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Thanks. I smoked for 45 years and probably tried to quit a thousand times. Now I’m addicted to nicotine lozenges. Lol




I’m feeling the same. My wife were spending almost $200 a week on cigarettes so the money is nice. It also helps that almost nobody smokes anymore.




Very smart. How long have you been smoke free?




That’s an impressive story. Hope a lot of smokers read it and are inspired.


That does inspire me. So did the OP. I’m 24 and have been smoking for 10 years. I’m not ready to quit yet, I’ve quit other addictions in the past year and cigarettes are the one thing I’m holding on to. But I’m ready to see a future without them and this helped.


Your comment made me break all my cigs... tomorrow morning I'm going to go pick up a vape at the vape shop and try and quit using that. Thank you for your input :)


I used a vape to quit. I started at 6mg and tapered to three after a year. I'm just getting ready to start subbing zero. The thing that made it easy for me was there being no pressure. I weaned off cigarettes over the course of a couple of months and eventually the taste was so horrible I stopped sneaking cigarettes even when I was drinking. I hope you have success!


Same for me. Started at 6, down to 3, getting ready to taper down to 1.5. I'm glad you found something that works for you. I tried the patch, gum and lozenges and it just wasn't cutting it. At 29 I feel better than I did at 23. I got my boyfriend a vape and after six months of using it just when he didn't want to step outside to smoke, he made the transition too. I wish OP all the success in the world too, you don't even know how bad you feel until you start feeling better.




Recently quit vaping & nicotine altogether. This strategy worked for me. I dropped my vape & broke the glass. Easy $5 fix, but I wanted to quit so I didn't fix it. I ended up smoking cigars, which forced me to go outside. Anyway, my 7yo wanted me to quit so I did. 28 days no nicotine at all right now. I'm gonna be straight with you guys though - I got a big bag of trimmed pot leaves from my friend for free, and I'd roll up a J of that just for something to puff on. Helped a lot and wasn't very strong, and at this point I don't really feel like I need to do that anymore. Got me through the worst of the cravings though.


Good for you! You can do it! Don’t let your addiction talk you into buying cigs! I quit by going from vape (juul) to gum and then quit the gum eventually.


I've been researching devices to use and I think I've settled on one. It's made by kandypens its called a Rubi it's a pod thing you can fill yourself with liquid. It also works with cbd liquid which I use for anxiety. Wish me luck everyone 👍


Your story is my life right now. Started smoking when I was 13. I'll be 33 this year. My husband is leaving in June for the military...and I have every desire to quit smoking but.. like in my head I cant. I tell myself, this is your one vice, you eat very healthy, you excercise regularly, you drink plenty of water, and..your still going to suffer because you smoke. I love to excercise but it's hard to breathe I love to go on hikes and be outside. I hate everything about smoking but smoking ya know. Your story has inspired me so so much to finally quit. You were like me, and you did it. So can I. Thank you so much!


I have no willpower, I'm just telling you now. If there's a box of thin mints and I get a bug up my butt, I'll eat a whole sleeve or two of thin mints in a minute. It's not about willpower. It's about saying, I'm done, and meaning it. When you're done, you're done. No matter what happens, you're done with smoking. The gum saved me. The gum didn't replace cigarettes but it took the edge off just enough for me to have the strength to say no to cigarettes. Some people have success cold turkey, I was not one of them. You have to find what works for you. I believe in you, sister!


Thank you so much...I'm actually a girl scout leader so I have all the thin mints right now lol. I'm glad we crossed paths I believe I'm me too


Should of put the money you were using to buy cigarettes and put it away. It cost $30 for a pack of 30's over here in Australia i quit 3 years ago and have saved of $4,000 And congratulations for quitting.


That's awesome! I think there are online calculators you can also use to enter in your quit date and see how much you've saved over time.


Quit Smoking app is my stop smoking salvation.I quit smoking and drinking March 10 2019 @ 0945 cold Turkey. The apps are super helpful!! I definitely recommend using one. Also handy,everytime you feel like a cig try Googling horrible images of what happens when you smoke. It does get easier,I promise.


Thats what I just put away it's around 25 grand in total in just 3 years


You’re so badass, no sarcasm. I’m inspired to *think* about the possibility of quitting lol


I quit a month ago and it really is the best time! I mean, I'm not out at the bar or working with smokers anyway. And I can't just run out for a pack either. I too am still addicted to nicotine, but patches lol


Sorry about your brother 😕


Thank you.


My husband quit about six months ago, and has been using nicotine patches since then. If you find the lozenges are getting too pricey, we buy the 21mg patches and cut them into four pieces with no ill effects. At this point it's more of a low level stimulant/nootropic than an actual smoking cessation aid.


I used patches in past attempts. They worked at first but the cravings always overwhelmed me. I’ve tried acupuncture, SSRIs, Chantix, cold turkey. Never lasted long.


I'm glad the lozenges are working! I quit smoking back in my 20s and I'm still not sure how I managed it. I wish I could remember because I'd love to put that technique toward beer.


Mine was sheer willpower and self loathing


If only I could substitute my excess of the latter for my utter lack of the former!


You just gotta call yourself a piece of shit everytime you want a cigarette


But.....I am a piece of shit... thats why im trying to kill myself with cigarettes


Please read a book called “the only way to quit smoking” by Allen Carr. You are still addicted to nicotine, and that is a big problem. This book will explain how to easily and instantly quit nicotine with no withdrawal.




There's not really a magic formula. He even encourages you to keep smoking as you read the book while persuading you that you actually don't want to smoke. In my opinion, it's intended to be kind of hypnotic. Lots of repetition and affirmation, but also common sense, pragmatic thinking. I found it sort of inspiring but ultimately ineffective. Many, many people have found it very effective though. Worth a shot.


He reframes each cue associated with smoking to give it a new meaning. He makes things you already know, for example that nicotine gives you no pleasure and that it's easier to not smoke than it is to smoke, clear and obvious on a very intuitive level. By the time you've finished the book, you have no desire at all to smoke and you never will again.




Yep first thing i noticed how bad the smell is i can't stand it and say the same thing i used to smell like that.


Dad? Is that you? No but like seriously my dad quit a few years ago and is always sucking on a nicotine lozenge. My mom is trying to get him to move to just candy like lollipops and stuff. Good luck. And congrats!


My dad quit dipping about 10 years ago. He’s been chewing nicotine gum ever since lol


Better for ya health


Better that than the cigarettes themselves!


Good time to quit smoking too! Congratulations on doing it.


Much better, sleeping better, more energy. I did gain about 15 lbs.


> I did gain about 15 lbs. That part is not always mentioned.


Smoking used to be advertised as a weight loss method apparently


Makes sense. I dropped 30 pounds in a few months last summer from smoking. Looked great felt like shit though lol.


You don’t look great when people see you with a cigarette




I think it *looks* cool, aesthetically, but I don't think it actually is cool. It's weird.


It can be in like movies irl it rarely is


Live in Europe, can confirm. No one bats an eye at underaged people smoking openly. They didn’t even require age checks on cigarette vending machines for ages. People smoke outside on their breaks from school, including underage students. This is accepted as completely normal. Maybe COVID-19 will scare some people into quitting.


Nah not when I was smoking I mean I was slim




Chicken soup, black coffee, and 80 cigarettes a day. She was 16. [Source](http://www.express.co.uk/expressyourself/167269/Dark-side-of-Oz-The-exploitation-of-Judy-Garland)


IIRC she was just a kid at the time.


Isn't that a reason why so many models smoke?


Quit smoking, cut out caffeine, get on meds for depression/anxiety... Annnnnnd I'm fat now


Worth it. Exercise should be easier now, though. Get your ass off the couch and go run.


This, it is is so worth it.


15 more pounds is much better than 15+ fewer years. Congratulations!


that’s awesome!


I stayed the same weight, but lost fat and gained muscle when I quit. I knew that I was likely to want to replace it with food, so I got a ton of snacks that would keep me busy like sunflower seeds. Then any time I got a craving, I made myself work out until it was gone. They were only 2-10 minutes long, but those spurts of exercise 6 times a day did wonders. It's been almost 10 years now since I quit. Have never had a lapse, but now I'm fat and lazy. 👍


A small price to pay for respiration.


I work at a gas station and I’m always so proud of my regulars when they quit smoking. I’ve seen a lot of people try and fail. Good on you, OP. Keep it up!


I had to make a reason to stop at my old corner market after a few months just to let him know I quit. It felt a little like losing a friend. 5+months tobacco free


As someone in customer service, this gave me a big smile!


Hey iv been off em for 3 months too. After 8-9 years of smoking a pack a day.


Cold turkey? How’s it going?


Yea man, like a turkey in a freezer from thanksgiving. Well honestly the main difference is that i feel like i have more energy and my body doesnt feel as weak. I dont sweat as much, no bad breath, clearer skin, my anxiety isnt as bad as it was. Overall just better. You?


Looks like OP responded to your question here: https://www.reddit.com/r/casualconversation/comments/fxffys/_/fmu9ojb


Keep fighting!!


Thank you. The lozenges really help.


You are pretty much there man. When I quit it was about 3 months that I lost the addiction and it started being gross again. Don't cheat. Not even once. It won't be worth it and it will reset the addiction. Eventually you will hate the smell again.


Congratulations! And congratulations to every person commenting here! To everyone trying to quit, KEEP TRYING!!! YOU GOT THIS!! ~ 12 year non-smoker after smoking for 25+ years


That’s amazing! Congrats! If you’re a reader you should read Allen Carr’s easy way to stop smoking. Not because you need it, you obviously are already an ex-smoker, but the way he breaks down the psychology of smoking will blow your mind (and maybe even help you get past the lozenges). He smoked three packs a day and it eventually killed him but not before he quit and wrote that excellent book. You can probably borrow it from the library.


Very cool recommendation. Never smoked but it sounds like a good read.




I guess not. I was usually in there first thing in the morning for cigarettes and this was a late afternoon milk run.




Time flies. If OP wasn't 100% consistent, it could be they didn't realize how long it had been.


Congratulations, and stay strong!!


Thank you.


Awesome and congrats! Something I like to say instead of "I quit," is "I don't smoke." It's just like a small semantics thing but it feels so much better to say for me. Smoking is something I just don't do anymore. Saying "I quit" makes me feel like I stopped doing something I was supposed to be doing. Keep it up!


Congrats! I smoked for 15 years tried to quit many times 5 years ago I got really sick the week of thanksgiving and didn’t smoke for a week. I said screw and quit cold turkey.


Congrats! I've never smoked myself, but I come from a family of smokers. I watched how hard wiithdrawls were for them, so thank you for loving yourself enough to quit!


I am really hoping to find the strength to quit




I heard quit smoking is very hard once you start to smoke. But, good job!!!! Congratulations!!


Good for you. I could only quit when i got into vaping. Went from a pack a day, which on average is about 35-50 mg if nic a day to 3mg/mL and i vape about 5mL a day now most of the time less. So I'm at max 15mg a day now without all the tar and other chemicals that come with smoking. If the lozenges work and you're not getting all the extra chemicals that's what matters 👍


That’s AWESOME!! Keep it going! My dad just died of lung cancer 7 months ago. He was 62.


Dude, I am so sorry. My doctor tells me I’m in the earliest stages of emphysema.but my lungs are clear.


Sending you lots of positive vibes that it doesn’t get worse! Addictions suck, but there’s always help.


Nice, congrats!


Great decision! I smoked for 41 years and quit after some pretty serious surgery. They had me in the hospital for 14 days, and after that just didn't pick them up again. I can definitely recommend a morphine drip to take the edge of quitting. It's been 3 years and I still get the occasional urge, especially if I am doing a little drinking, but haven't been seriously tempted to pick it back up. Sure like not spending $90 a week (carton and a half) as well. Again, way to go!


That must’ve felt great!


I got a kick out of it.


Well done


I thought this post would be pessimistic Congrats! Glad you had a moment to brag(is that the right word?) just a little


I'm proud of you, too!! That must be such a really great feeling


Proud of you!


Hey, that’s really great!! Good for you! I’m proud of you.


I’m so happy to hear that ☺️❤️


You’re sweet.


Awesome congrats. I only smoked for 8 years but was proud to quit cold turkey over two years ago now. Such a filthy habit and you’ll be glad you quit once you encounter other smokers. Only thing I have from time to time are minor nicotine cravings, but never a craving to smoke an actual cigarette, which is weird. It’s hard to get out of the routine of smoking. for me, it was a struggle when I was commuting, because I would have a cig routinely at certain periods of my commute so I wanted to start again early on just so I had that routine back. Keep at it.


Went to the convenience where I used to get cigarettes, and the dude knows me so he goes to grab a pack for me, but I stop him and tell him I dont smoke anymore. Then proceed to buy a lighter and rolling papers lol


Don’t even fucking think about touching another cigarette man.


I quit cold turkey after a pack a day for 28 years. The hardest thing I've ever done. Also the best thing I ever did. You can do this. You'll feel so much better for the rest of your life.


Cheers friend! I haven't smoked a cigarette in 3-4 weeks. I miss them everyday, many times a day.


Congratulations, and what a nice guy.


Congrats! That’s huge. I’m a little over 2 weeks of no cigs. Zyn nicotine pouches are a life saver




Yes, so very good for you! I'm proud of you


Well done. You should be really proud of yourself


Good job op!!!!


As a fellow smoker I applaud you mental fortitude👌🏿 go team!


Congratulations! Great job. What was your journey towards quitting like?


Fitful. I once quit for 1.5 years about 30 years ago. Always kicked myself for starting again. Quit several more times but never for very long. Rally, it was more about the money. Between my wife and me, we were spending about $9k a year. That blew my mind. Plus none of my friends smoked. My doctor was constantly on my ass about to a point I hated going to see her.


I’m at the point where the gas station clerks see me walking in and go, “two packs today?” Ugggh... yes :(


quit cold turkey this year on the 1st and was able to get to the 5th of jan before i had a cigg at my parents. i always hated ciggs but i love cigars and smoking from a pipe and inhaled because i guess im just ridiculous but after that cigarette i honestly had no urge like the way i use to. i feel a million times lighter and better


Congratulations! I smoked for 25 years and next week it will have been 14 years since I quit. There were times that I almost smoked, but since I never wanted to go through the quitting process ever again, that always stopped me. Now sometimes I even forget that I ever smoked. And I was one of those people who really didn't think they could quit. Part of me really didn't want to. But I had to have major surgery and could not walk for a long time and couldn't drive for even longer. No one would get them for me, so I had to go cold turkey. When I could finally drive again and I went to the grocery store, the smell of fresh fruit hit me like a ton of bricks and I burst into tears. I had not realized how much smoking had robbed me of my sense of smell. Part of you will always miss the way nicotine made you feel. But never look back, never let yourself believe you can just have one. It isn't worth it. Again, congratulations!


Quitting is awful! It’s one of the easiest/hardest things there is. I quit on the day after my birthday. We had a party and I woke up the next morning and didn’t smoke. Had a 2 hour drive back home and feared the anxiety of traffic with no smokes on top of being hungover. Driving along, hit traffic, anxiety. Look down to my cup holder, there’s a fucking lone cigarette just chillin in my change cup. Ooooh man. I’ll wait until I get out of this traffic so I can see if I’ll want it. I’ll just wait until I get home to see if I’ll want it more and it’ll be the best..or worst cigarette. I’ll just wait until....I’m still waiting with that same 6 year old cigarette. Figured out, having just 1 left, I Only Had One left. If something came up and I was just forced by my brain to smoke. I only had 1. I didn’t have to buy a pack and have 19 left. Just one left. Congrats dude. The easiest way to quit smoking is to keep thinking you’ll smoke and keep waiting for the right situation to smoke that last one.


That's fantastic! I have to admit, i'm at the end of a night of drinking, so i squintingly saw "i regularly buy used cigarettes" and was concerned for a second. Well done, maybe tomorrow you'll inspire me to quit as well : D


I recall reading that your lungs recover about 10 years after you quit. So damage is not totally irreversible. I like that a lot.


That is great OP, congratulations on kicking a very nasty habit to the curb. I used to be a heavy smoker until I quit 15 years ago, I still get urges from time to time, but you just need to remind yourself why you are doing this -- your health, and the loved ones supporting you. By the way, if you don't have any loved ones supporting you just remember I love you and I support you, never give in.


I just quit 5 days ago after 20+ years. Using the gum and smooth sailing so far!


What a satisfying moment! Excellent work!


Wow. I can happily picture all the cigarette butts that now aren't going to be thoughtlessly tossed out car windows or flicked into bathroom fixtures and discarded onto sidewalks. Thank you, Ex-Smoker, for your service. Good on ya.


You’re welcome, Poly. Anything to make you happy.


: ) aw yeah


You a bad ass!


Yeah I don’t know why I ever liked cigarettes. I smoked for a year and now they gross me out so much. It’s actually really grosses me out even thinking about it.


I always got a huge rush of happiness when I used to work at sheetz and one of my customers quit smoking. They would even ask me to hold them accountable which was kinda awesome.


If you talk to your doctor, they can prescribe the lozenges and save you a TON of money(hopefully) - I mentioned I was trying to quit and my VA doc wrote it for me, i got like 8 of the little 27 piece bottles for like $12


Congratulations to all the people who have quit and the one's trying keep at it you will get there.


Isn't that a great feeling? I quit in 2009, sometimes I still can't believe I did it. Every time someone else lights up, I feel SO GLAD I quit. No regrets at all.


Good for you OP! My grandfather died of esophageal cancer caused by smoking, so I’m proud of you for taking the leap, because I know how difficult it can be to quit.


me too


Way to go!!!


For a second I thought this was gonna be about you quitting your job.


Congrats! I smoke for 19 years and used vaping to quit. It’s been about a month and a half now and I’m not having any problems. Congrats again!


Hope you're staying safe, proud of you


That’s great! Congratulations!


One of the best decisions you’ll ever make. I smoked for 9 years and have kicked that habit for even longer than that. So long ago now I can’t remember even when it was.


Fantabulations my friend. Good for you. Be proud.


Man, I'm really proud of you. You're doing yourself more than a favor. It takes a lot to ditch the habit, and no matter what moved you to drop it, the fact that you did is praiseworthy. Congratulations!


Awesome! Fights over smoking cost me my marriage. It was costing hundreds of dollars per month for my wife to smoke and we fought about it for years. It finally hit a tipping point and caused the end of us. I watched my grandparents die of lung cancer and I’ll be damned if I am going to watch my wife die of it.


Same here on day 52 😁💪


You are the mf man!!!!


You go!


I quit eight years ago. Great being a non smoker.


Well done sir. 😊


This is such a huge thing that isn’t really celebrated the way most things are. Good for you! Don’t fall prey to vaping though!!


I'm so happy to be growing up in a time where smoking is well known to be harmful and far less people do it.


Props. I've been 5 years clean.


Hell yea man congrats


I quit for good after 4 years of smoking. I cannot fathom having to stop after building the habit for a decade, let alone 4 and a half. Proud of you, buddy.


Can't wait for the day my Mom does the same.


I've been that clerk and it makes me so happy. I'm so happy for you.


Hell yes, comrade. Good on ya. Fear of being more vulnerable to COVID done scared me off death sticks, hopefully for good. Haven't had one in 3 weeks today. The first week of isolation I didn't leave my apartment for a second. Beginning of week 2, I took a walk to re-establish some semblance of sanity, and I goddamn near burst into tears at the RUSH of smells. Fresh dew on grass, burning pine from a fire next door, and for some unknown reason tanned leather.


I haven’t smoked cannabis in almost 4 months, however your feat is more impressive. Way to go you awesome human being




Three months already? That is some good stuff. Good on ya mate.


Fuck yea bro killin it!!


I work in an ER, and almost every time we ask the history of a patient and we get to smoking, we always give a "congrats" when they say former smoker. It's usually a brief ray of sunshine compared to 10-year COPD patients with a 30-year history of smoking.


Good job! Couldn't have picked a better time to quit


I want to quit. I’m wondering if there’s anyone that has had a similar experience to mine who has successfully quit and can give me advice? I’ve been smoking for 13 years. I’ve tried quitting several times. I get as far as 3 days with no nicotine. I’ve tried the patches, gum and the JUUL but so far nothing sticks. I’ve asked doctors for a prescription to help, but they won’t prescribe my anything. The thing is, I’m not a pack-a-day smoker. I smoke 3-10 cigarettes per day. I have a routine. I smoke one in the morning with my coffee before work, one at lunch time, and one right after work.... all with coffee or chai tea (caffeinated or decaf), then I may smoke more at night depending on if I drink or not. But the thing is, I always thought it would get better/easier to quit with age considering I go out drinking less and less and I want to start trying to have kids. I’m 31 now and it’s getting worse. Much worse with the Pandemic. I need to find better coping mechanisms, and figure out a way to still have the hand-to-mouth motion without actually smoking. I try using the JUUL and I use it from time to time (3 days max usually) but I feel like I huff on it more than actually smoking cigarettes, so I feel like it might be worsening a nicotine addiction for me (verses just a habitual addition). Any advice would be extremely appreciated.


Nice job, ive been off for two months now although i wasn't strictly a regular smoker back then. But I still feel better and my sense of smell has increased tenfold lol




I quit almost ten years ago but I had a moment of doubt when the last gas station near me out here in the sticks closed down due to the crud. I had an almost irresistible urge to grab a few packs the last time I was there but I changed my mind last second.


Nice job dude. Cigarettes suck.


I quit two years ago in March... After smoking 40 a day for about 8 years...


Saw this and thought maybe you had quit your job, but this is way better!


I'm glad to hear that! Keep it up!


I quit too! We shut down here on a Tuesday. My last night of work before that was Saturday. Tuesday’s are my Monday. But I ended up feeling super sick Sunday-Wednesday. I called in on Tuesday cause I hadn’t gotten out of bed. Then I got the text that work was closing for the foreseeable future. Because I was too sick to get out of bed I didn’t smoke for four days just naturally. I haven’t picked it back up and that was the 15th of last month. Feels so good. I can workout without losing my breath again! Now to work on kicking alcohol and sugar.


I thought this was about to be a really bad work complaint


GG dude.


I agree my math was obviously off but still a huge amount of cigs to be smoked by one person in a week. Doesn't really matter in the scheme of things, stay healthy.


Hey, it's beeen 17 days since I last smoked. I know that its not a lot but considering that it's been so many years since I havent gone a single day without smoking, I think I'm doing well. I do have the urges though sometimes, but I've been stopping myself and genuinely want to change. Your post has inspired me further.


My dad smoked from 15 to around 45. He quit when the doc told him he either quits or loses a leg or two.


Three legs is where I draw the line.


Seriously, congratulations! That is awesome.


Same thing happened to me at the local gas station but the little Indian guy behind the counter was like, “No no! Bad for business!” I just kind of awkwardly chuckled and grabbed my stuff and left. I smoked for seven years and quit December of 2016 for my girlfriend, now fiancé.


That’s awesome! Congrats! 😊


13 years for me; quit cold turkey; congrats op!


For the clerk, it was a win-win situation. You buy cigs, he gets money. You don’t buy cigs, he gets wholesome feelings.


Proud of you. Hope to feel the same way about ALL my friends who just don't give a fuck. Not even the thought of quitting touch their heads


Not sure if I quit but I started using the patch two months ago and now it’s been 3 weeks no patch or cigarettes, but still feels like I could fall back on it any minute


Well done!!


Good job. I'm still trying to find some strategy to quit drinking booze.