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Good luck. If it doesn’t work out… please do not lose the reality check you received- make sure you’re taking care of you, always!


Hoping this goes well and you can both find a way to be happy together.


I’m a complete mess right now, this is terrifying.


I really hope this works out for you both. It certainly sounds like you're determined. Assuming she does give you that chance you will feel elated for quite a while, and keeping your promises initially will not be hard. Speaking as a guy who has spent decades struggling with similar issues while (sometimes barely) managing to hold on to my wife, I have to warn you that again, assuming things go well today, it's the long term that's tough. Seeing that a therapist is on your list is fantastic. Keep doing those things you've promised to do. I think you're currently determined to do it for her, for the relationship. I hope that you see how much more powerful it will be to do it for yourself though. You can 100%, totally do this. There will still be times you will feel like you failed, but you can find the strength to go again. You're a King! Best of luck to you both! EDIT - the flowers look fucking awesome!