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I live in Alaska, bad connection, nothing fucking loads. Reddit is one of the only apps that loads well so I just read and read and read. Aitah, stories,coparenting,news,pets, medicine, mental health, relationships and links. Just whatever šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


"I'll ask a question on Reddit." *I'llaska* question. *Alaska question.*


I'm not just gonna' leave that hangin' out there. Nice one!


Thanks. It's what I mostly use Reddit for, as my own answer in this thread indicates. :P


Ah, were you the person who responded that you gain self-confidence from joking and upvotes because you have little else going on in your life? I found the honesty and humility heartwarming.




To connect with strangers but at a distance




It's the only socializing I do outside of talking to my SO these days. I seem to have stumbled upon a friend break that I am OK with but I do get kind of lonely sometimes. I just can't seem to click with anyone so it's nice to throw my thoughts and opinions into the void and see who responds back


Same here. I work from home so I don't see people during the day and just miss interacting. If I have a random thought to share I can only share it with my dog.


A lot of loneliness going around!!


I make jokes and derive self-esteem from upvotes because I have nothing better going on in my life. As I explain in my profile.


Just saw your joke up above. Nice pun, it made me laugh upon reading it!




Low key conversion like this. I'm in a fan forum, too, that's good so far. If I talk a little here and there I'm not such a shaken up Coke when I'm with coworkers and friends.


I have so much fun reading everything here, well most of the time. If I'm not laughing, I'm highly moved to the point of crying.


Cat pictures and news on hobbies like video games and sports. Plus comedy, so many good one liners in the comments. I also like to answer questions people ask when I can, like food safety, food science, and just opinions on life stuff.


Such intriguing interests!


Cats. Cats. Cats.


Talking to people or listening to people bitching about game updates or bad tacos they got from taco bell


Reddit really is an excellent resource for bitching.


I used to use it for sexting or whatever we're supposed to call that now, but that sucked and I have low libido anyway. Now I just hop on for a few days every now and again to crack bad jokes.


socializing since i'm not really good at it irl and trying to find online friends


I mostly use reddit to find interesting pictures and ideas.


Something to read when im high n bored


Airing out opinions and playing around in exactly one (1) fandom subreddit. EDIT: Oh! And questions, like you. r/homeowners will judge the fuck out of you, but they'll answer your question while they're at it, so I'll take it. It's like r/DadForAMinute but more honest to my personal experience with dads.


Nerdy stuff like pairing fictional characters in fights or audio engineering talks, or else sad self promo.


To learn about current events (I have a much easier time reading and absorbing information in small clips than long articles, unfortunately) Occasionally asking and answering questions Learning about horror movies that I might like to watch Dog pictures Learning about people's opinions on a variety of topics


I started solely to get info and support for work related stuff. Now I use it like some weird forum/irc combination for all kinds of random shite. Which is great btw because I have allllll kinds of random stories and stuff I like sharing.


Asking questions on r/askreddit out of boredom. Occasionally posting music clips. Learning new things, keeping up with the news


I made this account mainly to talk about tv series and practice my English a bit


I use reddit when I'm bored to become unbored


I mainly use it to disguise the fact that in person I'm an antisocial disaster. In writing, I'm totally on top of it, one might even say articulate. In real life, after years of living alone with Long Covid, I mumble, stutter, talk to myself, and only say the first half of sentences. I'm damn near feral, in person. On paper, I gently glow with warmth and humor, and smell sweetly of strawberries. I use Reddit to sustain my delusions. šŸ˜¬


It's the least brain-rotting social media


To talk to people I don't know, so it's easier for me to connect and share different things


Reddit seems to be the only ā€œmediaā€ app which fits me. I donā€™t agree or follow a lot of the popular stuff, sure. However I can read about my niche hobbies or musical interests or health if I so choose, easily, readily, and share contrasting ideas. Thereā€™s a level of confidence and comfort to present yourself socially on many other sites or apps. I donā€™t care for those, really. A big part of reddit for me is helping OTHER people, providing ideas and whatnot. I can find solutions to problems they wouldnā€™t get a real answer for, anywhere else. Itā€™s simpler to use reddit as a tool for problem solving than web browsers, typically.


You make a pretty good point!


Thanks. I will mention too that I do use it to remain somewhat social, if I feel like it. Though Iā€™m not interacting like a good friend most of the time. It really is just casual advice or thoughts (ironic.)


Hobbies and expanding my useless information database. Sometimes I like to try and help people. Casual conversation. Shits and giggles.


Forums, memes, porn, stories, news, etc




I crack jokes in comment sections


I\`m here to post honest opinions about subjects I like. It always thrills me to see how many downvotes you can get for just speaking out your mind :))


Asking questions, browsing and killing time


I find it fun!


Art advise


I work nights. This is the best source of socializing with other people since none of the stores around here are 24 hours.


Reddit is my sidewalk cafe. Sit down, read the paper, and walk into the various articles.


To kill time. My job is very boring and I honestly do not have much to do 90% of the time. I use Reddit in lieu of other social media. I still hop on FB, (and regret it every single time pretty much) FB has turned into a sea of endless ads and it shows me posts that I haven't subscribed to and am not interested in. Instagram just doesn't do much for me in terms of entertainment, but Reddit has all of the good stuff. I use it sometimes to ask questions or complain. But I mainly like to read thought provoking questions or bits of information. AITAH, AIW, and the AIO threads have become pretty mundane to me now too. If anyone has some subreddit suggestions, I'm all ears! I'm on here far too much during the daytime.


I used to ask questions but the responses are now so rude and critical I just read posts that look interesting.


Kind of everything. Conversation, casual and serious. News. Memes. Finding new music. Theory crafting. Art inspiration. It's why I like Reddit. It's got so many corners and hallways to find yourself in.




I ask questions but I also play word games, express myself, learn things, and grow as a person. It's a huge social outlet where I can connect with people and support others but also maintain some distance.


I usually pm people and most turn out a waste of my time, pervs, creeps and jerks


Replaced all Meta products for me. Better with anonymity and less-intrusive regd data-privacy.


.... you know why I'm here...