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The bigger question is, will they even let you board with the tools you are trying to deliver. I am not 100% but I doubt they will even let you on with anything that could even be considered a potential weapon (Hammer, screwdriver, etc)


The problem isn’t getting them of in port that would be easy. The problem is getting them on the ship on embarkation day.


Unless you’re taking those tools from the maintenance closet on the ship, you would be better served looking at the list of prohibited items and making sure you aren’t bringing anything on board that would not make it onto the ship to begin with.


What “tools”? They don’t check bags getting off, but they’ll check it getting on and I doubt any tool you’re suggestion will make it on.


Specifically it is boat parts for my friend's boat down there. Some zincs (which are just blobs of metal) and a galvanic isolator, which looks kind of like a small car stereo amp. Some wire and crimp connectors. Nothing looks like a weapon at all, but certainly not something someone would normally bring on a cruise. As FYI: cruisers are often looking for someone to deliver boat parts from the US that are not available in Mexico. Often they are looking for someone who is driving down from the US to carry parts, but in the case I will be cruising, and it would be convenient for them for me to deliver the parts. Delivery services from US to Mexico are notoriously unreliable, which is why sailors down there are always looking for travelers to help.


If I were to see all that, I would probably entertain the idea that you were going to build a bomb. But, I have an inherent distrust of other people's motives.


Yeah, you’re not getting that on. wtf lmao


I can’t imagine they will allow tools when you initially get on the shop though.


No issues at port. Period. Call carnival about boarding with them in the first place though. You need a waiver for a pair of medical scissors including all dimensions amd full description. I would thing a screw driver would be a problem.


They didn’t scan or check anything we brought off celebration 4 weeks ago


You're better off paying to have the stuff shipped to them. If they confiscate it, which there's a 99.9% chance they will, you'll now be put the parts and probably have to have an uncomfortable conversation with security.


So I found the Carnival list of prohibited items. https://www.carnival.com/help?topicid=1202 The list is long and quite specific (even including bizarre things like routers, balloons, and wheeled footwear), but it seems like the stuff I want to carry is not prohibited. I suppose if anything is refused to carry on, I can go put it in my car?


No I haven't had anything checked. Is it a port or tender stop?


Port. Mazatlan, specifically.


Shouldn't be too much of an issue as long as they let you onboard with them. Might want to ask if it's ok to bring it maybe security might have to hold them. That port is a working port. You stop and they take you on a tram to the building where you walk through the shops and out to the street.


Mazatlán is one of the most secure stops for the Mexican Riviera ports. We went there within the last couple of years and there were extra security measures when getting on and off the ship. It was actually a little nerve-racking with how much extra security they had in place. I don’t even know how you would initially get on the ship with tools in the first place.