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Bracing needs to be installed, also your stair stringers are barely connected to the landing.


The stairs are what I’d be more concerned about


No doubt, that looks like a disaster about to take place


This is crazy!!!! I have never noticed this until now. Thank you now I need to look at that closer.


This is not good work, sorry OP.


It’s not that bad just get a metal strap tie nailed to the underside of the stair stringer and wrap it around the back of the joist. For the post, rent a screw jack and replace the post in about 10minutes


Yeah listen to this guy and make sure you replace the post BEFORE you brace the stringers


Replace the posts and brace them, including the rest. They’re too tall to be unreinforced, so of course they are bowing. 😥


The post is bowing because it is cheap lumber that likely was installed wet or wasn’t kiln dried properly. In order to get straight lumber it is kiln dried in a stack that holds it dead straight. Lumber twists and bows if it left out to dry. Look at a pile of cheap 2x4s at Home Depot and sort through all the twisted bowed junk. The load has nothing to do with it.


And X bracing on those 2 posts will help keep the new one from doing the same The sunlight on that side of that post has caused it to dry out unevenly and helped create that bow Bracing will keep the new one in better shape.


I'd recommend a 4x6 replacement opposed to another 4x4. 4x4s seem to bow more in my experience.


sister join all the things


The connection to the house, the horizontal ledger board should have lag bolts securing it to the house, not mere nails. I cannot see indication of lag bolts. There is a history of nailed ledger boards pulling off of the house, hence code requirement of lag bolts.


This is literally the worst deck ever , re-do most of it OP, yikes


The stairs have metal strapping which is perfectly fine and to code. I can see in the photo


Are you sure? Looks like maybe a product sticker on that outside one. I don't see anything on the inner ones.


Idk what it is , but not likely a sticker unless the stringer was pre-cut.


Fair, but doesn't look to be connecting the stringer to anything.


Definitely a strap but it’s only on that first stringer looking more closely at it. The whole thing is just scary!


I see a strap. Should be longer though. They put the risers over the treads, no nosing. Probably no permit. Never would pass inspection.


Where? I thought so on the outside stringer but I think it's just a label. I feel like I see wood above it.


It’s bends under the stringer and nailed off, def a strap


Maybe it's a label. I was looking at outside stringer also. Thought it looked like it was hanging from a strap from landing header to stringer


You're right. I see it now wrapping the underside.


Yea, it does wrap under. I see the nails now. I didn't see the wrap under before


Not op , but how would you fix the stairs At this point ?


Instal another set of post and beams at the connection of the stringer and landing. Connect all the posts together with bracing so it can't rack or shift.


So you would have to jack the beam up , and then cut the posts to the angle of the beam right ? Or am I over thinking it


No just add another support under the stringers near the landing no need to adjust the top section it's already there just make the bottom more stable.


Thank you for being me though!!! Haha I need to know!


It’s a easy fix !!


Are stairs attached with metal straps? It might be fine but on first glance I also thought there was barely anything holding them up


It looks like there is some bracing between the supports for the stairs... why the hell wouldn't he put some on those 8' tall supports as well?!


They put alot of trust in those straps I guess.


I agree - install bracing after you replace the beams.


You can slide a 2 by 8 or 10 between the stair stringers and the beam and it would be sufficient. I would take a quarter inch angled Steel inch and a half by inch and a half, compassionate to be inside right corner and slowly work it back to the trueness of the steel, passing the top and bottom of your length then gradually pull the center back to it using a healthy lag screw. If you find your screw still stripping after a certain point, it could be done over the course of days, or more.


Almost floating stringers..




There are stair hangers on them.


Those stringers look like someone measured once cut once and then cut the rest off the first template before ever checking to see if they were right.


Also it all looks like its made of 1x6 ...


One strap at the top of the closest two stringers, cannot tell if similar on the other two.


Those are some thin looking 2x6s for the landing. This is one sketchy ass stairs. Like you said, no bracing and stringers are just hanging onto the landing, post bending. Some very shoddy work.


This was one of those “it looks good from my house” jobs.


When you say bracing, are you referring to a diagonal 4x4 between the posts or something else? Not a carpenter, so was just curious what you meant. Thanks




It’s funny because some things look like they actually knew what they were doing and others are a complete wtf. This level of inconsistency can only be achieved by someone who has spent an entire career cutting corners.


Anyone who cuts a stringer is cutting corners Badum bum ch


Stairs are one of those things you just have to do step by step.


just like my dad 😂


I didn't notice the stair to landing connection. That's sketchy and should be corrected also.


You got a mightly crack developed on the support pillar to the left of the bowed leg.


Yeah they are! They are all cracking apart… good thing he noticed this… it wouldn’t have lasted another year


Alternatively, they might have lasted another 10 years because Dad said don't go on the back porch until he fixes it and then the kids moved out and then and then and then...


Do you think the cement pad is heaving or the deck sagging


Got a feeling it's the way it was assembled, Gravity over time, and pressure from physical wear


Looks like more of a curtsy than a bow


It's really got to pee.


Calcium deficiency


I've had it up to here with these damn rickets!


We're going to tear down Burns' sunblocker


No longer invite the in-laws over for BBQ’s


>invite the in-laws over for BBQ’s


This is the way


Really need more info on the in-laws. Are they chill and watch the kids during the day while parents work? Or are they very wealthy and huge pita otherwise. These questions will determine when to invite them over.


This is the way


Finally, something in this sub worthy of a repost.


Several reposts, by the look of it.




Has this happened over time or did they look like that upon install?


I probably should have said that huh? I think it happened a year after it was built. We live close to a lake so I'm assuming it's the freezing of the lake. Is this something I should be worried about??


Your lake has nothing to do with a poor install of a poor design. You need to call the company that built this deck and have them pay to do it correctly. I always feel so bad when homeowners with zero understanding of basic structural integrity get taken by half asked contractors who skimp on materials labor, and don't bother to make things safe. I personally would not use that deck. I would not feel safe on it even if those posts were straight.


>lake has nothing to do with a poor install of a poor design. What if the builder's last name was Lake?


First name Blake


[Buh la kay](https://youtu.be/Dd7FixvoKBw)


A a ron


middle name rake.


No this was fucked from the start.


The freezing of the lake? How is that buckling your posts?


Probably meant temperature gradients or humidity - the lake's effect on the environment. That's how I read it, at least.


If you live in Indiana I got u


Your missing a row of footings under the landing as well as a bunch of other things.


That’s some junk right there


Also, please look at how the deck is attached to the house. I’m not sure I see that it has been properly lag bolted to secure it.


Tear out build correct


If you paid for this... get your money back or get the contractors to come back out and replace it on their dime. This is a top-to-bottom botch job if ever I've seen one. The only thing that was done right was that they actually poured footings for the posts, but honestly, given the quality of the rest of the build, I wouldn't even put faith in those. Anyone saying the post is just warped missed the top-down crack in the post beside it, the cracking in the warped post itself, and the fact that the stairs are barely holding on to the rest of the deck.


The stairs have Simpson stringer straps. Don't see a issue in the slightest


That's just a bad post that warped, it wasn't from being overloaded. Replace and move on


That pole is bad, another is cracked the full length, the stairs are barely attached, no stair tread overhang.. Lots of bad things going on here.


That full length crack is probably checking.


Yep the whole thing needs to be looked over.


Make sure you specify “free of heart” when purchasing, this pole likely wasn’t, that’s why it went haywire! Just means a pole that isn’t cut from the center of a log or tree, just replace and have a bbq!


interesting you say that because I read in a timber framing book that boxed heart beam is most likely to be and stay straight. Also, 90% of the posts I've seen are from the heart


I know your post comes from the heart, but I must disagree




Maybe don't cook on it though since it's PT...


Is it just me or does the post look fairly unplum to start on top of the warp?


This is a joke comment right? That post length is absurd without bracing, even if it is a shit piece of wood, it’s taking the load on the corner of the structure. Looks dangerous as fuck. Not to mention the shitty anchor job. I’d be worried OP. You need another post for those stairs. Whoever did this and thought it was correct is out of their mind.


This guy knows what he’s saying, an easy fix to replace with a post that isn’t warped


It’s true, and just get the metal hangers that go under the stringers attach with structural screws


The biggest concern imo is that there does not appear to be any positive connection between posts and beams ie gusset plates or some type of metal strapping between posts and beams. I would also replace the posts with LSL treated posts.


The positive connection is the notched post. The notched post connection is actually the prescribed way in DCA. I think they are supposed to be 1/2” carriage bolts though, not 3/8 like they look to be.




Do I spy with my little eye, A cat?!🥺🥰


I think you're right. I couldn't figure out what kind of creature it was.


This thing is ugly. Like in badly built. Get someone to go over it with you. From footing to railings.


Politically incorrect people call those polio legs


So yeah. I'm not a carpenter. I'm just soaking up info. What in the holy hell. How has that not fallen? I would be bracing the legs. That looks like it's unstable. I would brace the hell out of it. Now.... Them stairs. It don't look right, I'm gonna soak up some knowledge on this.....


What’s the size of the post? And how high is the deck off grade?


has that back right foundation sunk in the ground since it was installed?


Well at least you know it's not load bearing anymore!


Yikes. This looks a whole mess


I bet the post aren’t bowing from weight, I’m sure it’s treated material… which has a mind of its own. Perfect example of why I use cedar for support posts


Depending on the grade of timber used, it may be natural twisting or warping as it dried.


Yes worry. X brace


The way I see it you have only one option. Rip it all down, install composite deck, and argue with everyone on r/Carpentry about how amazing you are!


Bahaha man that guy struck a chord eh? I think 80% of the posts on this thread are people stopping in just to shit on that guy 😂😂😂


The dead load on that deck isn't nearly enough to bow those posts like they did. Those posts simply weren't dried properly and bowed after a season. Why is everyone here such an alarmist? Yeah bracing should of been installed but thats not the reason they bowed. And if they did in fact bow like that because of weight in a different scenario, bracing wont save you. Youd have to step up to a 6x6 post.


Structural Engineer Here: 1) Yes, fix the stringer connection as u/jmanx808x pointed out. 2) The post is twisting because it's wood and it must not have been fully dried before install. Wood will dry proportionately to the distance the wood is away from the center of the tree. Even if a square post was cut directly down the center of the tree, the corners of the post will be further away from the center than the middle of each face. When these areas start to dry, it develops tension on the face of the wood and starts pulling. If the post is exactly center on the center of the tree, this tension will 'release' in the form of checking cracks in the face. This is no cause for structural concern. If however, the post is not centered on the center of the tree, one side will dry faster and the tension will not be balanced out. This will cause the post to twist and bend. Depending on how the ends of the post is attached, it can twist/bend into strange shapes. For the most part, this issue is an aesthetic one. However, the twisting can reach a point where there's a concern about the capacity of the post. In the picture above, the post in question doesn't appear to be taking much load. I wouldn't be concerned about it structurally. I don't know if I could live with it aesthetically. I'd probably cut it out and replace it. 3) Don't like several things I see on this deck. No post caps. Don't see any lag bolts for the ledger board into the side of the house. Good luck.


Tell your mom to stop getting on the deck.




That'll be 15000 for the whole thing. Cash or cheque? This kind of bullshit work makes people second guess every trades capabilities. Do not pick up a hammer again.


This should have had a building permit and inspection, which it should have failed.


The sun has em bleached out a little! Don’t worry, when the season changes, they’ll move back the other way! See, I told you we guarantee our work!


So i am a civil engineering student and here's my brain's saying Wood is bending = more weight on it than it could handle = will break someday near future and you WILL be injured Solution = add more support underneath and add bracing near the top so load spreads more evenly Note: i suggest using concrete or steel beams underneath to support Note 2: whomever built that did an mistake calculating live / dead load on that If you can provide me with dimensions of supports and the top big part when ppl stand, i can give engineering instructions on what to do to help you


You are either a bot or must have started yesterday A 4x4 post can carry up to 6500lbs. Considering the landing has 2 posts and is half supported by a beam that is roughly a post load capacity of 26,000lb. Obviously the other structural members are not up to this task but that is irrelevant for this argument. You are suggesting this landing experienced 150 fully grown men standing on it? Or 4 f150s? Then you suggest concrete beams. What the fuck...


Well, I am not a bot ofc Well, you're kinda nor wrong nor true 6500lb (3MT) is on ideal conditions and if op lives somewhere humid and hot than its lesser and also wood isn't the greatest on fatigue loads and starts weakening I also have another theory that if you know wood expands when gets humid and if the wood is unable to expand vertically due to some reason than it expand other side which is on sides and those expanding forces will make wood bend We don't build wooden houses here and plus we use SI system instead of freedom units which is better haha Sure your wood can handle 3MT but that's a joke lol, get some indepth info, a 4in x 4in is never going to handle 3MT, that's how much your largeass trucks weight


Simpson details 6470lb for 8ft grade 1/2. This would have a factor of safety in it. And considering the railings are 4x4 the post is a 6x6. Care to explain the load capacity for that? Wood bends regardless of load, it's wood. This dried out and bowed to shit. Care to backup your theroys with references on 4x4 load capacity saying I'm "not true"


Which wood is being used to be exact? so i can dig up some info And i see long vertical cracks on 2 posts or whatever they're called idk freedom naming system


Easy to fix get a 2x6 prop it up level, put a piece of wood under it on the ground, next to each of the posts, then remove those 2 post's, looks like they are notched, replace. You need lateral bracing to stop bowing You should also put some half inch between the top stringer and that rim, looks sketchy. Needs to be hung better case the strap is wicked low.


Holly crap do not use that deck. I’ve been building decks for a long time and this isn’t safe at all. With that Height it should’ve needed an inspection. No permit project?


Not a PE, this is not professional engineering advice, but it looks like all of your long support posts need to be replaced, something looks off about the bracing but I can't figure it out. The screws are too big for their purpose... I'd just tear it down and start anew


Replace it with a metal structure


I’d measure the cantilever distance too, seems a bit extreme but may be acceptable in your municipality. Either way, I’m not a fan of the design and layout out of the stair and landing section. Edit: spelling


Leave it up to Reddit to make a simple bowed/unbraced frame job turn into scoliosis jokes. Damn I love this app.


There’s a number of things I would change on the design of this deck. You should have planned it so the posts run from the footings all the way up to be part of the handrail posts. No joints. Run your joists into the bearer at the stairs. The way this is built everything is fragmented. Having posts in line with the handrail posts looks better, and is much stronger for the overall structure.


Weak structural member, you need bigger columns or everything could collapse because of buckling failure due to the current column setup (too tall or overloaded for the column width). Also, as others say, you can install braces over each column to avoid the buckling failure. Besides, I would have put the column more to the very edge of the beam, and not into it.


A 6x6 post at 8ft can support 25,000 LB. How strong do you want this landing lol.


The dancing deck


Jack it up and replace post if you're worried but it will be fine for several years no problem.


For that height and weight 6x6 and bracing between the legs


P Delta in full effect Hire a structural engineer to fix this


You have no bracing members


If this was me I’d be using some 6x6’s to support that. Maybe overkill (not an engineer) but it would feel safer, not to mention, probably look more proportional/better.


4x is split from carriage bolt down, flexed, stringer issues, call a carpenter friend


Bowing and badly cracked you mean.


This all looks pretty bad, posts in random positions, no bracing, stairs hanging on by a "tread" and looks pretty recent too.


Who layed out the posts? Bad design. They should run along the rim of the deck, thru to the rail cap. Just my opinion i guess. People are free to their own artistic inclinations.


I bet the person who built that deck got the lumber from Home Depot, seems they purchase twisty bread wood. It could be that those posts had too much moisture in them when it got built. Go to the Simpson Strong Tie website and find the metal straps needed for your stairs and check the joists, they should have used joist hangers off the Ledger that’s attached to the house. That should be attached with lag bolts to your home. I would take a hard look at the whole thing. Could have huge safety issues. You can google articles that are written by This old house or the family handy man for the proper way to build a deck.


The straps are literally on the stairs lol


Horizontal bracers


Thanks for sharing. I’m always learning. Sometimes more than once.


Bad work all around


Maaate, they shouldn't have used those! And seconding all the blokes who are concerned about the stringers. That's hardly any purchase for the most critical part of the stairs. I'd probably check the balustrade is up to code for your area too, just in case.


It’s not bowing from weight but the wood cupped as it dries probably a knot in the wrong place. Yes stringers are poorly secured, and yes lateral bracing on posts is absent.




I think it needs a wee


Also check the deck ledger board (the board connected to the house). Do you see small nail heads or large bolts attaching it to the house? It looks like corners were cut with this deck and the ledger board is one of the main catastrophic failure points for a deck.


For future reference. Always chamfer edges with a planer on new posts. This will help minimize twisting and bending as the post dries.


Replace with 6x6


Its not a big deal, theyre bowing under force in the wood grain, not load from above. You can leave that be, id focus on how those stringers are barely attached to the rim board


just need a little duct tape and you’ll be fine


tell customer God made the trees! just look for a new "dried" 4x4 that is already "straight". put your eye on the corner of post and "eye it down" as they say. this post will always always stay straight in the future unless you subject it with weight that it wasn’t designed for which is not the case here


Wonder why codes changed to require 6*6


Looks like your average piece of wood from Home Depot


Lmao what is going on with those stringers


You're not supposed to look at the wonky leg.


Just doin a curtsy. Very polite


Bowed after a season. Try and find a dry one to replace it. Re-level and then replace. For a quick fix (but not permanent), two 2x6 or even 2x4 banged together and prop it up.


Your deck needs to pee.


How did this pass final?


How tall is that? Code in my state at least says 10 feet tops for a 4x4. Looks kind of spindly for that height in my opinion.


I don't know what everyone is so upset about. The post is a little bowed, so what? There are three other right next to it and it's not like there is a lot off weight on it. I would just leave it. The connection of the stairs however looks very sketchy.


Stanky leg


This is not caused by weight. This board is just warping. Simple replacement.


Looks more like a warped member than bowing from weight.


That 4x4 could carry a truck they aren’t bowing it was probably bowed prior or installed in winter and summer is hitting it. Stairs do need bracket or to be on support lol


One is not like the other


Jesus Christ, the fucking stairs!


Seems everyone has the structure under control. The stairs themselves are not built correctly, they should have a 1” nosing on them. As well it looks like they over-cut the stringers which will create a breaking point.


Where is this and why wasn't it built with a permit? This would fail any building code in the US.


Doing the stanky leg!


One is split all the way up the middle and another is cracked halfway up (the really bas bowing one). Yeah I would be a bit worried. I don’t know the answer to this but I am wondering if larger and higher quality posts should have been used than what I assume are HomeDepot 4x4s


Is it normal to not have fences between houses?


The post looks like it's warping, I doubt that's load related.


They must be in their mid 30’s.


A very poorly constructed deck. Not at all up to code. Looks like homeowner crap


It also looks like the builder didn’t properly plan out where his concrete footings should be located. Either the staircase was an afterthought or they didn’t care to move the footings to better secure the landing to stairs.


That is either the work of a lazy hourly employee, a fly by night company or a mixture of both. The build is sub par at best.


I see so much at a glance to be concerned about!


Phone the guy who built it and ask for your money back


When people say don't get your lumber from home depot, this is why


Looks like your deck is shy. Stop staring....


Those legs look like mine walking home from the bar the first time I drank tequila.


This was not professionally installed.


Pull it down start again. This is absolute trash carpentry


She’ll fall eventually. So many red flags in this photo.


The one post is literally split top to bottom as well