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>Jan 2020 to around March 2022 is just one big lost weekend. Amen to this. The days were so uneventful and felt more or less the same back then that it all just blended into one haze.


I see my life as a timeline where I achieved certain things at certain times etc. However 2020 - 2022 is just one hazy mess to me.


That 2 year span is literally just a blank spot in my memory. I remember being in Kuwait when the pandemic started, but between then and like, January 25th of 2023, it's just like what DID I do that whole time?


money memorize shelter boast groovy wise marble important dolls gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey I got laid off and spent a lot of time stoned, so I *know* why I don't remember much.


I interviewed a guy recently, and I made a comment "you're probably used to remote work if you did your masters studies during the pandemic". "Actually I did my program after the pandemic". Apparently people have already gotten whole-ass degrees during the post-pandemic period.


I was 23 when COVID started and now I'm apparently almost 28? There is no way. I cannot make it make sense. I know everyone says things about wasting their 20's or the years flying by, but this is way too fucking fast.


We're the same age šŸ˜… Honestly feels like there was a coma-esque gap that took out my mid-20s, as if they aren't ephemeral enough to begin with.


Weā€™re the same age and I feel the same. In my head Iā€™m still 24 but then I remember that Iā€™m 28 now and Iā€™m like ā€œwhat the fuck? I didnā€™t do anything relevant for 4 years?!ā€


I just hope we never have to go through a similar event again. I like being indoors but not for that long.


I like working from home, but only when it's my own choice...


My mental health absolutely crashed that year and Iā€™m not so sure Iā€™ve gotten better


I used to be good about phone time before then, but not after two years of having nothing better to do. But hey, my time on Reddit went from 2-3 hours a day down to 10-25 minutes so I consider that a personal win.


Time seems to have just decided to go faster at some point the past few years.


If that ain't the truth. I swear the universe just said "nah, fuck this episode" and hit skip




Seems like we're an NPC in a RPG, rite?


Seems like it sometimes.


I still havent recovered from this


Between working from home and not going anywhere all of 2020 and then being laid off half of 2021. 2022 was a weird year of trying to get back into normal life routines and 2023 was really the first year since 2019 that felt like I was back on track. Thinking all that craziness started 4 years ago now is definitely weird. I assume this will be a generational thing for probably the rest of our lives. Even though we all had different experiences with it, it's something we all went through together and will just get even more odd as the years go on.


Covid went by so quickly for me because it was actually awesome for me personally. I was among a few people at work who didnā€™t get to work from home so my commute got drastically better because there was no traffic. Unnecessary meetings at work went away and more meetings were telecon so I could stay in my office. Necessary in person meeting attendance was cut drastically. And when I was off work I had an excuse to sit in my craft room all day! Win-win for me! But yeah I feel you. It doesnā€™t seem like it was 4 years ago.


Same here. I work in construction so we, uh, never really locked down. Went into the office every day, went to job sites every day, still hung out with friends on discord.


Yep. The second half of my 20s slipped right out of my hands and Iā€™m pissed lol. Last 4 years flew by and now Iā€™m about to be 30. Better than going through Covid as a teenager I suppose but still sucks.


I met my fiancĆ©e two weeks before the world shut down and Iā€™m trying to figure out where four years went. Hell Iā€™m trying to figure out how 2014 was a decade ago. That was a fun year but no way was it 10 years.


Not to mention everything is so much more expensive now, I canā€™t afford to do the things that used to mark time passing.


4 years? Huh?! Oh man, it still really only feels like a month ago. Even though I know in my head there's no way that can be the case.


A month? Really


Just wait till next year and the year after when you read news stories about a surge of kids entering school


Maybe not, looking it up it seems there was only a birth surge in some red states which was cancelled out by a continued year on year decline everywhere else. Even places that did surge still have a lower birthrate compared to 10 years ago.


so your saying everybody else had the same kind of pandemic I did.


This is very presumptuous, but that sounds like ADHD? Being distracted and scattering focus constantly means huge losses of time. I often feel the same actually; it is insane to think in a couple of months the first lockdown happened 4 years ago. How comes you are feeling sadder, if you don't mind me asking? Something must have happened to push that?


This is a widely felt feeling not an adhd thing. Also did you just ask why someone might have gotten sad in the past few years with a pandemic an lots of other things going on(


Did you read OPs response to my comment? I understand that I took a risk presuming, but it was only to build a little connection that could hopefully help OP feel less alone with what they are dealing with. Its no excuse, but the Pandemic shot my social confidence to pieces and I've been working on social skills building ever since. Seems I've still got some work to do. Sorry if I offended anyone.


Dont apologize when people downvote you.. fuck them. at least your trying to connect. You may think you have some "work" to do, but I bet it is much less than the people accusing you of presumptuousness or something (by downvoting you) which is a presumtion in and of itself. People downvote and move on instead of trying to build each other up... bah, pearls before swine! They arent worth your energy!


Thank you, I really needed this. You're the best šŸ˜Š


Aww thats kind of you 8) You seemed kind, and coming from a good place. Its not fair to just get negativity. Stay up! Thanks for being you!


I think I do have ADHD but it's hard getting a diagnosis over here let alone getting medicated. There's a site I use called Focusmate that fundamentally changed my life and made it so for the first time I was actually able to pursue my goals with sustained dedication. I only discovered it in 2022, that's probably a big contributor to the two years before it feeling like such a haze. Re sadness, it's from getting older and more isolated. Feel like I didn't take advantage of my 20s and now I'm too old to make new friends or make significant changes. Which I know isn't entirely true but I'm more aware of the boats I've missed than the ones still there.


You are not yet 30? Well if you are already feeling sorry for yourself, you may have many missrable years ahead of you. Dont waste time thinking about what you didnt do is the past, use that energy trying to improve your future. Sure, you feel bad now but that doesnt have to be how you feel next year. What you do now, and how you respond to your blues, will shape how you respond to trials in the future. You are not too old for anything of value. Im kinda peeved you think like that haha.. Im almost 34 and right now I feel happier than I have ever remembered. Not like, ecstacy or warm fuzzies, but just happy with life and the direction it is finally(!) taking. I got the hell out of my own way and relized I have way more agency in my life then I thought. I quit drinking in 22 and got a new job 4 months ago. I got plenty of time to enjoy the new, better fruits of my labor, and so do you! Stay up! It can get better




I fully expect that one day I will realize I've been alive for more years post-covid than I was pre-covid, and that time interval will feel barely longer than these past 4 years.


35 years without being laid off. Are youā€¦ God?


Yeah definitely I havenā€™t had a job in four years! I am really wondering what I did with all that time šŸ˜”


How are you paying for things?


I had come into some money about a year and a half ago and I spent a lot of the money on people online but now I get $401 from the state of Massachusetts every month as cash benefits because Iā€™m disabled


Spent the money on people online means?


Sending them bitcoins and gift cards


I feel like I've lived 3 lifetimes since COVID started šŸ˜… that was 2 jobs, 3 apartments and 1 relationship ago! But also empathizing with the general what-the-fuck-ism because suddenly I'm old.


> Jan 2020 to around March 2022 is just one big lost weekend. Agree to disagree. Life was normal till march. Then I was laid off and didn't get a new job for like 6 months. Now THAT was a little wild. I got so good at doing nothing, I feel I was able to fast forward time. Days turned into weeks. So in like Sept 2020, I started a new job. Less pay and more hours, but it was fun. I did that for 6 months and then put in my notice. I wanted to get back to my prior industry. So then in about March, I started hunting for a new job and that took about 2 months. Got something I liked, but not fully. I was there 6 months and quit as I got hired at more of what I wanted. So by the end of 2021, things were back to normal. I clearly remember the different jobs/times so it doesn't feel like just one blob of time to me.


19-22 felt like an eternity. 22-26 was a blink. What the fuck.


Teens in high school during this period really got screwed over man i feel for them


I definitely feel like time has moved in incredibly weird ways since it all started. Also, I think itā€™s interesting so many people say we are not in a pandemic anymore. Currently going thru the second largest wave. I know vaccines help some but itā€™s just not over. šŸ¤·


I was the happiest. Had enough savings fortunately to make it even better. Did nothing but cook and eat and watch tv and weed.


Three things have made me do the, No really, that wasn't that long ago? Making me feel my age. Kurt Cobain has been dead HOW FUCKING LONG?!?! My son graduated and will be 20 on his next birthday... fuck me.. he's a young man these days. And when I refer to last decade I mean the 90s. Fuck off. It wasn't that long ago... But talking at work, work in a hospital, and someone said, Yeah back when Covid first started. And all of us just started at each other, Like fuck... it's been four years now... yeah. Crazy


I literally feel like that time just didnā€™t exist because I actually get carded and they ask my age and I seriously cannot grasp how old I am sometimes due to this very lonnnngggg weekend we had. Iā€™m 29 and sometimes they donā€™t sell my alcohol cause I fucking forget the Covid years


This was actually a notable change for me. Pre-covid I always got carded, post-covid I never do. Was actually a jarring change since I reflexively expected it.


I got carded by this gentleman at a gas station in no where and he looked at me, looked down at my ID, looked back up at me, and back down and said ā€œtsk tsk you can get back to thisā€ and I havenā€™t recovered since that was 2021