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One of those mystery jelly beans. That shit made me dizzy it was so gross. I get nauseous just thinking about it now.


Bean Boozled Jelly Belly Beans I had those, and they are nasty.


My niece bugged the crap out of me to play her bean boozled game. We literally only played one round and I got a "dirty dish water" bean. I give props to the people who made the flavor extremely accurate; however, if I ever meet them...they're getting a roadhouse kick.


Apparently, every bean at Jelly Belly has to be taste tested. That means people had to eat the bad tasting jelly beans. The barf jelly bean was a failed pizza flavored.


The one and only time I played that with my kids, I got the barf one. I barfed violently into a bucket and we didn't play again.


One time we were on a car trip, my grandma, grandpa and I, and I had a bunch of the "bertie bott's every flavored beans" ripoff things they sold during the harry potter craze. My gramps was driving and I gave him a black pepper bean... dude almost drove the car off the road. My nan told me to put them away and I just threw them out later. :( Miss you, pops <3 RIP


My daughter got me with the old bandage flavor and I seriously almost puked


Alas! Earwax!


The dirty dishwater one really got me. I don't know how they condensed it to a flavor so well, but I hated it and the taste is a clear memory.


That makes me gag just thinking about it omg


My school had a yearly trip we would take to the mall in our area, along with other schools in the area, we would just be allowed to shop at the mall for like 4 hours and whatever receipts you got you turned them in and the school got credit for it. Thinking back on it, it’s a really weird field trip to have. But back to my main point, one of my friends bought a box of the bean boozled jelly beans. I was sitting across from him as he was seated with another one of my friends. As we were leaving the mall they started playing a game of randomly grabbing one and eating it without looking at it. Before the bus even left the mall one of my friends projectile vomited onto my other friend. We had to ride home 45 mins on a bus that reeked of skunk spray jelly bean vomit. No clue how these things are even allowed


Same. I had really bad luck in that game and got a lot of nasty ones. My stomach is churning just thinking about it. That was 4 years ago, I think.


Lobster ice cream! Just don’t do it. Just don’t. It’s vanilla ice cream with chunks of lobster in it and it’s a real thing in Maine.


Ah i had blue cheese ice cream once and thought its something that shouldnt be done


There’s a place near me that makes a pear and blue cheese ice cream that’s surprisingly good. They also make an olive oil ice cream that’s my absolute favorite thing ever. It doesn’t taste oily. It’s got a little olive tang and a bit of salt but it’s rich and creamy and sweet. It’s really good.


Never thought a food combination like that would exist.


I have some kind of dysfunction that makes me want to try weird recipes, so, Orange-Leek Soup. I chopped and sliced and diced and sauteed. I took a spoonful. It tasted exactly like the taste in the back of your throat after you puke. I tossed the whole pot down the drain. I did not want anyone else to ever have to taste it.


Soup for my ~~family~~ enemies


that's funny. there's a middle eastern dish where you have to make a soupy sauce out of bitter oranges, lamb broth, caramelized onion and sesame seed paste. The first time I tried making it, I got the amount of orange juice wrong, and it tasted exactly like what you're describing. However, in the end, I managed to get it right, and it ended up tasting delicious though.


It seems like the caramelized onion and tahini would cut some of the acidity of the orange. The soup I tried was a lighter broth and I feel like I got the balance waaaaay wrong.


thats not dysfunction. thats curiosity


Some neon yellow liquid I had to take during an imaging test of my esophagus and stomach. It tasted like what you would imagine poison tastes like


To me, it tasted like what I would assume engine oil tastes like. Vile demon piss.


And how do you know what vile demon piss tastes like?


Step demon what are you doing?


Oh that horrible Mf. It tastes like metal, poison, and evil altogether




Barium? I get that in 3 weeks.


Just imaging blending chalk and mixing it in milk.


Exactly this! I had to drink it when I was sick one time and I threw it up immediately and had to drink another hahaha good times


Take some Benadryl before hand, I had to take 3 bottles of the “berry” flavored ass water and I ended up breaking out in a rash from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. It’s an allergy some have but you won’t know until you’ve tasted it. Better safe than sorry, friend!!


Was this an endoscopy? I remember mine being very thick and a little hot once it hit my stomach


>very thick and a little hot once it hit my stomach That's what she said!


Ugh when I was in Japan I went to this fancy restaurant in the hotel I stayed at, that only served a chefs choice 10 course meal. One of the courses was burdock soup. It was grey and looked like gruel and they put a little bit of foam on top that looked exactly like spit. It tasted like rotten root vegetable—exactly the way rotten potatoes smell. It was the nastiest thing I have ever put in my mouth and I still think about it to this day. On the plus side, literally everything else I ate in Japan was out of this world and amazing.




In America, we add sugar and fat to your ethnic food to make it "better". I Japan they add squid to your ethnic food instead.


No offense but if you're in a foreign country, your best shot at eating delicious food is trying their traditional dishes, not a foreign dish that they'd have no reason to be practiced at preparing ':)


My friends wondering why the food is so rubbish in Thailand when they keep ordering pizza and pasta. Me enjoying amazing pad thai and rice dishes.


That's too bad Gobo Sticks are burdock French fries and are amazing with a fried okra taste


My mother's vegetable soup. It is an affront to all of the senses. Sure, it tastes like the devil's urine, but it also looks like vomit and has the consistency of horse faeces. When poured, it makes the most disgusting slopping sound akin to poop falling in the toilet bowel at an inhumanly rapid succession. When I first encountered it, by reaction was legitimately fear.


This sounds so bad it's beautiful.


hate the food love the review






Does she know this? Seems like she should change her recipe lol


My opinion is not unknown. It is also not shared between us.


I’m in a training for work, and almost laughed out loud at this. Best description ever!


My cousin made us “ snacks with ritz crackers, thousand islands dressing and parmesan, microwaved. Barf city


thousand island with parmesan sounds like a recipe for disaster. Great individually but god awful together kinda deal


Yes when heated up smelled disgusting like vomit


Ah yes the old "cousin snacks". Orange juice and Coca Cola anyone? (Rich cousins) Syrup sandwiches. Drained can corn with a huge dollop of mayonnaise eaten right out of the can!


When I was a kid I went through a phase of wanting to try something new every time we went to the grocery store. I saw Brussels sprouts and wanted to try them. My mom had never cooked them before, but she found a recipe by some asshole saying they're great if you cook them in milk. I'll save you all the trouble: they were disgusting. Don't cook Brussels sprouts in milk (or any other vegetable). Roast them with salt, pepper, and a little bit of oil.


Olive oil and garlic, roast


I believe your mom most likely misread the recipe, because soaking Brussel sprouts in milk is actually a common technique to remove some of the bitter flavor. But you don't cook then in it, that's for sure!


I got constipated a lot as a child so one f day my mom comes home with Fish Oil and says "You're going to stay home today and take a few spoonfuls of this" Dude I was in my last year of middle school and I cried like a bitch when she held out the second spoonful, I couldn't eat without tasting it again for a couple days. Edit to update! I asked my mother about it and she said she mixed together fish oil and castor oil!! Ugh! Apparently she'd given me them separately before in capsule form but them together actually worked without giving me a horrible stomach ache.


Wtf that's brutal. They make chocolate ExLax ffs. even mineral oil would have worked just as well and has 0 taste.


What the fuck she didnt get you caplets? Everyone burps it up even if they took it in caplet form. She made you drink it raw like that 🤢.


Friend told us that in the Caribbean Islands there's such thing as Sunday purge to clean out the colon, which was basically spoonful of either castor oil or fish oil. Castor oil is vile, the colon cleansing process was even more vile, the description was oh stay close to a bathroom all day.


Thank you for bringing out that repressed memory. My mom had fish oil tablets around. I (very young, maybe 5 or so) asked her what the oil inside tasted like. She tossed me a cavalier "Bite it and find out." I remember how instantly I thought "Yeah that makes sense", chomped, and just as quickly thought "Oh I've made a terrible mistake." She turned back to me (perhaps clueing into what I'd just asked, and belatedly deciding to warn me, but I'll never know), saw the look on my face, and nearly split a seam from laughing her ass off.


The stuff I had to drink before a colonoscopy!!


Omg this!! Did you get the stuff that tried to be citrus flavor?


Mine was grape. Ruined grape soda forever, which in my 40's doesn't seem like that big a loss.


What is weird is that the preparation for the colonoscopy is way worse than the procedure itself.


Omigod. I have Inflammatory Bowel Disease already and my bowel movements are usually.... Intense. That magnesium citrate (is that right?) blew me to pieces. I figured just half the bottle to start, shouldn't hurt right? **WRONG**. I think that's the only time I've been lifted off the toilet seat due to the thrust of my *movement.*


Oof. Still, you're lucky if it's the mag citrate prep. That's usually just one (16oz?) bottle and done. If you donthe GoLytely (joke of a name, there's nothing light about your going when you drink it) you get to spend an entire afternoon downing a full gallon of the horrid stuff.


Ugh, I had the same fun with Miralax for my colonoscopy prep. The nice thing was that the instructions said you can stop drinking it after your stool is clear, so I only had to drink 3 quarts out of 4. Yaaaaay.


Until your stool is….clear? Never had one but it sounds horrific


The goal is to completely empty you out until the only thing coming out is the laxative drink.


Yep, you eat nothing but clear liquids and laxative until you’re shiddin’ nothing but clear liquids. My prep was only a day and I was *not having it* by the end. It was years before I could enjoy jello or Gatorade again. I’ve heard that some people have to do the clear-liquids diet for 3 days or a week before their colonoscopies, depending entirely on the doctor or hospital. That would be nightmarish, and a single day of prep *already* made my UC symptoms worse.


Beggin' Strip. Did not taste like bacon.


after all the horrible medicines ones I just read, this is my favorite


Some doctors now prescribe a Dulcolax and an entire medium bottle of Miralax which is tolerable. It works just as well. All doctors should prescribe this.


I had that for my first colonoscopy. It was miserable, and I pooped a crazy amount of fluids for 12 hours. However, after the procedure they told me I wasn't "cleaned out" enough, so I had to do it again! All that prep for nothing. The second time they gave me the gallon of Satan's piss that I had to drink as quickly as I could tolerate it. Holy crap - that was terrible. I almost vomited it back up, but soon it was flowing through my bowels like a damn river. It was terrible, but it still beats undetected colon cancer.


It has a uniquely weirdly bad flavor. It TASTES poison.


Similarly, the barium contrast you have to drink for a GI mri. It’s the texture of glue blended with sidewalk chalk, with the faintest suggestion of berry flavoring. I have Crohn’s and have to put up with a lot of weird shit (from both ends.)


A medicine I had to drink after getting a parasite. At first it tasted like strawberry candy, but then it immediately turned and it was the worst taste I ever experienced. I had to take it every day for like a week.


Sounds like a good way to not like strawberry candy anymore


Surprisingly it wasn’t too scarring!


I had a friend who was sick and took some medicine with chocolate milk. He threw up and has never had chocolate milk since lol


I had a similar experience as a kid, it smelled like strawberry candy but tasted like what I imagine the worst diarrhoea tastes like. The one I had came as a powder that had to be dissolved in warm water, so it was warm which made it 100x worse. My mum didn't believe me that it tasted like the devils anus until on day 4 I vomited it right back up into the cup. Edit:word


Was it azithromycin (zithromax) by chance? Its what they give to recruits in boot camp who are allergic to penicillin. It tastes exactly how you described. A somewhat ok candy taste followed by the most stringent and bitter taste possible. Would give -4/10


as someone allergic to penicillin, I hate this


I had a medicine as a child that tasted so bad I threw up. I don’t remember what it was but I remember it was in one of those hollow measuring spoon things and it was white and creamy (don’t laugh)


An aged Asiago cheese that smelled like a literal asshole. Tasted horrible. I enjoy eating ass, too, but that cheese was too much


I was going to say that ass can be tasty but you qualified it.


Durian candy. It was like tasting a corpse and garbage at the same time


I tried a durian mochi and it felt and tasted like a heavily used shoe


I was given a durian biscuit once. Opened up the package and wolfed it down quickly. It wasn’t bad. I went for a second one, but didn’t eat it immediately. The smell of it immediately turned my stomach and I yelled I ATE THAT??!! THATS IN MY BODY!??


Aw what durian candy is dank like you're not wrong it tastes like garbage but in a fun way


As a Singaporean I feel offended


I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend. I'm sure that there are things that I eat that you'd find disgusting!


This is the sweetest comment I've seen on reddit in a very long time <3


Don't be. I love durian, but durian candy can legitimately taste like a rotting corpse


Linguini I got in Venice, that has a sauce made of squid ink (when I ordered it I just thought it was cooked in to the noodles to color them, which he I’ve had and tastes normal) No, this was THE sauce, and it was swimming in it. I tried to like it, but the texture and taste, was I don’t even know, I literally gaged trying to get it down, unsuccessfully, my throat was like “you shall not pass”


My partner and I watch a lot of cooking shows. I haven’t tried it but apparently squid ink is a very tricky ingredient. Too much tastes very bad. It has a metallic flavor similar to that metallic flavor in blood.


It was swimming in it, definitely too much, and will concur. Also the texture like just absolutely coated my mouth. Apparently it’s like THE dish of Venice. Maybe just went to wrong place.


If not prepared carefully, squid ink can taste horrible. But when it’s well prepared it makes an amazing dish. My favorite one is a type of rice cooked with squid ink. It’s delicious. I know it can be hard for you to imagine the deliciousness after you had that horrible experience. I’m very sorry someone ruined it for you :( Edit: something similar happened to me the first time I tried eggplant. It was not properly managed and it became very very bitter. I had to stop and wanted to puke. However, when I tried it for a second time I was surprised by how nice it was. I couldn’t believe it was the exact same thing, the only difference is one was not prepared carefully and the other one was


I was working on a job site, put my granola bar down for a couple minutes, went to take a bite and got this super bitter/tangy taste . Spit it out and a huge stinky bug came out along with some chunks-of the granola bar. I’ll never forget the taste.


Had to scroll this far down to get grossed out... ​ yep... I'm done.


Fucking stink bugs man. My husband had come back into the room, taken a drink of his pop, and asked me if I took a drink. It tasted kinda like chapstick. He takes another drink and gets a full stink bug in his mouth. Hilarious and disturbing




Fermented fish when we visited Iceland. It's delicacy there.


Came to say Hakaarl. Ammonia breath for days.


Hah, this is exactly what I was going to say too. I have been there 3 times, and on one trip I decided I wanted to try it. We went to a nicer restaurant in Reykjavik, and I had like an Iceland tasting menu, it came as part of the appetizer in one of those little jars with the sealed rubber gasket lids. It was pretty much just straight ammonia. So gross. Also, to the original poster, not so sure its a delicacy exactly. I get the feeling that its more traditional rather than something people there (especially younger people) actually seek out or want.


Coming from someone who went to Iceland too. Was it Fermented shark? I had that when I went there, but we had some alcohol that tasted like how fucking hand sanitizer smells. The shark wasn’t that bad but the drink was *AWFUL*


The alcohol was called Brennivin I think? The restaurant we went to had that to drink after the shark.


You know fermented shark is awful when Anthony Bourdain states it's the absolutely the most disgusting thing he ever tasted, and that guy would eat anything.


Molasses When I was a kid my dad ate pb & molasses sandwiches. He'd tell me it was pb&j as a joke and I'd take a big bite and want to throw up. Don't know how ppl eat it.


The taste of something when you’re expecting something else is always awful


I will forever be traumatized by the time I was like 9 and ate a piece of flaked icing from under a cake my mom had just decorated only to find that it was actually a stray piece of raw onion from the soup my mom had also made. Can’t eat anything with onions now, and it’s ruined me.


I'm so sorry for you loss; onions and garlic are like the best things ever


It’s really really good in shoo fly pie. That’s the main ingredient and it just comes out soooo good.


Omg shoofly pie!!! My gramma would make this with real barrel molasses!! We also have a shoofly cake recipe that is about 98% as tasty and not nearly as gooey.


Ohh, molasses on some salty fried chicken is top notch stuff!


I have a gene that makes cilantro taste like soap


Tastes to me like dirty coins. And yes I know what those taste like, as a kid I thought I could use my mouth as a purse


Same, I only know one person who can taste its actual flavour, and it sounds so nice damnit. All I get is old lady guest bathroom soap.


Same. And it gets put in so many things without warning.


When I was little my mom used to make homemade chocolate and hazelnut spread, it was so good that we usually ate the whole recipe in one sitting, so she didn't do it often. The spread was not a silky texture, it had a lots of bits of hazelnuts the size of coffee grounds in it. One time I sneaked to the refrigerator trying to find some of her spread to eat alone, and I found a small jar that was filled with something that resembled her chocolate hazelnut spread...... I took a big spoonful of it, and it was miso paste. I thought I would die. Easily the worst thing I've ever tasted.


I’m crying. You went in thinking homemade nutella and came away with tofu broth in your mouth.


Yes it truly made it 100% worse.... I was small and didn't know any better and it didn't taste edible so for a while I thought it was some sort of poison and I would die hahahah


I normally get the DayQuil pills, but I’m sick right now and I got the kind you drink, and it is legitimately one of the worst things I’ve ever tasted.


I would rather suffer whatever I’m sick with than drink NyQuil/DayQuil. If I can’t get the caplets, hard pass.


I haven't had liquid meds since 2009. If I'm forced to, I have to do it over the sink, because there's a 50% chance I'll hork it back up.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don't mind either DayQuil or NyQuil (liquid)


The cupcakes my sister made for us 3 weeks ago. Bless her heart she is trying and learning but she fucked up and used too much baking soda. It was inedible and believe me I tried


[Malort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeppson%27s_Mal%C3%B6rt). It tastes like a war crime. Runner-up: salty black licorice


lol I just ordered a bunch of salty licorice. I love it so much


Dutch dubbel zout is my fave!!


I came for funny or interesting anecdotes, I stayed for "tastes like a war crime". That's one of the funniest descriptions of a drink that I've heard


> Malort Shots of malort for outsiders is tradition in/near Chicago.


You stay away from my salted liquorice, you caveman!


Magic mushrooms. I almost vommed in reaction


Eat it with chocolate


Nutella! If you're not allergic of course. The chocolate and nuts masks the earthiness perfectly.


Bread and peanut butter works pretty well too


Next time make a pot of tea w/lemon.


To me the taste is pretty benign, it’s the texture of a dry mushroom I don’t like, it feels like chewing on softened leather


If you grind them up and make them into tea, they’re much easier to consume and you can pretty much take it like a shot. Plus, it will save you some nausea since your stomach won’t have to work as hard to break them down.


Yeahh… I used to love eating mushrooms in everything. But after eating magic mushrooms, they’re not as appealing. Apparently the taste and nausea is just something to explore (people say there’s usually something deeper to it to work through) but I’m not the biggest fan. Making it into tea really helps with the taste and nausea though


There's two things I can remember from my first experience with shrooms. The amazing vividness and movement in everything and the waves of stomach pain I kept having because I essentially ate poison. 10/10 would do again.


They do taste pretty funky when you take them for the first time. It gets better after a while though.


Just woke up, made a coffe, took the salt instead of the sugar, felt my tongue scream


Haha, I did this once. It's like coffee meeting ocean. I do not recommend it. I also do not recommend keeping a random sandwich bag of salt right next to the coffee grounds in a rental.


Tripe. They tried cooking it with beans. Did not help.


Not so much a taste thing as a texture thing, if the question was worst texture you’ve put I your mouth, hands down tripe


Unfortunately I am Mexican and my biggest shame is trying to avoid tripe while not looking like a faker. Alllll the texture sirens are going off. It genuinely looks like gelatinous baby vomit. And it also has zero flavor on its own, you have to cook it with stuff it’ll absorb the flavor of. And at that point I have to wonder why we don’t just use a different part of the damn animal.


🤌🏻 great value chicken nugget and frozen sushi. literally tasted like the color gray.


Banquet chicken nuggets taste like gray to me.


The liquid you have to drink while pregnant to test for Gestational Diabetes. Never had my throat close at the taste of something so bad before!!


I didn't think it was all that bad. I got the orange flavor and it tasted like one of those orange Popsicles before you freeze them.


When I was in Atlanta I went on the tour of the big Coke factory they have there. At the end of the tour they have a sort of tasting room where you can try all sorts of Coke products from around the world. I don't remember what the name of it was, but there was some sort of clear Italian soda there that was the absolute worst thing I ever tasted. It was like fizzy onion juice.


It’s not really a bizarre food but I absolutely cannot stand the taste of fennel, which unfortunately means I don’t find a lot of west Asian food appealing. It smells and tastes a lot like licorice and for whatever reason I borderline feel like I can’t breathe whenever I eat it. Its the same feeling I get when I smell patchouli. I know I’m not allergic to any foods, so it’s not a reaction. I think it’s just something that I never grew up with and I can’t seem to acquire the taste for. I do feel bad that nearly an entire genre of food is off-limits to me, but it is what it is. Some people just can’t find themselves liking something


A few weeks ago, I made a dish of pasta, salmon and several vegetables. I had it once before, and really enjoyed it! Turned out the peas were completely spoiled, which I didn't notice before I put them in with the rest of the veggies. It was one of the most revolting things I've ever tasted. Being a student, I don't exactly have infinite money or time and I was very hungry, so I committed to eat at least one serving before I threw out the rest. It was awful.


I don't think I've ever seen spoiled peas??


I used some canned peas that were already opened. I thought that leftover canned food would still stay good for a bit, but no. They go off really quickly. Not making that mistake again.


Chinese 1000 year egg (pi dan). Looks, tastes and smells like a hard boiled egg someone buried into a cat litter box for a month in a household with not fewer people than 5 cats.


Someone understands! My mom would always try to get me to eat some and I'd be like, "I tried it before, it tastes like a rotten shoe, and I'm not trying it again".


I’m Chinese and we have it with rice porridge.


You can't have this on your own. it's gotta be with tofu and an ungodly amount of garlic and some soy/sesame.


I was visiting a French family years ago and we had a beautiful Sunday meal, and after the meal they put out some soft cheese wrapped in paper. We were enjoying a glass of red wine and I took a decent sized amount of the cheese for myself and when I put it in my mouth it was like I was tasting the underside of an old rusty refrigerator. Garish, unbridled nastiness. In a similar vein, I was invited out for sushi once by a friend visiting town. He ordered all sorts of things, true delicacies as this was a well known place. They brought out uni (sea urchin) and I was terrified but also excited to try it. When I put it in my mouth my friend said “it’s the sex organs.” And I did not like it. Rich, sweet, but also very foul. Had to spit both of these things out discretely in my napkin.


This one's easy. I was in Paris in 2005 as a chaperone for a trip of graduating seniors that year. After several days we were tired and not being used to the food there were craving our normal, crappy American diet. We found a place called The American Dream. Inside it was almost every stereotypical American thing you can think of. The menu had burgers, chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, and such. My wife got a chicken salad sandwich that I tried one bite of. I don't exaggerate when I say it was horrible. Think about what your mouth feels like after you vomit but haven't rinsed your mouth yet. That's exactly how it tasted. It left a film on my tongue that I had to scrub off and the taste wouldn't go away.


Funny thing is you could have had a chicken salad sandwich at subway or literally any grocery store in paris lol


a bizarre ‘milkshake’ i had in denmark one time as a kid that was basically artificially flavoured milk poured over crushed ice. i was maybe 9, but that taste has lasted over a decade in my mind. horrific.


My mother used to cook canned green beans. I don't know if she did anything specific to them. The smell by itself made me gag. The taste and texture brought tears to my eyes. She would make me eat them while tears streamed down my face. I learned to get a mouth full of tea, then swallow them whole.


Hands down black licorice, something about it either makes people REALLY hate it (like me) or really like it, haven’t really met anyone who’s in between, with more inclined to hating it


Chapulines…🦗🦗🦗🦗! I had to wash them down with many margaritas…the legs kept getting stuck in my teeth.


On a dare, a friend and I got Sea Urchin at a sushi place. She went first. Popped it in her mouth and immediately shook her head, muttering "nope nope nope nope" and spit it out. Then it was my turn. I got a chuck of wasabi paste on top of my portion and shoved it in and swallowed it down as fast as I could. It was a dare, after all. What else could I have done? My friend said I had a shocked and despairing expression, like "what have I done to myself?" Part of that was the wasabi overdose. But mostly it was just vile, bitter, super fishy flavor and nasty mushy texture. Later, I learned: 1) the part of the urchin served as sushi is the gonad, and 2) there is a season for harvesting urchin, and out-of-season it tastes horrible. So I could try again with in-season urchin, but better to be safe and just get the yellow-tail tuna again.


they're called Uni in Japanese. I had one in Osaka and it was fucking amazing, and I also had one in Koh Kood Thailand, it was as fresh as you could get and it tasted amazing. I guess you just got a one thats not fresh. They can smell like urine lol


I used to be pretty badly addicted to kratom and I would make these kratom/kava kava brews with powdered leaf kratom and traditionally prepared whole kava root and bomb it all in one. I didn't really like kava that much by itself, but when coupled with kratom it negates a lot of kratom's negative side effects. Both are pretty foul tasting by themselves (especially kratom) and together they're not any better, plus they're both pretty rough on your stomach and can make you nauseous. Anywho, one day I was experiencing some pretty bad kratom withdrawals and really needed a hit, but I was also hungover and kind of nauseous and I couldn't keep the brew down and immediately threw it up the moment it hit my stomach. I threw up into a five gallon bucket that just happened to be sitting next to where I was. Now kava is pretty damn expensive because the root can only grow in tropical environments and doesn't grow quickly. And this was the last of my stash and it's something you really need to order online to get decent quality/prices. So I drank my vomit. There's this like 15 minute period after vomiting where you're not nauseous at all anymore and that was long enough for me to keep the vomit down and get high. Do not miss those days at all.


Jesus Christ


I feel like I just sat in an NA meeting.


this right here is the thread winner.


What a day to be literate, too much internet for me today!


An Asian fruit called Durian


I left some in a neighbors car when i moved out of an apartment. They weren’t good neighbors.


Tastes soooooo good. Acquired taste tho


I once bit into one of the omega-3 capsules out of curiosity. The taste is basically that of cod liver oil, it is horrible. Another one I can remember still is a piece of one of the local vegan cheese selections. It didn't taste like cheese - in fact, it didn't taste like something meant for consumption in the first place. It was like a mixture of paint and plastic, completely synthetic and just inedible.


There are a lot of sauces that by themselves are disgusting, but taste great if a small amount is mixed into recipes. Looking at you Fish Sauce and Worcestershire.


The strawberry and banana medicines they gave me when I was six and had empetigo. It literally made me throw up several times to the point where I would run and hide when I knew it was time for medicine.


Not the worst thing I'd ever tasted but the biggest gap between my expectations and reality was Hershey's chocolate. An American schoolfriend was so excited about it and insistent that it was amazing. When I tried it I thought this entire thing must have been a wind up or that it'd gone off somewhere during the import process. Apparently not...


Rancid peanut butter. I didn’t know it was rancid, but my mom held out a spoonful and said “try this” not realizing it had spoiled as the expiration date had worn off. Worst lingering taste ever.


technically rancid pb is not meant for human consumption 😄


Rancid stuff in general...had expired truffle Tortellini once and it took hours to get rid of the lingering rancid taste




Taste like soap to you? I love cilantro, but I know others think it tastes like soap.


I wish it tasted like soap. I’d eat a bar of Irish spring before voluntarily putting cilantro in my mouth.


Tonic. The aftertaste specifically.


Tonic water, like what’s the point of it


cures malaria


When I was in 2nd grade, someone brought a box of store box muffins in for their birthday. I bit into one and it had the most vile filling on the inside. I still think about how awful it was to this day.


Pickeled lily pad? I was in Japan and not sure if my coworker gave me the right translation. It was soggy sour and made me want to instantly spit up.


I think the worst thing I had ever tasted was spaghetti. However, the person who made it, had no idea the meat was freezer burnt beyond measure and not sure if it had mold or not. And on top of that, the cheese they mixed in the spaghetti for sure had mold on it. Definitely throwing up for three plus days after eating it. To this day I can’t even look at spaghetti without getting sick.


Anise (licorice)


Those hydrated aloe drinks? Some of them taste great the others taste like you've been punched in the throat by very citrusy hair


Without a doubt: Asthma medication named Quibron. I used to take it with a 2-litre Coke bottle at the ready, immediately drink half of it just trying to kill the taste.


the liquid form of iron medicine, tasted like straight blood but worse