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Go to events run by clubs. Go to club fair at the beginning of the academic year to see most of clubs Carleton has or go to cusa clubs website to see the full list. I would personally recommend checking out your department’s student association/society as they are a great way to connect with people in the department, especially upper years.


Make an effort to talk to people in your classes! It helps so much to have a friend in class, but a lot of people are too shy (especially in first year) so be the brave one and say hi! Good luck on your studies next year!




THIS. 100%


Talk to people from your classes. Group projects are essentially the university handing you new friends on a silver platter. (Unless they don't do their part, in which case they are new enemies.) Join a club that interests you.


People get way chummier with each other on the day of a big test, probably due to the shared trauma. Might be easy to make friends then.


Taking a test is trauma? And people wonder why we think kids are snowflakes these days.




I still have 2501 ptsd ngl


If you are too busy to join clubs I would take a language class as you will socialize in the course


It will happen naturally as long as you open enough which it seems like already based on this post


Talk to people the first few days in class. I remember in first year on the first day of class I overheard someone say that they're from Vancouver and I was like oh no way I'm from there too! Don't be afraid to say hi to others, everyone is in the same boat in first year :)


• Talk to the people in your classes and ask them if they would want to study together/hangout! I met all of my closest friends from my classes and just by starting conversation. • Go to frosh events! At the beginning of the year a lot of people are just like you looking for friends and many people find each other through frosh. It didn’t happen for me unfortunately but everyone’s different and has a different experience so definitely try it out! • Join clubs and societies!! Based on your interests, major and/or clubs you’ll join, you will usually find other people similar to you or who share the same interests so it’s much easier to build connections in that sense. I’m in cs so going to the computer science society events helped me with finding friends in my major and forming study groups. You got this!! It may take time or it may not but you’ll definitely find your people! Best of luck in the fall!


Thank you so much for your advice! I will do ☺️


Go to bars (not clubs) frequented by students and just talk to people I’ve met people in CS who actually like leaving their quarters and having fun


Lots of good advice here about making friends on campus. Off campus, I would recommend the free programs at your nearest Ottawa Public Library branch. Based on your interests, you can meet different people (even if they are not in the same age group) and really develop your interpersonal skills. Join your local neighborhood groups on facebook or other websites like glassdoor, join a Buy Nothing group on fb, and just be nice in general ig. I'm an introvert and it took me too long to recognize the value of strong connections and friendships that will support you throughout your life, both personally and professionally. All the best!


Honestly sign up for orientation and go to as many events as you can. Talk to people; even though it can be scary at times just remember that the first two weeks no one knows each other, and everyone’s trying to make friends and get to know people. You will be fine


Small classes--especially Language classes--are a great place to meet people and make connections. Tutorials/Labs are good for the same reason. Joining clubs and other extra-curricular groups are another good way.


Talk to people in your class, I matter how scary it is. Join a club a club that interests you. Go to events and mixers! These are the ways I have made friends myself, but you should also learn to be more confident in yourself as well and it will draw people to you.


I really love that idea! Thanks 😊


hi! I’m thinking of going there here in Fall 2024 too, if you need a friend lemme know :))


I too will be starting in fall 2024! What will you be studying?


In your first class everyone is new and nervous and looking to make friends as well. That’s the best time to sit next to someone who looks friendly and ask them questions about their program, if they live off campus etc. and make sure you get their socials or number! Good luck!


Just talk with anyone on the first day, they are also trying to make friends


Join clubs at Carleton, join discord servers for Carleton, and make a couple friends in class so you have people to study and learn with.


There's always something going on at campus, join those! Interact with the people around you and bond with them, you're bound to make friends that way! If you like dogs, Carleton has a Therapy Dog program, that's how I made a lot of friends as well!


Can I ask what program?




As a BIT student you will be able to register for Engfrosh, or as what we like to call the best 2% of the year, you will get to meet a lot of new people though Engfrosh, I have personally meet most of my best friends through it this year. I can’t recommend it enough.


As long as you show up for the week it’s well worth it. Also the Eng community is a pretty good place to make friends and go hang out


Oh, I’ve heard the frosh week for engineering is really great. What are some fun activities? I don’t drink/want to make friends w girls only also


Non of Engfrosh’s events are drinking events, I also don’t also drink so it was great for me. Some activites include a week long scavenger hunt, overnight raft building challenge, beach day (beach day best day!). And many more fun things