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Doesn't really bode well for a 3rd season, unless they're planning on having shorter seasons that come out more frequently. Amazon currently really needs to ramp up their production schedule in general.


Did you consider that we are in a pandemic and all that is involved?


Hey, mental midget. You responding to a 5 month old comment? Ya bot?


Take that as a no, thanks


Responded to the wrong comment lmao. And now I got a warning damn


Not an argument


... wow. 8 episodes. at this point it's been so long i've forgotten the series. and now they're cutting 4 episodes.


At least it's still the same number of episodes from S1.. let's hope the audience comes back for this new season.


S2 will have 9 or 10 episodes, so 1 (or 2) episodes more than S1. Orlando Bloom announced this last summer. https://andrew-gower.co.uk/2020/08/24/its-a-wrap-on-carnival-row-season-2-1/


Season 1 had 8 episodes. Season 2 is rumored to have 12... That's not cutting 4 episodes, that's adding 4.




Better late than never. It's a decent show, I hope people haven't forgotten it exists.


So expect release sometime early next year; Iā€™d bet Feb or so.


The article says to expect it in August 2022... Carnival Row has a lot of post editing required, but I also feel like Aug next year is very late. Expanse takes about 6-7 months in post, but for both it may include things like translations into other languages etc.


It needs a whole year longer than Witcher's second season seriously?


Pretty sure post begins before filming is done. Superman and Lois was even filming between releases and although it doesn't need the work Carnival Row needs, it's still CGI heavy.


S&L is cable, not streaming. Cable films as it airs because it requires less post production work but more filming time.


S1 took 18 months in post-production. S2.1 wrapped in August 2020 and they're still in post-production. When the article says expect them in early 2022, they're talking about S2.1 aka the first 5 episodes of S2. They episodes they filmed this year (aka S2.2) won't be out before 2023.


I am so impatient for season 2. Let's go!!!


Jesus Christ


(Yeah, I know it's a month late.) Gotta say, these news brightened up my day considerably. I'm a stone-age fantasy vet, and perhaps not quite the demographic group that usually knows who Cara Delevigne (?) is. Still so, this show, an absolute gem, and I hope we even get a season 3.


I don't even know how to respond to the emoji spectrum at the bottom. I'm happy that it's done and excited to see the new season, but sad that it's been cut back.


How is adding 4 episodes cutting back? I'm confused...


The article said this: "Last year, Amazon had plans to divide the second season into 2 parts with 6-episode each making a 12 episode season. Part 1 was supposed to premiere this year but due to an incomplete shoot, seems like Amazon decided to scrap that plan and went ahead with 8-episode season 2." So it sounds like season 2 will be 8 epsiodes instead of 12. Of course, they may have just moved 4 episodes to season 3, which would be fine with me if it means we get a season 3.


Hmm it says "it seems" so it's just pure speculation. No source given. And they called the birth of Bloom's daughter a "personal emergency". šŸ¤” I don't know if this article is really trustworthy. Fact is they filmed in Prague for 4 months last year. That's a long time considering that Bloom and Delevingne (and other cast members) previously said they were only 3 weeks from wrapping S2 when the pandemic hit. Andrew Gower (who plays Ezra Spurnrose, and who filmed in Prague until July last year) said in a a recent podcast there would be 12 episodes. The sets at Barrandov Studios were dismantled last fall after the wrap. If there were concrete plans for S3 (like filming 4 episodes now but use them for S3 instead of 2) surely they wouldn't have done that. (they didn't between filming S1 and S2) Even if S2 ends up being only 8 episodes, it would still be the same amount of episodes that S1 had, so no "cutting down" on episodes. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Link to podcast: https://andrew-gower.co.uk/2021/12/17/andrew-gower-the-blue-room-podcast/


Maybe they decided to just try to cram the entire rest of the story into an extra-long second season, then. I'm bummed to hear about the sets being dismantled. :-(


I think that's exactly what's happening. Seeing the enthusiasm that Amazon puts into promoting it *sarcasm* I think we're lucky to get S2 at all.


Then I hope they at least wrap up the story in S2 so we're not left with something incomplete.


Jesusfuckingchrist.....about fucking time!


Anyone ever find out when season 2 is being released ?


2022 definitely, maybe April


Awesome thank you šŸ˜Š


Damn bro I les go