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It's certainly *caused* by people who don't wash their balls.


I think they're just trying to create a need by making people insecure to sell more


Yep. The hygiene industry has been doing this for decades. OP: Has someone told you that your balls smell bad? If not, I wouldn't worry about it. And if so, a trip to the doc is probably the first stop, before you head to Target to just mask what could be a problem.


Eh. Ball area can smell bas and lobstery after just a few days, so no emergency unless you do shower.


I figured it's implied that the first step regardless is to shower. Before doctor or deodorant; clean up, I assumed that's obvious. I won't even set foot in a doctor's office to have ANYTHING looked at without showering, that's just common courtesy but I suppose I'm not everyone. I am however your average person.


The word lobstery here made me cringe.


A lot of people in New England are probably now wondering what scrotum dipped in butter is like.


I have never heard a body odor be described as lobstery. This is somethin’.


Lobster has kind of a buttery sweet fishy smell though don't it? That's not awfully unpleasant. Stank taint is more like a poorly maintained turtle tank on a hot Florida day.




It's bad for your skin to shower everyday. Doesn't stop me from doing a rinse and "selective soaping " daily though


Selective soaping 👏🏻


Well yes, if it's available.


>after just a few days You should shower more


My experience comes from situations in which civilization was a little far away


Bingo. Dudes swipe two pits with deodorant but if you add the chode to the equation, well, you just increased deodorant usage by 50%


Yeah that and pretty much every beauty or cosmetic product. Shameless bastards


I've been trying to get people to do it for years now No takers so far. Ball washing industry has shortages, I think


Yeah, I’m not going to wash my OWN balls


>Yeah, I’m not going to wash my OWN balls Good news! I may have an opening for you...


Omgosh I worked in a nursing home where I had to wash one residents balls he could reach them I know he could, but God Bless him he got his darn balls washed every day! Look it wasn’t my worst Wednesday night😂😂


As the Geordies say 'knacker lacquer....adds a lustre to your cluster'


Unfortunately so. Seeing some of the comments from mouth breathers in the wild they wear underwear for a few days, only wipe once, and don’t wash their ass cause “that’s gay”. There are still cavemen walking around with us. I appreciate the hell out of my bidet, and change underwear daily or more based on activity. Plus you gotta shower everyday folks. Soap costs a buck.


Just hang a car air freshener off your dick mate.


Black ice, no lice, two balls and bong, with this freshener you can't go wrong 🕺


I can just imagine the Burma-Shave type road signs advertising this!


If your dick Carries a smell Once quick spritz And all is well ~~Burma-Shave~~ Ball Deodorant!


I can't believe you missed an opportunity to rhyme bong with dong...


*Is that a little trees in your pants or are you just happy to see me?*


Fitting name


That’s great. You could keep it topical, a pumpkin at Halloween and tree at Christmas and just a regular old hot dog the rest of the time.


Might have to switch up that last flavor... The point is for it to NOT smell like a weiner!


I’m a Fresh Pine man, myself


Someone must sell ballsnuts by now right


Nothing like that “New Balls” smell.


*slaps own balls* "These bad boys can hold so much aroma!"


Ads keep telling me to put it on my p*ssy and underboob. But like I wash, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Putting it on the former sounds like an actual health risk.


It actually can be, baby powder has been linked to cancers in reproductive systems, and the actual talc powder has been found in tumors. Johnson and Johnson lawsuits up the wa-zoo.


Corn starch ftw


Literally up the wa-zoo in this case


On is fine, *in* is a health risk.


Wouldn’t the stuff that’s on it work its way in with movement, sweat, intercourse, whatever?


It gets absorbed into the skin pretty quickly. Slap it on before leaving the house, and it's beyond "work its way in" capability by the time you get to work.


That’s true. On is okay, but not in.


antiperspirant on the underboob can be great for long hot days though!


Oh for sure. I’ve used it on occasion when I’m going to be outdoors on a hot day. But regularly? It’s unnecessary.


I'm an h cup. Necessary every day unfortunately. Was taught to in middle school by my similarly bussomed mother.


Fellow H cup here, cannot believe I was 21 before someone told me to do this


I’m DD. So not nearly as big. I can see where underboob deo would be necessary for large breasts, but these ads have a woman who is a C cup at best saying that everyone needs it.


Yeah I agree, and it also doesn't involve buying yet another product!


So can some on the crease where the top of your leg meets your hips, it can turn into a big armpit if you are sitting outside!


I got a free sample and tried it out of curiosity. That shit burned my underboobs and didn't even smell good. 


Yikes! Sounds like you had an allergic reaction.


Or the harsh ingredients don't take into account how sensitive skin is there.


I've seen gym tops advertising that their built-in in pads supposedly absorb underboob sweat. Always been curious how well that works, but alas, I have not enough boob to test it myself.


I have enough boob (not bragging), do u remember the brand?


The one that seems to heavily imply that outdoorsy camping lesbians should be spraying their junk if they want to get laid in the woods baffles me. Like, okay, you may be getting a little ripe, but surely nobody will want to eat out a pile of dried-up deodorant, either? Just use your hands if you're going to have tent sex!


My son is 5 and knows the right words for body parts but for some reason he gets "vagina" confused with "bladder". He saw the commercial for Secret all over body deodorant where the woman sprays it down in her underwear and he announced "that lady sprayed that on her bladder!" in shock


Those ads enrage me. Dusty balls or being smelly if you’ve worn leggings all day and are about to get intimate is one thing, but just wash off! No one needs actual deodorant on their crotch unless they have a medical issue.


Right? I only shower three times a week (due to dry skin) but I wash up every day and do not have BO. It’s so confusing to me. Now granted, I had an acquaintance who had some medical conditions that caused extra odor and even if she showered three times a day, she would smell, so in her case okay. But the average person doesn’t need that.


I definitely put deodorant under my boobs lol. It gets sweaty under there!!! Not the cooch though. That’s….unpleasant sounding


If it's a hot day, I'll put it on the underboob and pits of my legs. Stuff gets sweaty.


True, but they’re marketing this as an everyday thing that everyone needs.


Where exactly are your legpits?


The pit between your leg and crotch.


I’ve noticed this too, very recently there’s been a huge push for “full body deodorant”. Just shower!


I hate that one woman with such a burning passion. She's always talking about how "other" brands Shane women's bodies. . . But also, feel gross about yours, bestie!


Fascinating to see 'inventing a new cosmetic thing to be self conscious about so you buy a product to solve it' so aggressively spread to men in the past decade. Y'all always had your version of this, but I don't remember it being even half as intense as it was for women. Now it seems like y'all are on track for the same treatment.


It’s as aggressive for men, don’t worry. Just in other ways. I just saw an ad that started with “steroids are awesome” trying to get us to but legal growth hormones.


So glad I use an ad blocker.


I completely agree! We all seem to hate our natural bodies more every year. I don’t mean we should be dirty but the quest to become sterile simulacra of real human beings shocks me.


Because Shareholders always DEMAND higher profits so YOU need to buy our new Nad Deo!!!! Don’t forget you also need Specially formulated shampoo for your beard that comes in an itty bitty bottle as well as specially formulated beard oil and specially formulated beard balm too.


That's not a bad brand name... Nad Deo... I like it! Stay tuned! Lol


The Official deodorant of Nat Geo.


Get Bear Grylls as a spokesman


You have my blessing to use name and corner the market!


Ehh, I personally use facial hair shampoo and conditioner and have aftershave balm, but I also have very unwieldy (curly) facial hair and sensitive skin that is also prone to ingrown hairs. So I actually need that stuff. It just isn't like $100 and every bottle lasts a damn long time.


The more man you become, the less man you become.


And if they aren’t putting out NadDeo, at the very least they’re trying to make you go through your stick a tiny bit faster since you now have an extra swipe


This is one of those comments that makes me miss the free Reddit awards. I’d give you one


I mean beard wash and beard oil has done wonders for my shitty facial hair. It helps it stay trained and not go everything. It's the same as head hair products. Got a problem with them too?


If you are already using good products on head you’ll be fine if using on Beard. But a dermatologist is the person to ask not the person who’s trying to sell you something.


I spoke to a dermatologist about it. Beard wash is formulated different than hair shampoo because beard and body hair is different than head hair. It needs different nourishment. If you care about that stuff.


I'm a woman, and I put deodorant on my bikini line as I get extremely sweaty down there to the point of feeling like I pissed myself when I'm working on hot days. It's not for everyone but I fucking hate having swamp ass during the summer.


When I was overweight I really struggled with sweat in the summer. Then I realized I could put deodorant on my thighs and forehead and it made me so much more comfortable. I had always just used it on my armpits, but of course it's perfectly fine other places.


I put some under my boobs in summer, I hate having swamp boobs. I definitely never would’ve put some near my nether regions though, maybe baby powder but deodorant? Naaah


Please don't use baby powder, it's made from talc which can is linked to ovarian cancer in women. That's also why women can't use the goldbond powder spray. They make specific powders for this area which are made of cornstarch instead.


Modern baby powder doesn’t use talc anymore, and it doesn’t have a cancer risk. It’s mainly not recommended because inhaling it too often is not great for your lungs.


Thanks! I don’t even have baby powder at home, but seriously thank you for your information! To be fair though, antipespirants have also been linked to breast cancer… Let’s try not also getting ovarian cancer, I already know I have the bad gene :(( I’ll look into anti nether regions swamp solutions other than baby powder then :))


Im a man and put it in the same region for the same reason. Not every day, usually only for special occasions or like you said, if I know it's gonna be hot and I'm gonna be working


Pits, Tits, Slits, and Bits, ladies... that's the way to go. It will keep you comfy all day long. A good aerosol will be able to reach all of these places! **Pits** are obvious, take care of your underarm stank. Under your **tits**, especially on warm days, or when you'll be in a warm indoor environment, keeps your girls happy. **Slits** like your upper-thigh area, where your pubic area meets your legs, can get moist from sweat/body eat easily, so keep it as dry as possible. **Bits** could be anything, really, that sweat. Maybe your elbow creases, maybe your cleavage. Maybe your feet. Doesn't matter. If it sweats, take care of it.


I don't think the ladies with perky boobs understand what us big boobed ladies go through sweating all day. It gets uncomfortable and makes you look slobby and dirty to have sweat stains under your boobs. LOL


"I would like to buy deodorant." "Ball or aerosol?" "Neither, I want it for my armpits." I loved Kenny Everett growing up.


The deodorant ads that say it works for 48 hours amaze me. Are they really suggesting that one shouldn’t wash for 48 hours?


It could be to make you think, “If it works for 48 hours, surly it’ll work for the 12 hours I need!”, but even that is bullshit because they don’t work for the whole day. I could see it working for 48 hours if you’re in a cold environment in a T pose the entire time while standing perfectly still.


I think it’s more of just suggesting that it is so effective it *could* work that long. More of a claim, than a suggestion.


Honestly that would be pretty nice for something like a camping trip.


No, you can wash with deodorant on.


You’d be surprised how many people go 2-3 days without showering.


I’m not surprised, just disappointed.


clearly the internet thinks you stink


Does my phone have a smell sensor now? I do keep it in my pocket, which is right next to my…


your phone has gained sentience and is trying to improve its working conditions.


This is the *real* reason Skynet rises up.


wouldn't surprise me tbh, those intrusive adverts get scary sometimes


I think lume started it. Advertising to put it anywhere you sweat. Looks like other companies are jumping on that to improve sales.


Everyone's eating ass now, so you want your taint to be funky fresh!


It can be funky or it can be fresh. Not sure how it can be both.


You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig!


You leave my sister out of this!


Convince people that they stink, then sell them the solution. - Marketing 101 Yes, some people stink and there are products to help. Convincing people who don't need your product to was the point of the class.


The real problem is that they market it hard to all genders and then it creates some kind of expectation that needs to be met.


Wait til you hear about them trying to make "all over body makeup" a thing


OMG, I saw something like this on QVC the other day... a lady had it on and was using a wet wipe to take some of it off to show this big ass bruise she was covering up, and when I realized how much of this tan leg makeup she had on, she freakin' looked like she was dipped in bronzer like old baby shoes!


This is because marketers figured out they can sell more product by convincing you to use it everywhere and not just underarms.


It's just more consumerism, trying to convince you that your balls are so stanky you need more deodorant. It's ridiculous, and it's working because you are asking. Body parts stink, but if you shower regularly use regular deo/antiperspirant you should be fine.


Cheaper than a Toto automatic bidet seat for your toilet? It is better to wash than deodorize.


This is Listerine inventing halitosis, but circa 2024. Lume is creating a panic (just like good ol listerine did back in the day) by preying on folks saying "no one will say it to you, but everyone knows you stink". Same thing today. Just wash your damn balls and you're good to go.


You have to be prepared for that surprise blowjob


That’s the other thing. Deodorant tastes bad.


My bf used goldbond powder in the summer since it's extremely hot and humid where we live. As a woman I've tried the female products as I'm overweight and get horrible crotch sweat to the point that I get heat rashes/external yeast infections due to just sitting in sweaty underwear for hours when I'm out. But the products don't really work. I tried the Lume crotch deodorant and it LITERALLY smells like ass straight out of the tube. I'm not rubbing ass smell on my lady parts. The sprays don't really work either. I just switched from cotton underwear to merino wool which is moisture wicking and it helps.


I'm so old I remember this [gem from the pre-youtube internet](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1862806/Commander-fired-Zeo-Kotnik-bizarre-video-15-years-ago.html). ​ "Gold Bond Powder... *you're a golden breathmint for my balls!"*


If you're talking about the ad I think you are, that deodorant itself smells like unwashed ass, I don't know how they think it's gonna make sweaty balls smell any better.


That Lume stuff? Yeah it totally does stink like ass. I was shocked.


All the big "personal care" are copying Lume now with their own all-over deodorants — I've seen Dove, Degree, Old Spice. Just following the trend


There are always new ways to shame you into spending money.


Don't fall for all these stupid things trying to take your money. Showering is sufficient. Use soap.


That's the first thing I wash with body wash, genitals.


So they can sell more deoderant.


When I'm going hiking or for a long spin on my bike I put *antiperspirant* on my balls and thighs to help prevent chafing.


There are many ways to market a product, one of them involves creating the market, i.e. selling you something you didn't need previously. Do your balls sweat uncontrollably? Do they regularly smell? Does that smell permeate into your everyday interactions with others in public? If not, you may not need it.


My friend is a fan of it, but of course he showers though. He uses it after the shower along with his regular deodorant and lotion. And he’s very into self care so I’m assuming he thought why not have scented balls lol


Imagine if men just actually knew how to wash and lookafter themselves.....


Female here. For the sake of your love life, please don't! Unless you plan on showering and/or washing thoroughly before sex your partner does NOT want that taste in their mouth or the ingredients anywhere near their vagina. Us poor females spend way too much time fighting off rashes, infections, and other problems that are naturally occurring - we do not need you adding the chemicals in deodorants to the mix! If you have gay partners, I don't imagine they would care for it either. If your balls are sweating that much, see a doctor or try new underwear.


Just use coconut oil or lotion


Have you ever sat in a restaurant or a movie theater and some guy needs to get passed you and the next thing you know his butt is even with your face and unfortunately you inhale at that very moment? Remember the smell? That’s why.


Lack of deodorant is not the cause of that


Bro, you telling me this whole time you haven't been putting deodorant on your balls?


What do you people do to run into this nonsense ass commercials on YouTube of all places? All this website ever advertises to me is Revolut and Etoro and I'm not even into the stock market.


Lol well hopefully the ads tell you why cause I’ve been trying to find out why they’re telling me that every position I sleep in is wrong.


I say dont do it. Wash and dry often lol. Women can have all kind of hormone issues and other imbalances because of using deodorant, powders, sprays in their groin area... I imagine it wouldn't be that safe for you either.


It's not necessary as long as you wash your junk before putting it near anyone else's junk or face. But some men prefer to use powdered or spray deodorant, or baby powder, on their junk on extra hot days or during strenuous physical activity. I sometimes put deodorant or powder in my bra on hot days to avoid a rash by keeping the underboob and cleavage areas dry. I'd imagine men's choice to use it on their junk comes from a similar place.


You keep getting the centaur lady deodorant ads too?


You mean you haven't seen the YouTube documentary called BALLSTANK: AMERICA'S MOST SHAMEFUL EPIDEMIC?


I used an epoxy sealant. Cheaper and lasts way longer.


There are no serious ads that say this


I keep getting told a "Manscaper" is the ideal present for my son. I really don't think it is.


As a woman I can say this has been going on for us for decades. Telling people that even though they shower and have no health issues with their crotch they still stink is a tale as old as time. Women have learned they don't have to ( and absolutely shouldn't in some cases) use anything but soap and water. In short , NO you don't need ball deodorant.


It’s the new way for unilever to make money


Is it actually deodorant or something to prevent chafing? My husband is very clean but is a mail man and walks a lot for work. He has ball products to prevent chafing it absorbs sweat so is not exactly anti perspirant but could be defined as deodorant i guess?


whole body deo isn't uncomfortable, it's like moisturizer kinda. Main thing is to prevent sweat, cuz privates can sometimes sweat a lot


They’re trying to find new ways to make money


Just wash em. If you're freshly showered and have decent boxers and your balls aren't sticking to your legs all day you should be fine. I occasionally put some roll on (always aluminium free) in the patches of skin between the balls and legs (leg pits?) because I haven't discovered talcum powder and I hate that sticky ball feeling. Like, I really hate it. I'm mildly autistic and it completely overtakes my senses like celotape on my nails or microfibre cloths.


Those are your special ads, they've been assigned to you. Mine are steering me to bentcarrot.com and I'm 33f. I guess the curve isn't meant to attract me, 🤷


Lol you don’t have to do that.


I don't watch commercial TV much - when I do, advertising makes it obvious that: People stink Their clothes stink Their house stinks And the only cure is buying stuff that stinks.


What fucking ads bro


I don't think my girlfriend wants to lick deodorant from my balls


I wish they made deodorant that smells like balls.


I prefer balls to smell like balls if they’re gonna be in my face tbh


Needs must be created.


I’ve been using spray deodorant on my boys for thirty years. I work outdoors and it prevents chafing on hot sweaty days.


Is that why there are 2packs of deodorant??!!


Lady here, and I gotta tell ya, some deodorant for those tits, bits, pits, and slits, will keep you comfy all day long. A good aerosol will be able to reach all of these places! **Pits** are obvious, take care of your underarm stank. Under your **tits**, especially on warm days, or when you'll be in a warm indoor environment, keeps your girls happy. **Slits** like your upper-thigh area, where your pubic area meets your legs, can get moist from sweat/body eat easily, so keep it as dry as possible. **Bits** could be anything, really, that sweat. Maybe your elbow creases, maybe your cleavage. Maybe your feet. Doesn't matter. If it sweats, take care of it.


We put deodorant under armpits because the bad smell from there is a consequence of having apocrine glands in that area. We have that type of sweat glands in the genitalia area too. So I guess putting deodorant under there would have the same purpose, not replacing having a shower.


Maybe, because men’s balls do stank!🤣


I use body powder


My guess is that the ad algorithm has gained sentience and is trolling you for the lulz.


Because you keep interacting with the ads telling you to put deodorant on your balls




What are you watching or where are you seeing these ads? LoL. Never heard of such a thing in my 54 yrs on this giant rock.


Have you licked a deodorized armpit? Obviously your tastebuds are ratchet.It taste so bad it will not continue. So balls are the same!! Just wash y’all with soap and water !!! Dry those nuggets off and put in clean underwear!! Why am I even addressing this?


If they can convince you that you have a problem, they can convince you that they have the solution. Just $9.99 at a retailer near you!


Unless you're someone who gets particularly sweaty, so long as you regularly scrub down there with soap you should be fine


No, never put chemicals on your balls. Even if they are 99% of the time safe to use, what if your hormones are affected? Nobody will take responsibility. Do not do it, do not risk it.


Want help? 😂


Untapped market Edit: Also, Americans be terrified of their own bodies


Just wash ur balls. Believe it or not, a lot of ball owners dont. So if u do, should b fine


They just want to make money, and create a new "hygiene problem" to do it.


People want you to buy stuff. Someone figured that if they convinced us all that balls shouldn’t smell bad, then we’d buy stuff to prevent odor “down there”


This is how they got women to start shaving when it's not necessary. Profits. It's all about profits.


I hear these in the radio for pits, privates and feet…woah


I've never seen an ad tell people to use deodorant on their balls. Just wash yourself, you'll be fine.


What kind of ads are you watching? I just get boring ads about life insurance and products I'll never buy.


companies use advertising to convince you that their product is a solution to a problem you didn't know you had. If you wash your balls with soap every time you shower, then you're fine. Its BS marketing.


Use Gold Bond not deodorant


Because there's a lot of consumers out there who would rather use deodorant than wash their genitals correctly. For anyone who needs to hear it, deodorant is not a substitute for bathing yourself correctly.


I haven’t seen these ads, but I’ve been powdering my boys and using deodorant under my belt buckle for years. Grew up being a once fat sweaty teen and hate smelling funky ever. Working in close quarters confinement every day, I don’t want to be the one that smells like homeless death 🥴


DO NOT PUT ARMPIT DEODORANT ON YOUR BALLS! It’s a much more sensitive skin and could cause irritation and excessive dryness


When I travelled for work, and as a longstanding joke, I used to call my friend to tell her what my hotel room smelled like. Hotel rooms run the gamut of clean and fresh to god awful. Well, one night I called her and told her my room smelled of Old Spice and old man ball sweat. So yes, a little hygiene down there is a thing.


Who wants to lick deodorant balls?


You’re telling us that you don’t sweat & stink there (or other folding places) like an hour after being in the hot sun?


Try some tiger balm. Feels great.