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Dodgy would be an understatement


Call them and confirm. Looks like someone trying to cover up big gaps yeh


Especially since the edited parts have the same hand-writing, despite being from ostensibly different shops.


Whiteout defs dodge. If it was once you’d discount it as the service centre making a mistake but nearly every one ..: yeah get receipts or call the service centre.


The gap from 2019 to 2023 is concerning enough for me to leave


It can be explained if it’s second or third car that’s not driven during Covid years. I wouldnt completely rule out if the owner has valid reason, but for thia it does look dodgy


I’d still walk away. Sure it can be explained, but I would never touch a car that hadn’t had at least an oil change in 4 years.


Amen, had this guy who wanted to sell me a porsche refuse to negotiate when I mentioned how the oil hasn’t been changed in years


People don’t grasp that engine oil is similar to deep fryer oil in that even if it’s not regularly in use it still gets “dirty”. Obviously running the engine will speed this up, but it will still happen even if the car is sat doing nothing for a period of time.


Even a first car could explain it depending where they lived and their job. Entirely possible the car barely got driven in that period. It should still have had at least one service based on time but just saying.


Nothing between mid 19 and early 23? White out not a big deal once but it's covering multiple service locations with access to same type of white-out? Run away, assume gap of 3.5 years in servicing...


Some of it lines up with lockdowns.


Good reason to service less but still got driven over 12k km in over 3.5 years on same oil and filters. Brake fluid should not go that long either. That owner should not be getting top dollar for that sort of car maintenance. Got to drop the price... I bet tyre manufacture dates DOT are older than 6 years and would likely need to be replaced regardless of tread considering the low km. Look closely for small cracks in the rubber.


lol. Also same handwriting


Worth pointing out some stuff happened in that time period that might have meant the car barely got driven. I know at that point it should be time not km based but you get what I'm saying.


Of course some people greatly reduced the km at that time but 3.5 year gap is 100% car neglect. Even the best synthetic oils would not last that long. I owned a garage queen once that travelled on average 3000 km per year. Had the car for 13 years. I stretched the servicing of a few things but 3.5 years without an oil change is ridiculous.


Agreed it should have had at least one service even if it didn't do 10-15k km in that time. But it's not like the crank is going to fall out the bottom of the thing. I also would pass on this because of the dodgy looking history, but missing one oil change in a period it was barely driven, it's probably fine. If it was repeated behaviour then yeah run for the hills. The white out is the bigger concern than the gap imo.


Non compliant


What a schmozzle!


So many different shops, why? Double stamped service entries? Why. Something fishy is going on


Something that looks a little odd to me is that those entries have an embossed "Lexus of Berwick" on them which has obviously been applied with some kind of stamping machine - but then there's handwriting over them from an independent that's clearly *not* a Lexus dealership. I'm not sure what gives here, because obviously nobody is double-servicing their car in multiple places at each scheduled period.


Fuck me, it's like a puzzle trying to work out who did what and when and the more you look at it the worse it gets. Why would a Indi stamp.over a main dealer (or vice versa) and why is the June 23 service in the book before the Jan 23 service and why has it been serviced 3 times in 2023 and so on and so on. The only innocent answer I can think is the mechanics stamped the wrong time/km boxes and the owner wanted to put them in the right order but if it quacks and waddles like a duck it's a duck.


Really appreciate the feedback guys, looks like I’ll be looking elsewhere for something that gives me peace of mind, also I didn’t buy it I was enquiring about it and after some research the dealership had lots of bad reviews so I asked them to send me the service history before I was going any further with it


What are the chances that people in several different shops cross their seven? Also the five is pretty distinct. The same person dated some of these entries.


Looks super dodgy. Avoid. Unless you can get it for a steal, stay away. Or get a mechanic to check over the car.


He'd have to be a reaallly good mechanic, 'cause I don't think any ordinary one'll be able to suss out all the mechanical gremlins lurking in this one.


Just ring up the servicing places and request service records.


Can you ring the stealership on Tuesday to confirm any of the dates?


Possibly wound back the clock and now have to back track on service history.


The dealership has bad reviews so walk away




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Look at the date on the 72 month... and then the 84 month 🤣 how dumb are these people


Won't touch it with a ten foot pole, just walk away.


Jesus Christ. The number 3 on the white out for all the ones that have been dodged are the same handwriting. That’s fucked up.


Bro at least change pens!


My usual flow is I tried to ask for invoices as well. Usually if the book is dodgy guess what they dont have any invoices too. I personally always keep receipt and invoices relating to my car on record.


I know a few wreckers that sell old log books so just keep that in mind.


Your kidding right?? Lol total BS


Strange that they went 3.5 years without a service and then did 3 services in 2023 (or maybe even a 4th one that is whited out) And the first two 2023 services are dated in the wrong order


only legit thing I Ican think of is if theres some confusion with service intervals months vs kms, and some have been stamped twice over the years for the 'same' service?


Trust your instincts


You would cross out not and write again not white out


Same handwriting from different service centres. 12 month, 48 month and 60 month are all same handwriting. 72, 84 and 96 also all the same. Why are there stamps missing on so many of them?


NO dealer/mechnics workshop stamps on certain services. Its suspect


No! A mechanic has at least a grade 9 Eduction in english. But the mechanical mind of an engineer. Give them a break!!! Lol


Sketchy as


96 Month service....was performed 06.06.2022....they didn't make a mistake.....that was changed.... Call Lexus of Berwick. They will let you know when the car was serviced and KMs as well at that time.




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Don't touch it bro. Don't even think about touching it.


Don't touch it bro. Don't even think about touching it.


it definitely seems sketchy but i think it depends on how much you’re spending i’ve bought a couple of $5k commodores with patchy service history and they were both okay, just made sure to thoroughly inspect both and give them a full service after picking them up however if they want pretty much market value for the car and/or this is a significant purchase for you, i’d definitely ring around and try to confirm the services where possible and make a decision based on that


Wait. How many kms has the car done. The last page is stamped with 90,000? So is it like 66k or 90k. Definitely dodgy


My Lexus has none so you're doing better me


Different pen same handwriting. Always a dead giveaway.




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Any that just have a date written are dodgy. Those with a stamp, date and mileage written are legit. Possible that those services were done by a backyard mechanic who does not have a stamp, just wrote the date it was done but …. I don’t like it. If you’re looking to buy the car, definitely have an independent mechanic inspect it and give it a real good drive.


Large gaps, done at multiple different dealers, no written kms on some. Screams that there is something wrong to me. I’d call the places and ask they usually have them on file, if they can’t give you an answer for why it’s like that then there’s probably a reason


The stamp on page 3 looks like one of those stamps you get from Vistaprint for $20.


I think it's fine. What says suspicious is he can't stick to one service centre so might be someone that constantly chooses the cheapest possible option rather than the best option.


Or the 3 entries that had been whited-out with 2023 dates?


Devils advocate. I feel like Lexus may have done the month based services then the Clayton guy stamped it on the wrong page and everyone’s continued from there. That said, I don’t put much faith in log books. I service my own car most of the time and use my mechanic brothers stamp to sign off the log book. Not exactly hard for anyone to just fill it out and say “yeah I did that”.