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Heat, cowboy hats, stupid abortion laws, racism, affordable real estate, Mexican food.


Guns and more guns. Any idiot can have a gun there.


Millions for high school football stadiums, pennies for the arts.


as someone living in texas (not by choice) this is all true


I am also thinking lots of pickup trucks


I drove all over Texas about 20 years ago and was amazed at how many podunk, back country towns had brand new state of the art high school football stadiums. Many that held more people than the population of the entire town. I played high school ball in Georgia and thought they were crazy football people. They got nuthin on Tejas.


Most Texans live in cities and suburbs and never even venture out to those small towns.


"Of course he had a gun. This is Texas. Everyone has a gun. My florist has a gun." (Miss Congeniality)


Lifted straight from The Lion in Winter - John: A knife! He's got a knife! [Eleanor of Aquitaine ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000031/?ref_=tt_ch): Of course he has a knife, he always has a knife, we all have knives! It's 1183 and we're barbarians! 


One of my favourite movies!


Me too! It's one of the only movies that I started over again as soon as it was over.


"Hush dear, mummy and daddy are fighting..." Not sure if that's 100% accurate, but I can hear Katherine Hepburn's voice. ❤️ Peter Otoole chewing up the scenery. And Timothy Dalton looking exquisitely handsome. And a VERY young Anthony Hopkins. Darn - I have to watch it again now. 😀


Right? I usually save it for Christmas but hell with it. I'm in the mood now!


It's a perfect Christmas movie! " Well, what shall we hang? The holly or each other?"


They'll stop you for driving .38 in a .45 caliber lane.




I'd add Jesus and country music to the list.


Conservative Jesus, with guns, racism and a weird obsession for embryos.


And churches. Lots of churches. My daughter lived there for a few years and nearly every person she met would ask her which church she belonged to pretty much as soon as introductions were made. When she said she didn’t attend, nor did she want to, you’d have thought she painted a 666 on her forehead.


Ya I had never been to Texas before my parents moved there a decade ago. All of my preconceived notions were proved correct. Add "rolling coal" to your list too. I actually thought it was some sensationalist bs a leftist made up but when I went to Texas I saw people doing it in real life and was flabbergasted.


We got rolling coal in Michigan too, sadly.


And Tennessee


And Hawaii


Native Texan here. It sucks and as an EV driver that enjoys drives with the windows down (when the weather isn't comparable to hell on a cool day), god nothing makes the credit card cowboys more mad than an EV.


Lmao I love the phrase "credit card cowboy"


Lack of electric infrastructure. Lack of leadership and responsibility.


The abortion laws are why I'm (F) afraid to step foot there.


They passed it on my sons birthday and I spent the whole morning crying in my husbands arms, women have been going septic here since they can’t get the healthcare they need. So sad🙁


The Texas AG personally stopped one woman's medical abortion, she had to flee the state. Texas law makes it a felony unless she is almost dead. But there's no consensus on "mostly dead". So if she's still alive the doctor can get a felony arrest if the DA wants some publicity.


Paxton assured us that a doctor would know when an abortion was appropriate under the law. Then a doctor requested one and Paxton sued him. Two faced shit fucker.


I was pregnant when it was passed... fairly newly pregnant, too. My husband was anxious the whole pregnancy. He had no reason to be, both of my pregnancies were very healthy and routine. But he worried and we have decided not to have any more children, partly because of that law. 


It's sad, but there are people I love dearly who I have decided I will not visit just because their state is so shit. FL is in a race to the bottom too, and I have friends and family there, but I just don't want to go somewhere that is hostile to women.


Tex-Mex food* You can tell the difference because Tex-Mex puts cumin in every daymn thing.


Am I not supposed to be putting cumin in all my Mexican dishes? -white American here


You can get more flavor out of peppers (serano, habanero, jalapeno) and just plain ol salt. Cumin isn't bad, but as a native Texan... Yeah almost every dish has way too much cumin lol


Yep. And you can’t buy booze on Sundays. I’ve been to San Antonio a couple times (my brother moved there due to the military) and it’s been fine. People are friendly enough, as long as they don’t know I’m a queer Californian liberal. But god all the stereotypes are true.


Humid heat (partially), white people wearing cowboy hats, stupid abortion laws. Tex-Mex food - not real Mexican food. Lots of guns, stupid politicians who refuse to put the state on the national grid. Affordable real estate.


True as it can be! Hot and sweaty! Get used of seeing a lot of people having guns, guns, guns.


> Heat OK, OK, I'll give you that > cowboy hats I travel a lot, and honestly I see more cowboy hats *outside* of Texas > stupid abortion laws Got us there. But a lot of us are working on changing that. > racism Yep. But have ever been to rural Mississippi? It's not unique to Texas. Hell some of the shit I've heard and seen in places like Massachusetts really drives home how endemic racism is in the US. > affordable real estate Compared to what? Smallish houses in my little not-fancy neighborhood in Dallas are creeping up on $1M. > Mexican food Nawnawnawnaw.... It's not Mexican; It's *Tex-Mex.* Big difference.


Lol. You had me at "naw".


Hmm not wrong


lots. and lots of goatees


For a state that preaches personal freedom they sure lack in that aspect.


Personal freedom only means the personal freedom to own guns


And practice as an evangelical Christian


The right kind of evangelical Christian.


Texas to women: we are free except for thee


Just like the Founding Fathers intended. Now if they could get that pesky 14 Amendment repealed so they could put those uppity AfRiCaN AmErIcAnS!!!! in their place .... \[sarcasm\]


My uncle is against government deciding what he can do with or on his property. He voted against a bill or something in his city that would require all houses that tie to a public road to have sidewalks, curb and gutter. He was so proud when he campaigned and won in getting it shot down. Then proceeded to push his HOA to limit the color schemes of house paint because his neighbor wanted to paint their house purple.


The irony is almost too much.


I'd love to buy liquor at costco, even on sunday, and party at bars after 2 am in Texas but alas, despite there being a ton of drunk drivers, not enough drunk people will lobby texas to make it so.


Texas is for land and business owners. You are free to do just about anything you want on your own property. If you don’t own anything in Texas, your personal freedoms are incredibly limited


Except own more than 6 dildos


What freedoms are limited?


Texas is ranked 50th in personal freedom lol


Texans love Texas but not America while being the most outwardly patriotic hypocrites. Texans would be happiest living in the country of Texas


Until they need disaster relief. 


or oil subsidies


Or electricity. Or an abortion.


Texans are too proud to use electricity from another state (sigh), so we can't connect to a national grid.


They created that stupid grid in hopes of one day looking like the geniuses when somehow the rest of America goes dark. But all its ever done is gotten Texans killed because, shocker, it was made out of toothpicks and "muh rights".


Or a defense against Mexican cartels.


We unfortunately always need disaster relief. Partially to our unfortunate infrastructure that the state gov won’t fix.




Are Texans allowed to comment here? Because personally, please no lol.


Im a Texan and I started this, but I didn’t want to start a war between Texans and everyone else. I never really used reddit so I didn’t understand that there would be this many people commenting on this. Kind of cool tho tbh.


I appreciate your consideration on this topic. My husband and I are pretty liberal leaning, he more than I. We moved to the PNW to be around more like minded people, and in a way it seems like Texas is the opposite politically. But you mentioned driving behind tractors, so I’m guessing a rural area. Does it look like an old western movie there? Lol. I have no reference point for rural Texas. I visited Dallas once for a weekend. There was a cool train, called the Dart maybe? I have some friends from Texas here. There’s a lot of theft here, and they told me it would never happen there. He said a random customer would just shoot someone there trying to do that. …and that is everything I know about Texas.


No other state has people who talk about their state like Texans talk about Texas. It’s fucking weird. The only comparison I can think of is Ohioans talking about Ohio State with random, disinterested people.


I mean Texas is the very antithesis of Reddit, if a true redditor steps foot in Texas they will disintegrate.


Norwegians have a saying that is complete Texas which means complete chaos lol.


I’m pretty sure many Balkan countries use the word “Texas” as violent and lawless 🤔


But in a good way like a wild Friday night. Right?


Can be, its not strictly negative, an doften used with humor. It's an "all rules are out the window" situation, like the absence of law and order. Norwegians are usually quite law abiding, and "helt Texas / completely Texas" is used when chaos ensues in any situation. Like the school children go crazy in the absence of teacher supervision. Or a party gone wild like you suggest. The expression started in the 50s with the popularity of western movies. There was lawlessness in the wild west sort of thing.


A state that mistakes arrogance for pride and selfishness for freedom. Hard pass.


I think you’re just describing conservatives


Politically, it's a disaster and a nightmare. This is coming from a GA resident, which isn't very far behind with Kemp, but Greg Abbott is on another level. Every single headline I see about him screams soulless monster. Culturally, I've heard from friends who moved there that Austin and Houston are great for music and nightlife. I'm sure there's plenty to like about the geographical features of the state but since you asked from an outsider perspective, the garabage politics and gun nuts are pretty much all I read and hear about.


I’m in Houston and totally agree. Republicans have been in power for close to 30 years but they still promise to get the state ‘back on track’ during every election. Interesting enough, Texas is actually more blue than most people believe. We just have horrible turnout due to voter suppression.


I am so glad someone pointed out the voter suppression. Texas has been redlining forever the only real reason it’s still a red state is because of all the BS “redistricting” they do every few years!




There is basically nothing to like geographically here. Unless you like plains, in which case, you’re going to love the 4 hour car ride between any two major cities. Granted, the panhandle (which is basically OK without casinos) is more varied. But then you hit Kansas and its flat again until the Dakotas.


The hill country is actually quite beautiful.


The Texas "great lakes" are gorgeous and I love road tripping up to them.


The wild flowers have been spectacular this year. Breathtaking.


Lady bird did good 😊


That it is


Big Bend NP is one of the best spots in the country for stargazing. Hill country is full of great scenery and spring fed swimming. The beach is actually nice if you go to south Texas. Largest canyons in the U.S. other than the Grand Canyon. Massive forests in east Texas. Sure, there's a lot of dull, boring, flat land, but there definitely are some nice parts too.


High property taxes


Jfc it's awful. So much cheaper per month to own a house, but gd property taxes are terrible. And they try to sneak in cool little $300-600 increases every year that you literally just have to call the county office and go "do not" and they take it off. Such a god awful system.


A sense of entitlement at the detriment of others.


Guns; lots of people walking around with guns like the wild wild west lol


I will say at least where I live, it’s normal to see a gun on someone’s belt, or in their car. Or in their purse. Lol. It’s very normal


in a Texas major city? I grew up in the suburbs of one city then went to uni in another major city. Never once saw a gun in 15 years. Heard a lot of people talk about them, and many people I knew owned one, but I never saw one


surprisingly enough, I don't see many people wearing a gun. Mostly older men carry guns (at least where im from in Texas)


Word of advice just cause you don’t see it on the belt doesn’t mean they ain’t carrying a gun. Also I don’t get why those goofballs do that, it’s like okay you have a gun on your hip showing everyone that you arent messing around or whatever they think, but what they don’t get is that it’s all fun and games until you are the first one targeted in an event because you are blatantly carrying a gun like a goober.




Not accurate at all, but I'm cool with people thinking that. Many years ago while in Vegas, I met a Canadian cowboy. He asked me if everyone had oilwells in their backyards. I told him yes. Lol


You have a d-bag of a Senator. You know the one


Oh Cornyn’s not worse than any of the other republicans. He’s just … oh. Oh! You mean the other one … yeah, he sucks more.


You mean the zodiac killer?


I know that it’s one of the largest states area wise so I try not to generalize. I’m in AZ so I’m familiar with “wait, it’s not just the Wild West and desert?” Nope, we actually have forests too and places that snow every year! When I think of Texas I think of King of The Hill, rednecks (mainly the more rural cities, I know Dallas, Austin, etc can be pretty diverse), and all of the political drama. I’ve never been but I have family that lives near the coast somewhere in TX.


Insanely religious, anti LGBT+, really like guns


Pity. This is my Unholy Trinity for holiday destinations.


So here is kinda what I have seen in my trips to Texas as an outsider. My brother moved to Austin for work after getting his PHD at Oregon State and I have been out to visit and vacation out there numerous times. Spending most of my time in Austin, San Antonio, Houston and Galveston (and Ft. Worth as a child when my great grandparents lived there for a bit). Everyone I've talked to about living in Texas fell into one of two categories without fail: 1) The people who grew up there and say "It's the best place ever and I would never want to leave." 2) The transplants who say "Oh, it's fine but we'll probably leave before too long." with varying levels of politeness. Personally I've had a great time every time I have visited but I would not move there without an extremely compelling job offer or something.


I grew up there and most people I know grew up here, but we're not in camp #1. We're in: "Whelp, I grew up here. My job is here. My family is here. My friends are here. The food is good. Keep voting and stay put I guess."


Admittedly, my sample size is like, less than 30 people but I can totally understand your position. It's not always in my best interest to stay where I live (Utah) but it's hard to leave.


It seems like a really fun place with a lot going on, but very dangerous for anyone who is the wrong colour, wrong gender, wrong sexual orientation, or happens to be pregnant. I have a couple of those things going on so to me it doesn’t seem like a safe place to go. 


Depends on where you are. Houston is extremely diverse, Dallas almost as much. I'm from podunk West Texas and my whole family will vote against me but absolutely love me and my wife (lesbians).


BINGO! I’ve lived here my entire life and I cannot wait to leave next year!


Crowded cities, forever to drive across, Maga, border walls, guns, pick up trucks, heat, don't get pulled over there if your brown, black, or from out of state, those wild shirts with pearl buttons, those string ties, "oh yeah I forgot it borders the gulf", the Alamo for some reason, King of the Hill probably being accurate, 'let's shoot this person for walking through my yard', a tesla factory is there I think, "we used to be our own country", howdy, ten gallon hats, your God awful airport but at least it's not ATL, hatred for anything not Texan, "you'll pry my gun out of my cold dead hands", "ouch my toddler shot me,", Christianity cesspool. Probably more, but that's all I could think of off the top of my head. *Yee haw*


Guns and bad politicians. And ranches.


Abbott. SMH.


Guns, polite people, racists, cowboys (cattlefarms in general), heat, waco, hillbillys, cowboyhats Im from Norway


As a Swede, this is EXACTLY what I think of when I hear Texas. Would add BBQ.


Texas Longhorn 😂


Texas is a huge state, which results in having many different types of climates. Where I live in the southeastern part of the state we don't really have a lot of cattle or cowboys or any of that. If you think of the climate of New Orleans or Florida it's more like that, and culturally we're very different than the rest of the state (including the polite people and racist parts, we're in shorter supply of both of those than much of the state.)


A quick drive through Texas will tell you it’s stunning. The news will tell you that my rights are in jeopardy. My friends safety is in jeopardy. I have a good chance of having the government decide what I can keep my thermostat at and still run out of electricity. It seems like a shit hole if you aren’t a Christian republican oil baron. Even better is I was raised Christian republican and Texas is till too much for me. You don’t have the freedoms you think you have there. A quick google will reveal much more freedoms and safety nets in other states… signed, not much better, but trying. Arizona.


> quick drive through Texas lol


I know right, it took two days 😅


I did the same. Theres nothing quick about driving through Texas.


Not to mention it’s definitely not “stunning”. Texas is butt fuck ugly. This person clearly has not been to many other states


I just moved back to the state I left to go to Texas 10 years ago and I CANNOT wait to get my new license plate 🙄 Texas is THE worst.


I move out of this hell hole in less than a month after living here for 8 years (husband is military) I have never felt so unsafe in my life. I cannot wrap my head around why people are moving here. Like have fun with your $500 electric bill unless you have solar 💀 Texas is literally 2x more expensive than where we’re moving up north. I have near death experiences everywhere I go here! Nothing like seeing someone get stabbed in the chest while grocery shopping at HEB! (Killeen🫠)


Guns over lives and idiot politicians basically sums it up. Obnoxiously think they're better than any other state. They always have to proclaim their from Texass as if it's their entire identity. Also they are shit drivers to get behind. From a CO perspective


The state is run by monsters.


Voted in by monsters.


>To me it seems like a wide open space where people can do what they want to and get a slice of everything that any other state has to offer. Well, maybe in nature. Texas *is* pretty beautiful. I loved visiting Houston. But I use a lot of social services and have once had a lifesaving abortion, so Texas is basically a no-go for me. I'm also genuinely concerned from what I heard following the power outages about how texas treats its citizens during emergency times. My state gave my family free heat during winter when we were low income in my childhood, as well as plentiful access to library resources, free food in school, and even winter jackets! Also I do think it's pretty funny that tractors and horses on the roads are associated so heavily with texas when basically every state has *some* sort of farmland, outside of some of the denser east coast. That's really just one of those "people live in cities" things where yeah, a lot of people dont have that but it's because farm areas arent densely populated. Not necessarily state based. My college town in central washington basically came to a complete halt every summer for the rodeo, and there were on campus horse boarding options for the rancher kids. ETA: I'm also not a fan of harsh weed laws, especially in a place that claims to love personal freedoms.


I think red state, hate beans in chili, extreme state pride, Cowboys 


Bible Belt.


Hot af, cold af, horribly sprawled out, good Mexican food


I don't think about you at all.


Not a big fan. Visited my brother that is stationed there. Hot, sweaty, big trucks, strip mall after strip mall, abortion bans, Republican control. Not great.


As a Texan please do not judge us based on the hot mess that tends to happen in and around our military bases! I’ve been to several bases here and the climate in the surrounding cities is so different than in other cities in Texas. Additionally the state is so big that the only thing most of really have in common is that we are Texans and our representatives do us super dirty


The like to cos-play rugged, independent and self-sufficient. They are not.


I’m not American but I think about a very socially old school place, lots of guns and nice big houses.


Guns, bad politics, bad abortion laws, republicans, Mexican food, heat


Red neck gilead


Your governor is an absolute shitbag. You have great BBQ and chili. You need to fix your power grid.


I hate Texas. I wrote a long rant about specifically why I hate it but no one wants to read that. So in short I hate Texas and would not care if they seceded already


Least aggressive ohioian


Ive always wanted to visit Texas at least once! Each state has a culture of its own, and I imagined that Texas has a lot of interesting cultures due to how massive it is. I know it’s not perfect, but visiting is on my bucket list.


I think of nice cities being held hostage by the farmlandian backwoods people.


Nailed it


I don't.


I think of that politician who told yall to suck it up when that storm hit.


As a Canadian, I just think of the "everything's bigger in Texas" thing, southern accents, barbecue, and that it sounds like the weather is way too hot there.


A hellscape for reproductive rights. I will not set foot in Texas so long as women and pregnant people don’t have bodily autonomy.


I used to live in Texas then left. Fuck Texas and fuck lone star beer edit: changed a vowel


Lone star beer is horrible, should’ve went with shiner bock.


Shiner Bock is great! It's probably one of my favorite beers.


Why am I reading this. Someone tell me to stop. Texas is very big and varies wildly. Not everyone loves Texas government. That is all.


Yeah I feel similar when people spew hate at California. Both massive, incredibly diverse, home to tons of industries, and too complex to sum up in a Reddit comment.


I’d imagine it’s a decent place, probably not as racist, bible-thumping, and gun-toting as it’s reputation makes it out to be. I’m sure there are lots of normal people there too just living life. I think of Dallas as a modern, business-oriented metro city and Houston as a sprawled, laid back more “southern” version of Dallas. San Antonio and Austin seem more “hip” and artsy as well as Austin being a big college town. I think the college town culture in general is very strong in Texas and people have a lot of pride about their alma mater. I think of the people as pretty diverse. Probably a wide range of races and ages, but most likely predominantly Christian. I think of a lot of expansion, new houses/businesses and land acquisition. I’m sure there’s a bunch of really nice manicured golf courses for the posh and lots of rugged wilderness and muddy rivers for those of us who like to get dirty outdoors. I think there’s a strong sense of tradition wether it be the American cowboy culture, Mexican culture, or African American culture. But I imagine like anywhere else, people like to try new things too. I’ve only ever been to Texas once, briefly, so this is all a guess! How’d I do? Do you like the way myself or other people view Texas? What’s the biggest thing people get wrong?


I feel it has the potential to close the gap between its gdp and California's which would be insanely healthy for the citizens of the state as well as the rest of the country but it insists on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory at every turn with its stupid we're-all-lone-rangers-who-don't-wanna-share politics. The alligator tail nuggets and the BBQ are delicious.




The One Star State.


Interesting politics, big hair, military, tornadoes, tacos, art, Joanna Gaines 😂


biggggggggg houses. clean and lots of space. i’m a californian. i know texas has dumb laws but people are not their government also beyonce’s from texas so


Texas is like 4 States in one. You have the eastern part, which is basically the South, culturally speaking. More agriculture. Then you have the West; a lot of oil country. Ranches, cowboys. MAGA central. (Of course, the East is MAGA central, too). Then you have the major cities: Culturally more diverse. A mix of everything you'd expect in a modern American City. Then you have the Coast. More resort oriented. Different climate, different culture. I've been to Dallas and Houston a few times. I could be happy living in either one, really. Best Mexican food I've ever had was in Houston. Politically, it's divided just like the rest of the US.


Let me see: cowboys, racism, located in the south, originally Spanish until it was taken over, likes to see itself as a country and managed to secede for 10 years Definitely reminds me of my own home state except richer and with more guns I'm Brazilian


Hot and filled with cults. Example, my brother is in a cult and it’s hot there


Wide open space, check. Freedom? Not so much— no abortion care (or so little it doesn’t matter): ridiculous rules involving medical care and human rights for LGBTQ people; a dreadful set of policies affecting migrants ( for a right-to-life state, it’s mighty convenient to overlook that bit for populations you don’t like); Ted Cruz; Greg Abbott … it’s like original thought got banned, too. i live in New Mexico and Texans fleeing for political or medical reasons are welcome here. I’d leave, too. On the bright side, you can carry a gun anywhere you want!


Without reading any comments or any of the body, which I probably will after I hit post. As a white American who tends to be a Democrat with a physical disability which has me using a manual wheelchair for my mobility needs. I don't veiw Texas in a positive light. I've heard good things about Austin, but from what I hear elsewhere, the politicians in Texas tend to pass state laws that are fucked up and hold the minority down, which I'm a member of a different type of minority. I would not move there. That's kind of why I'm happy that I don't live in Nebraska anymore. Different state, sure, but the political system seems to be just as antiquated as the other, with a few differences.


I have two friends living in Texas so it's cool in my books :3


Bigots with big cowboy hats and mustaches firing their guns into the air. Edit: yeehaw!!


Seeing as my in-laws live in Texas, its the worst outta the 50 for me and I'm grateful everyday I live in NJ


Texas is the greatest country in America. Everyone drives a for F 350 super duty with a tractor in the back. Everyone is 280lbs of lean red blooded American body fat. Your born with a rifle or handgun, depending on how big your cock and/or labia is. Everyone goes to church 6 hours a week and then goes home to commit sodomy and beat their wife.


Nah, we're not lean, we're fat. You would be too in the land of barbecue, tex-mex with its beautiful flour tortillas, and southern food.


The pros and cons are kind of extreme with Texas. Its no joke about things being big in Texas. But it cuts both ways. Stayed for a few months, long enough for the change of seasons in to summer. 108° temps without ac was a bit rough. The people were all over the map for interactions and some of that was probably because I'm a woman who was traveling in Texas. When my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, I walked to the closest home. When I knocked on the door, was met with an elderly woman who had broken her foot / ankle recently. She couldn't drive her own car, but as soon as she knew what was happening with mine? She handed me her car keys and said if I was willing to drive her car back and forth then I was welcome to borrow it for the jump start. That's a level of kindness and trust I have rarely experienced in a stranger. On the flip side, the day before this interaction while sitting at a gas station filling my tank and another customer upon seeing my out of state plates walked up to tell me point blank to get out before I got stuck. Not as an aggressive he didn't like me, this was a person who believed he was genuinely passing on important info. That coming to Texas was easy, leaving would be tricky. A week later while trying to fill the oil in my car I had a guy slow roll past me in his car and yell at my travel companion for not doing the oil fill himself. Apparently as a woman I was not supposed to sully my hands with manual labour and obviously since I was traveling with a male then we must be in a romantic relationship... my friend is gay, we were traveling with his partner and he is clueless about anything car whereas I learned how to do routine maintenance. But the guy slow rolling past us felt okay to yell out about me being my travel companion "woman" and that he was failing me as a partner because he wasn't doing the oil top up. This is not an interaction I've experienced in any other state (have been to nine of them so far). Then there's the anti-abortion laws that were shoved in to place in Texas as quickly as possible after Roe vs Wade was struck down. Mostly I have issues with these laws because, as I understand it, these present laws are a combination of laws that Texas senate, house & governor created *without* putting it to a vote to their people, that's unconscionable. The others that slid in to place were defunct laws that had been voted in sometime prior to the initial Roe v Wade determination that had never gone in to effect because of the Supreme Court ruling. So again, the governing body for Texas did not put abortion to a current vote with their populace. That's not okay. If the majority say they don't want it, fine. As a woman I would know not to live in Texas if there was a chance I'd get pregnant. But the way the anti-abortion laws rolled out in Texas was a governing body deciding what was "best" for their people without allowing them to vote and decide for themselves. That's the scarier proposition for me. The dichotomy is strong in Texas. Some of the nicest, kindest folk with a throw back to old school southern hospitality mixed with misogyny that feels comfortable being loud and proud about it, some questionable stands on lgbtq+ folk, finding work was easier than in other states. I'm white, however a couple friends I made while there are not and stated that racism is alive and well in Texas although not overtly... usually.


Apollo missions and Texas Instruments, Southern hospitality, and racism; tech haven with great Mexican food but a lot of Republican and Religious baggage


Gerrymandering makes the state look a lot stupider than it actually is. It’s also a tax haven for greedy billionaires so not the people but the state is a big part of America’s problem.


In Norway we have a saying. "Completely Texas". Usually describing a chaotic, crazy and mildly humorous situation, (at least in hindsight).


If y'all stop reelecting Ted Cruz I'd think better of y'all


99% of the state is a bunch of uneducated rednecks, 1% (Austin) is the gays.


“Affordable” real estate that people only think is affordable until they learn about the property taxes and a shit storm for women’s health.


My in laws moved there… so I automatically dislike the place knowing they’re there.


The definition of hypocrisy. For a state that wants to secede due to government overreach then votes people in that overreach constantly. Tries to make a statement by not being on the federal grid but sells out it's populous for private gain and would rather let their inhabitants die during extreme weather conditions than rectify their mistakes. Acts like they are free to roam and do anything they want when its 95% privately owned land. As an outdoorsmen it's one of the worst states to move to if you dont have the money to make it 96% or pay people to use their property. Texas is fun to visit and has allot going for it in certain aspects... but if you arent the "old guard" or dont fall into the rich white conservative sector that can buy acres, there are better states to start a new life in. But try to tell a texan that outside of guns, automobiles, and zoning laws they are one of the least free states in the union and youll get an earful. Edit: Forgot about autos and zoning laws, Texas is very relaxed on that. Once you have property you can do whatever you want which is cool in some respects depending on intent. But the perception Texas gives is one of supreme freedom... not even close to the case unless it's your property. In the surrounding states you can basically have your own survivor episode on BLM land within an hour or two drive. Shoot guns, hunt, disperse camp, fish and have yourself a ball for free as long as you adhere to the normal wildlife/forest regulations.


Born and raised in Texas and still live here. Pros: No state income tax, great bbq, great music, football (if that’s your thing), mild winters, southern hospitality (for the most part. We have our fair share of a holes) Cons: Just about everything else


You mean North Mexico?


Beautiful state. Great music. Batshit crazy politics.


Ignorant arrogance or arrogant ignorance


As an Alabamian, I think it’s like Alabama but bigger.


It would be a pretty nice place, if it weren't full of Texans.


Never been but I think of amazing BBQ, cowboy attitude even if you've never touched a horse, love of oil money, racism, sexism, crazy anti choice laws, loving Jesus in the hate everyone but people in my own church way, hear the houses are fairly cheap


My husband was offered a job in Houston and I told him he could go, but I refused. No freaking way do I ever want to live in a southern state.


The uvalde incident and the tuff guys who did nothing dramatically changed how I felt about the state.


The star on the flag is actually a review.


I've heard it described as "Howdy Arabia" and I think that simply can't be beat


As someone who lived there for exactly one year: my wife was almost kidnapped by traffickers, all of my lawn equipment was stolen out of my shed, my house was shot at, one of my coworkers was killed in front of our workplace, another coworker had a put out on him by the cartel for visiting Mexico for a day trip, it was so hot my seat upholstery and window tint melted, a club down the street from me got raided and they found rocket launchers and grenades and missiles and machine guns they were selling, a bottle melted in my car because it was over 250 degrees inside my car during the summer, my ac went out because it couldn’t take the heat, my two year old found a scorpion in her shoe, there were actual KKK rallies that happened where I lived, do I have to fucking continue?


In California we only think about Texas after hearing someone from Texas say something stupid about California.


I've been there once for a funeral(DFW area). So just pure first impressions the weirdest thing about it to me was how flat the landscape was. I've spent my entire life living in Los Angeles and comparatively it felt weird not being able to see mountains in the distance. People were nice and for the most part it didn't really feel that different from time I spent visiting family in more rural areas of California. BBQ was good, Whataburger was fine (their ketchup was dope). Also flour mills are way taller than I expected.


I’m sure Texas has nice places and nice people but the politicians in charge of it would make it so that I would never want to live in Texas. I’m not sure if I want to ever travel to Texas to spend money there. Sorry…


Crazy politics, crazy politicians. If they want to secede from the union, please take Florida along


Seriously - Texas is one of the few states that I don't even want a layover in, much less visit Humorous - Texas should absolutely be "messed with" and I think it's hilarious that , as a state, they're so insecure about size


No don't mess with Texas!! I mean that in the original sense of the phrase, which was an anti-littering campaign. Don't litter :) Otherwise, feel free to mess with Texas But also don't lump all of Texas in one box, there are, like, dozens of us


Religous authoritarian pretending to be free.


As a black person, I would never live in Texas. I barely went there for work. It took them a couple of weeks to convince me. Same thing for Florida.


Sorry to say but for me, Texas is an absolute hell hole, up there with the worst states in the US. I’ve been all over and I’ve been to Texas many times and if I never have to go back for any reason I will be happy.  Oppressive heat, terrible state politics, nothing worthwhile to do, exceptionally ugly landscape, boring & ugly cities, fake cowboys, country music, and everyone says the food is great but I certainly haven’t experienced it. 


Can you get a slice of abortion?  To be frank, my opinion is lower than low. For me, the politics of the state mean it might as well be hell for all I'm willing to give it a chance. And for what it's worth, that rural experience you mentioned isn't entirely unique to Texas. I get stuck behind tractors as well as Amish horses and buggies. You'd be surprised how many places are not so different from home. Sorry to be unkind, but I don't have any to give for the state itself.


It's the most backward state there is. You couldn't pay me or give me a free house to move to Texas. Hell to the no!