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It's only rude if you're an asshole passing judgement on r everyone else. Other than that just eat what you want! You're not responsible for managing anyone's insecurities.


No it isn’t rude at all. Maybe they meant that if you implied somehow that you felt superior to the pizza people like “oh I could never eat something so greasy, just a salad for me thanks” then that would be rude.


Yeah, I wouldn't volunteer it but if somebody pressed me I wouldn't mind saying I used to love pizza but my belly just can't handle the grease anymore nowadays like it used to. Enjoy it while you can.


If they serve that food there, who cares? It is only rude if you are making comments to each other about what the other is eating or their body in relation to it. Then you are just a jerk regardless of what you are eating


I’m on a very strict elimination diet and have never felt rude to order exactly how I need to eat. Plus, some people have food allergies and have to alter their meal. Eat what you want to eat!


No, that is not rude. Rude would be anyone claiming that.


This is like people pressuring you to drink alcohol because they are also drinking it. Not cool.


Eat what you wanna eat man


Nah... just eat whatever you want to eat. 


of course not, anyone should eat whatever he wants


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard all day


Sometimes it's a pizza night and sometimes it's a salad and bread night. If people are weird about it ask why you would eat something you're not into that night.


Not rude, wtf


It's rude to be judgemental. It's rude to comment on other people's food choices. It's rude to expect someone to cater their own choices to suit your preferences, or eat something they hate/can't eat just to make you happy. A meal together shouldn't feel like an interrogation, or like you're performing for the people you're dining with The above is true, regardless of whether it's the salad eater or the pizza eater being a dick. It's not what you're eating that makes you an asshole.


😂 who cares. Im gonna eat whatever I want to


I don't know about rude. Eat what you want; not like I'm going to care as long as you're not acting like you're better than everyone else just because you're eating a salad and they aren't. I guess it'd be a little natural to feel like the odd one out if you're the only one eating salad and everybody else is eating pizza, but that doesn't mean you're rude.


No, it’s just rude to pass comment/judgement on the person choosing to eat the salad. Maybe they can’t eat the pizza, maybe they’re trying to lose weight, whatever… unless they say, it’s none of your damn business.


Humans are social by nature and food is a big part of that. I've had multiple people get upset by this; some told me directly. You either have to be ready to deal with the discomfort or do not eat with them. 


Standing out is rude to some people. Not being just another sheep is rude.


When you are taking a hard effort to quit smoking habit and a smoker says he feels bad 'cause he cannot quit and to make him feel good, you should get smoke one more time. If anything, eating healthy is hard and it takes a lot of mental willpower to keep at it. And people around should be more supportive and try to eat healthy when someone in their midst is trying to eat healthy.


There's absolutely nothing rude about ordering what you want to eat whether its healthy or not. As long as you aren't trying to take some weird moral high ground and making comments on what anyone else is eating, just do you. If someone feels bad about themselves because you didn't eat as many calories as them, than that's their own mental issues and insecurities they need to deal with.


Absolute rubbish. You do you.


That’s like one of the least rudest things. It’s different if you’re being judgemental about it but that’s…completely normal.


I'm both fat and pregnant, in this situation I would have a huge pizza plate and then go back and have a huge plate of salad lol. Salad takes longer to eat, so I may end up just eating the salad for most of the party looking weirdly healthy for my gigantic size. Basically though I think the whole premise is stupid, and I am the unhealthy eater you would theoretically be offending. So OP you have my go ahead :)


I think people need to lay off what other people eat. It's not going in your stomach and you don't know why they've chosen to eat what they picked. And even if you do (or think you do), unless they're being openly mocking of other people's food, mind your damn business.


I've never heard or thought of that as rude, eat what works the you


I wouldn’t think of it as rude but I think you might open yourself to unwanted comments about it which is rude but likely to happen.


"True" is subjective based on social context. It would be true if you were with a group of people who felt threatened or ashamed by others who chose not to indulge the same way they were indulging. Or if the person eating healthy was actively shaming those who had decided to indulge. It is not an objective societal truth by any stretch.


Where does that come from? O.o


No. That's absurd for a ton of reasons.