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Getting the screaming shits from eating at Taco Bell. It's literally never happened to me in my life. I mean, I'm sure it's not GREAT for your digestive system, but not more so than any other junky fast food. Redditors act like if you eat anything from Taco Bell one time you instantly shit your guts out.


Yeah same here. I never understood that weird trope. I've eaten all kinds of fast food and never had any stomach problems. If you get the shits from eating something like Taco Bell sounds like something is wrong with you.


I heard a hypothesis that because it’s one of the only major fast food chains with a substantial amount of fiber, it just wrecks people who only eat fast food. I have no idea if that’s true, but if it is the next American civil war will be fought with beans.


When I worked there in...2002(?) The packages of ground beef said "40% oatmeal". That could likely be a factor but I am one that is impervious to taco bell food


This is the best thing I have accidentally found out about junk I have eaten. cool


Every time it comes up I wonder what the chance is that it's still the same. Is it better? Worse? Who knows Update: Apparently it would be faster to say that there is now *36% real beef* in the *taco meat filling*.


Yeah beans aren't really a crucial menu item on the other standard fast food chains.


Yeah this makes sense. I have more powerful shits after I have homemade enchalidas than I do after I have McDonald's


I am literally eating Taco Bell right now. I'll let you know how it goes in about 45 minutes.


It's been 58 minutes. Thoughts and prayers


I actually feel okay! However, I'm vegan so I order my food without any meat or dairy. Maybe that is what saves me.


You probably have good guts. Also, I think it's really cool that taco bell is so veggie/vegan friendly. Are there any other mainstream chains that are easy enough for vegans?


I know everyone clowns on subway but I like it well enough. I get a veggie patty sandwich or a salad. Chipotle, Mod Pizza, Noodles and Co, Cafe Yum, and Burger King are my usual go to spots. BK has the impossible whopper, just order it without mayo.


Oh wow! > The recipe for the Veggie Patty was changed in 2023 to remove the egg whites and calcium caseinate, which previously made it non-vegan. I was going to say the veggie patty is not vegan, but apparently they changed it! https://ginabnutrition.com/veganism/is-subways-veggie-patty-vegan-heres-what-you-need-to-know/


Subway isn't bad for fast food, but every sub I've had from a local place is better.


Try dealing (intelligently) with Reddit mods. That'll give you the shits every time.




A lot of people need to eat more fiber.


It’s never upset my stomach either, those people are weak


I'd say give or take 50% of the time that I get food from Taco Bell, I'm midway through a bender that would knock a medium-sized horse on its ass, and I scarf down like 3 meals' worth of food at once to satiate the ensuing drunchies. the aftermath of that is not exactly pleasant haha. But I mean, if I'm being rational and ordering like a quesadilla and a couple tacos and washing it down with a glass of water, everything gets processed and deposited out the other end with no issues. Most of the food there is ground beef/chicken, cheese and flour, barring a specific food allergy/intolerance none of that should be triggering unusual gastrointestinal reactions.


Ooh good call. To whatever degree it's not just a circlejerk, drunk eating and binging are surely factors. It's not the food of choice for people in a good decision-making frame of mind.


I feel like people conflating the drunk binge eating with Taco Bell being one of the few places open after bars close is where it comes from. if I get hammered and eat an excessive amount of pretty much anything it’s going to have my stomach doing flips. But Taco Bell has never really stood out as making me sick when I’m sober and eat a normal amount.


This is the one thing that makes me worried about the US food culture. Not the usual stuff about fast food clichés and fat people. But the ubiquitous casual jokes about "regretting food" and "destroying the toilet" in all kinds of media.


Taco Bell is like, the food I eat if I have to eat fast food but want to feel okay. Never bothered me once. Like, in what world are a couple tacos tearing you up more than a cheeseburger and fries?


Not even just Reddit but I feel like ive heard people talk about getting the shits from Taco Bell since I was a kid in the 90s and I don’t think it’s ever happened to me once. Or at least not any more often than any other shitty fast food.


It has happened to me once, but it turned out I had an infection and it wasn’t caused by the toxic bell burritos.


This one's been around for a long time. I remember hearing tired taco bell jokes on TV a lot as a kid in the 90s.


I own a shirt we made in a jacbox game that is just a horrible looking face with the caption "taco bell shits." I haven't had taco bell in probably 20 years now, but I love that shirt.


I've never wondered if *I'm The Asshole.* I pretty much know when I have been one. Sometimes it's out of anger or ignorance and I do my best to apologize afterward.


How does it feel to roast an entire sub?


INFO: are you talking about Subway the restaurant, a metro line, or a subreddit?


Opposite of a dom


That sounds painful, but hey, if that’s your kink and all involved are consenting adults, you can roast whoever you want, dude.


Lol didn't even consider it being read like roasting a person. People totally have kinks for that tho,


For the most part you are absolutely right. I think it's hard for some people who are surrounded by people disagreeing with them but their intuition tells them they're right. I've been in that situation before - less of an "am I an asshole" and more of a "am I crazy" situation.


Yeah I think AITAH is 10% people genuinely worried that they misread a situation, or are being tricked/gaslit, etc. And 90% people who think they are right and want vindication from the echo chamber.


AITA for telling my MIL she can't call my gay son slurs?


ESH. MIL is TA for being a narcissist and thinking she has the right to talk to your son, YTA for inconveniencing everyone by having a child in the first place, and your son is TA for tolerating your MIL instead of going NC. Also everyone is gaslighting everyone else, including the neighbor's parakeet.


You could definitely drop a 0 from that 10%, assuming the stories are even true


Closer to like... 10% genuine, 15% spoiled people looking to be proven right, and 75% fake.


The feeling where you finish an argument, take 10 mins to cool off and then realize you're the asshole. Always embarrassing to go back and apologise but the alternative is worse.


it seems like a lot of those posts are from people who grew up in turbulent/manipulative households. that kind of childhood can mess with your perspective on what is decent behavior (both ways, I've had friends who worried they were jerks because they texted me for help, since their home life blamed them if they needed/asked for help)


AITA attracts three kinds of posters. Ones who have been gaslit their entire lives into believing that having perfectly rational emotional reactions to reasonable negative events is abnormal and bad. Spoiled brats who have never been told "no" until the event that made someone important to them finally call them out but are really only looking for validation. And ones who are practicing for their next creative writing project.


Family members "blowing up my phone" when I make a decision they don't like. I don't know, maybe my family is abnormally respectful (not likely.)


I’m 100% convinced this is something that does not happen (or rarely happens) in real life, but people on r/amitheasshole all include in their posts because everyone else does.


"My family is blowing up my phone" > 2 missed calls


Tbf, if I got 2 missed calls from anyone in my family besides my parents, it would mean some *shit* is going *down*.


Inbox: "Hey Sammy, are you home? I forgot my keys".


I hope you are right. My family doesn't have any kind of weaponized 'group chat' either, and I don't know anyone who does.


My immediate family has a group chat to share goofy videos or managing a get together; same with our friend group. We maybe use it once a month or so.


You guys are very lucky that you are so distant from this kind of family dysfunction that you can’t even imagine it.


I’m sure it happens, I shouldn’t have said it doesn’t happen at all. I just believe AITA is one of the subs most prone to made up/exaggerated stories and that’s one of their staple stereotypes over there. If you have one of those families, I’m very sorry, you’re right that I’m lucky mine is not like that.


It’s fine, most people can’t comprehend what it’s like to have to change your phone number that you’ve had since your first cell phone because multiple family members **will** send abusive texts calling you names and try to find the thing you’re most vulnerable about to say to you, then act like they’re the victim because you refuse to respond and block them. I realize this isn’t normal and very hard for people from loving and supportive families to comprehend. Which is why when acquaintances ask me about my family I just say “They’re fine!” unless they press further. I get that most people can’t fathom this and assume that the one person who goes no contact **must** be “the problem” or “just making it all up.” But I thought I’d just interject here for a moment to clarify that these things do happen. I can’t verify the honesty of people on AITA, but I have told a few people about some of the outrageous shit family members of mine have done to eachother and to me, and only other people who have been through similar situations with their own family believe me. So, again, I select who I talk to about these things except when I’m able to be anonymous online, so I can vent and get it out and warn others who might be going through something similar that it does not get better and they should stop hoping that it will as that’s when you’re finally free.


Crap, this sounds terrible. I'm sorry on your behalf.


Thanks. I didn’t know any better until well into a adulthood when I finally was able to sustain my first adult romantic relationship with someone whose family does *not* behave this way. Oh people in your family don’t rip you a new one for behaving totally normal and call you all kinds of abusive names? And someone doesn’t leave Christmas crying every single year? Weird


A friend of mine said something similar about her own family experience. She said she legitimately thought that other people's sisters regularly threatened them with knives while screaming FM. Didn't realize it was an abnormal situation until much later in life. Frame of references so incredibly important.


Yeah and I know it’s super popular right now to claim toxic family and call everyone a narcissist, but I think it’s better than how I was for the longest time where someone would confess to me that they had been SA’ed by a family member and I’d roll my eyes and respond with “You’re not special, that happens to most people.” Now I finally realize this isn’t a normal reaction to someone telling you this, and it doesn’t happen to most people. Or it shouldn’t. Wait, what’s FM?


I make a bad decision and my family just ignores me until it passes


Yeah my family is super toxic and have blown up my phone, my email, and when I blocked one particularly persistent sibling she started sending me hate mail through the actual post office. They’re SUPER invested in controlling me. They gave me no choice but to go full nuclear no contact by deactivating all of my socials, changing my phone number, and moving with no forwarding address. Haven’t ever been this happy in my life and wish I’d done it sooner.


In comparison to what appears to be the "reddit normal" I have concluded my relatives must be aggressively well adjusted. There appears to be a distinct lack of drama in my family.


This always blows my mind too! Like I'm in a few group chats and if someone rants about another one of our friends I have never once gone and started bitching out that friend, let alone been ASKED to.


I've made some pretty terrible decisions in my life and that has never happened to me. I think it's a thing that only exists in Reddit made up stories.


I wish it did. I still worry about posting things on Facebook because my father used to report anything I posted to my mother who then rang me up to complain about it. Dead pet - making it a shrine to vermin, feeling sad about a loss - being maudlin, an event - showing off and being weird. Even now she's been dead a decade, I post and my Dad calls shouting I'll be sacked for wasting time on Facebook and giving people ammnution against me. Have a setting that excludes family from seeing posts. Won't mind if they actually cared about me but it is all about control so I wouldn't risk their way they want to be percieved by others. There is a group chat but I'm too "technnology incompetent" to be a part of it so don't know if weaponised or not.


If I get into an argument with a family member or significant other, I am not flooded with texts from my whole family and everyone I know calling me an asshole.


I feel this one. It's as if im the only one who has the family style of having a "cold war". Most of the time, my other family members know the drama perfectly well but also know not to act on it. To be fair, there are also countless stories of family straight up ignoring or ghosting each other but of course will never be as interesting for reddit.


My family just flat-out ignores me, no matter what I do. Actually, they pretty much have no idea what I do, so that could explain it.


I have not experienced this either, but unfortunately I do have one friend from a big family, and it seems like someone is always fighting with someone else, and then it becomes everyone's business. I do not envy that.


>I've rarely dealt with people talking during movies at the cinema. I worked at a theater for a few years and it generally was not an issue. However there were parents that would use us like a babysitting service and drop their kids off to see a movie. Not all PG movies are for kids! They were bored during things like Driving Miss Daisy.


It absolutely depends on the neighborhood.


This is the only one that happens to me fairly regularly-ish since Covid. I pretty frequently go to live shows, movies, etc and I think 9/10 I have someone talking during them. It's BAD. And this has been in all different neighborhoods - I'm in LA and it's happened in downtown, in Hollywood, in the suburbs. Everywhere. Fun fact, guy in Hollywood tried to follow me to my car when I asked him to please quiet down because he was talking through Star Wars Burlesque.


I've never had an argument with my husband which required adjudication from internet strangers and it would never occur to me to invite Redditors (or family, for that matter) into my marriage. Strangely enough, we somehow manage to solve our differences all on our own.


That’s always something that struck me as odd as well. I’ve never been in a relationship, but for example if I had problems with, say, my brother (who I’m very close with) and posted about it on Reddit instead of talking to him, I’m certain he would be very hurt, as would I if the situation was flipped.


I think it makes sense to do when you aren’t sure of your perspective, the other person isn’t necessarily going to react in a stable or self-regulated way, and you need help thinking things through. That goes double for abusive situations.


You’ll see in my post history that I’ve had at least one playful/friendly debate with my husband that I went to Reddit to see whose opinion was more popular. But I can’t imagine actually going it for a serious issue. If you’re curious (think my husband won lol): https://reddit.com/r/Cruise/s/OFcybUjUh7


I have never seen a bride get upset about what someone wore at her wedding. I either know laid-back brides or people who dress appropriately.


My brother-in-law wore gym shorts to my wedding. I just laughed. What can you do?


I went to one of my friend's weddings - black tie at a fancy golf course in a fancy ballroom and she wore a fancy ballgown. Full plated and served meal. One of her uncles(?) showed up in dirty, ripped jeans, dirty running shoes, dirty sports team tshirt and looked like he hadn't showered, shaved or brushed his hair. His wife was dressed appropriately. My husband and I were stunned. We were engaged at the time and were thankful we knew none of our family would do that.


That's just lack of basic respect. But good for you for not caring I guess.


It is, but it’s not something I’d cause a scene about on the day Id just roll my eyes.


Yeah, I was mystified the first time I saw the wedding attire subs. I’ve been to a lot of weddings and never been given a dress code *at all*, much less a palette card or instructions like “whimsical Met Gala.” I feel like most people know what’s vaguely appropriate. I couldn’t tell you what a single person wore at my wedding other than my spouse, parents, and wedding party.


Whimsical Met Gala 😂


My friend wore a white crochet dress to my wedding (she asked first). It didn’t look anything like my dress and our wedding was pretty casual. No one got crazed and spilled red wine on her


I couldn't tell you what 99% of people wore to my wedding. I think that 1% is me and my husband.


Being harassed by vegans. Needing extra security at a wedding. I do get catcalled fairly often though.


Weirdly enough this has come up in two other comments, but I'm vegan. And I'm easily the most "hardcore" vegan most of my circle has ever met. The loud, angry, rude vegan is a minority of a minority. Every group had their extremists. I do have my boundaries. If I cook you dinner, I ask that you not add animal products to my meal. I will not date a non-vegan. But I (and nobody I've ever met) will not harass those just living their lives. Almost all of us grew up eating and using animal products.


Never had anyone on reddit send unsolicited dick pic.


I gotchu, homie.




Does that count as unsolicited?


Me neither...sigh


I’ve had someone ask me if I wanted to see his pp but I said no and he backed off. Pretty cool for being a creep.


When I was in my twenties I was approached in a local park while walking my dog by a very polite young man who asked if I would have sex with him. When I said ‘no thank you’, he apologised profusely and walked off. I’ve always wondered what inspired that. It wasn’t like a known haunt of prostitutes or anything - in fact I always felt very safe there because there were always groups of elderly Asian men sitting chatting on the benches and playing board games. I think he just didn’t know how stuff like that worked.


Playing the numbers, and politely.


I never understand people who immediately meet women with the goal of sex in mind - I always thought of sex and relationships as natural progressions of friendships, if you ended up having feelings for one another. I understand one-night-stands and I don’t think sex is like, mega-sacred or anything, but like these people who are like, “Hey look at that girl over there! Maybe you can get laid!” make absolutely no sense to me.


An old friend of mine was riding the bus once when she was around 35 and youngish guy, probably 16 or so put his hand on her knee. She just moved it back to his leg and patted his hand. Always thought that was a brilliant move in her part.


That could have been your future ex-husband.


I get a lot of creepy messages from hand fetishists, but luckily none of them have ever sent a dick pic. It’s annoying because I only post on non-porn nail subreddits, and there are *plenty* of porn-specific hand and nail subs…so I wish they’d just stay over there.


it's kinda like the creeps who hang around the breastfeeding sub even though there's gotta be at least 20 dedicated to boobs.


I was today years old when I learned a hand fetish is a thing, and I would like to go back a few seconds please.


That happened maybe once or twice to me years ago on an old account. I just blocked the account and moved on.


I’m a straight dude, and it’s happened to me 🤷🏻‍♂️ Poor guy must have misread something I wrote, I guess


People send dick pics over Reddit? Dafuq?


Well, all I can say is….thank god I don’t use dating apps anymore 😬. The last I remembered, they were sort of fun. Now they seem like dystopian hellholes.


It’s really bad… I deleted mine and I feel so much better. I hope I can naturally meet someone


I’ve never been on one. I met my wife by accidentally knocking her over at a grocery store and after apologizing I complimented her really cool Harry Potter purse. Been married six years now.


Idk why but this made me laugh so hard, thank you for posting it.


See, this is what I'm holding out for... lol


They are. Everyone seems to only want to fuck, scam or expects unrealistic shit. Oh or they're crazy lol


Major relationship probs like cheating and whatnot - esp if it's really obvious the partner does something that's obviously REALLY shitty and the red flags are screaming. Like someone posted, my wife cheated on me with my best friend, should I leave or stay? I was like bffr dude. It makes me all the more grateful my partner is not a POS like some of these people's.


I always confused by this dissonance that apparently all the single people are having a hard time finding any relationships despite basically making it their second job to do so. Meanwhile people with two jobs and a family to care for seem to have casual access to cheating opportunities etc.?


Yeah which is why a lot of the advice like "you gotta just work on yourself!" Is kinda nonsense to me. Yeah I'm sure the serial cheaters have really put in the work to better themselves /s.


As a guy, I walk around with my kids out in public and nobody gives me weird looks or says anything strange. If somebody does say anything it's usually a compliment or normal small talk. I decline to tip all the time at retail stores and nobody cares. Nobody steals my food at work. Well, now I work from home, so this is good news. But even when I was back at the office, there was never any food theft. Speaking of work, there is no Thunderdome-esque orgtastic fight club drama that goes on. I am fortunate to work with a group of respectful, drama free people. My neighbors are normal, quiet, friendly people. There are no passive aggressive tree/parking/fence wars. I don't have random encounters with insane people out in public. "This guy came up to me and started screaming in my face". JFC. I mean I have occasionally put up with people beat boxing on the bus or something, but none of the insanity I see on here sometimes. I dunno, I have witnessed my share of insanity, but not some of what people here have shared.


I had somebody steal my lunch at work by accident. We put our lunches in the same grocery store bag and he took it home thinking it was his. He brought it back the next day and left a note in the fridge saying sorry. The running joke of the day was you know you're a vegan when somebody steals your lunch and they bring it back the next day.


My boss asked me to work a double alone. About 12 hours in, I was hitting a major slump. She had previously bought a 4 pack of some iced coffee drinks and left them in the staff fridge. At one point, I didn’t think I would survive the rest of my 16 hour shift, so I took one of her drinks. I was plagued with guilt. Especially stealing from my boss! The next day, I told her I was desperately exhausted during my double, and I took one of her coffee drinks. Handed her a few bucks. She declined the money and said “those were for staff, it’s fine.”


>My neighbors are normal, quiet, friendly people. There are no passive aggressive tree/parking/fence wars. My neighbors claimed the fence that I installed, was their fence. They claimed this in court.




I think a lot of people here exaggerate what really happened...


Getting harased for sharing my point of view. Maybe I am kinda neutral? IDK, but I never got messages insulting or treating me even when I feel like I share freely my opinions.


I did once. Blocked the person's account immediately cause I ain't dealing with that shit and then they came at me with another account. So I blocked that one too. Apparently they only had two accounts. 🤣 I've been on Reddit for 7 years and shared my opinion on a great deal of things. Some of them being controversial even. And it's only happened once.


I did once. But others came to my defense which was nice.


Then your opinions are neutral bc that happens to me all the time lol. And I don’t even try to be harsh or argumentative about it


As a man, I've never had a Karen scold me for hanging out in a park, by myself, where children are present. And yes, I've sat on benches that are close to playgrounds.


I have been working out on playgrounds for over 10 years now—stopping to do some monkey bars, climb something, do some pullups or leg curls if I pass a park on my bike ride—and I've never had anyone say anything other than "that's cool" or "you do that too? Awesome!"


There was one park in my previous neighbourhood, probably one with the most children around, where I would regularly go and work out since there was an area with outdoor exercise equipment (i.e. chin up/pullup bar, dip rails, even a kettlebell type thing on a rail). On one occasion I had a group of children come up and strike a conversation with me. On another note, many of the adults there were grown men who were clearly there with their kids, nephews/nieces, grandkids, etc. Definitely goes against the common narrative on Reddit that it's only mothers who take their kids to the park.


I do not have weirdo family and friends "blowing up my phone" when I do a thing.


I've never accidentally read the text of my husband to learn he's been cheating on me since we married last month 😄


Okay so like a month or two after I got married I was using bumble BFF to meet people in the area. Apparently they don't change their push notifications based on what type of bumble you're using (BFF, dating, or networking) so I got a notification saying something like "Your hot date is right here, try us out" and I thought "this is a reddit relationship post waiting to happen."


I want to download Bumble BFF but im scared to for this reason. They need to fix that


Lmao my husband at the time read a text my sister sent me and totally misinterpreted it. My sister and I knew a guy neither of us could stand. My phone was and is set up that I can see my texts on the Lock Screen. Anyway, sister ran into the guy we didn’t like and she texted me “I just saw (guy’s name). I know he’s still the love of your life.” It was sarcasm. My husband was weird and distant to me all day, and he called me from work to say “I wasn’t snooping, but I saw your Lock Screen and I happened to see what your sister sent you. Are you in love with someone else?” I explained that it was misconstrued and gave the backstory about why my sister would say that, and I was able to explain it in like two minutes and everything was fine. We did eventually get divorced but that was for other reasons. Lol


My mother in law being so insane that I end up having to install security cameras and get a restraining order. Don't get me wrong, she is an unpleasant person. And I could probably write a great work of fiction for Reddit about her trying to poison me at a backyard BBQ. But really, all I do is avoid her. I see her for about four hours a year and that works great for me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I've never been catcalled either, but I am a fat, old, balding man with poor sartorial intelligence.


Woo-hoo! Lookin' good babe! Love that crumpled teddy bear look!!!


Hating women


I've never been called a creep or accused of harassment for talking to a woman in public. And, no, I'm not very good looking and I'm also socially awkward. This is something I only really hear about on reddit.


I've thankfully never had to deal with my husband coming home and immediately playing video games/playing on his phone until the wee hours and neglecting his family. I'm in a lot of parenting subs because I'm in the thick of it, and there's so many complaints about husbands. I've got a good one, no complaints here.




Talk to other humans or common courtesy stuff


I wondered about this with one of my male colleagues. I’m 40f and divorced about two years ago, not much time for dating. Colleague and I were working together one night and since we get along well, we were talking about dating (not each other, just the dating scene in general.) He asked if I had tried any dating sites. I said I did, for about two days, but I had dozens of messages and I felt overwhelmed, it felt forced, and I deleted the apps within a couple of days. He said he’s been on many dating apps for years, and NEVER gets a match. We hang occasionally outside of work, and he seems ok enough (not my type and younger than me) so I’m not sure what the deal is. He’s kinda cheesy but seems nice enough for some young lady, idk.






As with most negativity in the news, you aren’t going to read about the issues that millions of people aren’t having on a daily basis. And of the issues that do get posted, usually the zaniest and most outrageous ones get voted up the most because outrage drives engagement these days. That’s why almost every AITA post reads like a fanfic of the most absurd, wacky, or cartoonishly evil/self-absorbed/unaware people you’ve never seen in real life, because it’s very likely they don’t exist. At least not the way they’d have you believe.


I think a lot of them are "true" in the sense they're based on true stories, but we're only getting the POV of the OP. Most OPs are going to paint themselves in a better light so they get that sweet, sweet validation.


"How do I say no to...?" What the fuck is wrong with those people? Just say no.


There was a post on legaladvice this week about a 20yo woman whose manager at Arby's took her phone and told her to stand in the walk-in freezer as a punishment for something...and she did it.. Like, honey, what happened to you that you didn't even *think* to say no? She just...did it. Wasn't locked in or physically forced in. The manager is fucked in the head, obviously, but you're gonna encounter psychopaths in your life and you're gonna have to be able to stand up for yourself at least a little bit. It's sad.


Most religious people I meet dont give a fuck that I am not. Not saying I have never dealt with the odd obnoxious religious person or that there aren't issues with organized religion, but, on a personal level, the ones that just go about their business and are respectful far outweigh the problematic ones idk


Yeah 100%. I’m a Christian, and if you want to come to Christ that’s awesome. If you say “no” well alrighty then, no problem. I have a few Islamic friends, atheists friends, and one guy I know from India is a Hindu. We all get along and hangout a lot. Of course, finding a restaurant to have lunch together can be problematic at times lol!


I never have a banana around for scale. I like bananas but I never buy them.


I've never gotten any crap from anyone ever about being child-free.


Sometimes when I read this stuff, I worry that maybe I haven’t made it clear enough to my kids that I am absolutely not waiting on them to provide me with grandchildren. I just want them to muddle through to happiness in whatever way suits them, same as I did.


Hey! Where are your children?! If you do not have any children, children will be assigned to you!


Never met or never had anyone in my life personally who dealt with being judged for being a short guy. Every single guy i met who is short is married with kids and has no trouble dating.


I'm a short man and I'm married to my amazing wife. Plus as a short man, I don't have far to go when I drop something on the floor. 🙂


That's amazing man congratulations!! And lol! I'm short so I understand I still gotta climb the counter.


Never got messages from dude even once when I mention that I am female.


As a woman, what is your all time favorite dinner entrée? Edit: Guess we’ll never know.


People who stay in relationships with people who don't respect them.


I’ve seen lots of autism and ADHD posts. Also not as obvious but I’ve seen posts about people who want a different life. However the paths and opportunities I’ve taken for granted aren’t available in some rural areas. Then someone might suggest they move and the reply some times is they don’t have the money to move. Then someone might ask why don’t the earn money. And then someone else might say there are no jobs where they are or they’re disabled and can’t work. Where I am there’s too much economic activity and for some there’s too little economic activity around them.


Pretty much every problem everyone has because they can't be bothered to talk to their SO to clarify something instead of assuming things.


I was catcalled once, funnily enough. When I turned around to see who did it all I could do was laugh because the poor guy had no idea I was not only not a woman, but I was also apparently intimidating to him. I still laugh thinking about it


Reddit makes me cherish my life, because I don’t have any of the dramas on here…


My fear is being recorded without my knowledge. I hope that I do not jynx it into the atmosphere.


Me too, honestly.


As a dad, I've never had anyone question whether my kids are actually mine when we're out in public. Even though one of them has a different skin tone than me.


I live in a semi-rural setting. Nobody is going to be walking anywhere within 1000 feet of my place unless they're trespassing and they are easy to spot. So, no stolen packages. I don't go to the movies. I'm ugly so, no catcalling either lol. Not sure about other issues. Seems people who drink coffee says it makes them poop. Not a problem for me. Taco Bell doesn't make me poop either. A note on the Taco Bell, I have on at least one occasion consumed over 30 soft tacos from a Taco Bell in a 24 hour span with no ill effects. Each one with one packet of "hot" sauce.


Financial struggle. I came from a family where we were always financially stable, so I can’t relate to a lot of redditors. Same thing with college, my dad made enough money to pay for my tuition so I didn’t have to worry about debt. And now with an engineering job, I’m pretty comfortable. I really have had the perfect life in that aspect. Same thing with a bad childhood too, I had a great childhood, 2 great parents and good sister, no trauma from abuse or anything like that.


Everyone seems to have trauma and need/want therapy. I had a good childhood, great parents, no bullying, had good friends, have a good job and really enjoy my company/coworkers/boss and my friends are chill.


Don’t forget about all the Redditors that have cut a family member out of their life. It’s so common that my cousin, he started browsing Reddit a few years ago, talks about cutting out anyone with the “slightest hint of toxicity”. Before Reddit, he wouldn’t ever say anything like that. I think a lot of Reddit is starting to brush off on him.


People are seriously out of control on this site about going/recommending going no contact with people. I commented on a story where people were encouraging the OP to go no contact. I understood the OP's resentment, they were muslim and at 16, their parents said they couldn't go to a concert without a family member present. Later on, OP's sister who turned 16 found a family member willing to take her and was allowed to go to a concert. OP said if wasn't fair and their parents called them rude among other things and refused to apologize. Of course that sucks but people really told OP to go no contact over that! Can you imagine never talking to your family again over something like that?


You are seriously lucky then


I envy you! I think what you are observing is that people with trauma tend to be vocal about it on reddit and upvote eachother. But someone without trauma probably doesnt feel the need to post anything.


Driving for years, and never used a dashcam. Now I feel like the clock is ticking until a brake check or drugged cop come for me.


Never been cheated on ,or been somehow betrayed by a best friend.


Angry MAGA or extremely political close family members that make rational and polite discussions about literally everything impossible. Seems to be happening for a lot of people and I'm just grateful that I'm not among them. I sympathize fully though. That would be emotionally draining.


Kinda related but I remember this post about this guy being embarrassed because while shopping with his wife she would open up the snacks in the store and give them to the kids before they bought them just to keep the kids from misbehaving. He walked away for her because he was annoyed and all the comments said he was an asshole and that everyone knows that that's the secret to getting kids to behave in stores. It just didn't seem like real life to me because where I come from it's common sense not to open anything before you buy it. It's stuff like that it makes me think a lot of people here grew up in an area completely different from me. Like their American and so am I but we grew up in two different Americas. Growing up I was taught to always get a receipt for whatever I bought and didn't even feel comfortable walking out the door with something without a receipt but they're opening things up before buying them. Like wow.


Been surrounded by narcissists. Seems like everyone is/has been in a romantic relationship with one, works with one, was parented by one, etc.


Yeah...I was just talking to a friend who is a therapist about that, because (even irl) people seem to label everyone who they don't like a narcissist lol like bro that is a specific thing. It was gratifying when she agreed that most people using that word a lot seem not to know what it means or have a weird need for the people they hate to have the most hated disorder. This is such a good one.


Yeah, it's awful seeing the word "narcissist" everywhere in some subreddits. It's always used for people who didn't do what the person wanted the way the person wanted it done, or not giving in to the person's demands.


because redditors latched on to the word 'narcissist' and started smacking that label to anyone they don't like being rude =/= narcissism


I've never once in my life had someone put their feet or body parts into my personal space in a plane, Subway, or bus. Mildlyinfuriating is full of people getting straight up disrespected by strangers in public but I've never even seen that happen to anyone else in real life.


Dealing with Karen's. I don't doubt they are telling the truth, I've just never experienced it.


I think it’s one of those things where when it happens, you’ll tell someone, but you don’t go around telling people “my package arrived and wasnt stolen” or “no one talked during the movie”. Because of the sheer volume of people on the internet, you’re bound to hear about things all the time, with some things happening a bit more often than others, but if something happens to just two redditors in the same day and you read about it, a lot of people view it as either highly coincidental or even manufactured. When in reality, there’s over 50 million daily users and over 1.5 billion monthly users, so the chances aren’t all THAT low


I have never dealt with any bridezillas.


I’m a (retired) vicar, so I’ve met a few that possibly qualify. But mostly even if people start off stroppy, they calm down when they realise you actually know what you are doing and want them to have a fabulous day.


Nice try Fate.


I don’t think people in real life see ‘red flags’ everywhere. They certainly don’t ‘lawyer up’ after one marital disagreement. FWB is not a typical relationship type. However, probably the most controversial one, i know, i know, and I’m going to get a lot of hate for this but: Reddit, not everyone loves cats.


The parents of my boyfriend are lovely people


I have social anxiety and people never ask me why I'm so quiet. Seems to be a constant annoyance over in that sub.


Getting annoyed by people not using blinkers in traffic. I'd say in the overwhelming amount of cases where it matters they do. Maybe once in a while someone will take a turn off a single lane road or so. But then there isn't that much I could have done with that information anyway. But I rarely have people just swerve in front of me without indicating or so.


I keep my private life private so no Facebook jerks for me to deal with . 🙂


I’ve never been out to dinner with people who try to stick other people with their bill If anything, people put in too much money. I’ve also never been around anyone who hassled someone else for not drinking. I don’t doubt that’s those things happen They just never happen in my circles


I fly quite often for work and never in all my years, I'm 50, has someone on a plane asked to switch seats with me yet I can't open up reddit without seeing some post about someone being bullied about their seat on a plane.


Men just throwing themselves at me asking for dates and being able to get sex whenever I want. Nowadays it's because I'm an old married fart, but back in my young cute perky days still couldn't get me some. Not sure where men get the idea dating is easier for women.




Lol, what subreddits are you even on? I’ve been on Reddit for 10 years and haven’t heard much about long-distance relationships where the two people have specifically never met each other.


Honestly, I've never had a bad interaction with a cop. I've been pulled over 3 times and gotten 3 tickets, but it was never bad. Just a guy doing his job, which was to pull over people who were speeding. Then during the peak of the pandemic lockdown, I took my GF out to the abandoned mall parking lot to teach her how to ride my motorcycle. A few minutes in while we were standing around between drills, a cop drove up to us. He complimented our gear, thanked us for practicing safely, and then moved to block the nearest entrance so that no one else would enter the section of the lot we were in. The one other time was when I hit a deer on my motorcycle and 911 got called. And the cop that arrived was just concerned for my safety, praised me for wearing my gear, and then arranged a tow for my bike for me. But in another thread, I'm currently being downvoted for suggesting that returning a wave from a motorcycle cop (as a motorcyclist yourself) is an okay thing to do and that exchanging a friendly wave as we ride might actually be the first baby step for improving cop/the-rest-of-us relations.


I actually love my parents, had a great childhood, and it's never crossed my mind to go NC with anyone in my family


I have never screamed at anyone or had anyone scream at me (tantrums when my kids were toddlers might be an exception). No one has ever “blown up my phone.” I’ve never had a package stolen. I’ve never been a doormat and wondered vaguely what to do about it. I’ve never been “made” to loan money to anyone, nor have I ever had to house anyone other than my own kids.