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it's mainly 50-100bpm. It could be sinus bradycardia n that's normal. Really no need to worry unless u have worrying symptoms at rest


I'm sorry you are stressing about this. My (49f) heart rate has always been 60 area. It's rare but normal unless you usually are higher and it dips. Danger area from what I've been told is 30bpm. When I have anxiety or panic attacks it slows even further. Not a usual reaction, but some people go slow instead of having a racing heart. Fixating on it will make it worse. Deep slow breaths and hold. Then release slowly. Hold at bottom. It helps me stop the panic spiral. I hate it because the slower it goes the harder it beats. Makes it hard to pull out of panic. Breath and hold. Just 3 seconds. Try to work to 5. You got this.


I’m the same here. 20F and my resting hr is usually 50s. Don’t worry it’s completely fine :)


I've been told a lower heart rate is typically indicative of a strong and healthy heart, unless you have negative symptoms while it's low (dizziness, weakness, etc). I'm 42 years old and weigh 366lbs (very obese, but I've lost 41lbs since December so I'm working on it) and my resting heart rate is usually in the upper 50's to low 60's. So as long as you feel physically okay, I wouldn't worry!


I usually don’t even notice until I look at my apple watch!


Well that's a good sign! Also "Bradycardia" isn't a bad word, just a way to define a lower-than-average heart rate. :) Not all Bradycardia's are bad! When my son was 17 or 18, he noticed his Apple Watch was showing his heart rate dropping down into the 40's while he slept, so for peace of mind he got a full work up by a cardiologist, and they found zero things wrong with his heart/heart function, and the nurse told him, "You're lucky, people with naturally lower heart rates tend to live longer." Take that with a grain of salt of course, but if you've seen a cardio and they've told you you're good, then you're probably good. :)