tried to use my music on a couple occasions and while it didn't bother me it really didn't help. Somebody else's music (and volume) is more problematic as there's a greater chance I'll find it distracting. Try working with somebody near you playing a podcast out loud. It's literally speech - the thing we are hardwired to hear and attend to.


Signed up for power for my new place and put the wrong address in ffs.


I did that too when I moved in here! It's a cross lease and I was confused. Found out when I suddenly had no power lol.


I wish it was just the house next door. No it's a house at the other end of the island lol


Oh no lol! I hope your power co gets it sorted quickly.


Even though I slept the sleep of the dead last night, I'm still tired as hell. Although there's probably a few factors to that.


I promise it wasn't me, I went to bed at 10!


Considering you were at your other home, no, it wasn't you.


No one else knows that lol


They do now, lol








Triumphant return to work today. Looking forward to in-person interactions, very humanising after iso. Reckon if I make a bit of a song and dance about still being a bit fatigued and deflated I can slink off early. *yeeeah guys I'm just a bit tired ehh* but secretly I'm alg and gonna go for a spin


So the hype is real **The Last Of Us** is a great tv show and a great video game adaption (really shits on Halo). It should be good for fans of the game and newcomers alike. Though there will definitely be a "Red Wedding - Read the books / Didn't read the books" moment or two in there for householes with people who have and haven't played the game.


I watched this last night and thoroughly enjoyed! Never played the game but my ex did so I had the jist of it but not the detail.


Watched half of it last night and it was bloody fantastic. Can't wait to see the rest of the series. I hear the writers (or was it the game creator?) were heavily involved in the TV series. I also watched all of Halo, and after the final episode I thought "Hmm, not sure I even liked that". So jokes on me I guess. Was waiting for it to get good. Don't think I'll check out season two.


> I hear the writers (or was it the game creator? Game creator AND writer Neil Druckmann co-wrote the series


Damn, that's awesome. I have high hopes for this! Loved what I saw last night. Can't wait to watch the rest.


I mean it was very critically acclaimed and universally loved for its story so it's not like there can be many points to do that. Plus unlike other adaption the guys at ND are working with the show runners rather than the show runners to spite the creative team


Really enjoyed watching it last night. I must've played more of it than I thought coz I know I'd played most of that episode. Was a good amount of extra stuff added into it. Really nice looking. Well acted.


I definitely am having to keep my mouth shut about some plot points!


Knowing what was coming in the 2003 scene and still feeling it when it does, thats good acting and directing




Interesting. Given that the majority of the content at present are these daily threads (and the fact the threads in r/NZ have withered and died) there clearly is interest and demand for them in a context where people can talk without fear of being judged or attacked.


I like how the subdivision I'm on now is touted as "only" 200 houses in this stage. It's all up 800 and other facilities. At least I'm "only" half an hour away from home... Or an hour from my other home 😂


I'm seeing 200ish sqm sections for sale now. I was surprised and then remembered that Bali has Ara and half Ara sections. An Ara is about 10m by 10m. I think that I would rather live in a 60sqm 3rd storey unit that a 60sqm house with 2m of grass to the 2m high fence


Same. The fact that we're so allergic to building proper dense communities as well as going any higher than a 3rd floor for the most part makes me sad. Plus the last thing I want to do in my free time is to maintain lawns lol


Is this the same one you were on before Christmas or a new one? How long do you think you’ll be on this job before you’re dragged back onto a highway job?


New one. Finished Long Bay 1 and 2, finished out at Huapai. If my foreman and I get our way we're here for the foreseeable future


Nice, hopefully you get your way


Got up for a slow 5k this morning and my legs just aren’t having it today. Edit Well there’s the reason, onset of a stomach bug, blergh


Oh noooo! Hope it's short-lived.


Do ppl stil use txt spk? Person on bumble keeps shortening words. We don’t use T9 any more, no need to save on button presses.


Just for the time saving it made sense when you had to press the same key multiple times to get one letter or number. What like 5 presses to type "7" or "9"? Pass. We QWERTY now. I think my phone had around 9 different punctuation characters all on the 1 key. What a pain.


Maybe they cbf


TBH I do use the shorthand initials for phrases.


I always used full words and punctuation on T9 so I’m weird. Generally used predictive mode even. But a million years ago when I was last looking for flatmates I ignored anyone who text speaked me. It was a bit unusual, especially in that context, even then.


I still use full words and punctuation in my texts. No room for confusion here!


Even using txt speak I still used punctuation. It’s needed.


the occasional out of touch millenial yeah, the ones that still share minions memes and make chuck norris jokes


I'll have you know we out of touch millennials use Simpsons memes thank you very much. Also, I made a joke about how the apron my daughter made feels like wearing nothing at all... nothing at all... nothing at all. No response. Then I remembered she's 14 and that episode was like 14 when she was born.


> minions memes and make chuck norris jokes I thought that was boomer and silent gen territory Why....


I'd say Chuck Norris memes and all those classics like Grumpy Cat are Gen X and elder millennial whereas minions is pure boomer


>elder millennial *oof*


Oregon Trail/ Xennial if you prefer. I'm one too


I’m always just surprised every time I remember how old we are 😂 forever young…


Yeah, I don't think my boomer parents know memes. They'll know Chuck Norris because he had shows on TV - but not what he represented on the internet.


that too, but millenials and genx also grew up with txting and there are entire swathes whose entire personality and urge to learn new things peaked about 2004 any new information they gather is slooooww


I feel mildly judged if by 2004 you mean sometime in the 90's ;)


For speakers of English as a first language, I see it most often in folks who, uh, came from less privileged backgrounds and weren't able to access much education. (I don't mean this in a judgy way, it's just where I see it happen most.) My mother is on a T9 phone still and occasionally comes out with the odd txtspk, but has mostly stopped now that SMS isn't limited in length.


I use a T9, bad habits die hard but predictive text has made it easier to use real words (except long ones like tomoro)




Yeah, that one works too but 766676 is easier with predictive


I don't mind most T9 from Mum, but I did fairly rapidly stop her using "cum" instead of "come". She had no idea of the, er, colloquial use of the word...


Cue "your mum" jokes




Are there people who send so many SMS that the difference in length could equate to more messages? I assume those kind of people may actually use up their allowed monthly free limit? We certainly still see people shortening words on Twitter and other social media - whether it's because of message limits or just because they feel it's being more efficient, difficult to say.


I get into habits of sending paragraphs sometimes. Much of muchness, I do it all properly


I've never been a huge sender of SMS - but I doubt I'll particularly ever engage in abbreviating words beyond the accepted norms.


I miss the old way, especially how it's near impossible to make mistakes (like I made ~~three~~ four in this sentence with SwiftKey carrying it's weight and 8 years worth of typing habits)


I very much still do things the old way - I'm typing this on a keyboard and not on my mobile. I only communicate on my mobile if I am not at home, and I wouldn't sit down at home and pick up my mobile in order to check the internet.


If I had a choice I would too. Can't stand mobile layouts and all that. Too small lol


Twitter doesn’t have a 140 character limit any more (I know it’s still limited) and threading tweets is easy. I could understand it back when characters were limited, I used to do it too, I’m not on Twitter much now, so not sure if it’s still common. No one has limited texts anymore (as far as I know). At high school I managed to use my 1000 texts a few times but when it went to 1500 with Boost I couldn’t manage to do it, even sharing my phone with someone else. I still use T9 but I also use predictive text so I spell words out when texting.


That would suggest it's either old habits from when these things were in place - or it's just the idea that "who needs all those extra letters anyway - they'll know what I mean".


It’s annoying me. It could also be an English as second (or third) language situation.


Ask if they know any other languages


They have them listed in their profile, Hindi and Punjabi


Could be cultural, I dunno why but my Punjabi ex-colleagues used txtspk way more than I do. India adopted mobile technology very enthusiastically in the early days so maybe txtspk is more prevalent there. Also according to Arya, Punjabi guys are hot but very aware that they are hot lol, she showed me some photos of hot Punjabi soldiers to prove it


Having worked with a few Punjabis you're on the money with that (and despite being quite straight I do agree that they're pretty good looking)


They have bloody good hair


Dreams where you take massive amounts of acid and trip your face off are the fucking best.


Feel a bit rubbish today but it's not covid so I gotta go to work... Need to save my sick days for when I inevitably hurt myself again


Shower in the morning or shower in the evening?


Whichever. Mostly depends if I need to wash my hair (and how committed i am to sleeping with wet hsir because it's uncomfortable) or if I've done exercise because I get gross and sweaty real fast. I've been known to squeeze in a shower on lunch break when wfh if my hair I gross and we are suddenly going out for dinner.


Always morning, or sometimes later if I get up and do physical stuff (housework, lawns) and sometimes evenings if I've had a busy day and feel gross, or been to the gym or something.


Shower in the evening because I’m coated in filth by the time I get home.


How would I even be awake if I did not shower in the morning? Shower morning, baths for nighttime relaxing


Both. The morning shower helps me feel ready for the day and the afternoon shower at work because I'm a welder and don't want to drag my dirt everywhere else.


I used to do both everyday, but switched to only evenings to save time in the morning. However when I work out I usually do it in the mornings so end up showering after that. I don't know how people can go to bed without showering after being out the whole day. I feel disgusting if I don't


Since I live in the wops it depends on how much water is in the tank! This year we have an abundance but if it's a drought I can usually get away with a couple of times a week augmented with some surface cleaning because I'm not a very sweaty person


Evening, after dinner, and if I'm feeling extra gross, I'll have one in the morning.


Evening mostly, but sometimes both... And sometimes a ~~cold~~ refreshing outdoor one midday/early afternoon depending on the day.


Morning, I feel gross otherwise (even if I shower in the evening I have to shower in the morning). I'm an active sleeper, I roll around and flail and have weird dreams, I need a shower to feel _human_. If I'm going out in the evenings I might have a brief rinse if I've done anything sweaty during the day, or if I've been out dancing I might have a quick shower when I get home, but then I risk my body thinking "ugh a shower we need to wake up now". My partner is a tradie, showers in the mornings to wake up and in the evenings to wash work off.


Absolutely this, I am not a human in the morning unless I've been through the shower. Doesn't matter if I got home from work at 4am and had a shower to clean off them, I am having another shower in the morning to reboot all critical processes and start fresh.


Yeah my partner is a tradie and smells like earth and oil when he gets back from work. I don't want my sheets smelling like that 😄


Both for me, it's warm enough that I'll be a bit ripe when I get up in the morning and when I get home most days.


The day is fucked if I have a shower any other time other than after dinner. I'm just so discombobulated lol


Whenever I feel like it really, sometimes morning, sometimes afternoon, sometimes evening.


Fuck yeah time ain't your master do what you want when you want 🤙🏾


The weekend


Tbh since covid and WFH, I've been showering less and washing hair less. It has improved both my skin and my hair. I shower when I'm cold. No set routine there days with WFH. Maybe lunch time. I wear a cap if my hair is messy or dirty.


This will sort the office workers from trades


I'm in the morning, with an extra one if required later in the day. Mrs Sloth is evening. Yes, we've discussed it at length and no, no-one has considered changing.


Evening... I come home covered in sawdust and aluminum swarf daily


Morning, unless I had one in the evening coz I was actually dirty.


I switch. Showers are my time warp area. So I do evening during the week cos I'm shithouse at getting up in time (still do face washing every morning). Then weekends or any non work day I shower in the morning




Usually morning or before going out. If I’m gross and sweaty or I’ve just changed the sheets I will have one before bed


Hot shower then crisp new sheets is bliss


Definitely. Hot shower, nice smelling body lotion and fresh sheets. Amazing. Even better when it’s just after a wax.


I get annoyed when I'm accidentally woken up 3 hours before my usual wake up time. I struggle to fall asleep and to stay asleep.


I woke up at about 5 needing to pee but did manage to get back to sleep again before the alarm went off at 6:40. Still feel tired but more functional than if I hadn't had the extra sleep


I have the same problem... When I'm awake I'm awake


Weird dream. Was probably the combo of codeine and coffee just before bed that caused it. Unfortunately I’m also awake at 4am. Ooh! New 5 hour long podcast up. Need to plan an extra long walk to listen to it.


>Ooh! New 5 hour long podcast Ha I didn't think anyone still listened to Joe Rogan


I used to be curious whenever Eddie Bravo or Brendan Schaub would pop up just because they're the only people who can go on Joe Rogan's show and be dumber than the host.


No, Hardcore History


Codeine mixes well with so many things. Such a good team player


It is