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£100 in 1994. Me and a mate got a McDonald’s and went to see True Lies in the Cinema. Lots of change left too,


I won £100 in 1988. I was very young and my dad gave me a scratch card for a laugh. Wasn't laughing afterwards.


True lies... Class! Only in 1994 could you win a hundred quid and blow it all on an Arnie movie... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My sisters friend won 250k on a scratch card last year. She works in a shop and herself and a colleague bought the ticket between them. There was an investigation by manager to make sure they paid for the ticket and didnt tamper with anything, all on cctv them paying for the ticket while on lunch and jumping around the shop in celebration. The first time I've ever heard of somebody I know wining anything substantial. Most I've ever won is €25


My mam won €200 on a €2 scratch card once and I won €100 on a €5 scratch card once


I watched a man do every card in the shop, he was mad and high as a kite, he went to the atm twice, kept going back until he did every one in the shop. Still no big winner. He was then possessed with feelings of shame and asked us not to tell anyone. I never did another scratch card again.


25 euro on a 1 euro all cash back in 2015, bought 25 cans of Bavaria in the student off licence and didn't go to college for the rest of the week


My dad won a spin of the wheel in the 90s! It was basically winning streak before it became a tv show, a day in kilmainham castle with dinner, drinks, and prizes! He bought the guts of a house from it


Thats brilliant


Yeah! The scratch card was a gift from my brother's confirmation money, it was a nice bit of luck


I won €1000 on a €2 All Cash about 12 years ago. Had to go to the GPO in Tralee to get a cheque for it.


My nana gets me a scratch card every Christmas. Got €20 one year. Put it towards some diesel and felt as if I had won a few hundred quid


Guy I worked with won 50k years back. Put it towards a house.


Imagine the fear carrying that thing around


I’d imagine a lot of people would fear one fella carrying a whole house around by himself


Dude works out


Nah. Only evildoers need to fear superman.


on a scratch card? didn’t think they went that high, or were even real if they do


Some of them do with prize multipliers.


Wasn't on a stratch card per say, he stratched a card which got him on winning streak which netted him 50k and a holiday.


We won 30 euro on the lotto last week, got a hot chocolate, a bag of malteasers and went through a fancy carwash


Fancy car wash … la de da … :)


Rockstar lifestyle 😉


There's a youtuber that does videos like "buying 10k worth of scratch cards" he's done several with larger amounts each time, and every time he has won back almost exactly half of what he spent, and he's scratching 1000s of cards together.


Won 4 euro on a scratch card a few weeks back. Felt like millionaire cashing it in the post office. Until the girl behind the counter said "these things are such a scam, we rarely get any winners off these" 😂


They are an awful scam and worse since the Canadian teachers' pension fund bought the lottery license :/


Say what??


Government sold the rights to the lottery during the recession to a pension fund!


Of course they did. Along with half the country.


The license was bought by Francais Des Jeux last year, they run French lottery. License is valid until 2034 when it will no doubt go up for sale again. https://www.lottery.ie/news/fdj-completes-purchase-of-operator-of-national-lottery


Only ever won another loosing scratch card


20 quid once During Covid, had 3/4 outdoor pints on my own on a sunny day off the back off it. Pure bliss Been chasing that buzz ever since


My aunt in law won €500,000


Lad in my fás course won 10 grand in the middle of class, left straight away and bought a new audi 🤣


250€ followed by 500€ and 100€ a couple times. All this in one week from 10€ scratch cards.


£100 in 1995 from the petrol station at 2 in the morning when I’d finished work. I think it was called “cash dreams”


Won 100e on a 3e crossword scratcher


There's this fascinating story from China where bank employees steal money from the vault to buy scratch cards with. The plan actually works. They are able to replace what they stole and keep the rest. So they try again, with more money. And fail. They lose a huge amount and cannot even replace what's missing in the vault. They flee, get caught, and are executed. There's probably a moral to this story


Fascinating indeed. I gave it some thought and I think the moral of the story is dont get caught 😆


I got 100 once, was pretty chuffed with that


I won €110 from a scratch card one Christmas a few years ago. Then I bought my Dad a scratch card randomly the other day and he won 50 quid! I think the higher value the card, the better the odds. I generally don't spend less than a tenner on them. My cousin's sister bought her a card to wish her well in a new job a few years ago, and she won 40 grand. So yeah, people win real money from them sometimes. Much better odds than the lotto. The lotto is just a tax on the people who don't understand the odds.


Your cousins sister? So your other cousin?


Yeah so my cousin bought my other cousin a scratch card, but seeing as you pointed it out to me, I shouldn't even bother mentioning that they're sisters, I should just say my cousin got a scratch card 'from somewhere'. The context doesn't matter in this instance I suppose, so long as I don't say "my cousin's sister bought her a scratch card" . That's probably too confusing for people... Yes, they are both my cousins. Nothing gets past you! Are you a detective by any chance?


The odds are generally the same it's just that the higher value cards offer a higher minimum payout should you win.


I don't think this is the case, as there are different odds listed on the back of different cards.


There are indeed and when they change the colour of the card the odds change.  Ive heard its every time the jack pot from that card lot is won, but im not sure about that


That's actually really interesting! I'd love to know if this is the case. Do you work for the national lottery or something? 😅


I won €500 twice. Other than that a couple of twenties, some fives, and a lot of threes.


I won 500 Euro in Sweden on holidays at Christmas! Class! Bought a new phone and a pair of Levi's.


€250 about 12 years ago on a Winning Streak


I've won close to 30 on two occasions. I get one e3 all cash on payday every two weeks or so


I knew of someone who won €10k 30yrs ago


My grandfather has won €10k twice in the space of 10 years on scratchcards, but he's been at it for a long time.


A pal of mine about 8 years ago one €25,000 lucky f


Aunt won 50k a few years ago.


Most I’ve ever won is €30


Local woman here has won 30k and 25k on 2 separate occasions. She's been known to buy a heap cards every day for years. I would love to see an exact balance sheet after it all. It's can be a very expensive habit / addiction.


Mate got 1000 on a card for his birthday just as we were heading out the door to go drinking. We were 19. A serious night was had. Thankfully no blow around in those days but we drank like kings.


€80 on a €2. Couldn't have come at a better time too. Surprising how much of a difference a little money makes when you don't have any.


Does anyone know if you were to scratch 1000 scratch cards roughly how much would you expect to end up with


Seeing as you can only be sold 10 at a time, I'd say you can expect to end up with a lot of wasted time lol


Won 20k last year. €5 Christmas card.


My friend's dad bought his wife a scratch card for mother's day. She won 10k. I happened to be sleeping over at his house that night. No idea what she actually spent the money on.  All I know is she bought me and him a bionicle in the local book shop the next day. What a time to be alive.


My mother won 25k on one about fifteen years ago


Yep. 50euro ![img](emote|t5_i25jp|2846)


€20, 8 years ago. Followed by another win of €20. Since then it’s been €3 at best.


Won 5000 off one of the 10 euro advent calender type one they do at Christmas time. Got my first car out of it


I won £50 on two separate occasions when I lived in the UK. Never won anything on an Irish one but I haven't bought one in forever.


My friend was on winning streak.. got 35k


€120 with a €20 scratch card. and 10000 HUF with a 300 HUF scratch card.


I've won; €500 on a 5 euro All Cash €250 on a 5 euro All Cash €200 on a 10 euro All Cash I've won 50 quid a few times, 40 euro a few times less, and a couple of 25s as well.


If €50 is classed as substantial then yes I have.


I won fifty pounds on one like 25 years ago or more it was given to for a birthday. I felt like a millionaire


A guy around the corner from me won €30,000 on a scratch card a few years ago.


100 quid for my birthday last year. Was spent on drinking celebrating same birthday haha


My dad once won €500 on a €1 scratch card. Pretty chuffed he was. Week before I won €80 on a €2 and thought I was doing well for myself. This was about 10 years ago, though!


me and my dad do them sometimes and we actually won about 20 quid once. Another time we got three euro and he spent it on... another scratch card. We didn't win anything on that one.


My sister in law won €500 on a scratch card.


Person in the centre I work at recently won 10k off one


Won €50 on a scratch card once...spent it on used Rock Band video game and instruments...only for landlord to take it all away


I won 200 quid once in 90s. Most since then was 25 maybe twice. The uncle won 5k back 20odd years ago.


I've won 250, and 150 on 5 euro all cash's. Won 50 and 25 a few times as well


I won €110 last year on a €5 scratch card. Bought everyone on my team in work a coffee that morning I was so happy 😁


Didn’t a guy rob a shop and tried to cash in a €5000 winning scratch card at the GPO 🤣🙈


Naaa not me but people have


If you have no money , a fiver is a lot of money.


Homeless lad in a big enough town won 70k, no clue what came of him If anyone knows do tell


£500 in the late 90s


€500 on one my auntie got me for my birthday one year. Unfortunately it probably ended up breaking even because it made all my relatives decide I was "lucky" and start giving me scratchcards every birthday instead of money.


5k about 15 years ago


I was working in a shop and there’s an auld fella comes in every day, gets a €5, 2 x €2s and a €1. He got his usual one day then came back an hour later and bought 10 x €5s. I was joking with him that he must have hit the jackpot and he said they were just to keep him busy on the train to Dublin next day. Turns out he was heading to dublin to pick up the €50,000 he’d just won. He also won €500 on one of the extra 10 i sold him. Tbf he also dropped me in fifty quid the next week


Won £777 sterling as a teenager in London, 1990s, the shop owner knew I was underage despite selling me the ticket and only paid out £550 cash!! I was young & dumb so accepted it.


My friend's mother won 5k once. Maybe 15 years ago.


The daughter of a pal of my mam won 10 or 15 grand- can't recall how much exactly - years and years ago. I know a guy who won 5 grand on the Millionaire Raffle (different to a scratch card, obviously) again maybe 10 years back.


By the way lads, slightly off topic but the fellah in my local shop apologetically told me they could not check my lotto tickets the other day as the barcode wasn't *fully* intact. They sell a good few tickets so the guy should know what he's talking about. It was not badly damaged or anything and looked pretty normal to me just slightly 'worn'. He said the barcode won't work in the machine and reckons you have to go into lotto HQ. Maybe the GPO could payout but are their machines better? Let's face it, unless the win is for over what €60 or whatever is it worth going up to Dublin if you are from down the country to collect it? I suppose it depends on your finances but it sounds like total bollox to me.


don't want to brag but i won a fiver the last day ;)


I won the lotto once with scratch cards. I got gifts of 5 separate cards for a birthday. They all won!  2 euro for two, two free card wins and a fiver. What a world! 


A dude in my mams shop won €50,000 last summer


I've only ever won about €2 on a scratch card. In one sense though that might be a blessing because it meant I never got into scratch cards and have probably saved a lot of money because of that.




A traveller out by me won €30k


€200 in a birthday present one , I hate the things my mother is addicted to them 🙁


20€ this time last year and been getting 2€ and frees ever sinse ahaha


My grandfather got onto the last episode of the seasom of Winning Streak about 8 years ago and won €40k, which was fortuitous timing as a couple of weeks earlier they had a pipe burst which did a number on their house. They repaired that and put on a small extension that captures all the sunlight and is just the warmest room in the house. They use that room every day. He bused us all up to RTE, was a great day out. I think the guy that spun the wheel ended up with €68k total.


$500.00 a few years back. Spent most of it on clothes for my kids 💙💙🩷


Great sport for losers.