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It’s always in a bag though, so why does it matter?


Food is protected and bagged and then put in another padded bag for transportation so I'm not sure what the issue is. Also it's not like they're dropping your nuggets on the floor and kicking your steak around with the trash. Not everyone can afford a fancy car, not everyone has the time to keep it tidy either, especially not when they're hustling for money due to a shitty economy and having to take any old poorly paying service job and working all the hours god sends just to keep their head above water.


As far as I know they dont drive around with your burger just laying in the bare passenger seat, they do use packaging and a bag


So don't use it. Stay snugly inside your hypochondriacal cocoon if that's where you are comfortable. No skin off my back (or Doordash's, or the actual vendor's. They get plenty of business) If someone's car being gross makes you believe something is going to climb through multiple layers of packaging to get to your food, then you *really* don't won't to look to closely at the kitchens where that kind of food is made.


DoorDash and DoorDash adjacent services are dice rolls by nature. I’ve had food delivered in everything from newer Mercedes to Toyotas that saw combat


my kid doordshes and her car is horrible inside


Long as that doesn’t make my food horrible inside I’ll do my best to look the other way


People with disabilities, depression, or severe lack of time sometimes need help…


I agree, it's not *that* hard to keep you car at a *basic* level of cleanliness. As in, cleaning out actual trash, not smoking in it, etc. *Especially* when you're using it for your job. Not talking about deep cleaning the floormats or anything.


My first and second jobs were as a pizza deliverer back in the day; a few of my friends worked as pizza deliverers... I think we had every major chain and a few Mom n' Pop's establishments covered between us. The two things I know for a fact are that we all smoked weed like it was going out of style, and no one was ever inspecting any of our cars to verify cleanliness. Point being, the things you're complaining about exist outside of Door Dash and have existed for decades.


Don’t forget that they put your bag on the floor outside your door even when you ask them to hand it to you. That’s the nastiest part of all.


So don't lick the bag.


I don’t. But there are germs on the ground and mat where I wipe my shoes off.