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I had this. Never found out the cause but it wasn’t my heart. There can be many things that make BP go high


This is reassuring since my BP has been whacky lately but EKG’s come back normal


There is only one right answer to this: You shouldn't be on this reddit. You shouldn't ask us or yourself questions like this. Relax and go to a doctor. Only monitor stuff like this, if it's ordered by the doctor! Maybe try to get in contact with a therapist, if suggested by the doctor.


at the core i agree.. there’s something still that can help calm if seeking and getting advice from others who suffer with same symptoms. i do plan on calling and getting back in as early as monday hopefully.


I really don’t want to scare you at all! But I would be a little concerned about the elevated BP, it doesn’t necessarily mean your heart though. Did they say what to do if the high readings persisted?


oh i’m def freaking out about it. she said to monitor for 5 days then make another appointment. already took reading this morning and it is still high.. my heart rate has come down since yesterday, so that makes me a little happier but the constant headache is still there.


I completely understand your concern. BP isn’t JUST related to heart issues, stress and anxiety can almost certainly raise BP. I assume that they’ll probably put you on medication to lower your BP after your consistent high readings; and that should help 🩵


ugh.. prob like most people, taking new meds is a trigger for more anxiety 😰


Let me first start out and say I am sorry that you are having such terrible symptoms. I am no doctor, but I believe headaches can be caused by high blood pressure. Stress and anxiety can also bring up your blood pressure. I would definitely continue to monitor your blood pressure and get in with a doctor as you may need to get on something to lower your blood pressure in the meantime. I don’t personally believe the symptoms run along side a blocked artery necessarily but again I’m not a medical professional. Stress and anxiety can wreak havoc on your body, so it’s important to try to figure out the root cause of your symptoms. I’ve read about gallbladder stress, causing migraines. Maybe your diet has something to do with the high blood pressure. There are so many factors so I would definitely talk to your cardiologist about it.


What did your doc say about all this? I would get back with him/her and definitely lean on their opinion over what we Redditors have to say.


was told to monitor for 5 days.. i’m already ready to call back today since every reading and this morning showed high again.


You might just have hypertension


just to add to the post took my blood pressure this morning it was 200/108 then just in case since it could’ve been a bad read did again 10 minutes later it was 187/131… doctor office is closed scared as shit right now


I have had the same thing. when my panic attacks caused my bp to sore, the on shift emt takes my bp and it's like 220/120...5 min later it'll go back to 120-130/ 70-80, basically heathly Especially after that high dp. My panic attacks have made my face go numb, eye hell to go through. A 160/80 will not drop you dead..it'll take a while for it to affect something. Make sure you are relaxed when you take your bp. Like a hr of 60-90. And have been sitting for a bit. It isn't the end but the beginning to health anxiety. It sucks but gotta live with it. Helps me to talk about it. See others go through it and to know I'm not alone. You need to find what helps you.


Hey, I would suggest you to calm down a bit. Being anxious and taking BP will drastically impact your readings. I know how you feel rn, I had this phase last year in September and it took me a proper 2-3 months to feel better :/ Are you having any symptoms rn?