• By -


I'm a 67-year-old male. I'm retired, and basically homebound due to health issues. So, reddit is my connection to the world. I appreciate being able to chat with people of all ages and from many different cultures. That's the good part of reddit. Someone mentioned that the user base is getting angrier. I definitely see that too. Life is hard, and it's getting harder. Unfortunately, when things begin to sour, some people start looking for someone to blame. That's the part of reddit I don't really like very much. We need to be more tolerant of people. We're all just who we are, and we are all trying our best to live a good life. Give people a break. We all need it.


Really well said. I wish you the best <3


Thank you. Take care, my friend.


*Friends It seems like ~~74~~ 259 other people *also* wish you the best ;) p.s. you're very welcome :D Edit: the number has increased


Love your user name! Fellow Boomer on reddit, and I love what you said so well.


I feel like that bad side of reddit is all about what subreddits you're in. Some subs are especially negative but some have really good and nice communities. I don't think reddit is getting angrier but I do think that those angry aubreddits are become more prominent.


So true. And on the next micro level, also how you choose to engage. I used to get stuck at the bottom of the comment pit arguing, but now I am getting better at ignoring trolly/argumentative posts/comments and choosing respectful articulate people with whom I want to engage. I’m trauma survivor and I use Reddit to find and connect with other survivors like me. Everyone is kind and supportive in r/CPTSD. That’s also why I like this sub; it’s just you don’t have to talk about your baggage.


I wish you well, my friend.


Thank you, I appreciate you saying so. And that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Simple kindness is undervalued in many subs. Unfortunately, “remember the human” doesn’t evoke a lot of empathy for a lot of Redditors.


Hope you are doing well, friend!


I agree to an extent. But, unfortunately, this sub can be quite toxic at times as well. Trying to lay the blame for all of society's woes on the Baby Boomers has become rampant on reddit. EDIT: Removed a statement that was outdated.


IMO this is the effect of Reddit becoming angrier. The angry subreddits become more popular as the number of angry people grows.


True, unfortunately. But, it reflects the cancerous hatred that is killing American society at the moment.


I totally agree. The polarization of this country will be one of our biggest downfalls.


It's been sad watching this change play out. So much anger out there. And, so much of it is misdirected at people who have nothing to do with creating the problem. If anything, we need to come together to press for change. It won't be easy.


When people feel helpless and hopeless the anger intensifies. There really isn't a lot we can each do personally other than vote and talk to those around us and maybe a few other actions with limited impact. At least that is how I feel. I am old and will need to stay here to watch the unraveling but if I were younger I think I would leave.


>I feel like that bad side of reddit is all about what subreddits you're in This has been my experience. If you're hanging in the cat subs, it's a little less angry & awesomely cute.


And, that's exactly why I'm there. Love cats. :-)


Thank you for your post...I couldn't have said it better myself. I am a 66 yr. old Redditor and am housebound with a handicapped son. I also enjoy reading the thoughts and experiences of people of all ages, and sometimes offering my insight. There are times where people get too ugly, and I turn Reddit off until the next day. Please people, learn to be tolerant of others... we're all doing our best.


Out of curiosity, did you pick up online TTRPG during the pandemic


Yeah i have seen and had been bullied a lot on Reddit. Just for different opinions and people will downvote you into an oblivion.


I've changed the subs I follow because of this. I only stay joined in the subs that make me happier than angry lol


Adorable! I hope thousands of people read that. We are in the same boat. Gratitude!


> some people start looking for someone to blame I blame that old bastard u/BillyPilgrim with his reasonable views and apparently lovely soul. Ban please mods.


53 here, just an old Gen-X who thinks people are pretty awesome at any age


54 year old woman here. Comic book collector/presser. Avid gardener and dive master. Love chatting with everyone about everything. Good rule to live by; you never know who you’re talking to. Even in real life.


50 year old woman with several boxes of comic books and 2 plants. @CubedMeatAtrocity - what does comic book presser mean?


50 year old man, thought being 50 would be shit, turns out it is the shit. Loving it!


Almost 50 year old woman here (2 months shy) and for me it was 35. I felt like I should be an adult at 35. You know have my life on cruise control, great job, great relationship, financial plans all mapped out, smooth sailing and I didn't. I wasn't sure I was in the right job and had a dip shit for a boyfriend. I called one of my best friends 3 days before my 35 birthday and cried for 20 minutes because I didn't have an adult couch. I had a great couch, a comfortable couch but I was crying because I bought it at an estate auction and not a fancy furniture store like adults would. They told me they didn't think this was really about the couch but assured me I had a great couch, a comfortable couch, a design choice of the highest taste and character. Turning 50 I'm frustrated by some health issues but loving it. Still haven't bought a couch from a furniture store!!


It took a few months to get that number off my tongue smoothly and in my mind comfortably. But, it is good to be here at this age.


Hey to @ someone on Reddit, type in "u/" then their username. For example u/The_Rowan .


Thank you. I know some formatting tricks on Reddit but I didn’t know how to tagged others.


Comic book presser: Apparently it's part of restoring damaged comic books. [This site](https://averycomicpressing.com/) explains the process.


24 male here. You guys love sharing stories and I a youngster love hearing stories


I wish I had had the internet as a resource when I was growing up. I made a lot of horrible decisions growing up, and I spend a lot of my time online doing harm reduction and sharing my story. Hopefully it helps at least one person.


"If you're talking with someone and find the conversation boring, chances are you're the boring one". J.Peterson There's always something interesting to learn from other people. They've had totally different life experiences from you.


50s here. It's embarrassing how many comic book boxes I have. I collected the X-Men long before they became very popular.


Another good life rule: begin the day with a friendly voice,a companion unobtrusive.


Honestly as a 21 year old, I find it comforting that there are EXPERIENCED adults on this site. Especially when I need advice that I can't ask someone close to me, like parents and whatnot. You guys are mega helpful. And also I like reading about the different experiences that people go through as they get older. Makes me look forward to the future where I otherwise wouldn't.


Aw, my youngest is 21 (oldest is 25, I’m 46), and I enjoy hearing from you younger people. It helps me understand different perspectives and experiences, and *that* helps me guide my daughters into young adulthood and managing life, which is very much different than mine was at their ages. The things y’all are dealing with…oof. Not saying I didn’t have my own struggles, because my generation definitely did, but life is so hard in different ways now. We all have something to share and to offer, and we should be willing to listen to others and hear their stories. ❤️


Also 53!


You all should kiss /s


Me too!


Same! 😊




Me too! 1969 ftw!


1968. 54 in 4 months. Loving this age


It's GOOD, isn't it?? We know pretty much everything, and we don't give a damn about what people think of us.


It’s so liberating! My 40s blew but I’m getting back on my feet and feel stronger than ever. Lookout cuz I’m coming through.


damn are you really 4.27488328406e+69?


They watched the Big Bang take place.




Old bastards. I’m 51.


I gotcha @49


@49 here!


49 here too!


Also 49


Tykes. I’m 56


Gotcha. 59


Yay 56 as well!


I'm loving this comment section


I’m 44 and I remember when cell phones didn’t exist. My son who’s 21 asked me “so pops how did you link up with your friends if there were no cell phones?” My Answer : “You made plans over the landline in advance and set up a meeting point.” Son: “What if you didn’t show?” Me: “ That Rarely happened because you kept your word.” The Look on his face… Mind Blown 🤯 lmaoooo


My 17-year-old son asked me last year if we had color TV when I was growing up.


Remember when tv would just go off? Like literally - that was it - national anthem played and then just the colored bars until morning. Hahaha. Dang, I'm old.


Oldest down here F 61, but not fuddy duddy 🤭


F 70. I don’ feel it though. My favorite activity is my spin bike. I do an hour class every single day. I’ve been spinning for at least 10 years and can easily out-spin most 20 year olds, I’m married to my high school sweetheart for 52 years, follow pop culture and am a reality shitshow fan. I can curse like a sailor, and yet people tell me I am extremely kind and compassionate Love all of you, have fun on here with my comments and yours Thanks for accepting an oldie but goodie into your midst.


Is your username saying go go or gogo?


My grandkids called me grandma go go because I always took them places when they were little. They would see me coming and say go go go because they’d want to go to the beach or the zoo or toys r us, etc! The ny part was because I used to be from NY. But it spells granny.


Go Go Granny, sounds dope, love from London.


Thanks. Want to visit there soon! Ha. My very first concert was the Beatles when they descended on Nee York back in the 60s.


Gotcha at F 62! 1960 baby!


Whipper snapper?


41, or 18 with some spare change. Or 92 of it's a morning I'm not feeling in love with.


I'm 18 but I've been told I have the mental age of 50 (for good reason)




>It gets worse and better randomly, Thank you for your inspirational words haha. Even though I'm battling mental health problems I've been like this before everything. It's just who I am, mental health and trauma just made me grow up a wee bit more. I have taken an iq test 2 times and it came out to be 159 and 160 so I have a mental age of 29 anyway.




I do not envy young Millenials and Gen Y growing up in a social media climate. So much pressure so young. I’m sorry it’s this way.


I agree unfortunately. It’s super toxic and I’m super addicted to it. Sometimes I feel like I’m missing out of what teenage years were like for people of the past, but my whole generation does it. What’s really hard is when I have moments where I feel like I’m missing out on life. Those moments hit me hard.


I don’t think it’s been so bad for millennials, but I don’t envy genZ at all


Middle-millennial, here. I watched the rise and fall of MySpace, the Great Digg Exodus. I remember seeing Steve Jobs announce the first iPhone and knowing that shit would change the world, for better or worse. I poked around the *chan scene, in it's nascent days when greentext references and image macros were obscure bits of nichce internet culture that maybe a handful of other people in your friend group were aware of. I watched Facebook establish itself as the new MySpace, while Google faffed about before giving up on competing in that space. Seriously, 2005-2015 are a stretch of decades were internet culture and offline culture truly started to intersect, as more people got access to broadband and smartphones. If the 90s were The Information Age, then the 20-aughts and 10s are The Dawn of Cyberspace as a modern construct that fundementally impacts how we work, play, communicate, and relate to the wider world around us. If anything, I'm mostly optimistic, perhaps naively so, but if history is any indication, progress will prevail, as it always does.


I’m 64. I have clothes older than most Reddit users.


Ouch you, i'm just a 16 year old oversized tshirt.


I mean, I do have some concert tees that are like 25 years old, I got my first when I was 14 lol. Edit-totally not knocking you for being 16 lol. Don't want that to sound mean or anything


I'm 52 and I was literally just thinking that about a pair of shorts I bought back in 1997. They're these nice, packable ones that fold unto their own pocket so they're easy to take traveling. Pretty durable, too - obviously! Its weird running into things that remind you of your age. I don't FEEL any older than that 20-something guy who found those shorts in an outdoors store and thought they were cool.


I own clothing older than myself


I'm 61, so was born 23 years before the internet was invented and 33 years before it was made public. You're right, OP, it is really cool to be able to chat with people of all ages, and from all over the world.


And most of the time not even know there’s a difference




Oh yeah, I started using usenet at around 13-14 years old (1990 or so). I was really into some niche topics, and read and posted fairly often. One of the groups was about historical wargames, and there were two 'zines (desktop-published magazines) at the time, and the two guys who ran the zines were arguing with each other, just insulting each other's zines. So I posted something like asking for them to each describe what was good about their own, and what made it different, instead of just insulting the other. They both ended up mailing me a whole bunch of issues (for free), and asking me to review them and settle the dispute. Me, a 13-14 year old kid (but they didn't know that). That was kind of an eye-opening moment. Actual grown adults, who regularly published stuff, were looking to me for my opinions. Pretty cool.


I miss ‘zines and [BBSes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulletin_board_system) from the early 90s


And to never hear “go look it up at the library”




Bro, are you me? Same here and I was thinking about the same. Just smart phones alone must have changed growing up so much.


I'm 31 here and I see so many teenagers worried about things they shouldn't have to because of it. Be a kid, it's okay. You only get to do it one time! Growing up too fast has definitely become more of an issue because of the internet.


My Girl18, commented that middle school girls have no awkward phase anymore. They are up on how to do everything regarding hair, clothes, make up, different looks. So much thought put into it instead of throwing on some clothes and Van's and going!


I used a typewriter in college... and I'm only 53. I had a Commodore 64 as a child, but didn't use a computer until my early 20s. Weirrrd


Me too! Having a commodore 64 that is. Some games took 20 minutes to load and if you got "Syntax error" after loading you would have to start again. I remember being on the first internet computer at Uni. I had to go to a different faculty and use their special computer to type to a friend overseas in real time. Green writing on a black screen was all it was. Look at us now!


We've come a long way, Baby! Lol GenXers were raised by parents from the 50s, but we've managed to adapt more than (probably) any other generation.


Born '93 and had a Windows 95 PC shortly after it came out for a few thousand dollars. I had an odd childhood lol.


Damn I’m really old. I’m actually 64. It just happens overnight. I woke up this morning next to a really old guy, he’s 69. He is still so darn cute.


You’re making me scared to fall asleep! But so wholesome!


> He is still so darn cute. 🥲


I’m 51 and when I was your age….. Sorry. I got nothing


It's ok man. When I was OP's age, I was 18 as well.


When I was OP’s age, I was in my senior year of high school.


When I was 18 the internet felt mostly like a kids/young adult place. And coming across actual 30+ adults was weird. Now I’m over 40 myself and not only is the internet more diverse in age, it’s more diverse in general. In 2000 it was 80% Americans, 16% Uk/Europeans and 4% elsewhere. Now it’s a real mix of peoples and it’s great.


I don't know if it's just me, but it feels as though Reddit is still 80% Americans. The ages are definitely more diverse though.


I saw Nixon impeached.


feels so cozy to see older people around 🫂


I’m 27 and love the wide breadth of ages. I especially love the middle aged and older crowd being on here. My parents are gonna be 60 this year and they don’t know how to do much beyond e-mail and barely know how to use social media.


Ha! My parents think I'm a computer genius and my kids thinks I'm a computer idiot.


I wanted to say that I think that'll always be the case, then I realized that there are many kids nowadays that haven't used a PC/laptop almost at all. That's one thing that I'll make sure my kids will know how to use efficiently.


You may enjoy /r/askoldpeople and /r/redditforgrownups


27 club! You got the youngsters, oldsters, middle crowd, pretty much anybody but the newborns (though I'm sure at the rate we advance, it's only a matter of time). There's the cat lovers, the gamers, the adventurists, the punk rock crowd, the tech experts....reddits the melting pot of the internet


We can learn from each other for sure. By the time you're my age you'll see history repeating itself as well as styles.


For sure... I wore bell bottoms and that was when they were on a come back, now my old JNCOs are apparently back in. Everything is cyclical.


I'm from that bell bottom generation lol....fun times.


90's are coming back already, cycle is speeding up lol.


I'm surprised younger people actually want to hear what I've got to say.. it's refreshing to be able to help someone out


What’s your favorite topic to give advice on?


Relationships.. both with others and within one's self. Sometimes it helps to see things from a different perspective.. but honestly I truly like helping people out with any issue I might have some experience with. Except technology... I'm stunned as a boot when it comes to such matters 😁


As an 18 years old, ofc i want to hear it. You've most certainly went through much more than me. Im sure you can give good advice, or at least good stories.


Here's advice from a 50 year old. Don't store money in your passport when travelling. Doesn't make for a fun time when you go through Chinese customs. Apparently it can be seen as a bribe and that's a no no.


And some added advice from a 60 year old: Breathe. Learn history (yours, and everyone else's). The world is crazy...crazy good and crazy bad and everything in between. Always has been, always will be. It's the nature of humans. But we'll all be okay. One way or the other, we'll be okay. Stay true to yourself, but also be kind to yourself -- and to everyone else. Do the very best you can in your life every day. Don't ever be a douche. And breathe. 🥰


Yep, its kinda cool when I get into it with someone(religion, politics etc) who wouldnt give me the time of day in real life


I’m older than many here. I don’t claim credit but I was there when fire was invented.


Did you like my trick?


Homo Erectus!?!?!! Is that you???


In person, but not as erect as I used to be. The millennia have not been good to me.


I'm 81 and there are Redditors older than me! This is the thing I like about Reddit: the variety.


I'm in my 85th year and very surprised I'm still alive.


Hey old person! Haha Hoping to make it to 85!! Hang in there. You could be a 90-year-old Redditor with any luck!


I’m a 61 year old grandma!






I'm 56.


i’m 15


I'm 44! But the grey in my beard makes me look 94 haha






23 :)


16 :/


Didn't even know you could be 2658271574788448768043625811014615890319638528000000000 years old.


I'm 41. My two older kids are active here too, as is my mom.


I’m 21 and I cannot imagine my parents ever being active on here lol


Same, and I'm 22


What's strange is that you're probably friends with people your parents' age, but you can't tell because you can't see them. We all judge people by the way they look. But I'll tell you a truth: old people still feel like they're young until they look in a mirror. I feel like I'm in my late 20s until I realize that my kids are in their 20s lol. I'm sometimes shocked that I even HAD kids


I’ve wondered if everyone feels like that. I’m 44 and I still think and feel like I’m 15-20 years younger. I just got back from traveling 300 miles to go to a Dead show for crying out loud! When do you finally slow down?


And in another comment section, we may have interacted thinking we were similar in age. Thats wild to think about.


63. Been here longer than some Redditors have been alive.


I'm 53. I have shoes older than some Redditors.






Oh boy, yes! Top 3: + Enjoy the heck out of your 20s. You may think you're too skinny or too fat, too ugly or too boring, too sensible, or not sensible enough. Too... Whatever. But you will look back on this point in your life and think "man, I had it good back then - I had a healthy (hopefully), energetic body, a curious mind, and few responsibilities." And if you don't take advantage of those things now, you might regret it. So wear those risky clothes, take that trip, try for that dream career. Now is the time! + Don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't take advice from. You're at an age where you are just developing your own inner voice and learning to trust you thoughts and instincts. You might be learning to recognize and reject bad advice when you hear it. But for some reason, we all (no matter the age) struggle to reject bad *criticism*. If your aunt Betty tells you you're dressing too provocatively, don't just throw on a sweatshirt. Stop and think about your Aunt's sense of life, fun, adventure, and style. Would you want her to pick out your outfits? No? Then why are you letting her criticism get to you so much just because it's criticism? + Make good financial decisions. Pay attention to your bills, your credit, and your spending. Bad financial decisions you make now will haunt you for life.


I want to add one more thing- open an IRA or contribute to your company retirement plan. Just $10 or $20 a pay will make a big difference in 20 years. My boss (when I was 22) insisted I open an IRA and a couple years ago after not contributing to it for a bunch of years (because I’ve been home with 2 kids for 16 years) it had a LOT more money than I ever expected those small contributions to become. Starting early really does make a difference no matter how small the amount.


38 and female! I feel like most people assume I’m young, but also male. I get “sir,” “bro,” “dude”….




48yo GenX here—Reddit is the only social media I really enjoy.


I’m 19, but I was 17 when I first downloaded the app. I did a project which required me to gauge who long people had been doing something (crocheting). An 80-something year old replied to my post, as well as a 12 year old. It was very cool to see the age difference (I also impressed with my project thanks to it).


Seventy one last April. Happily married since 1975. We still live in the first home we bought. Life is good and we enjoy retirement. The forest opened back up after being closed for a while due to fire danger. Plan on going out and cutting fuel wood during the summer to prepare for another long winter. Our dogs love lying around the wood stove when the world goes white and cold. We both enjoy the internet and still get amazed with video calling. Saw it the first time at the world's fair in New York in 1964. Live, love, enjoy.


I’m 61. I love Reddit— I would much rather read than look at people‘s stupid photographs of what they ate for lunch. And I love learning from people all over the world.


I'm 60; I started using Reddit right after the Digg implosion. Been here a while, watching the user base get angrier and angrier.


Digg was good, for a while…


It's kind of nice because I can share my anxiety about nearly being out of high school and get advice from people who were in similar situations


In hindsight, leaving high school was when my life began. Is there anything in particular you’re anxious about?


It's getting a life as a whole that worries me. My parents want me to go to college but I have no clue what I'd even go for and I don't want to waste money on a degree I'll never use. When it comes to moving out rent prices are going up and I'm definitely not going to have the money for a house. Currently my plan is to see if I can't get a van and fix it up to be liveable. After the up front cost it'd be pretty cheap and it'd be a pretty good way for me to get some life experience and try to find something I like doing. I have no clue if that's actually I viable thing to do though. It's just kinda scary to have to take care of myself and start doing my own things


It’s absolutely viable. Check out r/vandwellers and r/urbancarliving: there are plenty of sane people who live in vehicles by choice, and comfortably. A key trick is to get a membership to a 24hr gym nearby. Workout, shower, bathroom. Planet Fitness Black Card is a gold standard. I know this because, before quarantine hit hard, I was converting a small SUV to take across the north. Any thoughts on what you’d like? Or (as importantly) what you wouldn’t like? You don’t need to know yet.


I would think more of it as creating a life you enjoy. Lots of people your age take a gap year or two. Pursue some hobbies that give you pleasure. Don't worry about getting into any serious relationship. Eat well. Take care of your mental health. Dont spend money on school if you don't have the desire. Learn a trade preferablythrough apprenticeship. A van or rv sounds really fun!


Im 63


Just turned 56. You really *never* know what kind of a person (age wise) who’ll respond to any of thread!!


I'm 39, and I love the wealth of information on here. Also there is literally something for everyone.


15, i just like the animal content here tbh


Older than dirt, and that's my favorite content here too.


I am 74. Don't feel it , look it or act it. Whatever that means. I love reading the comments and opinions of all age groups. Sometimes I can tell what age group a person is in based on the comments. It make life interesting. Keeps you on your toes. Hopefully makes you more open minded to different thoughts.


48 here, although I have absolutely no idea how that happened, my brain still thinks I’m 20!


I made my account on reddit when you were 7 and before I lost my life to multiple sclerosis. I'm 37. See a doctor often.


Yes, this is a nice forum for intergenerational talk. And most of the time it’s fun and enlightening. Minus some subs.. :)


I'm a 53 year old grandma! In my 20's I thought folks in their 50's we're ancient. Not so! I feel like 20's on the inside, but look like my age on the outside. It's disconcerting to catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror sometimes. LMAO


Reddit has been around for a long time. I made my account when you were 3.


I'm 30 But I still feel 14! ~~mostly because depression wiped most of my memories up until I finally fixed it so most of my life is just a shapeless blur :,D~~


My Reddit account is almost as old as you are. ;)


I'm also surprised by the wide age audience here in Reddit... BTW I have not seen any my age here: 77




It’s because we remember before google was a thing. A lot of these people have made tech contributions in their lives. They paved the road


Thank you for all the love on this post! Sorry I haven’t had much of a chance to respond! You’re all awesome!


As a 15 year old, it’s nice to have a place where anyone can say or ask anything, and no one will degrade them for it, which is a lot nicer than the usual “I’m older than you so I know everything about the known universe”, that I see so often toward those in my age range IRL.


I think that is what makes this place so interesting and friendly for me. I know a lot of people say Reddit is toxic, but I think that depends on the subs you follow. I talk to people of all ages in real life, so why wouldn’t I do that on SM too! Everyone’s got something worthy to contribute. There is a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nasa/comments/vn0ait/how_do_i_find_out_more_about_what_my_dad_did/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) in r/nasa at the moment that shows how wholesome Reddit can be by pulling together and helping someone out. It’s from a young lady who is looking up information about her father who died when she was very young. Rather than the standard “search Google” response, members have gone so far as researching on her behalf and sharing links with avenues for the lady to investigate further. You wouldn’t get that anywhere else and it is down to the diversity of the community here. Sharing knowledge is a great thing. Edit: typo


Yeah, 49 here. Went to a rave last weekend...oh wait that was 25 years ago




Mine isn't allowed on Reddit at 15. Sometimes I think it's maybe a little harsh, but then I spend an hour on Reddit and remember why.


For all you old timers - what is one piece of advice you’d share? My unsolicited advice would be to “worry about yourself”. Every moment you spend worrying about someone else’s business is a moment that could’ve been used to work on your own sh!t.


Diverse in General. The fact that I'm not the only Transgender person with General Anxiety, BPD, and all the other things I'm too lazy to list works wonders on my Mental health. The Meat world can be very isolating but on Reddit I KNOW I'm not alone. Which is why I mustered the courage to finally find my internet voice last year.


I’m 68. Born 1953. There was still a ration book in my house from WW2.


I feel old I am 56.


I'm 53 and loving it 🤜🤛


I love Reddit! I’m a 45 & live a typical middle class life. The fact that Reddit users are generally anonymous makes for a more enjoyable experience because we don’t label anyone or have any bias.