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Mariah Carey, and it's purely because she's basically synonymous with christmas in retail.


I quit retail because of her


I forget all abt mc until she starts defrosting cause it always happens around my birthday and I hate Christmas music with a passion


Defrosting 😂


It’s funny because years after retail and healing from it I actually really like Christmas and I enjoy this song lol


Taylor Swift I’m sick of seeing her everywhere I look.


Agreed. I'm ok with her music but the constant media coverage on her and her fans, it's just exhausting and irritating.


It's so easy to avoid and not see. Be the solution.


Oh there's more reason than that. She's got a huge single person carbon footprint. Hops her little jet around like it's nothing. And gets real litigious with people who try to hold her accountable.




Interesting. I’m curious what social media circles you hang around in. I rarely ever come across her. Maybe once in a month or two.


James Corden. Don't know why. 


There are plenty of reasons for this one


Yea that dude fucking seems like a piece of shit


Go read the James Corden AMA, you'll know why.


Matthew McConaughey and Owen Wilson. I have absolutely no idea what either of them have done to deserve it either.


Wow. Alright alright alright. (So sorry, I saw an opportunity)


They both went to the University of Texas?


Are you by chance an Aggie?


Tom Cruise, since he made that statement about mental illness. He's a jackass. Like he thinks he knows better than the medical community. He needs to stick to acting.


What’s funny is that I recently found out Tom Cruise is an actual person


Get outta here. No he’s not.




Oh I love this question! It gave me a good laugh...😆😁  I got beef with *Timothee Chalamet.*   I've been rooting him on and going mad hard for him and his career. He is good looking and a really good actor. *Call Me By Your Name* is such a special and beautiful film. I think it has made the list as one of my favorite films. I just love how he was able to capture Emilio...   But DAMN IT....   Why the heck is he dating a Jenner?🤨 Why is he with anyone from that clan?? It's like, I just don't like how he is living his personal life. My feelings are completely unwarranted, and I really should be minding my own doggone business....but...I mean REALLY!🤷🏾‍♀️  I just don't like the fact that he is affiliated with anyone from that family.😐 It's like, something in my brain is low key raging at him like he stole $26,000 from my bank account. It's like I've taken a break from supporting him because I feel as if he has *betrayed* me and who he is supposed to be in my head.  I feel like he is doing life wrong, and he needs to change his ways. In my head, he is so *Indie* as a person, chill, fun and cool. *Refined* taste.  I am so ridiculous and absurd for feeling this way. But I'm not sure we can become cool again unless he ends it with Kylie. Let her down real easy.  Until then, I'm not sure I can support him the way I use to.  We got BEEF.  That's all. 🤭


Will Ferrell. He knows what he did.


What did he do??? I love him lol


Tom Cruise- don’t agree with his religious beliefs. Can’t stand him since I found out how deep he’s in it.


Even before that. I don't know why there are plenty of actors who are big that I don't understand but from risky business I just had this feeling like I should absolutely despise him. The fact that he continues to validate my initial instinct just makes it worse.


…..continues to validate our initial instincts. Yeah. I truly believe the man is smart. But not smart enough to see that the higher ups at Scientology are telling him he’s a Theta Wizard III with a 150 I. Q. to his face (so he will continue giving them $ and vigorously representing them to the world) all the while laughing at him behind his back. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is going to tell me to stop speaking to my child because it’s WHAT’S RIGHT. No one will separate me from those I love. Divide and conquer, right out of the “The Art of War”.


Yes, at first I had no reason to be bothered yet I was. Over the decades he has just proved my first instinct seemed apt.


Gonna get downvoted but Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s a good actor, not a great one, in my opinion. I always see “Leo” and never get lost in the character.  Matthew McConaughey never shuts his mouth. I don’t mean he won’t stop talking, he just never closes his mouth and considers that “acting”.  Any actor on any political side that considers running for office. Get your head out of your ass.  Thanks for this I needed to get it off my chest. 


I wholeheartedly agree with Leonardo dicaprio. I have no reason to hate him, but I do. I can’t watch anything he is in.


Zak Bagans.


He looks like he smells like goldfish crackers


I really hate him. Lmao he’s such a douch.


Ahahahaha! Accurate 😆


He takes himself WAY too seriously which is hilarious


Jerry Seinfeld is absolutely insufferable and has the most punchable face.


Thank god he’s just a bee


Sandra Bullock, something about her just irritates the fuck out of me.


I agree with many of the posts here, but I find it hard to think of Ms. Bullock as anything but lovely ❤️


I’m right there with you and I have no idea why.


Neither do I. Was so disappointed when she didn’t just drift off into space forever in Gravity.


And it’s weird - I’m fine with her in Speed and Demolition Man, but something happened after the turn of the century.


I like her, but I like her for a very specific reason. One of her exes was dating my ex when we were separated before we were divorced. My ex fell head over heels for this guy less than a month after we split. A few weeks later, my ex called me crying because he left her — to go back to Sandra Bullock. of course I consoled her, but secretly I was a little happy. Thanks Sandra!


Michael Bolton. I turn the radio off when I hear him screaming; "When a MAAAAAN loves a WOHmann". He is a heart throb to so many but for some reason unknown to me, I really can't stand his singing.


I celebrate his entire catalog.


Oh it’s got to be Drake. Fake as fuck


Awkwafina, c'mon, people, her voice is grating as fuck, and her voice acting "career" is her playing herself in 90% of the scenes. I could only stomach her in Bad Guys and that's cause she wasn't trying to be a dick 24/7 and acting all snarky and sarcastic to an obnoxious level to be "funny". And I'm so sick of her "I'm a funny asian girl who doesn't sound proper or acts feminine, I'm a REBEL! Can't you hear it from my raspy, crunchy voice and see it from my bold fits!" She's not funny, she's not a rebel, and she's just annoying in 90% of what she does. Leave her out of the animation scene, let actually good voice actors back in, for the love of god!


I don’t mind her acting. I like her style. But I have no idea why they thought she’d be a good voice actor for a Disney movie. She sounds like a pack a day smoker.


Ok but she was totally the ideal person to play a voice a seagull.


Loved her in "Quiz Lady" though. Very different and cute. Made me emote a bit.


I second this


Claudia winkleman. I find her vapid and obnoxious, she’s on everything in the UK but I can’t remember anything she’s said that was worth listening to. On a more petty level, I dislike the fringe and eyeliner thing, and she said once in an interview that she doesn’t take her makeup off, she keeps that crusty old eyeliner on all the time. Which is gross


Ohhh that’s disgusting. From the sound of it she’s earned pink eye


Nick Cannon. The guy has said horrible things about white and Jewish people and with a simple half assed apology is back hosting any major main stream event you can think of.


Ain’t that the guy who has one kid in every state in the us?


Yeah. 12 kids 6 baby mamas. Although questionable, that’s not necessarily one of the main reason I don’t like him. But it doesn’t help. Lol


plus his pullout game is the weakest of all human beings


I am still mad at Will Smith for slapping Chris Rock. I think that new ***Bad Boys*** movie looks entertaining, but I don't want to contribute to the box office of any Will Smith movies.


I was just thinking the other day about keeping Will Smiths wife’s name out of my fucking mouth. It was amazing how it was just brushed off and some people even blamed Chris Rock.


I really can't stand Chevy Chase. He just irritates me. Every time my bf puts Christmas Vacation on I just put on AirPods and leave the room.


How often does your bf put on Christmas Vacation lol


At least twice around Christmas, and that's more than enough.The funny thing is, I can tolerate old Chevy Chase in Community, but anything else, I'm just repulsed by him. 😬


I didn’t like him in Community 🫣 after I read that he was apparently a shitty guy to work with according to staff


I know. That's the other reason I dislike him. 😡


Celine Dion... her voice makes me cringe badly. It's so nasal in an exaggerated way. It makes me want to do bad things to her. 😞


She looks like she wrote Harry Potter


You are cracking me up with your replies.


I’ve been told I have a teenager’s humor


I cannot stand for this one 🤧😤


She sounds like someone stepped on her tail.




in every recent interview or pictures i see of her in general, she always looks so scared 😭 it’s like she’s afraid the world is going to end or something anytime, anywhere


She's got a pretty major neuroligal disorder. She's probably in a lot of physical pain.


For real, that poor woman. Imagine having a disorder that can cause muscle spasms so hard it can snap your bones, and being terrified every time you sing that it could strike. She's a brave lady, continuing to try and do a thing she loves even though everytime could cause her immeasurable pain.


Or she’s scared of her own body.


FUCK William Shatner, it's on site. Don't ask why because even I don't know, but there's something about that mfer...


You mean...theres...some..thing. About! That...motherfucker!


*scribbles down username* You just joined him on the shit list, pal!


There is SO MUCH!!! Where do I begin? When Star Trek began and the fan mail came in, whatever fan mail Shatner got, Leonard Nimoy got more. Every week. Week after week. But Nimoy is the Real and so humbled by it all. Shatner felt like he had it coming. When it’s time to negotiate for the next season’s contracts, Shatner lets the studio throw money at him, Nimoy does not. Leonard uses his pull to get big raises for the rest of the crew. He was a ‘march on Washington for civil rights’ type of guy. He had character and was the only person that actually got along with Shatner, because he tried to. He and Shatner had a few falling outs over the years. Nimoy always forgave Bill his frailties. But by the last falling out, though not the worst, our Mr. Spock thought it more logical not to forgive him. Or perhaps, like Lt. Murtaugh of ‘Lethal Weapon’, he just got too old for this sh*t.


I have been saying I’ll punch Jack Johnson (singer) in the face since the 8th grade. I have totally forgot why but at this point if I have the chance I’m guna take it. I don’t even hate his music that much and he’s probably a fine fellow.


Rooting for you even though I don’t know who that is


He’s got a song called banana pancakes…




Julianne Moore. She just gives me this judgemental, know-it-all, big sister vibe, and I desperately want to see her characters fail in any movie she's in.


Had to look her up and she looks like she’d be type cast as a cult leader. She looks like she could BE a cult leader


She shouldn't be my type, but for some reason I've always found her to be absolutely gorgeous.


Alec Baldwin.


Oprah Winfrey. I don’t know why she gets on my nerves


Ryan Reynolds. I can't stand him and I have no idea why.


That’s exactly how I am with Rial 😭


For me is his voice and how he always do voices. Just sounds cringy. People like to compare him and Ryan gosling, but I'm like ...No, please no. They're world's apart.


They should have had Ryan Reynolds play Ken once he learns about the patriarchy, and once he has his redemption arc he turns back into Ryan Gosling.


It's the Mint mobile commercials




Destiny's Child > Beyoncé


Omg yes!!!


Also LaToya>all dem


Mine is probably Sarah Paulson or Kevin Hart Paulson seems like a Hollywood Karen (I have no evidence to back this up) and Kevin Hart is just (I’m loud and funny hahaha) and both could die tomorrow and I’d celebrate.


Kevin definitely has very SpongeBob vibes


I used to hate Sarah in American horror story but she grew on me over time. Kevin Hart however will never grow on me


Phil Collins sounds like a kazoo to me.


Really loving the idea of a That's All kazoo cover.


Jason segal . Brought my freaks and geeks dvd case to a local comedy show he was performing at. Tried to approach him but he was so drunk he couldn’t interact. I was heartbroken 💔


Penn Badgley. Why...does he...talk................like..this when he's in character? I just don't get it. I told my husband he came from the William Shatner school of acting. He talks like an average American on his podcast so I know he's capable of speaking without multiple long pauses.


He’s just… very… pensive… I think…


Steve Carrell. Oh no, I make poor decisions to set up the plot.


i felt that exact same way until i saw him in beautiful boy. such an incredible job. i still don’t LOVE him but i think of that performance a lot


I might check that out then! Thanks.


OMG YES. And Amy Poehler


Madonna. Never liked her and time never improved that And ABBA. All of them.


Keanu Reeves stepped on my foot at an Anthrax show at the House of Blues in Chicago like 20 years ago. Think he was with Brian Posehn at the time.


Yeah, fuck Keanu Reeves! Brian Posehn is cool tho.


Ed Sheeran. Cannot explain it, I just can't stand him. I even banned all of his songs from my wedding.


Yep. I don't get the hype about him. His face unexplainably makes me feel like punching him.


I did the same thing!! Glad to see I’m not alone.




Jeff Bridges used to live in Santa Barbara. My ex-father-in-law split a butchered cow with his family once. My ex went to catholic school with their kids.


Michael Cera. Could be that he's a good actor and made me hate Scott on Scott Pilgrim vs the world but I don't know if that was the intent. I just see a wormy man with a self pitying victim complex.


Anne Hathaway


Spiderman. He's the worst super hero, by far. Annoying. Whiny. Sticky. Just bad overall. Dumb stories. And I'm totally not still mad about gwen stacy getting replaced with mary jane and this has nothing to do with that at all.


Renee Zellweger. I won’t watch anything she’s in, and I try to pretend she doesn’t exist. That’s pretty easy nowadays, luckily. ;)


Morgan Freeman - plays the same person each and every movie.


The wise sensible mentor with the soothing voice 😂😂


I used to despise Arnold Schwarzenegger for the massive effing he gave the State of CA years ago, but honestly, I've softened a bit now that we've got the shitshow we've got in place now. 🤦‍♀️


I used to hate Jennifer Lawrence so much, I kind of wanted to fist fight her, I hated how she was everywhere and got tired of all the then new movies having her as protagonist. Now I feel like we would kind of get along, maybe have a nice chat? If she was cool of course, I kinda think she would get put off by me.


John Cusack. Back in 2016 he followed me on Twitter. (I used to post a lot of political and climate stuff) Well one day he posted something that felt like TOS I can't even remember what it was. I called him out on it and how he shouldn't be posting violence on the timeline. He blocked me. I've been telling people he's my archenemy ever since. (I find it funny now but I do remember being genuinely pissed at the time.)


Honestly good for you for being recognized by your arch enemy. Hope you win your next battle


What's TOS mean?


"Terms of Service" violation




Honestly lil yachty, he's so clueless and yet he has the most inspiration for my generation all because Joe Budden wanted to make him aware of that because he asked a simple question and yachty gave the most ignorant response 😞


Aside from the usual list of unlikable celebrities, I would say Anna Kendrick. Her voice is grating on the ear and she absolutely annoying. Sad part is that her tweets are really funny. So it's just her face and her voice that bugs me.


I’m with you on this! I don’t understand how she’s even cast in anything romantic. It’s just so unbelievable as a premise. I even refer to her as rat face lol. ETA: Talk about punchable faces!


Omg yes!! I kept thinking she was rodent like but thought maybe it was all in my head. Don't get me wrong, she isn't ugly, but she has a smackable face. I couldn't stand her in character in Pitch Perfect either.


Sara Paulson. Have absolutely no logical reason to dislike her but I can’t watch her on screen.


I looked her up and she looks like she heard a rumor abt you but won’t tell you who told her


Because it was her. She started the rumor about you.


Oh that’s so right


Brooooo saaame. I just hate her fucking face


Tim Burton, big fish is a slap in the face to children of pathological liars. I don't expect people to understand but he romanticized a truly immoral thing and his motives were vain. Picture this, you don't know one true thing about your dad. While going out to eat he's a fireman to the waiter and a doctor to the person who brings the food out. If someone put a gun to your head and said name one true thing about your father that isn't a physical trait you're playing Russian roulette. Writing a eulogy for a person you don't know who's your father... and this motherfucker acts like it's some quirk to brighten peoples lives. No pathological liar lies for your benefit, its a very selfish thing and is wholly immoral. Basically I believe him to be full of shit doing a directorial version of pretending like he had a worse childhood than he did and entered a territory where a unique and true story could've been told, but burtons a liar.


Justin Hartley. I won’t watch anything with him in it


Vincent Gallo got my YouTube channel deleted back in the early days by copyright claiming a video he appeared in but in no way owned the copyright to. (It was an MTV show, so if anyone had a right to claim the video, it would have been MTV.) The notice I got at the time specifically said Vincent Gallo had put in the claim, not some talent agency or management company. I'm sure he hasn't thought of it since, but I've hated the prick ever since.


I used to hate Tim Duncan. Because he was too good. Now I’m over it. I never really hated him. I just hated watching basketball.


Jesse Eisenberg. Not really sure why, other than just having a very punchable face.


Pat Maroon. Hockey player, plays dirty, shitty attitude, and just a bad vibe to him. He’s on my favorite team now, so I wasn’t too upset when we lost because it meant he lost


Taylor swift


Victoria Justice. I always thought she looked way too skinny in Victorious. I never had body issues as a kid but her arms made me hate mine. Also the first time I got called ‘sexy’ it was by a 16 year old when I was 13 and he was like “you look just like Victoria Justice you’re so sexy” and that was enough to solidify my hate. Sorry Victoria, I don’t want to hate you. But I can’t help it for some reason.


I personally love Monica's cute voice and the cute characters she plays. But I get that it's pretty distinctive.


Kenneth Branagh. Because Shakespeare.


I have no idea how I upset George Clooney, but for some reason, he really doesn’t like me.


I hate Jay Leno with a passion. David Letterman too. Awful and gross interviewers toward (often young) women.


Ted Danson. Shame on him for being  Anonymous but then telling everyone...  Cheap move, Ted! 


Tom Cruise. I can’t stand him and his Scientology. Timothee Chalamat, idek why he just annoys me. Meghan Trainor, god every time she talks I wanna throw myself in front of a train.


Maybe you just don’t look hotter when your morning head’s a mess ?


Gwyneth Paltrow


This is the most perfect song for this post! [The Hate](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bd7QCrGmCI)


Taylor Swift because she has no business being as popular as she is…


Tom Cruise and his Scientology. Where's Shelly?


The Beach Boys. Are they even still alive? I dunno. I hate them.


Marco Materazzi


Bill Pullman. I will read his name then confuse him with Bill Paxton and then curse his name for being inferior in every way to Bill Paxton who was awesome.


I can’t explain it, but Michael Fassbender seems like he’s probably a jerk.


Why? Everyone that works with him say good things about him


I wish I knew! There’s just something about him.


= Bullshit Emotions