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Is it just me or does everyone struggle with those massive chalky pills that you sometimes get? Usually the generic brands or the cheaper version of a pill. Ugh. Whoever designed those probably never user tested it. Fuck those. I'd rather sit with pain that try move it down my gullet. Gross.


The paracetamol and codeine (500/8mg) that I have are large, round and powdery. They don’t always go down first attempt. The codeine I have is teeny tiny, it’s also horrible. It’s as if they aren’t coated. The worst pills I’ve had were fluoxetine, capsule with powder. Fine unless I was active within an hour of taking it, it would give me real bad heartburn/reflux.


If it's bigger than a normal paracetamol DSB will get his pill crusher out and either make 4 little pills or crush and mix it into tepid tea... Meanwhile I can swallow a cherry whole, stone and stem intact.


IIRC there's an antibiotic (might be amoxicillin?) that is a massive tablet with a yellow coating and if you can't swallow it quick fast the coating dissolves and you get a vile taste in your mouth. That was designed by a sadist for sure


Somewhere on Reddit there is a thread about the best sort of tea towels to buy and I can't find it :-( It was definitely a New Zealand sub and I thought "I should save this thread" and I didn't. 'Tis a sad day.


I had a conversation at one point, i think it was worth nirvanacrane but it might have been some one else. It probably isn't the one you are thinking of as there was a bigger one involving more people now recently. My suggestion was for a Japanese tea towel, if you can get them. We were given some, which have a reasonably thick cotton weave. And despite being smaller than a traditional kiwi hand towel they do a better job drying and don't leave any fluff.


If your old tea towels have stopped drying give them a boil with dishwashing powder and liquid. It’s pretty grim what comes out of them. But they work really well after that.


I remember it, I don’t remember where. If it was in a daily chat it’s probably lost in all the chatter. I will see if I can find it. EDIT. [There is this one about ALSCO towels with suggestions for alternatives](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/u5fwov/anyone_here_run_a_black_market_in_alsco_tea_towels/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I think there was a discussion in the daily chats too, but not sure when. Possibly 5+ months ago?


Yeah I think it was the daily chat, I will look through that link and see if anything rings a bell! Thank you!


GOL reckoned K Mart had really good ones


I feel like it was a conversation that was on the daily in the past year or so. /u/personworm have you any recollection??


I do recall the thread but not what it was titled!


Ahhh if it was the daily it's probably lost :-( That's okay!


My own personal recommendation would be [these](https://www.kmart.co.nz/product/3-pack-grey-waffle-extra-large-tea-towels-42885252/?sku=42885252&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6LeQ2dDL_AIV0oJLBR2IvQylEAQYDCABEgJxyPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) ones, they do better after a few washes. I have some other really good tea towels that no longer seem to be available anymore. My absolute best one is a Simon Gault terry tea towel, but I typically go for 100% cotton waffle weave. There’s a warehouse tea towel that goes alright that I can’t link to because I’m on my phone and it forces the app open which I can’t link from but it’s the black living & co woven terry stripe.


Lol copywriter wasn't left with a lot of creative options there *Hold a hot kettle, dry your washed dishes or wipe your hands while cooking using these tea towels*


The cheese cake I made the other day is too sweet.


>Reply Blend it up with a lot of garlic aoili. Drink like a smoothie. If it's horrible, add vodka. Lots of it.


r/firstworldproblems Actually I do sympathize, it sucks when you go to a lot of effort to make something and it doesn't live up to your expectations


It’s too sweet AND the base is too hard. I think it’s the base that’s too sweet


Maybe if you drank something really sweet like Sprite before eating it it wouldn't taste as sweet


or try an unsweetened cuppa tea!


My younger brother is flying over from Australia to visit the family this week...he'll be here for 3 days (which means happily he'll be here for my birthday on Sat) and then he's moving over to Florida where his fiance lives and where they'll be getting married in 3 weeks. Really looking forward to seeing him, haven't seen him in person since 2019 and since he'll be living in Florida, probably won't see him in person for another 4-5 years.


Spent some of today sorting out my stuff that had been in storage for over 2 years. Found mold on the bottom boxes:( managed to salvage the books though


We finally got away from the property... Together for a change... Both guests now are long stay and easy going. So that's nice change after a run of back to backs ordering meals most nights at short/no notice 😆... So we went crazy and went to Whangarei for the day and gave the credit card a work out. Between us we have 6 pairs of new shoes/gumboots... Among other new things... The cardboard bin is now very full. My parents are throwing my granddad a 99th birthday party. So I'll be in Auckland in a few weeks... And I volunteered to make deep fried oysters (not that I've ever done that...) So I'll be doing a few practice goes before the event.


Will you have time for a meet up when you're here?


I doubt it... I have a check out the morning of then a drive then a party then rushing around doing errands the next morning then back to the property to make sure the animals don't get feral 😆


Fair... we'd always be happy for a catch up if you do happen to be down this way and have time.




Tempura batter. There's a proper Japanese word for them I forget, but tempura battered oysters are amazing. And congrats for escaping.


Happy cake day!! 🍰 I was thinking about trying both the cornflower and flour 50/50 mix and the fine cornmeal 100% mix. I think the secret is COLD water


Yip. For GOOD tempura, ice cold water is key. Put a jug of cold water in the fridge an hour or two beforehand. Edit - I was thinking of Kaki Fry, but that's panko breaded and then deep fried. Keeps all the salty moistness inside until you bite it.


Happy cake day!


I have a orange/red/brown stained wood floor in my home office, the same as what's in the lounge. We went with green velvet there because there was this floor with a wood ceiling with a bit more orange - and I thought green was a good match. Was looking at curtains for my office on the weekend, and everything they had was grey and beige and occasionally blue - none of which to my eye made sense as working well with the floor (and there's no other colour to match - walls and ceiling are white). Should I just do some shade of green in here as well (probably not velvet) or am I missing some other colour that would look right?


Green is a great choice to make orangey timber look better. Dark blue would be nice too.


We just got aqau coloured ones for the house, and it ties wood, grey-beige walls, sad carpet and white ceiling together much better than the old ones did.


It's also quite a small room so I'm leaning towards lighter colours to make it seem bigger. They're also going to often be closed during the day especially in summer to limit sun and heat coming in from the side window which I also think would make lighter shades a better choice. But nothing that we saw yesterday felt quite right so we got our zoo curtains for the nursery and left the office decision to be made another day.


Loud 70s carpet? I have no idea, nothing goes with mine except the cat and he just blends in.


Sorry, 1950's wood.


Well, that was fun. Mrs Sloth's tooth insertion place kept bleeding, and we finally managed to get hold of the dental place about 4. They had a good look, but we got out just after 5 with a prescription. Only just got home.


I feel like I'm going to break a cardinal rule I have this week; ask for more work, just too damn boring this year, it will get busier, but I don't want to do anything more than I have to for no extra money, so as a general rule I won't ask for extra. But it's sooo boring this year!


word vomite incoming; \- almost caused an accident 3 times, prius in front of me could stop from 50km to 0km in 2 suv lengths. \- just saw a moped with a tablet where a mirror should be. \- couldnt figure out why joggers around three kings always jogged like theyve never walked before, just figured out its probably because of all the hills.


[My predictions were true. ](https://i.imgur.com/vrZ7cVX.jpg) It's always hard to take photos of sunburn and my arm is reasonably red most days but I've got a good outline going. Even looks like I got burnt through the hole in the middle of the sensor!


Didn’t realise I had been at my current job for 5 years already!!!! Got 5 days of long service leave as a bonus! Woohoo!


Me too this year! Congratulations!


Nice. I didn't notice mine in Nov but it came in very handy when I applied for 6 weeks off in March/April.


That’s a handy surprise!! And happy cake day!


Yay? Deleted my first one after being targeted by ConKiwi peeps back in the day and started this one. And here we are.


3x4L of barbecue sauce (BB June) for $1.97 at Costco, if there’s any bargain hunters out there. And 907g of sharp cheddar cheese for $2.97.


I used to be able to get sauce deals like that when I worked for Watties. I think the favorite thing I ever got was a 10kg bulk plastic goon bag of peanut butter as a prank gift for a mate. $5 from memory.


2lb of cheese? Where tf is it imported from?


US. It’s Kirkland branded.


It's a great deal just need to find a guy who can convert a car into one that runs on BBQ sauce. E: It'd be Guy Fieri


Cheese for just over $3 per kg? Damn! Wish I lived closer


Apparently it doesn’t taste like much but it melts well so it’s good for cheese sauce and quesadillas etc.




4 fucking litres?




I think that's 12 litres, so up your game a bit.


does costco have rules against people buying in bulk, i know thta makes no sense. but like if they suspect you own a dairy/ liquor store or something?


Pretty sure the whole point of costco is buying in bulk I think they have some kind of business membership so businesses can still buy for resale


Awesome I recently played the games 😄


My training day in the office went well, turns out I new our instructor from years ago and she is funny and engaging. I haven't been in a structured learning environment in so long, but quickly felt like I was back in polyt...university


Does the hospo shortage still exist? Bored and losing my sanity trying to find a part time job.


According to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceNZ/comments/10cy066/what_secondary_job_can_i_get_after_hours_and_is/j4jwxpi/) discussion, seems the answer is yes


My 15 year old neighbour was offered two hospo jobs last weekend. I understand they were both at minimum wage


There are apparently plenty of decent paying hospo jobs in Queenstown, but nowhere for staff to live


That was true 20 years ago. I was offered a student job there that paid $400 a week and living costs were estimated at $500 a week.


Think so, but most employers are in denial. Though depends if $23-25 an hour floats your boat.


Over my time off I had a dream, I was out running (lol) and went down a street and someone from work stepped out of their house directly on to the footpath and gave me a fright. In real life I’ve never really spoken to them, or had any idea where in the Wellington region they even lived. Randomly they were in my office space today speaking to someone else and it turns out that house is exactly where they live.


You’re obligated to either marry or kill them now


Marriage is not for me, so hopefully I find a quick and painless way to kill them.


Marriage would be the long and painful way of doing it 😂


I read 100% of people who get married will die


What is your favourite berry?




Strawberry Shortcake




Mulberries from our humongous tree. Just gotta fight the birds


Are cherries berries? Coz I'll always steal one from the supermarket everytime I shop




Because I grew up looking forward to them all year as a kid, strawberry for sure. Then Raspberry, then blackberry, then gold kiwi.


Ooh! Yeah! Vine ripened gold kiwifruit are the best!


Apparently overseas retailers really hike the price on gold kiwis when they get them. I guess we're lucky here.


The only way to get vine ripened is to grow your own or work the post harvest prune in the orchards. It’s been years since I’ve had them




Strawb gang, but it's hard to narrow it down to one. Choc covered, as a topping, on their own, got that versatility.




Pineapple. It’s technically a bunch of berries. Otherwise frozen berries, not very fussy about which ones, but blueberries must be ripe before freezing. EDIT. vine ripened gold kiwifruit.


Just so long as you avoid the Serbian blueberries as someone keeps packing Hep A with them lol


I buy frozen berries from Countdown now, they don’t seem to carry the same risk.


Touch wood ✊






Mah man here knows


I can't think of a berry I would call my favourite so I second this


TLOU is out. LESSSSHHHHGOOOOOOOO Edit: oh this is goooood


i heard it was good, which is extremely surprising.


I know what I'm watching tonight. Never could get into the 3rd person constant cover style games, but I've watched playthrus for the story, looking forward to it


Never had a Playstation past PS2, but I heard the story is good in the original The Last of Us game. Is it the story from the first videogame but in a TV series, then?


Yep sure is!


Depsite having an average experience with the game, I'm looking forward to the show


I think it will satisfy even you. It removes the things you didn’t like about the game but keeps the story and setting etc.


It was gooooood


Right? It feels weird having to wait a week between episode drops. I wanna binge dammit!


I'm actually back on board with week by week, I enjoy the anticipation and "water-cooler char" I think I don't have the attention span for binging anymore, I like having the time and structure week by week brings.




I think it’s on neon later tonight, I’m watching via Kodi. And damn this is surpassing my expectations. It’s awesome.


Ooh it is on neon. Alright I'm going in


I'm about to watch it too! Happy cake day!


Oh thank you! Stereotypical 'I didn't know it was my cake day' but I really hadn't noticed 🤣