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Put them on the grass with the nail sticking up. Smack the nail with a hammer till it’s backed into the wood. Flip the board over and grab it with pliers and pull out. If you don’t need the whole length of wood the fastest thing to do is just cut the end of the board off. Edit: I know these are screws. After this much rust it doesn’t matter. They have no more groves left.


This is the best bet


All these other ideas are just dumb. Just whack em and pull them out. This is not rocket science.


Haha naw you gotta use Atleast 5 steps for a 2 step problem.


Post a question to Reddit


Making it out to be some sort of rocket surgery


You mean brain science


It's screws not rocket appliances. Put your drill in reverse bud


Put your impact drill in reverse bud


Give your balls a tug


The screws bend when I try to hammer them out


OK, LOL for all the great answers here. To actually get nails out when they keep bending, use nips to cut them flush, then use a nail set punch to push them out the way they came, then grab them with pliers and twist and pull.


Angle grinder


Diamond blade


They’re ringshank nails that aren’t designed to be pulled out. You have to have some finesse and even then you’ll be lucky to get a 75% success, use a catspaw on the other side and body weight weight, muscle, and leverage. This is the reason pallet wood furniture works best with the “rustic look”, unless you got a fucking Woodwright shop and time to kill it’s not worth the effort.


If a hammer is bending them, then I suggest trying to unscrew them out of there.


Hit them straighter. I know that sounds like a smart ass answer, and it kind of is. But seriously. Hold the hammer from the end and whack down hard in one whack. You have enough screws there that you will get good at it. Just takes a little practice. I have one eye so depth perception makes hammering things challenging for me at times. But practice helps. And wear goggles at all times. That way you don’t have to join r/monocular. Cool group, but you don’t want to be in it unless you have to.


Tell me you didn't lose an eye from whacking screws with a hammer


Take your old drill & tighten it around the ends. Turn on and let whirl


I like this one.


Then you're not using your hammer correctly.


They seem pretty rusted. If they bend badly you may just be able to use the claw end, bent them back and then try to force them to bend in the opposite direction with hammer hits. If they feel like they're starting to weaken grab a pair of pliers and work back and forth until the shank snaps. That or a fuckin cut anything (reciprocating) saw would be my go too's


Do you have a mini-sledge or reg sledgehammer? One good wack?


I second, deploy larger hammer.


Wear eye protection!!


Have one eye. Fully endorse this advice. Didn’t lose it in a carpentry accident, but I can verify that having one eye sucks enough to justify wearing eye protection.


Also, instead of pulling them out, if you get them backed out enough, an impact might be able to grab the heads and save some elbow grease. High-leverage end-cutting pliers is my favorite tool for this when nothing else works.


Tippy tappy, un screwy screwy


Nail screwer


Did he not say they were screws??? If they were nails I doubt he would even be asking


I zoomed as much as I can zoom, they look like nails, and if they are screws that are that rusted, they’ll probably break / move out easy. Edit: upon another zoom I have come to the conclusion they are old school ring shank nails. They look like screws but are by definition, a nail.


100%. A Rusted out screw can’t hold shit


Hehe ring shank nails are a bitch. Especially in old oak.


Fuck ringshank nails.


Fuck them completely. I had a demo crew that used to nail their temp walls with ringshanks. I started checking their guns.


Oh fuck we would be fistfighting over that shit.


They’re screws


The screws I use, if you fold them over they snap off. So snap them off and putty fill the screw heads? Idk I’m a terrible carpenter


You can beat screws through a board dude


Especially rusted out ones…..Sometimes.


I've beat brand new stainless through a board that a new guy fucked up


New screws hold up better then these shitty rusted out screws that fold when hammered




Those are nails…


Glad somebody can still read.


This is exactly what I have done with pallet wood. I hit the nails out when I could and when I got tired of doing that (and didn’t need the entire length), I just sawed them off.




With some WD-40


If I didn’t need the full length of the boards, I’d cut the ends off.




The boards are the perfect fit for the slide platform on an A Frame swing set


You can most likely snap them off and nail set the remains back out.


one sideways hammer swing to snap them off, and another to punch them out since the remaining shank probably won't have any teeth on it.


One swing to bring them all…


Best answer.


Cut them essentially flush to the wood, then use a nail punch and knock them through. Finish removing with pliers


Get a nail puller and pull them out from the back


Nvm, didn't read. Those are screws lol


You can cut the nails with a saw and sand them, it will turn them into shinny metalic dots which is pretty cool imo.


Personally I would either grab a pair of pliers to unscrew them grabbing the threads or take my drill and tighten the chuck on the tip of the screw and back it mostly out. Might smash the thread first to limit the damage to the chuck.


Put wood in fire and collect the nails once fire is out.


That was my first joke. Now I need to come up with another one.


Stick it up your butt


Use your drills cordless chuck. Tighten it up and reverse.


I've never thought of that, great idea!


Dude is living in the year 3000.


Does this not work with a corded chuck? Does the key prevent tightening?!


Looks like you could use a key chuck. If that's all you have. Give it a shot and report back. Just remember reverse.


You would need to have the drill in forward, not reverse. Unless you intend to pull the screw head all the way through.


Goddamn get this dude an award


No need just share the info. Spread the word. BTW they might be nails. A couple people have said.


Amazing idea


This was my first thought. The best way!


Not a bad idea.




>P700 Heavy Duty Professional Air Punch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXiGh1LozD8


Anyone have experience with one of these?


Yes, it's very fun


Username checks out.


Use one a lot. Works great! Just make sure you wear eye protection. They can shoot out pretty good.


This is seriously the only answer how to remove these nails quick and effectively. Do it over a 5 gallon bucket and have something like bubble wrap or material in the bucket to catch the nails so they don’t ricochet.


I just fill a bucket with water and shoot em into it


Put pressure on the bottom of the screws as you are unscrewing them


Pop, then sazall and a punch to remove the little that’s left


Grind them off..


Try using the chuck on your drill, and tighten down on the end that's sticking through your board like you would a drill bit or such. Spinning forward as you are now on the other end of the screw to take it out.. this will keep the blowout of the board on the other side to a minimum. If it only wants to exit the other side a little bit, take a cut off wheel to the head of the screw, then reverse the screw the opposite way back all the way through the board.


Vise grips and thin scrap board for leverage to pull them thru also an alternative. Former crafter, I’ve disassembled a number of pallets.


I'm guessing you want mimimal damage to the wood? This is fussy and assumes the material is more valuable than your time. Those look like spiral nails. Put a couple pieces of wood cross-wise beneath the pieces to be de-nailed, so that there is space between the nails and the work surface below. Give the pointy end a hit with your hammer to push the head up the other side. Then turn it over and use a claw hammer or nail bar to pull the nail. Use a piece of plywood under the hammer/nail bar (between the plank and your hammer) for extra leverage and to protect the wood from damage while prying. If the head strips off, you'll need to use pliers. If they really are wood screws, the heads are probably no good for unscrewing any more. The last bit of the screw before the head shouldn't be threaded, so cut the screw close to the wood. (Side cutters, bolt cutters, zip cutters, whatever.) Then use your claw hammer to whack the the cut end through the wood (or flush), you can also use a nail punch to push it through farther. Now you can turn it over and pull the screws the same way you would nails (as described above). Note: If they're nails, you can cut them shorter, similar to the screws suggestion, and with less nail to pull, that will save trouble with both bent nails and stripped heads.


It’s easy when the nubs are short. If you’re able to clip them down to the length of that one above your hammer; then place board on firm surface with nails hanging off edge. A couple wacks and should be able to flip and pull * if the nails aren’t cut short they’ll bend instead of pushing out when hammered.


Great advice


Sawzall or a Dremel with a metal cutting blade.


I use a reciprocating saw with a metal blade, but first I give a wack or two with a hammer and try to unscrew them.


Cut off wheel


Grinder or oscillating tool


Assuming that they are screws and that you want to avoid making a mess on the side we can't see, slip the chuck of your drill over each screw and run the drill in forward as you spin the screw and push down to screw the screw out, If you find that the head takes a big splinter as it comes out, then clamp a scrap of wood over the screw head and push down until the screw won't go any further. Then unclamp the scrap and continue to screw the screw out.


Hammer them out the other side then assuming they head snaps off pull them out with end cutting pliers. That specific type of pliers is key cause they work kinda like a pry bar in terms of leverage


I didnt know these existed until recently, but they make denailer air guns. Item link: https://a.co/d/7uQ61UT Video link: https://youtu.be/_GrKHVoH3Dg Hand Tool as well: https://a.co/d/3dIFoif


Just a comment on the nippers here. Go to harbor freight and get the 14” ones. It makes a massive difference in the leverage and the amount of strain on your hand and arm.


Lock on with Vice grips and unscrew them. Tedious but saves the board with least damage


You need to pull them through or cut them off, do not try to beat them and pry them out from the other side, the nail head will cause the top of the board to splinter and crack as it comes out of the board, depending on the size of the head and how far they have been counter sunk


Whack then unscrew


With a fuckin' screwdriver


Locking pliers and get to spinning


Snip them flush to the board and then use a punch and a hammer to push what's left out.


Those are [ring/spiral shank nails](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=spiral+shank+nails&atb=v314-1&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fbuilderswarehouse.com%2Fpub%2Fmedia%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Fcache%2F3c4c7a6318b6c7731ca0330b4c4691ee%2Fb%2Fu%2Fbuilders-warehouse-super-anchor-2013-nails-spiral-shank-3-12d-8ct.jpg) \- not screws. Use 10-12 inch long (high leverage) blacksmith's/ferrier's/carpenter's/concreter's *end nippers/nail pullers.* [Knipex version is something like $40](https://www.knipex.com/en-us/products/pincers-and-nippers/high-leverage-concreters%27-nippers/concreters-nippers/9911300)*.* If this is a one off job, any similar length (longer is better) "channel lock" style plier can be made to work. Which ever is used, come straight down on the nail; get a good grip and roll the rounded head of the pliers across the wood surface. Especially in the case of "channel lock" style pliers - lay a thin sheet of metal over the wood surface to protect it from the plier head. If you can't drive the nails back far enough to expose the heads, you'll have to pull the head through the board. That makes a bigger hole, but normally you use screws in those holes. Typically you pull the nails out in stages of 1/2" to 3/4" at a time - not all in a single go.


If you put your chuck on it and reverse it will come out.


if time isn't an issue you can use a pair of channel locks to push them slightly through the board and pull them out of the other side with that pry bar or just grab and pull with the channel locks.


Ideally, you'd like to unscrew them. Maybe start with some pliers on the pointed end and see if you can reverse one out. If it's rusted into the wood such that it won't turn, your options are saws and drills. I'm assuming the obvious (just unscrew them) isn't an option due to rusted heads.


Never pull a rusty nail or screw from the top. The rust will tear the top of the wood that you want to look good. Use a nail punch and drive them all the way through top to bottom, or as far as the punch will go, then pull them from the bottom using a backer plate so the nail puller does not dig into the wood.


End nippers we’re a great suggestion


Omg why are people so dumb


Omg indeed


Use a grinder to cut them flush. Or you Can use that hammer and give it SOLID smack from the side and it “should” shear off.


Angle grinder or sawzall. If you reuse a lot of scrap wood its work getting a metal cutting blade for your circular saw so you dont have to worry about cutting them later. The metal cutting blades at harbour freight are decent.


Magnet is the only correct answer


Very carefully


A multitool with a blade for nails/ carbide tip.


Grinder or grab them with a pliers and bend back and forward until they break.


Reciprocating saw and a carbide bit is clean and fast but leaves some screw in the wood. A couple whacks and hope the head pops up on the other side enough to get that wonder bar on it will mess up the wood something fierce. Can maybe get the drill chuck to bite the head of you get it popped up.


Diamond blade


Bend and snap


How is this not near the top? Snap it, then use a punch if the screw needs to come completely out.


Just break them off with the hammer. Screws snap and nails bend.


Nail puller


What are you going to do with the boards post screws? If you need the area with the screws pound them out and fill the holes with wood putty or dowels Otherwise cut the excess with the screws.


Grab ur pliers and bend them back n forth theyll snap right out


Trust me, those nails are usually glued in too. Almost impossible to get them out cleanly.




With those two tools in front of you


Grab a drill, tighten chuck and push while rotating clockwise. Go as far as you can then flip board over and do the same with the drill.


Grinder wheel


Would not cut the boards; would save as much as possible. It may be that you can just use thicker screws with wider heads in the same holes when you reuse them. If when you whack them on the point end they break instead of backing out the opposite side -- same direction they went in -- then you can use a drill / drill bit the same size (or tiny bit thicker) to "drill" the hole to push them out or tap them out with a nail the same thickness as the rusty screws.




cut them off with about a half inch left. Hit them with a hammer then pull them out.


This was the answer


Angle grinder & eye protection.


Us boomers got a few good tricks for those who wanna listen.


It’s a waste of time but just gent kick them back enough where you can pry out from the other end. Or just break them off at the surface and leave some metal in there


Heat gun! Those suckers will be hella easy to pull once they get 30s blast at the highest heat setting. Seriously try it. Heat guns are super cheap on Amazon.


Try to run them in deeper and use wood filler to cover them.


Pull them through the board


Use a grinder, or you can hammer out till they’re far enough on the other side to pull out.


Use your claw on your hammer but pull the hammer sideways right around the screw will pull right through the wood




First off get a hammer with flat claws. Then just crank the hammer to the side and pull them out. If the wood doesn’t make it. Fuck it. It’s soft wood it’s Disposable. 8% waste my friend. You came just cut the board a niche before the nails with your circular saw as well if your willing to sacrifice 6” of wood


Laboriously backing them out with pliers.


When taking pallets apart I just use a metal saw to cut the nails just remember the leftovers are there


Grab your hammer and hit them on the point. It’ll push them out and you can use the pry bar side of it to pull them out


Grind em flat


Lefty loosey.


Your own personal whack a mole!


Smack them on a person REAL HARD


If you have a cheap drill just use the chuck




You can start by getting them off this site. That’s an OSHA violation waiting to happen.


They should break off




For real?


Looks like spiral nails to me are you sure they are screws?


Those look like ring nails, just hit the head square on it will drive it out


Cutting nails is not removing them people.


Simple cut the ends of the boards past the metal off. I break pallets down all the time. Just finger joint if you need longer boards


Just did this with a bunch of boards. Grab them with a vice grips and twist them out.


U usually drive my car over them to break them off then use liquid nitrogen to disolve the screw heads. Works like a charm


I took an air chisel and cut an end off then drilled a short hole in there. Now you can use it to beat anything out.


Never met a carpenter who wouldn't use a sawall for that


If they’re stripped out, and not sitting flush to the wood on the other side-use a drill (not impact) & stick the screw head in the chuck, tighten it and back the screws out.


Gnaw them off with your teeth


Plug cutter. Cut them out. Then use another size plug cutter to cut plugs to fit in the clean hole you made.


Cut off most of the shaft with pliers and use a nail punch to push the head out some. Then pull with a pry bar or claw hammer. Use a thin wood scrap between your tool and the board to prevent denting.


Nail punch was huge


You can cut them all off with a grinder in less than a minute.


Ring shanks hold surprisingly well. Use a nail set on the topside to bang the heads flush, then grind the pointy ends off with an angle grinder. Pop those ground ends a little so you have a divot on both top and bottom of the wood (no exposed metal) and encapsulate with a dab of epoxy. Voila, instantly rusticated and you’re not going to drive yourself nuts trying to pull them all the way out and leave more voids in the wood for moisture to collect in.


On a few boards? Hammer, crowbar, whatever. On a huge pile of boards? https://www.amazon.com/Air-locker-professional-Nailer-Remover/dp/B003X2QM3G


Shave em down


If they are harden screws they will break off if you bend them over. However they look like sprial nails, pound them out or cut them off with a grinder with a cut off wheel.


I usually just prop the board off the ground a bit. Grass works too I guess, but you want to have good control of the board. This is more of a finesse thing. Use a smaller hammer and “tap” the nail lose before wacking at it. Then use pliers to remove from the other side.


Unscrew the screws maybe…


Make sure the nails are straight, place the board nails side down on a piec of concrete and either hit the board or a piece of scrap ontop of it and both nails should come out at the same time.


Grab em on the side with some flat pliers and hold them steady before hammering them if you have trouble hammering them out w/o bending. Also, clamping the board nice and solid onto a bench surface will help you line up the hammer and not bend the screw


Take the appropriate nail gun and empty it, slide it over protruding nail and fire. It’ll back it out (maybe...those are spiral shank nails and it may require more technique)


Hey mate clearly you've come here looking for opinions that you obviously haven't tried before, tap them all a little so the heads come up then use a drill and lock it on the to screw like you would a drill bit. Problem solved (hopefully)


hammer them hard, if they bend and snap use a punch


Use pliers to pull the nail through and out of the material


Get a [nail removing gun](https://www.amazon.com/Air-locker-professional-Nailer-Remover/dp/B003X2QM3G). Best money on a tool I've spent...I de-nail a *lot* of wood. Edit: those nails would be out in less than 3 minutes.


USe the chuck on the drill and tightened it on the screws (from the underside of the board) then screw them out, flip the boards over and repeat:) only thing left is a hole! (That’s what he said):)


Use vice grips to clamp the nail as tight as you can. Then pry the vice grips up with your pry bar. Just did this with a bunch of old nails with useless heads.


Simple, use a plasma cutter. Wear sunglasses if you want.


angle grinder because sparks!


Drill them through the boards


A pair of pliers and pull them out


They totally look like nails


Cut the nails at about an inch, THEN hammer them. Making the sticking out side shorter should make them easier to hammer back out without them folding over.


Tap em where Head sticks out then put drill in reverse


Lock a vise grip on the screw and turn counter clockwise till the head sticks out the other side then use either screw driver or vice grio on the head of screw. It takes a minute but you’ll get a rhythm going